Displaying Colorful Silk Road Culture and Promoting Cultural Exchange and Mutual Learning - Observing Opera at the Xinjiang International Ethnic Dance Festival in China | Performers of the Dawn Song and Dance Troupe in Saratov Oblast, Russia | Dance Festival

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 14:31 PM

Ethnic dance, ballet, classical dance, dance dramas, operas, musicals, "Dawn" and "Sleeping Beauty"... In the midsummer, 60 exciting performances from three continents took turns in Xinjiang, allowing people of all ethnic groups who were already good at singing and dancing to feast their eyes and feel satisfied.

Civilization is colorful through communication, and enriched through mutual learning.

The 6th China Xinjiang International Ethnic Dance Festival with the theme of "Dancing Dreams and Beautiful Silk Road" was held from July 20th to August 5th. More than 1000 artists from more than 10 countries and regions in Asia, Europe, and Africa gathered at the foot of the Tianshan Mountains, using dance as a medium and dance enthusiasts. Through the window of the dance festival, people can see a real, open, and beautiful Xinjiang, and also feel firsthand the beauty of each and every beauty, the beauty of the people, the unity of beauty, and the Chinese atmosphere of universal harmony.

Social interaction, Silk Road dance steps converge in the Tianshan Mountains

Displaying Colorful Silk Road Culture and Promoting Cultural Exchange and Mutual Learning - Observing Opera at the Xinjiang International Ethnic Dance Festival in China | Performers of the Dawn Song and Dance Troupe in Saratov Oblast, Russia | Dance Festival

On the night of July 23rd, at Urumqi Diwobao International Airport. After a flight of about 30 hours, Lujanda Mdinji and his companions arrived in Xinjiang, China from Cape Town, South Africa. Just as they boarded the plane, six actors from the Muqam Art Troupe of the Xinjiang Art Theatre welcomed them.

At Urumqi Diwobao International Airport, actors from the Muqam Art Troupe of the Xinjiang Art Theatre warmly danced and welcomed arriving South African dancers. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu

The sound of music and the flying dance. In the exit hall, before they could even put down their backpacks, these members from the South African Elvis Dance Art Troupe started learning Xinjiang dance and then showcased the South African Zulu dance, which swept away the fatigue of the journey.

"The enthusiasm in Xinjiang makes me feel like I'm back home," said Nomhandasso Mlenwa, the head of the dance troupe, expressing the common voice of many visiting art troupes.

Displaying Colorful Silk Road Culture and Promoting Cultural Exchange and Mutual Learning - Observing Opera at the Xinjiang International Ethnic Dance Festival in China | Performers of the Dawn Song and Dance Troupe in Saratov Oblast, Russia | Dance Festival

Muqin, pagoda hat, gold-plated mask, traditional long drum... To showcase Thailand's national treasure art - Kong Opera, the Dance Troupe of the Thai Academy of Art Development brings various instruments weighing a whopping 300 kilograms. "This is a great event, and we look forward to presenting the best performance to the Chinese audience," said dance troupe leader Jintana.

The actors from the Dance Troupe of the Thai Academy of Art Development and the Muqam Art Troupe of the Xinjiang Art Theatre in China dance together. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu

On the evening of July 26th, the dance drama "Dream of the Red Chamber" brought by the Jiangsu Grand Theater was performed at the Urumqi Cultural Center Grand Theater, showcasing the profound meaning of this legendary masterpiece through a dance that combines dignified, ancient, and modern elements.

The performance is sold out upon ticket issuance, and the venue is fully booked. It's late at night, the play has ended, and there are still many "hardcore fans" dressed in Hanfu lingering in the theater for group photos

Displaying Colorful Silk Road Culture and Promoting Cultural Exchange and Mutual Learning - Observing Opera at the Xinjiang International Ethnic Dance Festival in China | Performers of the Dawn Song and Dance Troupe in Saratov Oblast, Russia | Dance Festival

At the Urumqi Evening News Theater, actors from the Dawn Song and Dance Troupe of Saratov Oblast, Russia, performed their representative work "Dawn" for the audience. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu

The representative work "Dawn" by the Saratov Oblast Song and Dance Troupe in Russia, the ethnic dance "Enjoy Korea" by the Busan Municipal Dance Troupe in South Korea, and the classic dance performance "Sleeping Beauty" by the Ballet of the Belarusian National Theatre... This artistic feast, which lasted for more than half a month, brought together 28 excellent plays from both domestic and foreign sources, with the cast and performance scale reaching the highest in history.

