Family members offer a reward of 500000 to pursue the culprit! Suspected perpetrator surrendered for a bounty, resulting in the mysterious death of the man | father | family member

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:57 PM

What did my father experience at sea? Starting from the day when her father disappeared at sea on May 9, 2021, for the past two years, Shanshan and her sister have resigned from their jobs, and almost every week they go to various departments to inquire about the investigation situation, and have issued a reward notice of 500000 yuan.

Two years have passed, and the appearance of a person seems to bring Shanshan's family closer and closer to that truth.

Uncle Li's family has cried in front of the sea many times

On the evening of May 9, 2021, in Haiyang City, Yantai, Shandong Province, Shan Shan's father and a distant relative sailed out to collect the net cage that had been dropped earlier, but they did not return in the early hours of the next day. The small boat piloted by the two was washed back to the shore three days later, with new marks on the hull that appeared to have been hit by other ships. Several days later, the bodies of the two people on board were discovered one after another.

There has been no significant progress in searching for the truth for two years. The turning point occurred in May this year when a local man in Shanshan approached her, saying that he was on the ship that collided with Shanshan's father at the time. He found Shanshan in the hope of receiving the bounty. Subsequently, Shanshan took the man to the coast guard to surrender. Quickly, the man and five others on board were taken criminal measures one after another.

On June 15th, Red Star News contacted a staff member at the Haiyang Workstation of Yantai Maritime Police Bureau. The staff member stated that the matter has indeed been criminally filed, but the specific case is still under investigation and details cannot be disclosed.

The small boat piloted by Uncle Li was discovered and salvaged ashore

Strange Disappearance: Father Sails Out to Sea in a Small Boat to Collect Net Cages

I was supposed to return in 2 hours, but I lost contact

Shanshan's father, Uncle Li, was already 67 years old when he had an accident in May 2021. According to Shanshan's account, his father had previously run a restaurant, furniture factory, sweater factory, and even made seafood. As a Jiaodong man who grew up in a seaside fishing village, he has a straightforward personality and enjoys making friends.

Family members offer a reward of 500000 to pursue the culprit! Suspected perpetrator surrendered for a bounty, resulting in the mysterious death of the man | father | family member

After his two daughters grew up, Uncle Li gradually made himself less busy. A few years ago, he spent over 100000 yuan on a small boat to take friends or tourists fishing near the sea. Each person charged a little for the fishing spot on the boat. If the other person didn't catch the fish, he simply didn't charge.

He always participates in fishing every time he goes out to sea. Shanshan said that the reason why she trusted her father to buy a small boat was because he was very steady in his daily work, and usually wouldn't go out to sea even in slightly bad weather. Because it's a small boat, they only move around the sea, and their families are also more at ease.

On May 9, 2021, Haiyang City has entered the usual 9-day fishing ban every year, and Uncle Li no longer invites friends or tourists to go out fishing. But on this day, he plans to retrieve the net cage that was placed in the sea more than ten days ago. "This net cage usually catches a little skin shrimp because it was already during the fishing ban period and the weather was about to change. My father said in the afternoon that he would take a distant cousin of mine to collect the net cage." Shanshan said, "The net cage is not far from the shore and usually takes less than 2 hours to retrieve.".

At 6pm that evening, Shanshan called her father and he said she would pack it up soon and go back. I will call again at 8 pm, but the phone is already unanswered. At midnight, Uncle Li still hasn't returned.

Shanshan recalled that on May 9th, 2021, the sea was still calm in the afternoon. But around 11:30 pm, pouring rain suddenly arrived.

On the early morning of May 10th, Shanshan and her family reported to the local maritime police. The search operation was subsequently launched, and helicopters were also dispatched to search, but nothing was found.

Shanshan's father and distant cousin disappeared into the vast sea like this.

