Frequently interrupting the speech of censors and investigators, arrogant and domineering! Director of the Forestry Bureau who fell from grace, Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Wenshan Prefecture | Fu Yonggang | Forestry Bureau

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 10:16 AM

Fu Yonggang, male, born in July 1964, started working in August 1984, and joined the CPC in May 1992. Formerly served as the head of the Forestry Department, Secretary Department, and Deputy Director of the Forestry Bureau of Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province; Deputy Secretary of the Malipo County Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Commission; Member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Forestry Bureau of Wenshan Prefecture, Director of the State Forest Public Security Bureau, and Director of the Wenshan National Nature Reserve Management Bureau; Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Forestry Bureau of Wenshan Prefecture.

In January 2019, when Fu Yonggang was appointed Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of Wenshan Prefecture Forestry Bureau, he was dismissed from his post in the Party and removed from his post by the government because he arranged his subordinate units to obtain project funds for gift giving. Later, he was transferred to the Foreign Affairs Office of Wenshan Prefecture People's Government as a level four researcher, and retired in October 2021.

In May 2022, Fu Yonggang was investigated and detained by the Wenshan Prefecture Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision on suspicion of serious violations of discipline and law. In November 2022, Fu Yonggang was expelled from the Party and his retirement benefits were cancelled in accordance with regulations. In April 2023, the People's Court of Yanshan County, Yunnan Province sentenced Fu Yonggang to 14 years in prison and a fine of RMB 600000 on charges of bribery, abuse of power, and bending the law for personal gain; The illegal gains obtained by Fu Yonggang shall be recovered and turned over to the national treasury.

From a forestry exploration cadre to gradually growing into the "leader" of the Wenshan Prefecture Forestry Bureau, Fu Yonggang's career can be described as smooth sailing. However, Fu Yonggang is a typical "two faced person", appearing cautious and low-key on the surface, but secretly abusing his power, bending the law for personal gain, accepting bribes, and gradually moving towards the abyss of crime. He deviated from his original aspiration and mission, abandoned his ideals and beliefs, became an official without integrity, had a weak sense of discipline and law, and ultimately became a prisoner. The reasons behind this are thought-provoking.


Greedy and greedy, demanding money under the pretext of borrowing

Fu Yonggang is a typical "two faced person". In front of the organization, he shows extreme humility and caution, is good at concealing and packaging himself, and always "adds points" to himself in front of superiors. However, behind the scenes, Fu Yonggang was devoted to pursuing the "feeling" and material enjoyment of being an official. He stepped up to the leadership position step by step, not thinking about how to work better, but wholeheartedly considering becoming an official and getting rich.

Once greed breaks free from its constraints, power becomes a tool for profit, and the original intention and beliefs will also collapse. With the promotion of his position, Fu Yonggang has gained more and more power, involving more and more signing and approval matters. Fu Yonggang's desire to become a "superior person" has become increasingly strong, and his greed has become rampant, causing him to engage in rent-seeking power. He is accustomed to receiving annual gifts from lower level units and business owners, and has repeatedly demanded money from management service recipients under the guise of borrowing, repeatedly breaking through the bottom line of party discipline and national law.

In 2009, shortly after Fu Yonggang became a member of the state forestry bureau, he demanded a single sum of 1 million yuan from a mining owner named Liu under the pretext of borrowing. Liu transferred the 1 million yuan to Fu Yonggang through bank transfer and used it to purchase property in a residential area in Kunming City, with the intention of selling the property for profit after its appreciation. The boss is sensible, and Fu Yonggang also needs to express himself. Afterwards, he repeatedly provided assistance to Liu in handling the approval procedures for forest land use during the mining process in Xichou County and Guangnan County. According to Fu Yonggang, since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, anti-corruption efforts have continued to increase. Several leading cadres in Wenshan Prefecture and County have been investigated and dealt with. Due to concerns about exposing improper economic dealings with Liu, he arranged for his wife to refund 1 million yuan to Liu through bank transfer in April 2013.

The purchased property quickly gained significant appreciation, making it easy to obtain unjust wealth. Fu Yonggang's greed grew stronger, and he wanted to take it again and again, the more he took it, the more he wanted to take it. In 2010, the Forestry Bureau of Wenshan Prefecture cooperated with a real estate company to develop a residential community, and the employees of the Forestry Bureau had the right of first refusal to purchase. The project aims to solve the housing difficulties of cadres and employees, but Fu Yonggang has become accustomed to making money and continues to receive funds from the project management during the construction process.

In 2012, a mining owner named Zhou had just arrived in Wenshan Prefecture to invest in the development of a gold mine. He approached Fu Yonggang regarding the acquisition of forest land. After several dinners, he asked Zhou for cash of 500000 yuan under the pretext of borrowing money to purchase property, and provided assistance to Zhou and his company in handling the approval procedures for forest land use during the mining process in Funing County. In early 2014, he arranged for his wife to refund 500000 yuan to Zhou through a bank transfer, and asked Zhou to sign and confirm the prepared receipt, while also noting the words "loan slip lost" to cover up the fact that he claimed money under the pretext of borrowing.

