Found 150 million at home? Multiple responses, "Breast doctor arrested doctor | Zhu | Breast doctor"

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 02:39 AM

"I was shocked to know that she was investigated," a caregiver who had worked at Changzhou Second Hospital for more than ten years told Pengpai News. Zhu Moulan was "approachable" and dressed in extremely ordinary clothes.

"In fact, these experts have rich experience and skills, and can indeed save lives and heal the wounded in critical moments. But how can they make money?" Min Xue sighed.

Under the anti-corruption storm in the pharmaceutical industry, a rumor that "Zhu Moulan, a famous breast surgery expert in Changzhou City, was arrested, and a total of 150 million were found at home" once attracted widespread attention. On August 15th, when the National Health Commission issued a Q&A on the centralized rectification of corruption in the pharmaceutical industry, it specifically mentioned this matter and stated that local departments have explained the false information transmitted online.

Breast Surgery Department of the Chengzhong District of Changzhou Second People's Hospital. My pictures are all from Zhuang An, a journalist from The Paper

Previously, Changzhou Radio and Television Station's WeChat official account "Zhongwu" had published relevant anti rumor articles, which listed "150 million yuan in total", "20 houses", "40 million yuan in cash", "30 jin of gold" and "Dr. Zhu's main source of income is kickbacks and red envelopes from medical agents and patients" as "untrue information", but did not deny that "Zhu was arrested". Regarding the issue related to Zhu Moulan, staff members of Changzhou Municipal Health Commission have responded to Pengpai News, stating that the relevant situation is "being handled by the public security system.".

In mid August, Pengpai News interviewed multiple local medical professionals and the family of Zhu in Changzhou, attempting to understand the true reasons for Zhu's investigation beyond exaggerated and false rumors.

According to CCTV, Zhu Moulan was detained by relevant departments six months ago. Zhu Moulan's husband told reporters that she was detained by relevant departments for investigation because she was reported for accepting red envelopes and kickbacks. Later, due to her physical discomfort, the investigation time was delayed. The final processing result is currently unclear.

He said that the online rumors were all fabricated out of thin air, and currently the local public security has arrested a rumor maker, "searching for the real mastermind behind the scenes.".

Rumors and debunking

Several online images have placed Zhu Moulan, a renowned breast surgery expert in Changzhou, and related hospitals at the center of a public opinion storm.

On the afternoon of August 10, Changzhou Radio and TV Station published an article titled "Seriously untrue! Rumors about Zhu Moumou, a breast surgeon" on the WeChat official account "Zhongwu", which said that the information published on social networks and we media platforms was "seriously untrue", causing extremely bad social impact. The information mentioned in the screenshot of the online chat, such as "a total of 150 million yuan stolen from home", "20 houses", "40 million yuan in cash", and "30 kilograms of gold", is false.

But the rumors did not disappear immediately. "The doctor who was copied 150 million yuan." During an interview with Pengpai News in Changzhou, some people still called Zhu Moulan this way.

"40 million yuan in cash, 30 jin of gold, and 20 houses in the West the Taihu Lake Lake. We all know that when we were arrested, we cried bitterly." After the official refutation of the rumor, a woman who stood out on the streets of Changzhou still believed in this. When the reporter questioned her, she took out her mobile phone and clicked on the short video, "Look, this is her picture, can it be fake?"

According to public reports, Zhu Moulan has been working in breast diseases for more than 30 years and is the chief physician and discipline leader of breast surgery. She was the former director of breast surgery at Changzhou Second Hospital. After retiring in 2021, I was specially hired at Wujin People's Hospital in Changzhou City.

Recently, the patient was waiting outside the breast department outpatient department of Yanghu Campus of Changzhou Second People's Hospital.

Recently, outside the Department of Breast Surgery at Wujin People's Hospital in Changzhou, a staff member recalled that Zhu Moulan suddenly "disappeared". "At that time, there were patients lying on the operating table waiting for her, but she did not come, and the hospital did not receive any notification. Later, other surgeons were hired to replace her.".

The staff member stated that regarding the investigation of Zhu Moulan, there are rumors circulating within the hospital that she was reported to have received kickbacks from the manufacturer of breast implants. Some patients with breast cancer will require chest reconstruction surgery after total chest resection in order to look beautiful. This kind of surgery belongs to the category of "plastic surgery" and costs more.

