Gathering the magnificent power of the Chinese national community (the prominent characteristics of Chinese civilization seen by the international community) China | Chinese nation | International

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 07:44 AM

China is a unified multi-ethnic country, characterized by the diversity and unity of the Chinese nation. Looking back at the long river of history, all ethnic groups in China have jointly developed vast territories, written a long history, created brilliant culture, and cultivated great spirit.

General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out that the outstanding unity of Chinese civilization fundamentally determines the integration of the cultures of all ethnic groups of the Chinese nation, and it is firmly united even if it encounters major setbacks. The common belief that civilization is inseparable determines that national unity will always be the core of China's core interests, and that a strong and unified country is the destiny of the people of all ethnic groups.

Living together is the foundation of one's family and country. The Chinese civilization, with unity as one of its prominent characteristics, is gathering the magnificent power of the Chinese national community in the new era, continuously enhancing the spiritual power to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and writing the contemporary chapter of Chinese culture.

The endogenous driving force of the Chinese nation's pursuit of unity and solidarity

Chinese culture is the culmination of various ethnic cultures. A Chinese history is a history of various ethnic groups blending and converging into a diverse and integrated Chinese nation. It is a history of all ethnic groups working together to create, develop, and consolidate a unified great motherland. The reason why various ethnic groups are united and integrated, and why diversity is gathered into one, stems from the cultural inclusiveness, economic interdependence, and emotional closeness of each ethnic group, as well as the endogenous driving force of the Chinese nation's pursuit of unity and solidarity.

About 5000 years ago, on the vast land from the Loess Plateau to the coast of the East China Sea, diverse civilizations gradually merged and developed towards a unified country; Over 4000 years ago, Xia had already formed a vast regional country; At least 3500 years ago, the Shang Dynasty recorded its existence in writing; In the 3rd century BC, the state of Qin embarked on the process of developing a unified multi-ethnic country in China, with books and texts, cars and tracks, quantity and balance, and ethics.

The concept of family and country of the Chinese nation is the cornerstone of the continuous development of Chinese civilization for five thousand years, and is the soul of the inheritance and development of Chinese culture.Separated like the Northern and Southern Dynasties, both boasted of Chinese orthodoxy; Confrontation, such as the Song, Liao, Xia, and Jin dynasties, is known as the "Peach Blossom Stone"; Unification, such as the Qin and Han dynasties, Sui and Tang dynasties, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, is characterized by a six contract style, with nine provinces running together. In the long history of development, the unity of Chinese civilization has been continuously strengthened and sublimated.

British scholar Martin Jacques once wrote in his work, "The Chinese view the state as a guardian, manager, and embodiment of civilization, with the responsibility of protecting unity. The legitimacy of the Chinese state is deeply hidden in Chinese history. This is completely different from the Western view of the state."

All ethnic groups in China believe that if a country is divided, its people will be in dire straits, and if a country is unified, it will share peace and prosperity. Driven by the traditional belief in the unity of Kyushu and diversity, although China has suffered from frequent wars and divisions in history, it still regards pursuing unity, tending towards unity, and achieving unity as the historical norm.

The soul of the country is transformed and forged through culture. Compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait share the same roots, culture, and culture. Chinese culture is the root and belonging of the hearts and minds of compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait."Taiwan has been a part of China since ancient times. The reunification of China is a historical trend," said Sebastian Perimoni, a researcher at the Schiller Institute in France.

In Xinjiang, China, with rapid economic and social development, people's livelihood construction and investment continue to increase. All ethnic groups have equal development opportunities, work together to develop and build, share a happy life, and their economic rights are effectively protected. Tang Longgong Wusentirangu, Deputy Director of the Thailand China Strategic Research Center at the National Research Institute of Thailand, who has visited Xinjiang, told reporters that what he sees in Xinjiang is a beautiful and free place where all ethnic groups coexist harmoniously, and the economy and society are stable. In recent years, the level of industrial modernization in Xinjiang has been continuously improving, and the cotton industry is thriving. The lives of Xinjiang people have improved, and on the new journey of achieving China's second centenary goal, Xinjiang has not fallen behind.