Performers from the Busan Municipal Dance Troupe in South Korea perform the program "Enjoy Korea" for the audience. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu

Communication, global civilization shining together

Displaying Colorful Silk Road Culture and Promoting Cultural Exchange and Mutual Learning - Observing Opera at the Xinjiang International Ethnic Dance Festival in China | Performers of the Dawn Song and Dance Troupe in Saratov Oblast, Russia | Dance Festival

The original dance play "Zhang Qian" by the Xinjiang Art Theatre Song and Dance Troupe is the opening performance of this year's dance festival. "Zhang Qian's' hollowing out journey 'paved the way for the ancient Silk Road and achieved the glory of' envoys facing each other on the road, business travel on the road '. This has similarities with the use of graceful dance steps in dance festivals to build bridges of friendship," said Xing Shimao, the chief director of the opening ceremony.

After the opening ceremony of the 6th Xinjiang International Ethnic Dance Festival in China, actors from the Xinjiang Art Theatre Song and Dance Troupe performed a large-scale original historical themed dance drama "Zhang Qian". Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu

After watching the dance drama "Zhang Qian" live, the director of the Dawn Song and Dance Troupe in Saratov, Russia, Najerda Borisovna Makeeva, couldn't calm down for a long time.

"Although the language is not clear, I can fully understand the entire plot of 'Zhang Qian'. The protagonist explores the ancient Silk Road, goes through hardships, and gains sincere friendship and touching love, which is very touching," she said.

Displaying Colorful Silk Road Culture and Promoting Cultural Exchange and Mutual Learning - Observing Opera at the Xinjiang International Ethnic Dance Festival in China | Performers of the Dawn Song and Dance Troupe in Saratov Oblast, Russia | Dance Festival

Nusreti Vajiddin, Honorary Chairman of Xinjiang Musicians Association, was equally excited after watching the South African Elvis Dance Art Troupe's dance play "Soul of Ubantu".

Actors from the Elvis Dance Troupe in South Africa perform the dance drama "Soul of Ubantu". Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Xiaocheng

"Although the expression methods are very different from ours, we can feel that South African artists, through their body language, unreservedly convey pure passion and happiness to the audience's hearts.".

The diversity of human civilization endows this world with vibrant colors, bringing about communication, nurturing fusion, and progress through fusion. During the dance festival, scenes of different cultures shining together can be seen everywhere.

Displaying Colorful Silk Road Culture and Promoting Cultural Exchange and Mutual Learning - Observing Opera at the Xinjiang International Ethnic Dance Festival in China | Performers of the Dawn Song and Dance Troupe in Saratov Oblast, Russia | Dance Festival

Dancers from the Tumor Song and Dance Troupe at the National Theatre of Uzbekistan perform "Our Common Home". Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xiang

During the performance of the Tumor Song and Dance Troupe's song and dance performance "Our Common Homeland" at the National Theatre of Uzbekistan, the familiar and friendly melody of the Chinese classical folk song "Joyful Ocean" sounded. The actors performed a brilliant dance with Chinese style, which surprised the audience and brought warm applause.

During the rehearsal before the performance, while the musicians from the Dance Troupe of the Thai Academy of Art Development were tuning the xylophone, they improvised a song called "Men Should Be Self Strengthening" on site, and all the Chinese personnel present showed knowing smiles.

In front of a projection animation showcasing a bountiful harvest of farmers at the Xinjiang Art Museum, 17-year-old Russian dancer Sofia Yevremenko and her companions gestured to learn the dance movements in the animation, with a sense of accuracy. "Xinjiang has done a great job in protecting and inheriting the cultures of various ethnic groups, and has utilized modern technological means, which is impressive," she said.

Displaying Colorful Silk Road Culture and Promoting Cultural Exchange and Mutual Learning - Observing Opera at the Xinjiang International Ethnic Dance Festival in China | Performers of the Dawn Song and Dance Troupe in Saratov Oblast, Russia | Dance Festival

At the Xinjiang Art Museum, the performers of the Kyrgyzstan National White Deer Dance Troupe are experiencing Chinese painting. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Fei

After the performance, members of the visiting art troupe walked into Xinjiang Art Museum, Xinjiang Library, Urumqi Peking Opera Theater and other places to wear Han suits, experience Paper Cuttings, listen to famous zither songs, learn the traditional Chinese bowing ceremony, and feel the artistic charm of Chinese quintessence Peking Opera.

At the Xinjiang Library, Urumqi guzheng enthusiasts perform "Fishing Boats Sing Evening" for foreign song and dance troupe performers. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu

Ma Yire Aimaitijiang, an actor from the Xinjiang Art Theatre Song and Dance Troupe, participated in the first dance festival. "At that time, I was the lead dancer in the Xinjiang song and dance" Top Bowl Dance ", and this time I was the lead actress in the dance drama" Zhang Qian ". The International Dance Festival became a good platform for us to learn and learn from foreign actors, and enhance friendship."

