Frontline observation | How does Guangdong "super respond" to a "super typhoon"?

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 09:28 AM

One night of wind and rain, "Sula" passed through.

Stacking astronomical tides, the path is unpredictable, carrying wind and rain along the way. Even before Typhoon Sura made landfall, many media outlets used "rare in many years" and "astonishing power" to "outline" the appearance of this super typhoon.

From the path, it can be seen that the typhoon's movement path is complex, and the predicted path almost follows the Guangdong coastline all the way. This means that Guangdong has to fight on both the "point" and "surface" lines to defend against Taiwan this time.

In terms of power, "Sula" is highly likely to be the typhoon with the most severe impact on Guangdong's wind and rain after "Shanzhu" in 2018. Guangdong must strengthen every point and eliminate every possible risk in order to achieve foolproof results.

The exceptionally complex situation must be given extraordinary attention.

As a major typhoon province in China, Guangdong is hit multiple times by typhoons of different levels each summer and autumn. In terms of typhoon prevention, Guangdong can be said to have rich experience. However, in the face of this super typhoon, Guangdong did not fully rely on past experience to guide this practice.

Starting from August 30th, almost as the typhoon prediction path was finally confirmed in Guangdong, Guangdong held three important meetings for three consecutive days, including the provincial typhoon prevention work assessment meeting, typhoon prevention work deployment meeting, and provincial typhoon prevention television conference, to make systematic and comprehensive deployment arrangements for typhoon defense work.

This top-down tension has prompted Guangdong Province to act quickly.

Switching states and being prepared, Guangdong Province quickly entered a "crisis": ships entered the typhoon defense waters in an orderly manner, construction sites under construction stopped, kindergartens and primary and secondary schools suspended classes, parks and scenic spots temporarily closed... In the 24 hours before the landing of Typhoon "Sula", the emergency response systems of various cities in Guangdong were operating at high speed, and a strong typhoon defense battle based on the most severe situation and high standards and strict requirements was officially launched!

Typhoon is the "big test". In the face of a "super typhoon", how can Guangdong "super respond"?

Using "Xun" to respond to "flood" and "front" to run out of acceleration

"Report! We have arrived at the designated location and will immediately conduct aerial photography to check the situation of the fishing boat returning to the port for shelter." On August 31st at 18:00, Guangdong officially launched a Level I emergency response against Taiwan. Less than an hour after the response was released, the members of the Guangdong Provincial Emergency Management Department's preparatory team had already arrived at the possible landing site of the typhoon in eastern Guangdong.

This emergency team, commonly known as the "wind chaser," not only sets off from the nearest disaster location when a typhoon occurs, but also utilizes portable devices to carry out emergency communication support and inspections at the disaster site, providing first-hand and authentic information for decision-making at the provincial level. They were also the first group of people to go against the wind in this typhoon.

On the other end of the screen, the Emergency Command Center of the Guangdong Provincial Emergency Management Department is exceptionally busy. As the "center" for typhoon prevention in the province, command and dispatch meetings are held one after another, almost uninterrupted. To cope with the typhoon "Sula", various functional departments are available 24 hours a day, constantly scheduling ahead, closely monitoring the latest path of the typhoon and the rainfall, water conditions, and customs of various parts of the province. Based on the latest typhoon dynamics, they are dispatching calls and conducting spot checks on defense work to the rescue forces who have already arrived at the scene.

"Have all the low-lying residential areas in the town been relocated?" "After the fishing boat docked, have people been organized to board the boat to investigate and prevent omissions?" The command center asked carefully, and the front line measured the typhoon line with their feet, giving a firm answer.

Racing against the wind, Guangdong responds to the flood with speed and does not engage in unprepared battles. Since the whereabouts of the typhoon are uncertain, the officials will first "lead" to the place where the wind is rising.

Advance deployment, emergency rescue, emergency shelter... The "front line forces" quickly gathered on the front line: The Guangdong Provincial Fire and Rescue Corps established a front command center in Huizhou, a city that may be visited by the typhoon. They organized cross regional reinforcement forces from five branches and headquarters in Shenzhen, Shanwei, Huizhou, Jieyang, and Shantou, totaling 9066 fire and rescue personnel and 210 rescue boats to put into wind protection and rescue work; On the day before the typhoon made landfall, 11 cities in Chaozhou, Shantou, Jieyang, Shanwei, Huizhou, Shenzhen, Dongguan, Guangzhou, Zhuhai, Jiangmen, and Zhongshan had 4844 teams in front of the rescue forces, with nearly 140000 people stationed on the front line before the typhoon made landfall.

Under the defense of Taiwan, there is no shortage of concern for the people. Currently, some areas of Guangdong have entered the peak tillering period for late rice. Once a typhoon makes landfall and brings heavy rainfall, the rice fields will be soaked, and the consequences will be unimaginable. How to strengthen the transmission of guiding information and enable farmers to quickly take disaster prevention measures is a key consideration for the agricultural department in Guangdong. Before the typhoon arrived, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Guangdong Province had already dispatched multiple typhoon prevention supervision teams to supervise the agricultural typhoon prevention work in key defense areas such as Jieyang, Shanwei, and Huizhou. They also brought over 27000 drainage and irrigation equipment for disaster prevention and relief in the province's agriculture.

It is better to guard against nine emptiness than to guard against unexpected situations. Guangdong took the initiative to "defend against Taiwan" and ran out to resist "acceleration" before "resisting Taiwan".