There is paint on the exterior of the small boat left by other boats on the inside

Puzzle and confusion: The small boat was found upside down and rushed back to the shore

Family and friends found traces of impact on the small boat

Family members offer a reward of 500000 to pursue the culprit! Suspected perpetrator surrendered for a bounty, resulting in the mysterious death of the man | father | family member

On May 12, 2021, three days after Li Shu's disappearance, a local fisherman reported to the coast guard that an inverted small boat had been found at the beach. Subsequently, staff from the local public security and fishery departments rushed to the scene. After receiving the news, Shanshan and her family rushed over to confirm that this was her father's ship. The control console and engine on the ship were no longer present, while Uncle Li and distant relatives were not on board.

For people living by the sea, especially in fishing villages, they may occasionally encounter unexpected situations while working at sea. Shanshan and her friends thought it might have been an accident, but several traces on the small boat were noticed by a relative of Shanshan.

"When my father's boat was towed ashore, there were several damages on the hull, and the engine and control console were also missing. At that time, we thought the boat had been floating at sea for three days, and perhaps it had collided with the dock after docking. Some of the damages were normal." Shanshan recalled a scene two years ago when a relative suddenly discovered that there were many red and blue paint on the boat, and my father's boat was a white small boat that wouldn't have this color. It should have been left after contact with other fishing boats.

Although there may be contact between fishing boats when berthing at the port, Shanshan and her relatives found that the red and blue paint on her father's small boat was distributed in the inner part of the hull, indicating that it is possible that other fishing boats had pressed and collided with her father's small boat, otherwise the paint would not have been left on the inner part.

Shanshan and her family and friends subsequently reported this situation to the marine police who were conducting on-site surveys, and the marine police also recorded this information.

Radar detection: near the working area of the missing small boat

Two ships have been parallel and overlapping multiple times

"My father may not have gone missing by accident, he might have been hit by another ship." This thought has been lingering in Shanshan's heart since that day.

In the following days, Shanshan, her sister, and mother would almost every day go to the Haiyang Workstation of the Yantai Coast Guard, which was responsible for investigating this case, to inquire about the investigation situation. A staff member at the workstation subsequently sent Shanshan a radar monitoring video of what appeared to be Uncle Li going out to sea that night.

The video shows that in the sea area where Uncle Li's small boat was active, two ship trajectories appeared at that time. The trajectories of these two ships indicate that they had previously been parallel and overlapped multiple times, indicating a possibility of collision. The radar chart shows the time at 8 pm that day, which coincides with the time when Uncle Li was working at sea. However, due to the inability to display the number of the vessel it belongs to, and the fact that the radar image only has one segment, it is not easy to confirm whether the trajectory of these two ships is the one piloted by Uncle Li.

Family members offer a reward of 500000 to pursue the culprit! Suspected perpetrator surrendered for a bounty, resulting in the mysterious death of the man | father | family member

A radar video provided by the coast guard to Shanshan showed that on the evening of May 9, 2011, two ships had been parallel and overlapping for a long time in the water area where Shanshan's father was working

The maritime police staff told Shanshan that there were doubts in this radar image, which is a clue for further investigation.

On June 15th, Red Star News transmitted this radar image to a medium-sized fishing boat captain who had been engaged in maritime operations for many years in Dalian, Liaoning. The captain stated that it is rare for two fishing boats to be so close when sailing at sea. "Generally speaking, fishing boats have a certain degree of collision resistance, but this is for situations where the tonnage difference is not significant and the speed is not fast. If two fishing boats have a large difference and the speed is relatively fast, they are prone to collision at such a close distance. Once they collide, there is a possibility of capsizing."

Shanshan told Red Star News that the incident occurred on May 9, 2021, during the fishing ban period, and there were actually very few fishing boats operating at sea. It may not be difficult to confirm whether the fishing boat piloted by her father is one of the two fishing boats on the radar map. However, the coast guard told Shanshan at the time that due to the fact that the radar image only has one segment and is interrupted before and after, it is also difficult to make a judgment.

Shanshan also speculated about the reason for the collision between two ships. Her father's ship did not have any valuable property on board, and it was unlikely that the other party would harm their lives for money. Her father had never formed any grudges before. "Or it could be a conflict with someone on the sea and someone intentionally collided with a boat, or it could be an accidental collision."

