Female cadres born in the 1970s lost themselves in greed and vanity, drinking only famous liquors such as Maotai, and traveling to the Maldives without permission. They were expelled from the Communist Party | Eastern Region | Female cadres

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 01:37 AM

Case file

Zhou Xiaojun, female, Han nationality, born in August 1971 in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, started work in July 1992 and joined the CPC in April 2000. She used to be a member of the Party Leadership Group and deputy director of the Development and Reform Bureau of Panzhihua East District, deputy director of the Ethnic and Religious Affairs Bureau of Panzhihua East District, member of the Party Working Committee and deputy director of the office of Guaziping Sub district, East District.

In November 2022, Zhou Xiaojun underwent disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the East District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision of Panzhihua City.

In December 2022, Zhou Xiaojun was expelled from the Party and from public office due to his serious violation of Party discipline, constituting a violation of duty and suspected of bribery.

In June 2023, Zhou Xiaojun was sentenced to 3 years and 6 months in prison and fined 350000 yuan in accordance with the law for the crime of bribery.

Case Investigation

"I mistakenly believed that luxury handbags could bring me happiness, but now I think it's just to satisfy greed and ruin my happy life with my own hands..." Zhou Xiaojun lost himself in greed and vanity, indulged in pleasure and money, and ultimately left himself with endless regret.

Zhou Xiaojun was born into an ordinary dual worker family. Despite her average family background, her parents put in the utmost effort to care for and cultivate her. She also worked hard to secure an "iron rice bowl" that her classmates and friends envied. Zhou Xiaojun, who once believed in the principle of "hard work pays off", knew that a good job was not easy to come by. With a strong drive to strive for excellence, Zhou Xiaojun became more proficient in the bidding and approval business he was responsible for, becoming a proactive "business expert" in the eyes of colleagues and a cheerful "bold person" in the eyes of friends.

Zhou Xiaojun, former member of the Party Working Committee and Deputy Director of the Office in Guaziping Street, East District, Panzhihua City, is under review and investigation.

2012 was a turning point in Zhou Xiaojun's life. Due to her outstanding abilities, she was promoted to become a member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Development and Reform Bureau of the East District of Panzhihua City. After promotion, Zhou Xiaojun identified himself as an expert in bidding and approval, becoming arrogant and self righteous. He not only gave orders to the staff, but also did not listen to any opinions or suggestions in his work, and could not tolerate any doubts. His former "boldness" gradually evolved into "domineering".

With the promotion of her position, Zhou Xiaojun's social circle gradually changed. The business owners around her began to approach her intentionally or unintentionally, and she not only had no defense against these "ulterior motives" people, but also envied them for earning a lot of money. After seeing these business owners win the bid, they spend a lot of money, live a good house, and drive a good car, and their mentality gradually changes. Zhou Xiaojun's desire for money, wealth, and extravagant life made him not refuse valuable gifts, specially arranged meals, and wine parties.

In the midst of extravagance and extravagance, Zhou Xiaojun quickly decayed and deteriorated. Not only has she become accustomed to accepting banquets, but her food and clothing have also become luxurious. She has many luxury brand handbags such as Prada and Dior, and often chooses relatively high-end restaurants when dining out. When treating guests and giving gifts, it is important to be "ostentatious", and when drinking, she only drinks famous wines such as Maotai.

Gradually, high-end food, drink, and luxurious clothing could no longer satisfy Zhou Xiaojun's desire for money. She began to cleverly name herself and reach out to the management and service targets. In September 2016, Zhou Xiaojun hinted to his management service partner Chen that he wanted to go to Chengdu to see a car. Chen immediately understood and arranged for three nights worth 6300 yuan in a star rated hotel accommodation in Chengdu. After Zhou Xiaojun checked into the room, 300000 cash was immediately delivered. A few days later, a Cadillac sedan naturally became Zhou Xiaojun's "possession".

In October 2010, individual contractor Li undertook a road construction project. During the construction period, Zhou Xiaojun took advantage of his position to facilitate this good friend's trip. In January 2013, Zhou Xiaojun borrowed 300000 yuan from Li to raise funds for buying a house. Zhou Xiaojun chose to reciprocate Li's righteous actions, and in subsequent project approvals, she repeatedly utilized her position to provide assistance to Li's company in bidding supervision, project increment approval, and other aspects. In September 2014, "friend" Chen approached Zhou Xiaojun and asked her for help on a certain project matter. With Zhou Xiaojun's operation, Chen's company successfully won the bid. Afterwards, Zhou Xiaojun received cash of 410000 yuan from Chen in three installments.

"When 'friends' speak up, they feel it's normal for them to do things smoothly.' From Zhou Xiaojun's self narration, it is not difficult to see that the wrong views on making friends and power are important reasons for Zhou Xiaojun's frequent stepping on the 'red line'.

In 2016, Zhou Xiaojun accepted a 5-day trip to Vietnam arranged by Chen on the grounds of experiencing exotic cultures. During the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia, Zhou Xiaojun hoped to go to Russia to watch a game played by a certain star player. "Friend" Chen carefully arranged and provided thoughtful service once again. In addition, Zhou Xiaojun also turned a blind eye to organizational discipline. From 2012 to 2018, he went abroad multiple times without the organization's approval to visit Hong Kong, Maldives and other places.

