Focus Interview | Building a Modern Industrial System towards "Real" Economy | Industry | System

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 02:25 AM

Building a modern industrial system is an inevitable requirement for promoting high-quality development and an urgent need to win the initiative of major countries in competition.In what areas should we focus on building a modern industrial system?

We should grasp the wave of new scientific and technological revolution such as artificial intelligence, adapt to the requirements of harmonious coexistence between man and nature, maintain and enhance the advantages of a complete industrial system and strong supporting capacity, efficiently gather global innovation elements, promote industrial intelligence, greening and integration, and build a modern industrial system with integrity, progressiveness and security.

Focus Interview | Building a Modern Industrial System towards "Real" Economy | Industry | System

The current new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation is deepening, and the international economy, politics, and environment have undergone profound and complex changes. The competition among countries around industries is becoming more intense. Only by accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system can we effectively maintain the security and stability of the industrial and supply chains, build a solid foundation for national development, and win the initiative in fierce international competition.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the development of China's industry, agriculture, service industry, and infrastructure has reached a new level. In 2022, China's manufacturing industry accounted for nearly 30% of the global added value, ranking first in the world for 13 consecutive years; The grain production has remained stable at over 1.3 trillion catties for 8 consecutive years, and 1 billion mu of high standard farmland has been built, ensuring basic self-sufficiency in grains and absolute food security; The growing development of the service industry has supported half of the national economy; The infrastructure guarantee capability continues to enhance. The construction of the world's largest high-speed railway network, expressway network, and world-class port cluster provides strong support for industrial development.

Focus Interview | Building a Modern Industrial System towards "Real" Economy | Industry | System

Modern industry is the most important foundation and core of a modern industrial system. This year, many innovative and iconic equipment have made breakthroughs, and the core competitiveness of the manufacturing industry continues to improve. On May 28th, the C919 began its first commercial passenger flight from Shanghai. On June 6th, China's first domestically produced large cruise ship was successfully docked. Every segment of the modern industrial system, from being a powerful tool from heaven to the sea, to clothing, food, housing, and transportation in daily life, is connected to a huge market and affects billions of people.

Xin Guobin, member of the Party Group and Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: Valuing and developing the real economy is determined by China's national conditions. Our country has a population of over 1.4 billion, and the people have access to basic necessities such as clothing, food, housing, and transportation. With the development of the economy and society, it is impossible to do without the real economy. No country in the world has the ability to supply us. Therefore, the manufacturing industry must be firmly established.

Focus Interview | Building a Modern Industrial System towards "Real" Economy | Industry | System

At present, China has formed the manufacturing industry with the most complete categories and industrial system in the world. However, it should also be noted that the situation of a large but weak industrial system and a complete but not precise industrial system has not been fundamentally changed.Persist in seeking progress while maintaining stability and progressing step by step, and cannot be greedy for seeking foreign knowledge; Adhere to the integrated development of the three industries and avoid fragmentation and opposition; Persist in promoting the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, and cannot simply exit as a "low-end industry"; Persist in open cooperation and cannot build cars behind closed doors.

Xin Guobin, member of the Party Group and Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: For a period of time, some places have had a deviation in their understanding of the development of traditional industries, such as equating high energy carrying industries such as steel, petrochemicals, non-ferrous metals, and building materials with backward and sunset industries. In fact, the energy consumption and total emissions of these industries are mostly determined by the characteristics and scale of the industry, and do not necessarily mean backwardness.

Focus Interview | Building a Modern Industrial System towards "Real" Economy | Industry | System

In promoting the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, some places are also actively exploring. Petrochemical industry is the largest industrial sector in Dalian. Faced with the current development bottlenecks of domestic refining capacity surplus and low added value of fuel oil, Dalian fully leverages the basic advantages of the petrochemical industry, actively promotes the reduction and upgrading of the petrochemical industry, and has attracted more than 30 fine chemical industry projects to land.

Xin Guobin, member of the Party Group and Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: Implementing technological transformation and upgrading in this part of the industry can not only stimulate a large amount of investment demand, but also stimulate new growth points. Therefore, there are no backward industries, only backward enterprises and outdated products. This year, we will study and formulate specialized policies to support the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, consolidate and extend advantageous industries, cultivate and strengthen emerging industries, proactively layout future industries, guide rational and orderly gradient transfer of industries, and enhance the rootedness of the manufacturing industry.

Focus Interview | Building a Modern Industrial System towards "Real" Economy | Industry | System

Traditional manufacturing is accelerating its transformation and upgrading, and traditional agriculture is also accelerating its modernization. In the vast fields, various agricultural machinery is working at full speed to harvest and plant crops. In the rows of greenhouse facilities, various vegetables and fruits are growing vigorously, fertilizing and irrigating, adjusting temperature and humidity, and achieving automatic control throughout the process.

Modern agriculture is an important foundation of the modern industrial system. The meeting pointed out that we should pay more attention to storing grain in technology and break through the limitations of natural conditions such as farmland on agricultural production.

Focus Interview | Building a Modern Industrial System towards "Real" Economy | Industry | System

Deng Xiaogang, member of the Party Leadership Group and vice minister of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Areas: integrity, progressiveness and security are the basic requirements of the modern industrial system. Food security is the most basic and critical security, and is the largest of the country. Only when agriculture is stable and the supply of grain and important agricultural products is reliably guaranteed, can we avoid being choked by others when it comes to eating. Persist in using modern facilities to expand agricultural production space, break through the limitations of natural conditions such as farmland and water resources on agricultural production, and continuously expand the potential boundaries of agricultural production.

