Economy Moving towards New Ecology, Green Livelihood, and Warmth -- A Frontline Observation of High Quality Development in Beijing, Hebei, Shandong, and Hubei

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 20:42 PM

To build a modern socialist country in all respects, we must, first and foremost, pursue high-quality development.

Aiming at high-tech industries, polishing the ecological "gold lettered signboard", and strengthening people's livelihood protection... A recent visit to Beijing, Hebei, Shandong and Hubei shows that the four provinces anchor their regional advantages, deepen the reform of development mode, development momentum, development field, and development quality, and gather strong momentum to accelerate Chinese path to modernization.

Economic Renewal: Shaping New Development Momentum and Advantages through Technological Innovation

At Huake Precision Medical Technology Co., Ltd. located in the Beijing Daxing Biomedical Industry Base, various models of neurosurgical surgical robots have been gradually taken offline. Established for 8 years, this high-tech enterprise has owned over 100 independent intellectual property rights and achieved international leading levels in multiple technological achievements.

There are over 600 landing companies, 622 listed products, and 33 Class I new drugs - this is the transcript of the base's over 20 years of development. Li Xiaotao, Deputy Director of the Beijing Municipal Development and Reform Commission, introduced that as a pilot area for the integration of national advanced manufacturing and modern service industries, this area is becoming an important corner of China's biopharmaceutical industry map, supporting a group of high growth enterprises to continuously innovate and break through.

Last year, a technology-based enterprise was born in Beijing in less than 5 minutes on average. The added value of high-tech industries accounted for 28.4% of GDP, and the proportion of digital economy increased to 41.6%. Relying on the advantage of enriching innovative resources, Beijing aims to create a "new engine" for development in high-precision and cutting-edge industries such as biomedicine, integrated circuits, and new generation information technology.

Opening up new fields and tracks for development through technological innovation, and shaping new driving forces and advantages for development are urgent requirements for high-quality development. The reporter visited the Beijing Hebei Shandong Hubei region and saw that a group of emerging industrial clusters worth billions of yuan are accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system.

Donghu High tech Zone in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China's Optics Valley. Entering Huagong Technology Industry Co., Ltd., laser cutting machines carve and carve steel like flowing clouds, splashing dazzling sparks. Chairman Ma Xinqiang introduced that from the first domestically produced CNC laser cutting machine to the first high-performance fiber laser, Huagong Technology has set more than 60 industry firsts in China.

Mechanism and system innovation, with comprehensive support from capital, platforms, talents, and other factors, multiple leading enterprises in the optoelectronic information industry have grown together, and a series of innovative achievements have emerged one after another... Currently, the scale of the optoelectronic information industry in China Optics Valley has exceeded 500 billion yuan. The five advantageous industries of optoelectronic information, new energy and intelligent connected vehicles, life and health, high-end equipment, and Beidou industry will drive Hubei's manufacturing industry to a new level.

While emerging industries are strong, traditional industries are also undergoing a transformation under the empowerment of technology, moving towards high-end, intelligent, and green development.

Economy Moving towards New Ecology, Green Livelihood, and Warmth -- A Frontline Observation of High Quality Development in Beijing, Hebei, Shandong, and Hubei

In the workshop of Handan Cold Rolling Plant of Hebei Iron and Steel Group Handan Iron and Steel Company, a roll of thin and shiny strip steel runs at a constant speed on the equipment, and the digital assembly line is busy. This is a high-end automotive panel produced for well-known automobile manufacturing enterprises nationwide.

Handan Iron and Steel was once a representative of the traditional steel industry in the old industrial city of Handan. In recent years, after experiencing a series of pains in reducing production capacity, enterprises have persisted in innovation driven development, carried out advanced steel material research and development, and applied intelligent manufacturing technology, shining with new vitality. In the first half of this year, the sales volume of high-end characteristic wear-resistant steel at Hangang exceeded 41000 tons, and the order volume of home appliance boards was 348000 tons, with year-on-year growth of 24.39% and 11.2%, respectively.

In the face of risks and challenges in economic development, it is necessary to solve key core technical problems and firmly grasp the initiative of scientific and technological development in one's own hands.

Entering the Danhe Facility Vegetable Standardization Production Demonstration Park in Shouguang, Shandong, the colorful and diverse flavors of tomatoes on the display stand attract people's attention. They are all domestic varieties without exception.

"In the dialect of Shouguang, tomatoes are called 'foreign persimmons'. Previously, many of the tomatoes we planted were indeed foreign varieties. Now, it is the independently developed' local persimmons' that account for the majority," said Cheng Lin, Deputy General Manager of Shouguang Vegetable Seed Industry Group.

Seeds are the "chips" of agriculture, and as a national "vegetable basket", Shandong Shouguang once highly relied on "foreign seeds". In the past decade or so, Shouguang has launched a revolution in the seed industry through measures such as internal training of local seed industry enterprises and cooperation with foreign research institutes. Nowadays, Shouguang has become a national level regional breeding base for high-quality varieties, with domestic varieties accounting for more than 70% of the main cultivated varieties.