Found 150 million at home? Multiple responses, "Breast doctor arrested doctor | Zhu | Breast doctor"

According to the data, Zhu is good at repairing the defects and deformations after various breast operations, as well as various reconstructive operations after breast cancer surgery. According to a previous report by Changzhou Daily, the breast reconstruction surgery team led by Zhu Moulan at Changzhou Second Hospital has been carrying out breast reconstruction surgery since 2005. In 2016, they also collaborated with the plastic surgery department of the hospital to launch a breast plastic surgery clinic.

But Zhu Moulan's husband denied the aforementioned statement. He told Pengpai News that the situation of "accepting kickbacks from prosthetic manufacturers" has long been investigated and "there is no such thing". Currently, the relevant departments are investigating her allegations of accepting red envelopes and other kickbacks. But due to Zhu Moulan's physical discomfort, she has been sick since entering, so the investigation time has been delayed for quite some time.

He said that no one can say for sure what the final outcome will be.

Zhu Moulan's husband said that the previous online rumors were fabricated out of thin air, and the local public security has arrested a rumor maker, "searching for the real mastermind behind the scenes.".

However, this claim has not yet been confirmed by local authorities.

Why is Zhu Moulan plagued by rumors of having a huge fortune?

"Overall, the department head has a lot of power and can make more profits." A pharmaceutical representative working in breast drug sales in a first tier city recently told Pengpai News that breast diseases are more treated with drugs. Currently, there are about 10 domestic and imported brands competing for the same type of drug based solely on molecular classification, while the use of medical devices is relatively limited.

The pharmaceutical representative stated that in terms of communication between pharmaceutical companies and doctors, foreign-funded pharmaceutical companies mainly invite doctors to attend academic conferences and provide certain "lecture fees" and "transportation expenses". According to the level and academic status of doctors, there are differences in the fees given. "Director level usually pays 3000 yuan at a time." However, domestic pharmaceutical companies that specialize in generic drugs tend to prefer traditional "gold sales", which compete with foreign pharmaceutical companies through "kickbacks." This approach is often more effective in second - and third tier cities. "As long as the money is in place, many departments will rush to use drugs, and even prescribe drugs to patients indiscriminately."

The pharmaceutical representative stated that, especially during the promotion period of new drugs, the drugs have not yet entered medical insurance, the prices are relatively expensive, and the rebates given are also higher. In the early years, a domestic pharmaceutical company offered a kickback of 10000 yuan for recommending a new patient to use a new drug.

He said that in this situation, if the department head can request that the entire department can only use a certain drug, then the medical representative only needs to maintain one department head. If the department director only recommends medication, then the medical representative needs to simultaneously maintain the other doctors in the department and provide corresponding benefits.

In addition, the pharmaceutical representative also mentioned that currently, many pharmaceutical companies have regarded the research and development of breast drugs as a new track. On the one hand, breast cancer has a large number of patients. On the other hand, it is a cancer with a relatively high survival rate. A multi-stage treatment plan can be provided throughout the treatment process, which means that pharmaceutical enterprises can sell more drugs.

At present, relevant parties have not disclosed what issues Zhu Moulan is involved in. From August 11th to August 14th, Pengpai News reporters visited the urban and Yanghu hospital areas where Zhu Moulan used to work, as well as the Wujin Hospital where she was rehired after retirement. Several breast surgeons who had co authored and published research papers with Zhu Moulan refused to be interviewed.

Within the Tian'an Villa community.

Living in luxury residential areas,

The community staff claimed that the rumor of "home plagiarism" was untrue

Zhu Moulan's family is in the "Tian'an Villa" near the West the Taihu Lake Lake in Changzhou. This is located in the popular area around the lake in Changzhou, where multiple high-end villa communities gather. Among them, "Tian'an Villa" is located in the core hinterland of this area, known for its standalone villas and excellent ecological environment, and is known as the "ceiling of Changzhou's real estate market".

According to the latest data from a real estate trading platform, the average price of second-hand houses listed in Changzhou in August was 17467 yuan/square meter, while the average price of second-hand houses in Tian'an Villas reached 42531 yuan/square meter. A nearby real estate agent said that "Tian'an Villa" has completed three phases, with more than 200 households, and is still being expanded. Currently, there are multiple second-hand houses for sale, with prices ranging from 20 million to 40 million depending on their geographical location and area. In addition, the only two "lake houses" in the center of the community are also for sale, with prices as high as 60 million yuan.