After investigation, during his tenure as the director of the State Forestry Bureau, Fu Yonggang repeatedly requested cash from project owners to invest in real estate and obtain huge profits. He received a total of 2.1 million yuan in bribes and demanded 1.6 million yuan in bribes. After the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Fu Yonggang was a typical example of not converging, not stopping, and not stopping. In order to prevent his corrupt behavior from being exposed, he even refunded a portion of his so-called "loan" to the merchant boss and instructed him to write a "receipt" in an attempt to deceive him. As a party member and leading cadre, Fu Yonggang did not cultivate his party spirit and moral character, forming a vulgar view of power and money. He disregarded party discipline, national laws, and original aspirations and missions, and became greedy and corrupt all the way, ultimately leading to nothing.


Willful abuse of power, seriously damaging the political ecology of the system

Looking back at Fu Yonggang's political career, he successively held important leadership positions, and his career was smooth sailing. However, he was not grateful for the cultivation of the organization and the trust of the masses, but rather self inflated and self indulgent, further developing into arrogance and lawlessness. He lacks work ability in his work, but he is full of officialdom. Regardless of the occasion, a speech cannot be without a speech script written by the staff. During the detention period, the reviewing and investigating personnel asked him to write statements and other materials, but Fu Yonggang was at a loss and often asked, "Is there a template for this material? I will write it according to it."

When the inspection and investigation team of the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Wenshan Prefecture visited the cadres and employees of the forestry system in the prefecture and county, they all shook their heads when they mentioned Fu Yonggang's work ability and achievements. Some felt that his statements were too high-profile, his actions were too few, and his implementation was poor. They also had to agree with their opinions; Some feel that his performance does not match his position, and he does not think about work, only considering how to use his power for personal gain and profit from it.

Fu Yonggang has been autocratic for a long time, with his "top leader" becoming a "dominant figure", and his subordinates only having an "absolute obedience". Due to his "one person dominance", the democratic centralism in the forestry system of Wenshan Prefecture was not fully implemented at that time, and the political life, organizational principles, and collective decision-making within the unit became a mere formality. The internal control mechanism was virtually non-existent.

In order to evade supervision, Fu Yonggang arranged for financial personnel to allocate forest cultivation funds to lower level units in the name of implementing the project. On the surface, he loudly claimed that "we will never withhold or embezzle project funds, and we will allocate a small amount of funds". However, behind the scenes, he abused his power and arranged for five county and city forestry bureaus and two forest farms to embezzle a total of 2.55 million yuan from related project funds. He then handed over the cash to the financial personnel of the state forestry bureau for safekeeping, which was used for various illegal expenditures within the bureau.

During the implementation phase of the community supporting greening project developed in cooperation between the state forestry bureau and a real estate company, Fu Yonggang took advantage of his position and assigned tasks to the county forestry bureaus to transport landscape seedlings to the community for planting. This was clearly a manifestation of his bureaucratic and privileged thinking, increasing the burden on the grassroots by relying on the forest to eat the forest, and attempting to seek fame for himself. However, he was complacent and called it "cost saving, understandable".

The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. Fu Yonggang's various violations of discipline and law have seriously affected some cadres and employees of the state forestry system. There are frequent violations of discipline and corruption cases in the forestry systems of various counties and townships, and problems such as inadequate performance of duties by cadres, competing with the people for benefits, using power for personal gain, and embezzlement of national subsidies for forestry projects are repeatedly prohibited. Around 2015, the forestry bureau directors of four counties, Funing County, Malipo County, Qiubi County, and Xichou County, were successively investigated and punished for serious violations of discipline and law, causing great damage to the political ecology of the entire forestry system in the state. Fu Yonggang bears an inescapable responsibility for this.

Frequently interrupting the speech of censors and investigators, arrogant and domineering! Director of the Forestry Bureau who fell from grace, Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Wenshan Prefecture | Fu Yonggang | Forestry Bureau


Arrogant and arrogant, with a sense of luck to deceive the organization

In 1984, Fu Yonggang entered the forestry system after joining the workforce. Except for three and a half years as Deputy Secretary of the Malipo County Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Commission, the rest of them worked in the forestry system. He gradually grew from a forestry exploration cadre to a leading cadre at the department level, but he was ashamed of the organization's training and did not respect the law and discipline. He acted face to face and behind the scenes, and was disloyal and dishonest to the party. He had been corrupt for a long time, disregarding the organization's rescue multiple times, and deliberately opposed the review and investigation. The circumstances were heinous and the impact was extremely bad.

From the Spring Festival of 2013 to the beginning of 2014, Fu Yonggang received cash gifts of 100000 yuan from Xiong, the chairman of a certain timber company, four times, and demanded 100000 yuan from Xiong under the pretext of borrowing. Later, due to concerns about being investigated by the organization, Fu Yonggang refunded 200000 yuan to Xiong and requested the other party to provide him with a receipt, creating the illusion of "borrowing". In November 2018, during a conversation with Fu Yonggang, the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Wenshan Prefecture handed over the receipt provided by Xiong to the organization, concealing the fact that he had received money.