At present, China's overall food security is guaranteed, but the foundation is still unstable, and the self-sufficiency rate of some agricultural products is low. In the future, the demand for food will show a rigid growth trend, and ensuring national food security still faces huge challenges.

Focus Interview | Building a Modern Industrial System towards "Real" Economy | Industry | System

Deng Xiaogang, member of the Party Group and Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: In the future, we will deepen the implementation of storing grain in the land and storing grain in technology, gradually turn all permanent basic farmland into high standard farmland, promote the comprehensive development and utilization of saline alkali land, strengthen the protection of black soil in Northeast China, lay a stronger and more solid foundation for food security, and make the Chinese people's rice bowl more stable, reassuring, and reassuring.

Fundamentally speaking, building a modern industrial system is to build an industrial system supported and led by technological innovation. Currently, a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation is accelerating, and the permeability, diffusion, and disruptive characteristics of technological innovation are becoming more prominent. Faced with the new situation of technological revolution and the new needs of national development, it is urgent to fully leverage the forward-looking and leading role of technology in industrial development.

Focus Interview | Building a Modern Industrial System towards "Real" Economy | Industry | System

Wu Chaohui, member of the Party Group and Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology: Firstly, we will deploy innovation chains around the industrial chain, target strategic industrial areas that are related to national development and security, focus on breaking through key core technologies, and strive to ensure the independent and controllable innovation and supply chains of strategic industries; The second is to layout the industrial chain around the innovation chain, target cutting-edge technological fields for advanced deployment, lead and drive the development of emerging and future industries, open up more new fields and tracks, and shape new development advantages.

High quality enterprises are the main force in building a modern industrial system. The first meeting of the 20th Central Committee of Finance and Economics pointed out the need to vigorously build world-class enterprises, cherish and cherish outstanding entrepreneurs, and vigorously cultivate great country craftsmen. We need to strengthen the research and development of key core technologies and strategic resource support, and implement the main position of enterprises in scientific and technological innovation from a systemic perspective.

Focus Interview | Building a Modern Industrial System towards "Real" Economy | Industry | System

Wu Chaohui, member of the Party Group and Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology: Firstly, strengthen the leading position of enterprises in decision-making on scientific and technological innovation; Secondly, strengthen the dominant position of enterprise research organizations; Thirdly, strengthen the dominant position of enterprises in research and development investment; Fourthly, strengthen the role of enterprises as the main body of achievement transformation, and further leverage their innovation as an application.

Without open cooperation, there will be no modern industrial system. Since the reform and opening up, China has actively attracted foreign investment, greatly accelerating the modernization process of the industrial system, and multinational enterprises in China have also become an organic component of China's industrial system. The meeting pointed out that we should make good use of the advantages of the ultra large scale market, organically combine the strategies of expanding domestic demand and innovation driven development, and strengthen the open cooperation of the industrial chain and supply chain.

Focus Interview | Building a Modern Industrial System towards "Real" Economy | Industry | System

Chen Chunjiang, member of the Party Group and Assistant Minister of Commerce of the Ministry of Commerce: Since the beginning of this year, we have placed more emphasis on attracting foreign investment, and in summary, we have focused on the "three focuses" to promote the construction of a modern industrial system. Focus on expanding opening-up, promoting investment attraction, and providing excellent services. From January to May this year, the investment in high-tech industries increased by 7.5%, including 49.8% in research and development and design services, and 34.6% in the electronics and communication equipment manufacturing industry.

Recently, the hot sales and exports of "New Three Types" products have become a key industrial project that countries are eager to layout in the global trend of industrial upgrading and transformation. In recent years, the strong rise of electric passenger vehicles, lithium batteries, and photovoltaic battery industries also reflects the achievements of China's technological innovation and industrial optimization and upgrading.

Focus Interview | Building a Modern Industrial System towards "Real" Economy | Industry | System

Chen Chunjiang, member of the Party Group and Assistant Minister of Commerce of the Ministry of Commerce: In the first five months of this year, the "new three types" of exports became a new highlight in foreign trade, with exports of electric passenger vehicles, lithium batteries, and photovoltaic batteries increasing by 172.4%, 78.5%, and 25.2% respectively, effectively promoting the opening up and development of industries such as automobiles and electrical machinery. In terms of imports, fully leverage the role of import expos. The 5th China International Import Expo has released about 2000 new products, technologies, and services, many of which are "global firsts and China's first exhibitions", promoting industrial innovation and development.

Coordinating strong support and promoting integration, enhancing innovation capabilities; We will coordinate the improvement of our weaknesses and the forging of our strengths, safeguard our safety bottom line, and accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system that is independent, controllable, safe, reliable, and highly competitive.

Focus Interview | Building a Modern Industrial System towards "Real" Economy | Industry | System

The modernization of the industrial system is the core of modernization and a key factor in determining the rise and fall of a great country. We must deeply understand the significant significance of accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system from the perspective of coordinating the unprecedented changes in the world and the overall strategy of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Combining with the new domestic and international situation, we must accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system that is independent, controllable, safe, reliable, and highly competitive, and consolidate the material and technological foundation for comprehensively building a socialist modernized country.

Editor | Jiang Weiwei

Focus Interview | Building a Modern Industrial System towards "Real" Economy | Industry | System

Camera | Zhang Min

Editing | Zheng Yu and Zhao Peng

Focus Interview | Building a Modern Industrial System towards "Real" Economy | Industry | System
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