Dream Journey of High Altitude Children Stadium | Yushu | Dream

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:10 PM

40 children from Yushu spent an unforgettable holiday in Beijing

The Dream Journey of High Altitude Children

Worker's Daily - Zhonggong Net reporter Deng Qifan

Before coming to Beijing, 14-year-old "Yushu Cristiano Ronaldo" - a Tibetan boy named Abin and his friends knew that one of their itineraries was to play football on a professional football field. They asked the teacher, "Where is the field where Ronaldo plays football?" "Are all the grass in the factory real grass?"

In the hearts of children, being able to watch a game on a "real" stadium is already a dream come true. They didn't expect to one day step onto a professional football field and compete with their peers who are professional athletes. On the morning of June 1st, at the Beijing Workers' Stadium, teenagers from the Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture Children's Welfare Institute in Qinghai Province visited the "New Workers' Stadium" and trained and exchanged with the team members of the Beijing National Security Youth Team - on the "real" football field.

From May 30th to June 3rd, 40 Tibetan teenagers from the Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture Children's Welfare Institute in Qinghai Province participated in the "Three Rivers Source, Beijing Emotions, Chinese Heart - Qinghai Yushu Tibetan Youth Beijing Tour" public welfare activity organized by China News Agency, the People's Government of Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Qinghai Province, and the Beijing Youth Aid Command, hosted by China News Network, and co organized by China Singapore Public Welfare. These children are as young as 7 years old and as young as 16 years old.

Watching the flag raising ceremony at Tiananmen Square; Watching performances at the National Theatre; Immersive experience in the Forbidden City, Great Wall, Bird's Nest, and Water Cube; Visit the former site of the Mongolian Tibetan School and the Experience Hall of the Chinese Ethnic Community; Entering the Central University for Nationalities and the Central Ethnic Song and Dance Troupe for exchange and learning; Training and exchange activities were held with the National Security Youth Football Team at the Workers' Stadium, and Chinese Super League matches were watched. As a caddy, I played together with players from Beijing National Security Club... For children from the plateau, this was a dream journey, and the seeds of their dreams took root and sprouted in their hearts

"I feel like a celebrity"

The biggest shock that the factory gave to Abin was on the evening of June 2nd. That night, it was the match day between Beijing Guoan and Changchun Yatai in the Chinese Super League. Amidst the cheers of nearly 50000 spectators, Abin and five other teammates stepped onto the Chinese Super League field as caddies, "feeling like stars when they appeared.".

Yushu has a strong football atmosphere, and children have loved playing football since childhood. The teacher of Yushu Football Boys is named Dongzhou Wende, 33 years old this year. He also grew up in a welfare institution and has a similar childhood with his young players. Children usually call him "dad", and he often tells them through his own experience that everyone should have dreams and make every effort to achieve them.

The game against the National Security Youth Team the day before showed Dongzhou Wende the gap between the two teams, but he said, "This is a good thing.". The children of the National Security Team praised the Yushu youths as having strong physical fitness and being able to run on the field, but there is still room for improvement in passing and stopping the ball. Seeing the children running freely, Dongzhou Wende also became happy. He hopes these children can "kick all the way to Beijing and the world".

"What is a real university like?"

On June 1st, high school students celebrated their 16th birthday in Beijing. This girl, who is already 1.7 meters tall, had a wish in her heart before coming to Beijing, which is to see what a real university looks like.

June 2nd was the day when her wish was fulfilled.

On this day, the children arrived at Central University for Nationalities, and most of them were entering the university campus for the first time. Visiting the library, art gallery, and ethnic museum on campus, children were amazed by everything around them, such as "such a tall building, such a beautiful fountain", "the library has more than ten floors, and borrowing books requires scanning"

What makes children even happier is the affirmation from university professors and college brothers and sisters. On that day, the children had a sharing and exchange with teachers and students at Central University for Nationalities. Professor Meng Man from Central University for Nationalities quickly brought the children closer by discussing topics such as King Gesar, Tongtian River, and the Jockey Club.

"The teacher said, 'Qinghai is a good place, and I am very happy.' 14-year-old Dian Zhou Songbao said, 'Qinghai has big grasslands, King Gesar, and Tongtian River. Welcome everyone to come and play.'"

Equally happy is also the noise caused by pulling hair. She is known as a top student by her teachers. After visiting the campus, she became even more determined to pursue her dream of getting into a good university and becoming a good judge.

Danzeng Zhuoma, a fourth grade girl, also set a small goal: to study hard, score 95 in mathematics, become a teacher, and teach mathematics in the future.

"Without our motherland, there would be no us."

On the morning of June 1st, the child came to Tiananmen Square to participate in the flag raising ceremony.

They grew up in the love and care of their motherland, coming from welfare institutions. Before leaving for Beijing, many children expressed that their most anticipated itinerary was to watch the flag raising at Tiananmen Square.

In the morning light, 14-year-old Dian Zhou Songbao stood straight. When taking photos, he wanted to be in the same frame as the soldier standing straight behind him. Zhou Songbao's dream is to become a soldier. "Because soldiers can protect our country. I love our country, without our country, there would be no us," he said.

A few days passed quickly, and the children also experienced more "firsts in life". The capital of the great motherland in the hearts of Yushu young people has also gone from books to reality. The first time I took a plane, the first time I came to Beijing, the first time I watched a performance, the first time I climbed the Great Wall... The children gained so many firsts, and their dreams also drew more nutrients from them and became stronger.

As the itinerary was coming to an end, a 13-year-old boy was asked by a journalist what his most beautiful memories of coming to Beijing were. He pursed his lips and smiled, answering, "Meeting you..."

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