People first, "I want to guard this gate!"

At 10:00 on September 1st, Shanwei Jiesheng Fishing Port.

According to the typhoon warning analysis on that day, Typhoon "Sula" is constantly approaching Shanwei, and this is the forefront.

The wind is gradually rising, and the harbor in front of us has already set off huge waves. Wang Chuangzhong, the deputy mayor of Jiesheng Town who had just returned from market inspection, was worried about the safety of the navigation gate in the wind, waves, and heavy rain, and rushed to the gate in the wind and rain.

There are usually dedicated personnel in charge of management, but during typhoon days, personnel need to be strengthened because it takes half an hour for the three gates to open. The four of us will be fixed here today. We have arranged for the transfer of the masses and instructed the village cadres to monitor the risk points of waterlogging. Wang Chuangzong has also arranged himself to be included in the list of personnel on duty at the gates today.

Guangdong is the province with the longest coastline in China, and the difficulty of preventing Taiwan in coastal areas can be imagined. Taking the initiative to fill the gap and standing in front has become a common practice among millions of grassroots frontline cadres in Guangdong, such as Wang Chuangzong, during typhoons for many years.

Defend the "position" ahead, while behind the "Wang Chuang Zong" and in more cities and counties, large-scale transfers of tens of thousands of people are being carried out intensively.

On the afternoon of September 1st, the "Sula" route suddenly adjusted again and headed straight to Zhuhai. Meanwhile, an emergency evacuation of tens of thousands of people is racing against the typhoon. Party members and cadres, public security officers, and grassroots workers... A safety barrier has been built in the wind and rain to escort the masses. During the typhoon, all 16445 flood control personnel in Zhuhai were on duty, and 87230 people involved in low-lying coastal areas, dangerous and dilapidated buildings, geological hazard points, construction sites, and other high-risk areas were transferred throughout the city, with no one missing. 283 resettlement points, medical points, and material points were already in place before the arrival of the masses.

In fact, until the final landing in Zhuhai, the direction of "Sula" was still uncertain: whether to land or not? Where is the specific time and location of login? The constantly adjusting typhoon path is not only a comprehensive test of the reliability of disaster prevention in Guangdong, but also a comprehensive test of the refinement of urban governance.

"Dongguan organized the transfer of 10200200 people according to actual needs." On the evening of September 1st, in Dongguan, Guangdong, the number of people transferred on the digital screen was precise to a single digit, which was reassuring.

As of the morning of September 1st, more than 780000 people in dangerous areas have been transferred in advance across the province, allowing the masses to take refuge. Let's go against the trend. Behind this, there were rapid knocking sounds from the homes of people in low-lying and flooded areas, and the figures of party members and cadres repeatedly wading into the waterlogged areas against the wind.

Move at the sound of the wind and move towards danger. On a sleepless night, a group of wind chasers, leaving behind more of their backs in the wind and rain, understand and see the Guangdong attitude of "people first, life first".

The precise analysis behind "quick stop" and "quick recovery"

On September 2nd, in Feisha Village, Nanshui Town, Jinwan District, the sudden rain stopped for the first time. This is the heavily affected area where Typhoon Sula made landfall in Jinwan District, Zhuhai on the evening of September 1st. As Typhoon Sura gradually moved away, the entire village of Feisha quickly resumed normal operations.

From August 31 to September 2 at 14:55, there were 37 typhoon warning signals and 23 rainstorm warning signals in effect in Guangdong, and more than 190 towns and streets across the province recorded a cumulative rainfall of more than 100 mm. On the morning of September 2nd, many places in Guangdong quickly completed wind and flood emergency responses, and simultaneously lifted the "Five Stop" orders. Orderly restore public transportation, ports, docks, etc., fully guarantee the production and living order of the people, and minimize the impact of typhoons on the people.

If we talk about dealing with Typhoon "Sula", adjusting defense measures in various parts of Guangdong according to the time and situation, and implementing "five stops" on a city by city basis, it reflects the accuracy of wind prevention. The rapid resumption of normal production and life after the typhoon reflects Guangdong's confidence and confidence in efficiently restoring production and life.

"When a typhoon arrives, we can quickly respond to scientific prevention, and after the typhoon, we can also guide the front line to restore normal life as quickly as possible." At the Guangdong Provincial Emergency Management Department, a digital chart that collects real-time data on the province's trajectory, personnel transfer, and local risk and disaster data is slowly unfolding in front of reporters. The red dots of data in each administrative village are constantly updating and changing in real-time. Behind the rapid recovery of normal production and life is the efficient disaster prevention brought about by the integration and "unified management" of relevant data in Guangdong Province, as well as the precise analysis of the tacit cooperation between the front and back.

On the morning of September 2nd, sanitation workers and spontaneously arriving citizens in Zhuhai worked together to clear fallen trees, and hot breakfast was distributed to the affected people at the resettlement site in Dapeng New Area, Shenzhen. Street convenience stores and restaurants have resumed operations, and fireworks have begun to rise in cities one after another

Faced with the "super typhoon" and Guangdong's "super response", behind it lies the "super responsibility" of putting people first and life first. How many storms, how many sleepless nights of perseverance. The sunshine reappeared, but the footsteps of the "wind chasers" did not stop - they once again joined the defense of a new round of typhoon "Sea Anemone". Supporting responsibility and mission in the wind and rain, interpreting the significance of chasing the wind.

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