Do not sever the development of opposing industries and systems

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 17:46 PM

A wave of industrial integration is sweeping in.

Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Chengdu and other places have recently introduced relevant policy measures to leverage their unique advantages and innovate to promote the development of artificial intelligence; The application scenarios of "AI+" are accelerating their implementation, penetrating from the consumer end to the production end, deeply integrating with fields such as manufacturing, healthcare, energy, transportation, and urban construction, and fully integrating into economic and social development.

As a strategic technology leading a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation, artificial intelligence promotes manufacturing to become "smart manufacturing", breaking through inherent industry boundaries, embedding, deriving, transforming, synthesizing, and improving each other, forming new products, models, and formats with higher efficiency and value. This is a major event and trend.

Follow the trend and plan major events. Only by accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system supported by the real economy, adhering to the integration of the three industries, and striving to seize the strategic high ground, can we win the strategic initiative in future development and international competition.

The inevitable choice from "having" to "being excellent"

China has the world's most complete and largest industrial system, and is the only country in the world to have all industrial categories listed in the United Nations Industrial Classification. And from scratch, we went through a difficult exploration. Since the establishment of the People's Republic of China, five years have laid and solidified the foundation of large-scale industrialization, allowing China's industrialization to integrate into the world market.

It must also be noted that "big" does not mean "strong", and "all" does not mean "excellent". The reality of core competency weaknesses, key competency weaknesses, basic competency weaknesses, and the bottleneck of core key technologies reflects the "bottlenecks" and "breakpoints" of the entire industrial system. Overall, China's manufacturing industry is still in the middle and low-end stages of the international division of labor system, with a relatively low proportion of high-precision and cutting-edge industries in the industrial structure. The development of high value-added links in the industrial chain lags behind, and the labor productivity of the three industries is not high and uneven.

Staying at "having", unable to support the requirements of high-quality development, and unable to match the goals of building a strong country. It is an inevitable choice to make efforts to accelerate the modernization of the industrial system and achieve a leap from "having" to "excellent". Han Wenxiu, Deputy Director in charge of daily work in the Office of the Central Committee of Finance and Economics, believes that the integration of the industrial system has become an important focus. "The modern industrial system is not a simple combination of several industrial categories, but a complex ecological system with organic connections and complementary functions. With the continuous emergence of new technologies, new formats, and new models, industry boundaries are becoming increasingly blurred, and the trend of cross disciplinary integration of cutting-edge technology is becoming more and more obvious. To build a modern industrial system, it is necessary to promote highly coordinated coupling between industrial categories, regions, large, small and medium-sized enterprises, and upstream and downstream links, in order to better unleash the comprehensive benefits of the industrial network."

The manufacturing industry is the core of the real economy. Accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system supported by the real economy cannot focus solely on one aspect and disregard the rest. "From the current perspective of the driving effect of the three industries on the economy, we cannot unilaterally emphasize the development of any industry. The decrease in the proportion of the primary industry can improve the efficiency of capital and labor utilization, and drive the overall increase in national income. The increase in the proportion of the secondary industry is conducive to the expansion of China's economic scale and overall economic efficiency, but the increase in the organic composition of capital leads to faster growth of capital returns, which is not conducive to the narrowing of the income gap between labor and capital. The increase in the proportion of the tertiary industry is conducive to employment growth and the widening of income distribution gap, but it will limit the growth model and economic efficiency improvement." Zhang Hui, Vice Dean of the School of Economics at Peking University, stated that only by integrating the development of the three industries can the value chain be extended, the industrial value be increased, and the industrial value be enhanced. The national economy is developing more steadily and healthily.

This kind of integration is necessary for competitiveness. At present, the global value chain is accelerating its adjustment, and competition among major countries is becoming increasingly fierce. Whoever has a more competitive modern industrial system will have an advantage in the competition.

This kind of integration is also necessary for security. The restructuring of the global industrial chain, significant fluctuations in the international supply of strategic resource products, and the adverse effects of economic globalization have combined to create a "two-way squeeze" between the return of high-end products and the diversion of middle and low-end products in China's industrial development. Only by accelerating the construction of a more secure modern industrial system can we effectively respond to severe challenges.