Found 150 million at home? Multiple responses, "Breast doctor arrested doctor | Zhu | Breast doctor"

On August 11th and August 12th, Pengpai News entered the "Tian'an Villa" community twice. The environment inside was beautiful and particularly quiet, with winding river branches extending outward from the central artificial lake, dividing the villa complex built around the lake into isolated small islands. Each small island is roughly composed of six or seven villas, with almost every household facing the water.

Community staff member Wang Yang said he has been working here for many years and is familiar with most residents. He said that the residents here are mostly locals, including artists, group owners, and famous doctors.

Speaking of Zhu Moulan, Wang Yang said, "She is quite nice.". In his eyes, Zhu Moulan and her husband are kind and low-key in their daily lives. The couple drives an old model car, a Volkswagen and a Hyundai. "It's been over a decade and I haven't changed it," he said

He said that after Zhu Moulan retired, he occasionally saw patients carrying fruits visiting. Her husband still commuted to and from work every day, "usually coming back at two or three in the afternoon." Last year, Zhu Moulan's daughter had just gotten married.

Regarding the widely circulated rumor of "plagiarism", Wang Yang said, "It's all just a rumor."

Wang Yang said that just a few months ago, he brought a visitor who claimed to be a relative to Zhu Moulan's house. At that time, a police car was parked at her doorstep, and "three to five people were standing in the yard.".

"At that time, I felt a bit strange, but I didn't feel like going in, so I just looked outside." Wang Yang said, only seeing a police car coming that time.

Regarding rumors that Zhu Moulan has multiple luxury properties, Wang Yang said that there is indeed a homeowner in the community who has multiple properties, including a lake house, "but not Zhu Moulan."

On the afternoon of the 11th, the reporter arrived in front of Zhu Moulan's house. This house belongs to the earliest batch of buildings built in the community. The community staff and nearby agents said that the opening price was about 3 million yuan more than ten years ago. The overall decoration style of the house leans towards Chinese style, although it has some sense of era, it can still be seen that the decoration is relatively luxurious. Although there is no separate courtyard gate at the entrance of the house, the overall concealment is good.

Under the climbing pergola on one side of the glass door at the entrance, there is a black Volkswagen Passat parked, with a sunshade covering the roof and a gray covering on the body. It looks like it has not been started for several days.

The merits of Mount Taishan Mountain and the demerits of mud painting

Changzhou media has repeatedly reported that Zhu Moulan has a unique ability to distinguish between benign and malignant breast tumors. The reporter learned during a visit that Zhu Moulan is known as the "golden finger" in the local area, and several patients who have received her treatment have told Pengpai News that her medical skills are superb. "Hands are particularly immortal, and a touch can roughly tell whether it is good or bad," said a patient.

Ms. Zhang, who is now 31 years old, suffered from breast fibroadenoma many years ago. She said that in 2012, she underwent a surgical resection at Changzhou Second Hospital, operated by Zhu Moulan. "Later, when we had a follow-up examination at our local hospital, the doctors praised the recovery of the incision, and the scars left were almost invisible."

Ms. Zhang said that after Zhu Moulan retired and was specially hired to Wujin Hospital, her mother also suffered from breast nodules, which was quite serious. She visited her multiple times for medical examination and underwent four or five surgeries before and after, and her body gradually recovered. Last year, she found another nodule growing on one side of her breast, so she sent the video to Zhu Moulan on WeChat to see. The other person replied that it looked okay and asked her not to worry too much. "Recently, I was preparing to go for a check-up when I called and found out that her phone number had stopped. I only found out about her after asking a friend."

"We have never given gifts before," Ms. Zhang said. In her and her mother's impression, Zhu Moulan spoke slowly and responsibly to patients, and was very gentle.

Another patient with breast nodules reported that last year, she visited multiple hospitals in Changzhou and was required to undergo excision surgery by multiple doctors. Only Zhu Moulan suggested conservative treatment for her.

In the eyes of an unnamed authoritative oncologist in Changzhou, Zhu Moulan is a "dedicated" doctor. She leads the breast department team of Changzhou Second Hospital to keep up with the forefront in tumor treatment and breast plastic surgery.

