Effectively ensuring and improving people's livelihoods (promoting effective improvement of quality and reasonable growth of quantity in the economy) Department | Livelihood | Economy

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 22:20 PM

"In May, a notice was just issued that the pension will increase again. Life is getting better and life is more secure in later years!" Wang Xin, a 72 year old retired worker from Dongying City, Shandong Province, smiled happily.

"Starting from March this year, the price of targeted drugs used has decreased by 60%, and they have also been included in medical insurance. The monthly treatment fees have significantly decreased, and the economic pressure has been greatly reduced," said Mr. Sun, a patient in Nan'an District, Chongqing.

Small matters related to people's livelihoods are also of great importance to the country.

"People's happiness and well-being is the ultimate goal of promoting high-quality development." On March 5, when attending the deliberations of the Jiangsu delegation at the first session of the 14th National people's Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that we must take meeting the growing needs of the people for a better life as the starting point and foothold, constantly transform the achievements of development into the quality of life, and constantly enhance the people's sense of achievement, happiness, and security.

The Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a meeting on April 28th, emphasizing the need to effectively safeguard and improve people's livelihoods. The current domestic economy is showing a recovery and improvement trend. Various regions and departments have always adhered to putting the people at the center, ensuring and improving people's livelihoods in development, increasing income for urban and rural residents through multiple channels, accelerating the filling of shortcomings in people's livelihoods, weaving and strengthening the social security network, and continuously improving people's lives. The warmth of policies directly reaches people's hearts.

Priority given to employment, consolidating the foundation of people's livelihood

Employment is the most basic livelihood. Since the beginning of this year, China has strengthened its employment priority orientation, made every effort to stabilize the stock, expand the quantity, improve the quality, and set a bottom line, implementing and refining various policy measures. In May, the national urban survey unemployment rate was 5.2%, unchanged from the previous month. The overall employment situation has improved, and the employment situation remains stable.

——Grasp the key points and promote employment for key groups.

"Unexpectedly, the job fair went straight to my doorstep!" During the critical period of job hunting, Hei Chenrui, a fresh graduate from Xingzhi College of Xi'an University of Finance and Economics, was very pleased. The Xi'an International Port Area in Shaanxi Province actively promotes the employment service model at the doorstep, and Heichenrui participated in this community job fair and successfully joined a finance and taxation company.

Chen Xi, a resident of Xi'an, also went on duty smoothly. "Almost 40 years old, are you still looking for a job?" With a try and see attitude, she walked into the "employment station" near the community and submitted her job application. In less than a week, the human resources and social security department of Yanta District dispatched a career mentor to provide one-on-one guidance and help her find a job in school archives management. "I am very satisfied with having complete social security, stable income, and being able to balance my family," said Chen Xi.

Efforts should be made by various regions and departments to effectively promote employment as a top priority for people's livelihoods, and to provide greater support for the employment of key groups. A million employment internship position recruitment plan should be implemented for young people such as college graduates to help them enhance their employability; Focusing on migrant workers and other groups, we have launched the Spring Breeze Action and Employment Assistance Month, releasing a total of 38 million job positions; Focusing on poverty alleviation personnel and promoting the action to prevent poverty and employment, the number of poverty-stricken people working in the first quarter reached 30.74 million

——Strong support and strengthened measures to assist enterprises and stabilize employment.

In the dust-free workshop of Jiangxi Zhaochi Optoelectronics Co., Ltd., automation equipment operates at high speed and over 200 employees work in an orderly and tense manner. "The policy of" combination boxing "is timely awesome to help us stabilize and expand our posts. In the past year, the company has not only not laid off workers, but also expanded its enrollment by 70 people." Xu Wenhua, manager of the Personnel Department, said that since last year, the company has received 30 million yuan of VAT rebate, more than 900000 yuan of unemployment insurance return, one-time training subsidies for retaining workers, and at the same time delayed the payment of about 120000 yuan of unemployment insurance expenses, effectively reducing employment costs. "This year's performance has rebounded, and new orders are growing rapidly. We plan to expand recruitment by hundreds of employees." Xu Wenhua is full of confidence.

Continue to implement various measures to help enterprises alleviate difficulties, stabilize and expand employment, and make precise efforts in the combination of policies such as "reducing, lending, returning, supplementing, and improving". Fully carry out the Private Enterprise Service Month activity, and send employment policies, employment guidance, recruitment activities, etc. into enterprises; The policy of gradually reducing unemployment and work-related injury insurance rates will continue to be implemented until the end of 2024, with an expected annual reduction of 180 billion yuan in burden for enterprises; Continue to implement the policy of stabilizing and returning employment through unemployment insurance, and extend the implementation period until the end of 2023... Currently, policy measures continue to be effective, and the "direct compensation and fast processing" further helps enterprises stabilize and expand their employment.