The appearance of the remains: Five months later, the father's remains were discovered

Family members offer a reward of 500000 yuan to uncover the truth

On May 26, 2021, the remains of his distant relatives who went to sea with Uncle Li were discovered.

In October of that year, two pieces of suspected human tissue were discovered by the local seaside, and after identification, they were the remains of Li Shu, who had been missing for several months.

Shanshan told Red Star News that the family members had asked the public security department to help with two appraisals, both of which confirmed that the remains belonged to their father. "The remains are still in the funeral home, and we hope to investigate this matter thoroughly before allowing our father to settle down, which can be considered as an explanation to him."

Family members offer a reward of 500000 to pursue the culprit! Suspected perpetrator surrendered for a bounty, resulting in the mysterious death of the man | father | family member

The police's bounty notice

Red Star News learned from the Haiyang Workstation of Yantai Coast Guard that after the incident, they issued a reward notice. The reward notice at the time stated that "after investigation, there were collision marks behind the ship." In order to investigate the facts, search for insiders and the collision ship, "a reward of RMB 50000 to RMB 100000 will be given depending on the situation." At the same time, the notice stated that the informant's information will be kept confidential.

Shanshan and other family members expressed their willingness to pay a reward of 500000 yuan out of their own pockets to gather clues.

Over the past two years, many people have contacted Shanshan, claiming to have clues about her father's small boat being hit. Many people say that only by paying first can they be told what the clue is. "I spent over 100000 yuan on this one after another, but I hardly got any useful clues."

In order to find clues, Shanshan and her sister quit their jobs and focused on pursuing the culprit for their father. Someone in the village once advised them to give up, but Shanshan never gave up. She said that if the truth cannot be found, she cannot give her father an explanation.

Peak turn: Someone called for a bounty

After voluntarily surrendering, the police filed a criminal case

The turning point appeared in early May this year.

Shanshan suddenly received a call from a local man. On the phone, the man kept asking about the progress of the situation one by one, and then vaguely said that he might have some knowledge of the situation at that time.

"At first, I thought I had encountered a scammer again, so I hung up the phone, but he later called back and said some content that matched the situation. I asked my brother-in-law to meet him." Shanshan said, after meeting, the man said that he was on the ship that collided with Shanshan's father at the time, but more information required Li Shan to pay a certain "bounty" on his end before he could continue speaking.

Family members offer a reward of 500000 to pursue the culprit! Suspected perpetrator surrendered for a bounty, resulting in the mysterious death of the man | father | family member

After paying the man over 10000 yuan and promising to pay more for his surrender, Shanshan met with the man. The man revealed to Shanshan that the collision between the two ships was due to "not seeing anything", so he didn't want to say more details. The man also stated that he is willing to surrender to the police, but needs Shan Shan and other family members to promise to continue paying tens of thousands of yuan in bounty after his surrender.

Shanshan stated that in late May this year, she and the man surrendered to the Haiyang Workstation police of Yantai Maritime Police Bureau, and the police immediately filed a criminal case against the case. Subsequently, in addition to the man who surrendered, the other five people on the ship suspected of colliding with Uncle Li were taken criminal measures by the police. At the same time, the suspected vessel involved in the accident was also towed back by the maritime police for investigation.

"I saw the ship in the yard of the coast guard, parked side by side with my father's speedboat. It was a boat about 13 meters long, much larger than my father's small boat. The police told me that they had finished comparing the paint on the hull with the paint marks left on my father's boat, and it was consistent," said Shanshan.

On June 15th, Red Star News contacted a staff member at the Haiyang Workstation of Yantai Maritime Police Bureau. The staff member stated that the matter has been criminally filed, but the specific case is still under investigation and details cannot be disclosed.

"I believe the police will investigate the matter thoroughly, and I can also give my father an explanation. After the case is over, we will bury my father in our family's ancestral grave, and we can also let him bury in peace."

Shanshan's tone was filled with a sense of relief. She said that the truth did not disappear on the vast sea level, and she herself will eventually find the truth for her father.

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