Found 150 million at home? Multiple responses, "Breast doctor arrested doctor | Zhu | Breast doctor"

According to the report published by Changzhou Daily in 2016, a multidisciplinary treatment team composed of Zhu Moulan and other leaders of the oncology discipline of the hospital successfully implemented minimally invasive treatment of ultrasound guided cold cycle radiofrequency ablation of metastatic tumors for a patient with tumor metastasis after breast cancer surgery, which is the first case in Changzhou.

"I was shocked to know that she was investigated," a caregiver who had worked at Changzhou Second Hospital for more than ten years told Pengpai News. Zhu Moulan was "approachable" and dressed in extremely ordinary clothes.

Min Xue, a staff member of Wujin Hospital, remembers that after Zhu Moulan was hired at a high salary, a large number of new and old patients came to the hospital in admiration. The outpatient department was often too busy to have lunch on the day and could not finish work on time. After Zhu Moulan did not come to the hospital, she received many patients who came to inquire about the situation.

"In fact, these experts have rich experience and skills, and can indeed save lives and heal the wounded in critical moments. But how can they make money?" Min Xue sighed.

With the continuous deepening of anti-corruption in the pharmaceutical industry, different voices have emerged online, with some agreeing and applauding. For example, according to the Guangdong Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, after the director of Zhongshan First Hospital was arrested for nearly 30 million yuan in the case, the hospital's per capita medical costs decreased by more than 1400 yuan, demonstrating the necessity and effectiveness of pharmaceutical anti-corruption.

At the same time, there have also been arguments such as "who will take the director and experts to see the people?". Regarding this, some media comments believe that no one has privileges above the law. If there is indeed corruption among medical experts, they should certainly be investigated, and the vast majority of doctors are diligent and pursue medical skills and ethics.

"Mount Taishan is arrogant and the mud is muddy. How can we use Mount Taishan's contribution to offset the mud?" The surging news immediately commented that the targets of medical corruption that have been hit, the good doctors who have worked hard for us and the front-line medical personnel who have come forward in the three-year epidemic are not the same group. Let's take a look at the exposed corruption cases, which are shocking. Not cracking down on them is not enough to appease public anger.

On August 15th, the National Health Commission issued a Q&A on the centralized rectification of corruption in the national pharmaceutical industry, stating that corruption still exists in the pharmaceutical industry, especially in recent years when some "key minority" and key position personnel have been investigated and punished for using their power to seek rent, accepting kickbacks, bribery and other cases. This has seriously diluted the dividends of reform and development in the pharmaceutical industry, eroded the rights and interests of the people, hindered the reform and development of medical care, medical insurance, and pharmaceutical industry, and affected the image of the industry, as well as harmed the interests of the vast majority of people in the pharmaceutical and health sector.

In this anti-corruption storm, many rumors have attracted widespread attention, including rumors.

In addition to Zhu Moulan being rumored to have "discovered 150 million", the National Health Commission recently stated that Xu Bo, the director of the interventional catheterization department at Fuwai Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, has been filed for review and investigation on suspicion of serious violations of discipline and law. At present, the case is still being processed. The online rumors that he took advantage of the opportunity to undergo surgery, purchase consumables, and participate in medical equipment procurement bidding, and received bribes of up to 1.2 billion yuan, are all "false" information.

Professor Deng Yong, the head of the legal and business team at Peking University Health, believes that we must be vigilant against the spread of exaggerated rumors, which will have a serious negative impact on the entire medical industry.

Sun Yuhua, Vice Dean of the China Rule of Law Strategy Research Institute and Deputy Director of the Public Health Governance Research Center at East China University of Political Science and Law, previously pointed out to Pengpai News that in the context of medical anti-corruption, it is particularly important to prevent false accusations and framing of doctors, or taking advantage of hype to stigmatize the entire medical community and create a doctor-patient conflict.

In addition, Sun Yuhua believes that eradicating medical corruption is a systematic project that requires "source control".

Deng Yong also pointed out that medical anti-corruption should be a comprehensive and systematic process, with a focus on addressing fundamental and systemic issues in the healthcare system. Only by fundamentally solving problems such as incomplete medical system, unreasonable allocation of medical resources, and opaque medical expenses can we achieve long-term results in medical anti-corruption.

"This is a long-term and arduous task that requires us to work together from multiple aspects and levels to achieve healthy and sustainable development in the medical field," said Deng Yong.

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