——Provide excellent services and improve employment security mechanisms.

"Thanks to the construction gig market, I can work so steadfastly." Yang Binshan, a bricklayer who has just been on duty for two months at a logistics park construction site in Suzhou, Jiangsu, is busy. Suzhou Construction gig market is the first professional gig market in the local area, providing free employment services for workers. "In the past, doing odd jobs required luck, but now using online mini programs, I can find a job in just 3 days. Offline, the gig market also provides services such as public welfare haircuts and skill training, as well as free accommodation areas. My family and my wife have moved into a married room," Yang Binshan said happily.

Build a public employment service network covering urban and rural areas, and enhance professional and intelligent service capabilities; Promote the 14th Five Year Plan for vocational skills training and continue to carry out large-scale vocational skills training; Since the beginning of this year, China has continuously improved its employment public service system and promoted high-quality and full employment by implementing a special action to clean up and rectify the order of the human resources market and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of workers.

Secure the bottom line, the livelihood guarantee network is becoming increasingly dense

People's livelihood is linked to the hearts of the people. Increase investment in people's livelihoods, optimize public services, strengthen bottom line guarantees, and ensure that all regions and departments solidly carry out practical work related to people's livelihoods. Provide social relief and temporary subsidies for disadvantaged groups, continuously improve the multi-level social security system, and the network of people's livelihood guarantees is becoming increasingly dense.

Take multiple measures to enhance the level of people's livelihood security.

"My family is on the brink of subsistence allowance, and my wife has also contracted uremia. The government's various assistance measures have given our family another hope for life," said Ding Jianfa, a villager from Yema Village, Caoqiao Street, Pinghu City, Zhejiang, gratefully.

On the roof of Ding Jianfa's house, 16 sets of photovoltaic panels stand out in the sunlight. "Thanks to the 'Sunshine for Prosperity' project on the street, we have raised most of the funds for installing photovoltaic equipment. Now we are earning profits every month and can increase our income by two to three thousand yuan per year," Ding Jianfa said. His wife, as a critically ill individual, received a monthly subsistence allowance of 1070 yuan starting from September last year, and the reimbursement amount for medical insurance has also been increased to 80%. With the addition of other subsidies and assistance, this struggling family gradually emerged from their predicament.

Jiang Wei, Secretary of the Party Committee of Caoqiao Street, introduced that the street has raised funds from various sources through the implementation of projects such as "Sunshine and Common Prosperity", and installed rooftop photovoltaic equipment for 158 low-income households and marginal households. This year, we will continue to explore various forms to further increase the income of low-income groups and promote common prosperity.

In early summer, walking into a plastic product factory in Changli County, Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province, 37 year old deaf mute Qin Jian and a dozen other disabled people were busy making plastic products such as electronic lights on the production line.

"Making money through one's own labor feels very happy," Qin Jian gestured in sign language. In January of this year, the County Disabled Persons' Federation learned during a condolence visit that Qin Jian really wants to integrate into society through employment. After evaluating his physical condition and labor ability, the County Disabled Persons' Federation actively contacted relevant enterprises, and Qin Jian found a new job.

Looking across the country, the assistance and protection system for special groups such as those in need is constantly improving. The two subsidy policies for people with disabilities are being precisely implemented, and the aging adaptation of families of elderly people in special difficulties is being accelerated. Precise and powerful policy measures have strengthened the bottom line of people's livelihoods.

Collaborate efforts to improve the multi-level social security system.

"Today, the price of 'dental implants' has started to decrease, and I came with this day in mind." On the early morning of April 20th, Mr. Ge, a resident of Baotou, Inner Mongolia, came to the Department of Stomatology, First Affiliated Hospital of Baotou Medical College, Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology to implant teeth. Across the country, many patients have become the first beneficiaries of the implementation of centralized procurement prices for oral implant systems.

Dental implant medicine is a microcosm. China is continuously improving its medical insurance system and reducing the burden of medical treatment on the public. Accelerate the pace of medical insurance negotiations, promote a large number of exclusive varieties of anti-cancer drugs and rare disease drugs to be included in medical insurance at appropriate prices; Promote centralized and volume based procurement, with an average price reduction of over 50% for 333 types of drugs organized by the state. In March of this year, the new version of the National Medical Insurance Drug Catalogue was officially implemented. Among the 108 newly negotiated and competitive drugs added in the catalogue adjustment, 105 were new drugs launched in the past five years.