In 2019, due to work needs, the Yunnan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision held a state wide leadership meeting in Wenshan Prefecture, requiring comrades with problems to proactively explain the problems and strive for lenient treatment. After the meeting, Fu Yonggang talked about receiving a total of 50000 yuan in annual gifts during a conversation. The next day, when he accepted the conversation again, he denied it and changed his mind, saying that he had never received any annual gifts.

Afterwards, the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Wenshan Prefecture received multiple reports about Fu Yonggang receiving gifts, arranging subordinate units to withdraw project funds for gift giving, and other issues. They dealt with him through conversation and inquiry, asking him to proactively explain his own problems. But in the face of the organization's educational rescue, Fu Yonggang not only did not choose to believe in the organization and actively explain the problem, but also harbored a sense of luck and continued to conceal his inner panic with arrogant words and actions.

Fu Yonggang is vigorously implementing a "parental system" and "one talk shop" in the forestry system of Wenshan Prefecture, putting personal will above the organization. In his work, if he listens to him, he will be the "one who listens to him", and there will be "good days" to live. If he doesn't listen to him, he will not be the one who listens to him, which means that "hard times" have begun. In the process of interacting with friends and business owners, he always makes people feel superior and arrogant. When the investigators were looking for real estate developer Zheng to verify whether there was any economic relationship with Fu Yonggang, Zheng complained to the investigators, "He always has an arrogant attitude. If it weren't for his' nose pressing down on his mouth ', I wouldn't want to deal with such a person."

In the early stages of detention, the arrogant and domineering Fu Yonggang still did not restrain himself. When interrogated by the investigators, he often interrupted them and even said once, "I won't argue with you when you mentioned that I went to Kunming Club to 'taste new tea', but when you said I took bribes, it was purely a case of injustice." He acted cleverly and disorganized, firmly believing that he had formulated countermeasures that were sufficient to resist the investigation, and that the organization could not verify and investigate.

Under the careful education and policy guidance of the investigators, Fu Yonggang finally woke up and began to reflect on his serious violations of discipline and law. He regretfully said, "Having nothing to see and not listening to others' opinions is the biggest root cause of his descent into the abyss."

Whether in work or life, Fu Yonggang never values the transformation of his worldview, outlook on life, or values. He has no reverence for power and has never deeply thought about why he joined the Communist Party, what he did as an official, and what he left behind, ultimately leading him to slide into the abyss of illegal crimes and be imprisoned. The organization has also given Fu Yonggang the opportunity to clarify the problem and reduce the blame, but he harbors a sense of luck and deceives the organization, only deceiving himself and others.

Fu Yonggang's Confession Record

I have let down the trust of the Party and the people in me. During my tenure as the Director of the State Forestry Bureau, I learned little about good practices, but deeply about bad practices.

Due to a long period of not studying seriously, one's own thoughts gradually changed, their thoughts declined, and their ideals and beliefs gradually wavered. They believed that communism was something invisible and intangible, felt lost, lacked confidence, and doubted how to achieve it. Their lifelong commitment to fighting for communism was shaken.

During my tenure as the Deputy Secretary of the Malipo County Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Commission, I intervened in the handling of the case of one death caused by a villager beating someone in Xinzhai Township, Malipo County by the County Public Security Bureau. At that time, I only considered greeting the leader, and if I did not do so, I would offend the leader, fearing that it would affect my future promotion and use. I did not consider the warmth and suffering of the victim's family members.

As my tenure increases and I don't pay much attention to studying, I develop a desire to become wealthy in my mind. With greed in mind, when I participated in real estate speculation outside of work, I thought of borrowing money from management and service recipients. As the director, I have power and they often ask me for help. I opened my mouth to them, and most management and service recipients would lend me money. However, due to emotional constraints and my power, they would not pursue me to repay the money. My behavior is like using power for personal gain.

As the saying goes, "the human heart lacks the snake to swallow the elephant," which means that human desires are not satisfied, and I am such a person. We are a family of three. My wife and I are civil servants and our family has a good income. We have a house and a car, and we don't have to worry about food or clothing. We have surplus every month. We are such a happy family. We used to make our relatives proud and our classmates, friends, and neighbors envious. However, due to my dissatisfaction, we gradually went into the abyss of crime and personally destroyed this happy and happy family.

Since 2010, the state party committee has organized officials at or above the department level to conduct warning education in prisons multiple times, and I have also participated. However, I did not think seriously and deeply, and now I regret it too late. I deceived the organization, was disloyal to the organization, and violated political discipline, organizational discipline, integrity discipline, and work discipline. I will be punished by discipline and law for these violations, and I am deeply saddened and regretful. I am sorry for the training and education that the party organization has provided me over the years, and I am ashamed of the organization! I'm sorry for my family, I regret it. One mistake has become eternal hatred!

The original "arrogant and domineering destruction of one side of the ecology of Wenshan Prefecture, Yunnan Province, the former Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Forestry Bureau Fu Yonggang serious violation of discipline and law analysis"

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