In the outline of the 14th Five Year Plan, the focus is on deepening the implementation of the strategy of building a strong manufacturing country, developing and strengthening strategic emerging industries, promoting the prosperous development of the service industry, and building a modern infrastructure system; The overall goal of China's development by 2035, outlined at the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, includes "building a modern economic system, forming a new development pattern, and basically achieving new industrialization, informatization, urbanization, and agricultural modernization.".

Integrated deployment and promotion, highlighting the big logic of development, aim at the requirements of the integrity, progressiveness and security of the modern industrial system.

New advantages in the development of "manufacturing+service"

Agriculture is developing one after another, industry and trade are developing together, and modern service industries are assisting and promoting the entire process of industrial production; In the consumer electronics industry, "hardware+data+services" have quietly emerged, and traditional hardware manufacturers have transformed into smart service providers; Automobile manufacturing companies are starting to focus on automotive aftermarket services and expanding new business areas; Under the empowerment of technological innovation, a group of new business models and models with distinct characteristics of industrial integration have emerged, shaping new development advantages. Express delivery enterprises have developed "express delivery in factory" models such as integrated logistics, warehouse and distribution, and embedded e-commerce, upgrading from a single logistics transportation to providing integrated supply chain management services.

At the same time, certain behaviors that are not suitable for the new trend of industrial development and even go against the understanding and behavior of integrated development are also interfering with the pace of development. Some adopt a rigid "dichotomy" between manufacturing and service industries, separating them and allowing service industries to replace manufacturing; Some people, after tasting the sweetness of developing modern service industries, simply equate the "modernization" of the industrial system with increasing the proportion of the service industry, or at the cost of distorting other industries, promote the development of the tertiary industry and the rapid decline in the proportion of the manufacturing industry; There are still many obstacles in promoting the development of the real economy through technological innovation, such as the mismatch between supply and demand, insufficient transformation momentum, and unstable cooperation.

A lesson learned from the past cannot be ignored. Some Latin American countries, due to premature deindustrialization, have gradually collapsed their manufacturing systems and become trapped in the middle-income trap, unable to extricate themselves; Some developed countries have outsourced a large number of general manufacturing industries, leaving only high-end links such as R&D and brand management serving the production link of manufacturing industry at home, leading to hollowing out of industries, foam and growing social problems. Although they have tried their best to promote "reindustrialization" in recent years, internationally recognized results are poor.

Therefore, the first meeting of the 20th Central Committee of Finance and Economics, recently held, emphasized that the construction of a modern industrial system should "adhere to the integration and development of the three industries, and avoid fragmentation and opposition.".

The three industries are not a piece of cake that grows and wanes, but a cake that can be made bigger and bigger through integration. The development of the manufacturing industry requires both agriculture as the foundation and the empowerment of high-level service industries; Both productive service industry and life service industry rely on a developed industrial system. For example, information services, design and development, warehousing and logistics, and technical support services in the production field all provide guarantees for industrial technological progress, industrial upgrading, and improving production efficiency; The rapid growth of demand for life services is also due to the continuous advancement of industrialization, the increasing richness of social products, and the satisfaction of people's basic needs.

The development of manufacturing and service industries is a spiral upward trend of mutual reliance and interdependence. Especially service-oriented manufacturing is a redefinition of the manufacturing industry. From both economic theory and industrial practice, expanding and improving towards service-oriented manufacturing is the only way for the manufacturing industry to expand profitability and reshape competitive advantages.

According to data, on an international average, the service revenue of manufacturing enterprises accounts for approximately 30% of their operating revenue. About 20% of the Fortune Global 500 companies have service revenue of around 50%, and some even reach over 70%.

Due to its late start, low level of specialization and high-end development, China's productive service industry is still unable to fully unleash its powerful empowerment engine on advanced manufacturing, facing problems such as imbalanced development, weak synergy, insufficient integration depth, and difficulty in fully adapting policy environment and institutional mechanisms to the development process. "The strategic connection between the two is insufficient, with a single integration method and few integration links, loose interest connections, few leading enterprises, weak driving capabilities, and incomplete relevant institutional mechanisms. To better grasp the trend of industrial integration development, it is necessary to take promoting the deep integration of advanced manufacturing and modern service industries as an important focus, further deepening the business connection, chain extension, and technological penetration between the two, actively exploring new business forms, models, and paths, and promoting industrial integration, mutual growth, coupling and symbiosis." Wei Jigang, Deputy Director and Researcher of the China International Development Knowledge Center, believes that.