Referring to the visit to Xizang, China, in May this year, Mozambican Ambassador to China Maria Gustava said: "Xizang has railways, roads connecting villages, modern airports, and advanced communication systems, including 5G networks. Ali and the Tibet China power grid interconnection project was officially put into operation, ending the power shortage problem that has plagued Xizang for many years, and providing a strong guarantee for rural revitalization. Today, Xizang has become a vibrant region, showing a thriving atmosphere everywhere."

Under the strong leadership of the CPC, we have forged a strong sense of the community of the Chinese nation, and the people of all ethnic groups in China are one heart and one mind. From the snowy plateau to the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains, the landscape of China's ethnic regions is constantly changing, and the lives of ethnic minorities are thriving. The sense of belonging, identity, dignity, and honor of the Chinese nation is constantly increasing.

Consolidate strength from the prominent unity of Chinese civilization

Culture is the soul of a nation, the spiritual bond that maintains national unity and national unity, and the concentrated embodiment of national vitality, creativity, and cohesion. The power of culture is the fundamental force for the survival and strength of a nation.

Looking back at history, what has supported our ancient nation to this day, and what has supported the continuation of Chinese civilization for over 5000 years, is the cultural genes deeply rooted in the bloodline of the Chinese nation. The Chinese nation has a long history and has gone through many vicissitudes. Despite being divided or invaded, it cannot be divided or destroyed, and has always maintained strong vitality. The fundamental reason is that we have a long and profound cultural connotation.

The prominent unity of Chinese civilization fundamentally determines the integration of various ethnic cultures of the Chinese nation, and the firm cohesion even in the face of major setbacks. After modern times, facing an unprecedented crisis of national extinction, people of all ethnic groups jointly resisted foreign aggression, went through national difficulties, sacrificed their lives, and shed their blood, jointly writing the great epic of the Chinese nation's arduous and magnificent journey. In the century long struggle, people of all ethnic groups have shed blood and gathered their hearts, and their sense of community has unprecedentedly strengthened. The Chinese nation has achieved a great transformation from freedom to consciousness. The spirit of the Chinese nation is jointly cultivated, inherited, and developed by people of all ethnic groups, and has deeply integrated into the blood and soul of people of all ethnic groups, becoming a powerful spiritual driving force for promoting China's development and progress.

Freeze the magnificent progress of the Eastern powers, showcasing the vigorous and vigorous development of Chinese culture and spirit everywhere——

Under the leadership of the CPC, the Chinese nation, with a civilization history of more than 5000 years, has moved towards modernization in an all-round way, and the Chinese civilization has shown new vitality in the process of modernization; The socialist proposition with a history of 500 years has successfully opened up a correct path with high realism and feasibility in China, and scientific socialism has shown new vitality in the 21st century; The construction of the People's Republic of China, with a history of over 70 years, has achieved remarkable results. China, the world's largest developing country, has lifted itself out of poverty and risen to become the world's second largest economy in just over 40 years. It has completely freed itself from the danger of being expelled from the world and created a groundbreaking development miracle in the history of human society. Tunisian sculptor Mohammad Bouaziz stated that the impressive traditional Chinese culture has been deeply rooted in the historical process of the Chinese people's promotion of national construction and development.

In the face of the unprecedented COVID-19, the international community has felt from China's epidemic prevention and control that the Chinese nation's cultural genes and excellent traditional Chinese culture have forged ahead through trials and hardships, and the strong power to unite people's hearts and gather people's strength. Alan McFarlane, a professor of social anthropology at the University of Cambridge in the UK, exclaimed, "The Chinese nation has demonstrated a spirit of fearlessness in thousands of years of history. Now, I see this spirit once again." The national spirit of fearlessness and sacrifice inspires the Chinese people to cross every hurdle, overcome every obstacle, and achieve victory time and time again with one heart.