Not just in the field of medical insurance. Since the beginning of this year, the coverage of social security in China has been further expanded, and the multi-level social security system has accelerated and improved. The basic pension level continues to be raised, the national pension insurance is steadily promoted, and the personal pension system operates steadily and orderly. According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, in the first quarter, the expenditure on social security, employment, and housing security in the national general public budget increased by 9.6% and 9.0% year-on-year, respectively. As of the end of March, the number of participants in basic pension, unemployment, and work-related injury insurance in China reached 1.052 billion, 237 million, and 289 million, respectively.

Making up for Shortcomings and Continuously Improving Livelihood and Welfare

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposes that "benefiting the people is an essential requirement for building the Party for the public and governing for the people. We must adhere to safeguarding and improving people's livelihoods in development, encourage joint efforts to create a better life, and continuously realize the people's aspirations for a better life."

Embarking on a new journey, ensuring and improving people's livelihoods has no end, only a continuous new starting point.

Focusing on the urgent and difficult issues faced by the masses, effectively ensuring and improving people's livelihoods.

"My older brother is going to school, and I'm going to be a 'versatile baby'. Every morning at 8 o'clock, children in Shuguang Community, Qiu County, Handan City, Hebei Province, make a scene. They hold their mother's hand and happily walk into the nearby childcare institution - Qiu County Universal Baby Childcare Early Education Center.".

Two years old and seven months old, with over three months of childcare experience. In the early education center, the environment is warm and comfortable, with wooden flooring under the feet and soft bags in the corners of the walls. On the small blackboard at the entrance of the classroom, there are dishes that are not duplicated for a week and an additional menu. "The teachers here are very professional and the fees are not high. They cost 880 yuan per month, which really greatly alleviates our parenting and life pressures," said mother Wang Xiaoxing.

"One elderly and one young" is a key focus of ensuring people's livelihood, which is related to the happiness and health of thousands of households. China adheres to filling gaps, increasing supply, and improving quality, accelerating the improvement of the elderly care and childcare service system. Since the beginning of this year, the General Office of the Communist Party of China and the State Council have issued the "Opinions on Promoting the Construction of the Basic Elderly Care Service System", issued the "National Basic Elderly Care Service List", deployed and improved the basic elderly care service system, and better guaranteed the lives of the elderly; 33 cities have been selected as the first batch of national demonstration cities for infant and child care services, and typical experiences have been promoted nationwide; The "Management Measures for Family Childcare Centers" have been introduced to standardize the construction of "family childcare centers"... "Childhood care" and "elderly care" continue to take new steps.

To meet the expectations of high-quality living and effectively improve the level of public services.

Wei Guangwen, a resident of Wenwo Community in Tongshan Street, Tongshan District, Xuzhou, Jiangsu, has been in a particularly good mood recently. In May of this year, Wei Guangwen completed the renovation and renovation of an old residential area that he had lived in for more than 20 years, giving it a completely new look. "In the past, the community environment was dirty, disorderly, and poor. Now, there are three networks connected to the ground, rainwater and sewage diversion, and roads are hardened. A leisure square has also been built, and more than 20 parking spaces have been added." Wei Guangwen said, "The environment has improved, and everyone's morale has increased.".

This year, more than 50000 old residential areas have been renovated, and many areas have accelerated the construction of 15 minute convenient living circles. The basic public education service system has been continuously improved, and the theater has been sent to the countryside, and urban and rural study rooms have been built. China will further improve its basic public service system, improve the level of public services, enhance balance and accessibility, and implement practical measures that showcase warmth and care. These measures will continuously meet the people's expectations for a better life and outline a picture of high-quality living.

Looking ahead to the future, we will adhere to the development concept of putting the people at the center, adhere to the principle of putting everything for the people and relying on the people for everything, and carry out the work of benefiting people's livelihoods, warming people's hearts, and conforming to public opinion in a practical, meticulous, and good manner. We will surely achieve people's happiness and health in high-quality development, and enable the achievements of modernization construction to benefit all people more and more fairly.

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On the evening of June 1st, the US Senate passed a bill on the federal government's debt ceiling and budget, and the flame of the US debt bomb was temporarily extinguished at the last moment. The two parties in the United States have staged an extreme tug of war over the US debt bomb. Some experts believe that the US debt crisis is the result of the reckless politics promoted by the US dollar hegemony, and the underlying cause of this crisis is the highly polarized political system of the US. Since the end of World War II, the US Congress has adjusted the debt ceiling more than a hundred times. The recurring debt crisis will not only have a catastrophic impact on the US economy and people's livelihoods, but also continuously erode the value of US dollar assets such as government credit and US bonds, bringing significant and far-reaching impacts to the global economic landscape. 【