"Cultivating soil and fattening" to shape industrial ecology

Promoting the integration, growth, and coupling of industries is not only about the combination of industries, but also about the reconstruction and reconstruction of industries. It requires thinking from the perspectives of market chain, industry chain, value chain, and so on. To facilitate the implementation of this series of thinking, it is necessary to "cultivate soil and fatten" and shape the industrial ecology. It is particularly important to establish an industrial policy system that promotes integrated and integrated development, strengthen the basic position of fair competition policies, and enhance the coordination between industrial policies and competition policies; It is the courage to break path dependence, synchronously promote the modernization of the industrial governance system, and continuously improve the modernization level of the government's industrial governance capacity.

"We need to improve industrial policies in the new development stage, prioritize maintaining industrial security, strengthen top-level design in strategic areas, and enhance industrial policy coordination." "We need to strengthen key core technology research and strategic resource support, and implement the position of enterprises as the main body of scientific and technological innovation from an institutional perspective." "We need to pay more attention to storing grain in technology and breaking through the limitations of natural conditions such as farmland on agricultural production." The series of scientific deployments made at the first meeting of the 20th Central Committee of Finance and Economics are precisely the direction of modernizing the industrial governance system.

Exploring an industrial ecosystem that matches the trend of industrial integration and development requires greater attention to the inherent correlation between various industries and factors, while balancing development needs and practical capabilities, medium - and long-term goals, and short-term goals. And what runs through it is the precise grasp of some breakthrough points.

——Infrastructure support. Infrastructure provides indispensable public services for industrial development and is an important component of modern industrial systems. "New infrastructure" triggers strong integration across technological boundaries and unleashes energy, which cannot be underestimated. How to make good use of "new infrastructure"? How can "new infrastructure" take the "new" path well? The root of all of this lies in adapting measures to local conditions. For relatively mature facilities such as 5G and big data, various regions can create conditions to vigorously promote them; For infrastructure such as artificial intelligence that is still in development, different strategies should be adopted to avoid rushing to avoid waste and inefficiency caused by redundant construction.

——The convergence of platform enterprises. Driven by a new round of information technology revolution, a number of "manufacturing service platforms" or "service manufacturing platforms" have emerged, of which the industrial Internet is a representative. With its vigorous development, products, machines, data, etc. have achieved interconnectivity and comprehensive integration, promoting real-time information exchange between equipment operation, workshop distribution, enterprise production, and market demand. The entire production process has become more precise and effective, demonstrating the power of the platform. Adapting to such development needs, accelerating the improvement of relevant policies that are conducive to the development of platform based enterprises, clarifying platform operation rules and rights and responsibilities boundaries, enhancing their functions of integrating resources, connecting supply and demand, and collaborative innovation, supporting platform based enterprises to drive and integrate upstream and downstream industries, in order to unleash the power of the platform.

——The joint efforts of element departments. 1、 The complementary and win-win situation of the second and third industries requires the matching and follow-up of various factors, which means that efforts need to be made outside the industry. Only by closely cooperating and deeply collaborating with the industrial and factor sectors, comprehensively enhancing the support level of technology, finance, and talent services for the integrated development of the three industries, establishing a modern scientific and technological innovation system, innovative talent introduction and training system, and financial service system, can we build a strong advanced manufacturing industry, modern service industry, and modern agriculture, and ultimately build a modern industrial system.

Above the breakthrough point, add more focus points. Not long ago, the opinion on accelerating the development of advanced manufacturing clusters was reviewed and approved. The development of advanced manufacturing clusters aims to continuously promote the high concentration of resource elements in a certain regional space through specialized division of labor and cooperation, drive the development of various links in production, distribution, circulation, and consumption, and form a small industrial cycle within the region. In the small cycle of advanced manufacturing clusters, the industrial "small ecosystem" formed by the synergy of industry, technology, finance, and talent is an important component of the modern industrial system, which is the "big ecosystem".

The direction is clear, and we are determined to move forward. The integration and development of the three industries are steadily advancing, and the new momentum released by the modern industrial system is limitless!

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