Displaying Colorful Silk Road Culture and Promoting Cultural Exchange and Mutual Learning - Observing Opera at the Xinjiang International Ethnic Dance Festival in China | Performers of the Dawn Song and Dance Troupe in Saratov Oblast, Russia | Dance Festival

Integration, people to people communication, promoting openness

Culture transcends time and space, art transcends national borders. Using dance as a medium, this year's dance festival has also become an excellent opportunity for artists from various countries to experience the beautiful Xinjiang and promote people to people communication.

Before the end of the performance by the Russian dance troupe, the actors warmly invited the audience to come on stage, holding hands with the actors and dancing happily together.

At the Urumqi Evening News Theater, actors from the Dawn Song and Dance Troupe of Saratov Oblast, Russia, invited live audiences to dance together on stage. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Hu Huhu

Displaying Colorful Silk Road Culture and Promoting Cultural Exchange and Mutual Learning - Observing Opera at the Xinjiang International Ethnic Dance Festival in China | Performers of the Dawn Song and Dance Troupe in Saratov Oblast, Russia | Dance Festival

At the end of the performance, dance troupes from South Africa and Thailand coincidentally raised the flags of Central South and China Thailand to express friendship to the Chinese audience.

After the performance, the audience took photos with the actors, smiling one after another, becoming a shared beautiful memory.

During their stay in Xinjiang, many foreign artists also visited local markets, streets, museums, and scenic spots to experience the warm hospitality of the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang from zero distance.

"Openness," "prosperity," and "beauty" are the most talked about words by Chinese and foreign artists about their trip to Xinjiang.

Displaying Colorful Silk Road Culture and Promoting Cultural Exchange and Mutual Learning - Observing Opera at the Xinjiang International Ethnic Dance Festival in China | Performers of the Dawn Song and Dance Troupe in Saratov Oblast, Russia | Dance Festival

"Urumqi is even more bustling and beautiful than before!" said Kumisai Baitireova, a musician from the Saltana National Dance Troupe in Kazakhstan. This is her third time coming to Xinjiang for exchange and performance.

During the break from the performance, Polatibekova Koremeti from the National White Deer Dance Troupe of Kyrgyzstan and his companions went shopping, shopping, and watching art exhibitions. She put on the white background red flower dress she bought in China, and also bought a peony fan, sighing, "The trip to Xinjiang, China, unforgettable in this life!"

This cultural feast promotes mutual learning of civilizations and mutual understanding among the people, and also effectively enhances the sense of gain and happiness of local people of all ethnic groups. Adhering to the purpose of "a grand event of art and a festival for the people", this dance festival implements a tiered ticket price of 80 to 380 yuan for the benefit of the people.

"It's so dreamy! You can enjoy top domestic and foreign art works right at your doorstep." 23-year-old He Yihang bought tickets for performances in "The Eternal Radio" and "Sleeping Beauty," expressing his joy beyond words.

Displaying Colorful Silk Road Culture and Promoting Cultural Exchange and Mutual Learning - Observing Opera at the Xinjiang International Ethnic Dance Festival in China | Performers of the Dawn Song and Dance Troupe in Saratov Oblast, Russia | Dance Festival

Actors from the Ballet of the Belarusian National Theatre performed in "Sleeping Beauty". Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Fei

Audience Wang Yunxiao said that Xinjiang's culture is diverse and inclusive, and he hopes to use the dance festival to better promote Xinjiang's diverse and colorful culture to the whole country and the world.

"The holding of the six dance festivals has brought sustained and positive impact on the innovation and integration of dance creation in Xinjiang." Dilina Abula, Vice Chairman of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and Chairman of the Xinjiang Dancers Association, believes that in recent years, Xinjiang's dance masterpieces have emerged frequently, which has also inspired dance workers to continue to draw on the nutrients of excellent traditional Chinese culture, tell Chinese stories well, and spread the voice of China.

On the night of July 26th, before the South African dance troupe boarded the flight leaving Xinjiang, Chinese staff received the following message: "Since the moment our troupe arrived in Urumqi, we have felt the hospitality and enthusiasm of the people of Xinjiang, and truly experienced the charm of 'Xinjiang is a good place'." We will bring the deep friendship of the people of Xinjiang back to Africa and spread it widely. ".

Displaying Colorful Silk Road Culture and Promoting Cultural Exchange and Mutual Learning - Observing Opera at the Xinjiang International Ethnic Dance Festival in China | Performers of the Dawn Song and Dance Troupe in Saratov Oblast, Russia | Dance Festival

Text and video posters

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