In 2018, Li, who tasted the sweetness of Zhou Xiaojun, also played the role of "matchmaker" for others to undertake projects. Out of care for his friend, after receiving the request, Zhou Xiaojun readily facilitated this "business" and collected a "thank you fee" of 70000 yuan. In the same year, she took advantage of her position to provide assistance to her "friend" Zhang in undertaking a project, and later received two Lange brand watches worth more than 230000 yuan from the project owner. After greeting, Zhou Xiaojun received benefits and exchanged public power for personal gain. Zhou Xiaojun was already familiar with the operation.

When power begins to pay for extravagance, the lives of "capable cadres" are inevitably out of bounds and misplaced. After investigation, Zhou Xiaojun took advantage of his position to receive more than 1.5 million yuan in property from others. Lack of clear understanding of power and blind pursuit of extravagance and enjoyment have led Zhou Xiaojun to make repeated choices that are difficult to come by, ultimately drawing a heavy pause for his career development with his own hands.

Case Analysis

As an expert in the field of bidding and tendering, Zhou Xiaojun should have focused more on identifying key points and seeking development. However, she was blinded by material desires, gradually losing her original intention and breaking the rules in the midst of red lights, wine, and wine, accepting gifts that may affect the fair execution of official duties, and accepting travel, accommodation, and other arrangements that may affect the fair execution of official duties; Violating organizational principles and failing to report travel abroad in accordance with regulations due to personal reasons; Be friendly and friendly in matters related to people's livelihood projects, etc; Turning public power into a tool for personal gain, willing to be hunted down, and utilizing the convenience of one's position to seek benefits for others in engineering project bidding, incremental approval, and other aspects, with a huge amount of money. Zhou Xiaojun seriously violated the Party discipline and national laws and regulations, and was suspected of taking bribes. According to the Regulations of the CPC on Disciplinary Punishment, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Punishment of Public Officials, the Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China and other relevant provisions, Zhou Xiaojun was expelled from the Party and public office. According to the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, Zhou Xiaojun's behavior should be deemed to constitute the crime of bribery.

1. Regulations of the CPC on Disciplinary Actions

Article 27: If a party organization discovers during disciplinary review that a party member has engaged in illegal and suspected criminal activities such as embezzlement, bribery, abuse of power, dereliction of duty, rent-seeking of power, transfer of benefits, favoritism and fraud, and waste of national resources, it shall be given the disciplinary action of revoking the party's position, leaving the party for inspection, or expelling the party membership.

Article 82: Those who, in violation of relevant regulations, apply for personal travel permits or travel permits to Hong Kong and Macao, or enter or exit the country without approval, and the circumstances are relatively minor, shall be given a warning or a serious warning; Those with serious circumstances shall be punished with revocation of their party positions; Those with serious circumstances shall be given the punishment of staying in the party for observation.

Female cadres born in the 1970s lost themselves in greed and vanity, drinking only famous liquors such as Maotai, and traveling to the Maldives without permission. They were expelled from the Communist Party | Eastern Region | Female cadres


Article 88: Those who accept gifts, cash gifts, consumption cards, securities, equity, other financial products and other property that may affect the fair performance of official duties, and the circumstances are relatively minor, shall be given a warning or serious warning; If the circumstances are serious, the party shall be revoked of its position within the party or detained for observation; Those with serious circumstances shall be expelled from the Party.


Article 92: Those who accept or provide arrangements for banquets, tourism, fitness, entertainment and other activities that may affect the fair performance of official duties shall be given a warning or serious warning if the circumstances are serious; If the circumstances are serious, the party shall be revoked of its position within the party or detained for observation.

2. Law of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Sanctions against Public Officials

Article 31: Those who violate regulations to leave the country or obtain exit documents for personal reasons shall be given a demerit or a major demerit; Those with serious circumstances shall be demoted or dismissed.


Article 33: Those who engage in any of the following behaviors shall be given a warning, recorded a demerit, or a major demerit; Those with serious circumstances shall be demoted or dismissed from their positions; Those with serious circumstances shall be dismissed:

Corruption and bribery;


Article 34: Those who accept gifts, gifts, securities or other property that may affect the fair exercise of public power shall be warned, demerited or given a major demerit; Those with serious circumstances shall be demoted or dismissed from their positions; Those with serious circumstances shall be dismissed.

3. Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China

Article 45: Supervisory organs shall, based on the results of supervision and investigation, make the following measures in accordance with the law:


Make administrative sanctions such as warnings, demerits, major demerits, demotions, dismissals, and dismissals against illegal public officials in accordance with legal procedures;


For those suspected of committing official crimes, if the supervisory organs, after investigation, believe that the facts of the crime are clear, the evidence is true and sufficient, they shall prepare a prosecution opinion, and together with the case file materials and evidence, transfer them to the People's Procuratorate for lawful examination and prosecution;

4. Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China

Article 385: State officials who, taking advantage of their positions, extort money or property from others, or illegally accept money or property from others to seek benefits for them, shall be guilty of bribery.

State officials who violate national regulations in economic transactions by accepting various forms of kickbacks and handling fees, which belong to themselves, shall be punished as accepting bribes.

Author: Mi Mingfu, Wang Xiaochun, Liu Xi

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