Breaking through the bottleneck of the seed industry in the front-end, developing facility agriculture for agricultural production in the middle, and using big data to analyze the market and empower transactions in the back-end... With the wings of technology inserted, Shouguang vegetables are flying further and further in the national and global markets.

Ecological Green: Supporting High Quality Development with High Quality Ecological Environment

Driving on the forest road in Qiansongba Forest Farm, Fengning Manchu Autonomous County, Chengde City, with lush trees and murmuring streams on both sides. In order to build a strong ecological barrier in the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region, the Jingji region vigorously promotes pollution control and greenery, and builds a beautiful Hebei with blue sky, green land, and beautiful water.

"Planting more trees on the mountain is equivalent to building a reservoir," said He Shuchen, deputy director of Qiansongba Forest Farm. "We have created more than 1.16 million acres of high-quality forests in the sand pit, which not only locks in sandstorms, reduces desertification and soil erosion by about 1.5 million acres, but also nurtures surface runoff on the original sandy wasteland."

Blocking sand sources and conserving water sources, forest farms such as Qiansongba and Saihanba are like a green Great Wall, guarding the northern part of Beijing Tianjin Hebei. At present, the forest coverage rates in Chengde and Zhangjiakou have reached 60% and 50% respectively.

Economy Moving towards New Ecology, Green Livelihood, and Warmth -- A Frontline Observation of High Quality Development in Beijing, Hebei, Shandong, and Hubei

The beautiful ecology with blue sky and green water flowing for a long time is the most universal welfare for people's livelihood and also a necessary part of high-quality development.

The Xinfeng River runs across Daxing and Tongzhou districts of Beijing, with clear water and green banks, and the sound of cicadas chirping. Many citizens take walks and play on the waterfront trail. "The current Xinfeng River is very different from my childhood memories. There is no shadow of 'Stinky Water Gully' or 'Mosquito River'!" sighed Shi Siming, a resident of the '80s generation'.

The once polluted Xinfeng River has been revitalized, becoming a vivid footnote to Beijing's pollution control and green development. Develop and revise 11 resource and environmental regulations, designate 26.1% of land as ecological protection red lines, promote the governance of "scattered pollution" enterprises, dust pollution control, and river ecological governance, and develop "high-precision and cutting-edge" industries; A group of "stinky water rivers" have transformed into ecological "leisure corridors", with an average annual concentration of fine particulate matter decreasing by about 60 micrograms per cubic meter in the past decade. There are over a thousand types of parks such as urban forests and pocket parks... With the continuous improvement of the ecological environment, Beijing has gradually become a beautiful city of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature.

The story of ecological butterfly transformation is also unfolding on the mother river of the Chinese nation, from implementing the "joint efforts to protect the Yangtze River Economic Belt and not engage in large-scale development" to promoting ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin.

Walking into the Shandong Yellow River Delta National Nature Reserve, one can only see deep in the reeds, where fish and birds are abundant. On the electric poles on both sides of the road, large bird nests are clearly visible.

"Some birds like to build nests on tall trees and settle down. We have specially established artificial bird nests to attract them to reproduce and thrive here." Zhang Xitao, a senior engineer of the protected area, introduced that through continuous wetland restoration and ecological water replenishment measures for many years, the biodiversity of the Yellow River Delta wetland has steadily increased, and there are currently 373 species and millions of birds in the protected area.

This is the scenery of Shandong Yellow River Delta National Nature Reserve, taken on May 13, 2021. Photo by Guo Xulei, journalist from Xinhua News Agency

Adjusting the structure of industries, energy, and transportation, implementing the "Ten Major Actions" for ecological protection in the Yellow River Basin, and comprehensively promoting the full process ultra-low emission transformation of industries such as cement and coking... A series of actions have solidified the green background for high-quality development of the land of Qilu.

The main line of the Yangtze River flows through Hubei for over a thousand kilometers, and industries such as mining, metallurgy, chemical industry, and fishery have emerged as a result, but it has also brought about ecological degradation problems.

The predecessor of Huangshi National Mining Park was the open-pit mining site of Daye Iron Mine. Walking into it, the huge mining pit with a drop of over 400 meters and a pit mouth area of over 1 million square meters is breathtaking; After more than 40 years of reclamation, the more than 1 million plants and 3.6 million square meters of black locust forests planted on waste rocks are even more admirable.

"In the past, we sold minerals, but now we 'sell scenery'," said Yan Hongyong, the head of the Huangshi National Mining Park Management Office. The park attracts more than 300000 visitors annually. Especially during the blooming season of Huaihua every year, tourists flock to admire the ecological miracle of planting trees on stones.