We firmly draw nourishment from the 5000 year long civilization of the Chinese nation, gather strength from the outstanding unity of Chinese civilization, and unite the hearts and minds of all Chinese people in ideals, beliefs, values, and moral concepts. We will continue to build a shared spiritual home and work together to create new development and prosperity.

Creating a thriving and prosperous Chinese nation

The deepest spiritual pursuit of a nation must be carried out through genetic sequencing within the national spirit that has been passed down through generations.

On the soil of the unity of Chinese civilization and in the pursuit of "great unity" in history, the deeply rooted and consistent national spirit has been passed down from generation to generation, nurturing the common belief that the land cannot be separated, the country cannot be chaotic, the nation cannot be separated, and the civilization cannot be interrupted.

China has formed a unified multi-ethnic country with a population of over 1.4 billion and a high degree of spiritual and cultural unity, which is unique in the world. China's continuous development for thousands of years has never been interrupted, forming a unique and profound system of values and civilization, which is unique in the world. China has formed socialism with Chinese characteristics that is suitable for its actual situation and in line with the characteristics of the times, and has achieved tremendous success, which is unique in the world. China has formed a closely organized CPC that serves the people wholeheartedly, has more than 98 million party members, and has been in power for a long time, which is unique in the world.

The multi-ethnic and integrated family has created a thriving and prosperous Chinese nation, maintaining a political situation of social unity and unity. Former Dean of the Confucius Institute at the University of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates, Hirmat, believes that China has achieved remarkable development achievements and created miracles of rapid economic development and long-term social stability because it combines the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific realities and excellent traditional Chinese culture.

In the new era, China continues to strengthen the excavation and elucidation of China's excellent traditional culture, so that the most basic cultural genes of the Chinese nation are adapted to contemporary Chinese culture and coordinated with modern society. It promotes the cultural spirit that transcends time and space, transcends national borders, is full of eternal charm, and has contemporary value, activates its strong internal vitality, and allows Chinese culture to work together with the colorful cultures created by people of various countries to provide correct spiritual guidance for humanity.

"The Chinese nation has always emphasized the concept of 'one family under heaven', advocating harmony between the people and the world, harmony among all nations, and great harmony throughout the world. It yearns for a beautiful world where 'the world is for the common'. Rooted in profound cultural traditions and the continuous unity of Chinese civilization, the new era's Chinese position, wisdom, and plan are providing new guidance for the development of the times and making new contributions to human civilization."——

The concept of "moderately prosperous" fully reflects the scientific grasp of ancient Chinese governance ideas; The development concept centered on the people continues and sublimates the long-standing tradition of putting the people at the center of the country; Jointly build the "the Belt and Road" initiative, which reflects the value orientation of building oneself, reaching people and improving the world; The concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind is imbued with the broad mindedness of the Chinese nation's love for peace and pursuit of world harmony

Ahmad Said, General Manager of Egypt's Hikmat Cultural Group, believes that Chinese civilization has made important contributions to the development of world civilization, and has also provided ideological nourishment for promoting world peace and development and building a community with a shared future for mankind. China will deeply explore the connotation and contemporary value of traditional culture, promote innovative development of traditional culture, and especially promote exchanges and mutual learning among different civilizations, which will further enhance the cultural confidence of the Chinese nation.

Tomorrow's China, strength comes from unity. With over 1.4 billion Chinese people thinking and working together, we will surely be able to gather the magnificent power of the Chinese national community, continue to promote cultural prosperity, build a strong cultural nation, and build a modern Chinese civilization at a new historical starting point, continuously promote exchanges and mutual learning among human civilizations, and inject strong spiritual strength into the construction of a strong country and the rejuvenation of the nation.

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