Economy Moving towards New Ecology, Green Livelihood, and Warmth -- A Frontline Observation of High Quality Development in Beijing, Hebei, Shandong, and Hubei

Hubei implements comprehensive watershed management actions, striving to achieve ecological beauty, strong industries, and prosperity for the people; Shandong deploys the construction of a green, low-carbon, and high-quality development pilot zone; Hebei is accelerating the construction of a multi energy complementary energy pattern consisting of wind, light, water, fire, nuclear, storage, and hydrogen; Beijing accelerates the construction of "National Forest City"

The "green dividend" of ecological advantages is gradually being released, and the concept of "green mountains and clear waters are as valuable as gold and silver" is becoming more deeply ingrained in people's hearts. The path of green development in Beijing, Hebei, Shandong, and Hubei is becoming wider and wider.

Warming People's Livelihoods: Continuously Transforming Development Achievements into Quality of Life

Zhang Zhaozhi, a 65 year old citizen of Shijiazhuang, suffers from thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm, which has affected the arteries of multiple important organs. He visited multiple hospitals, but the hospital authorities politely refused him for fear of surgery endangering his life. Finally, at the People's Hospital of Peking University Shijiazhuang Hospital, experts from the capital successfully removed the tumor for Zhang Zhaozhi.

Let more Hebei patients stay in the province for serious illnesses. In recent years, with the support of the coordinated development strategy of Beijing Tianjin Hebei, multiple national and regional medical centers such as Shijiazhuang Hospital of Peking University People's Hospital, Baoding Hospital of Beijing Children's Hospital, and Qinhuangdao Hospital of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Oriental Hospital have been established in Hebei, providing more local patients with high-level medical services from large hospitals.

The worries and troubles are gradually resolved step by step, and the sense of gain and happiness of the people is gradually enhanced.

At noon, the "Warm Heart Canteen" in Toujia Village, Yinzi Town, Rongcheng City, Weihai became lively. More than 20 old people ate hot steamed buns just out of the pot, accompanied by delicious shredded radish and rice Congee. The elderly Che Yufen, who was eating, said that since the establishment of the "Warm Heart Canteen" at their doorstep, many elderly people in the village have gained weight.

From dealing with things casually at home to regularly going to the "heartwarming cafeteria" for free or spending one or two yuan to have a delicious meal, the lives of some rural elderly people in Shandong are being changed by elderly cafeterias.

The coverage rate of county-level nursing homes and township regional elderly care service centers in Shandong has reached 100%; The basic living conditions of nearly 2 million disadvantaged people in Hubei have been effectively guaranteed; A group of backbone principals and teachers from primary and secondary schools in Hebei have gone to Beijing for temporary study... The Beijing Hebei Shandong Hubei region focuses on solving the urgent and difficult problems faced by the masses, promoting public services such as elderly care, education, medical care, and housing to benefit more people, and making the foundation of happiness stronger.

Only by living with peace of mind can one integrate into peace of mind and develop smoothly.

Located in the East Lake High tech Zone of Wuhan, Liantou New Youth Community Affordable Rental Housing is equipped with a complete range of household appliances such as air conditioning, refrigerators, and washing machines. The community cafeteria and 700 square meters of "Youth Home" can meet the needs of young people for dining, socializing, leisure, and more. At present, more than 2700 units of housing have been rented to over 2000 people.

Economy Moving towards New Ecology, Green Livelihood, and Warmth -- A Frontline Observation of High Quality Development in Beijing, Hebei, Shandong, and Hubei

In order to solve the housing problems of new citizens, young people and other groups, Hubei has increased the supply of "rent guaranteed housing", and Wuhan has also given rent reduction and exemption to eligible young people who are employed and start businesses. Wu Manman, who just graduated this year, joined a university in Wuhan. After the policy reduction, the monthly rent for the talent apartment she rented was only 100 yuan.

Grassroots governance and ensuring people's livelihoods are closely related to the vital interests of the people, and are fundamental projects for promoting common prosperity and creating a high-quality life.

In the afternoon, in Xicha Hutong, Gongmenkou, Xicheng District, Beijing, residents enjoy the cool and chat, and a time-honored Shaobing (Baked cake in griddle) shop, a specialty coffee shop, and a brewery are all scenic spots. Looking up, above the blue bricks, gray tiles, red walls, and green trees, the White Pagoda of Miaoying Temple is solemn and weathered, reflecting the charm of antiquity and modernity.

In recent years, Beijing has put in a lot of effort to control the "capillaries" of the city, from disorderly overhead cables, filling every corner with garbage, and illegal buildings being "targeted", to demolishing illegal buildings, greening and replanting, and adding new parking spaces... In addition, more than 4000 back streets and alleys have been revitalized. This year, Beijing will also implement a series of livelihood projects such as comprehensive renovation of old residential areas and solving the difficulty of obtaining permits for historical residential projects, in order to create a more comfortable and high-quality modern living space for the people.

When the people call out, I respond accordingly; I will do what the people hope for.

In promoting high-quality development, we are continuously realizing the people's aspirations for a better life, and new development blueprints and new prospects for people's livelihoods are gradually unfolding on the land of Beijing, Hebei, Shandong, and Hubei.

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