Director of Continuing Struggle, Selahemaiti Aihetaimu | Phone | Charm

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 00:55 AM

Figure 1: Wu Tianyi is communicating with reporters.

Photographed by Jiang Feng

Figure 2: Wei Deyou on the patrol road.

Photo by Huang Lianghui

Figure 3: Maimaitijiang Wumaier at home.

Xiong Hongjiu Photography

Figure 4: Lin Dan is carrying out community activities.

Map provided by Junmen Community in Fuzhou City

Figure ⑤: Huang Dafa walking in the forest.

Photo by Tian Yi

On June 29, 2021, the awarding ceremony of the "July 1st Medal" to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC was held in the Golden Hall of the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.

Even though time passes, glory will not diminish. Today, this edition invites writers and journalists to visit five meritorious party members who have been awarded the "July 1st Medal". In their ordinary and extraordinary current lives, they can feel the charm of continuous struggle and listen to the pulse of loyalty to the party.


Wu Tianyi:

Moving forward without stopping

Jiang Feng

Early in the morning of the Dragon Boat Festival, I dialed the phone according to the agreed time. After only a few beeps, the other end answered, "Little Jiang!"

Academician Wu Tianyi's voice remained loud and friendly. After a brief conversation, Mr. Wu talked about the upcoming important day:

"There are still a few days to go, June 29. On this day two years ago, General Secretary Xi Jinping personally awarded me the 'July 1 Medal'. The scene at that time always flashed in my mind, and every time I think about it, my heart is surging." Wu Lao said, "I want to take my family back to watch the video of the award of honors at that time to motivate myself to move on. For me, honor is even more of a spur!"

Nearly ninety years old, still not saying old; Whipping and motivating, where do we go?He said, "I am now the '80s generation', and I am about to become the '90s generation'. As I get older, it doesn't mean that your footsteps will stop. This heavy honor inspires me to continue moving forward, striving, creating, and contributing my strength!"

In the past few years, Mr. Wu has been tirelessly writing and constantly challenging new fields. In May of this year, the book "Plateau and Obesity and diabetes" edited by him was published. It uses 1.2 million words to systematically explain the beneficial effects of plateau on obesity and diabetes, and how to regulate human body function under mild hypoxia environment. "I have been dealing with high-altitude diseases for a lifetime, not only studying the pathogenesis, clinical characteristics, and effective prevention and treatment of high-altitude diseases, but also using a low oxygen environment to regulate human blood lipids and blood sugar. I have also discovered, paid attention to, and studied for decades. I hope that through this book by myself and the research team, the majority of people's view that 'high-altitude is harmful to the body' will change. Turning to a new field, Mr. Wu once again dares to be the first. 'Science emphasizes objectivity, and objectivity comes from practice. I believe that this topic will achieve greater development in the future.'"

When it comes to the research team of Qinghai High Altitude Medical Science Research Institute, Mr. Wu once again talked about the issue of talent cultivation that he has been longing for. Looking back on his own life, he has two expectations for the younger generation of high-altitude medicine: "Firstly, there should be a broad accumulation of knowledge, not just in medicine, but also in physiology, environmental science, ecology, and so on; secondly, there should be a spirit of dedication, and when faced with difficulties, one should not shrink back and firmly move forward!" What inspired Wu Lao is that "there are now many interdisciplinary talents related to high-altitude medicine who are entering this promising field.". Nowadays, among the research team of Qinghai High Altitude Medical Science Research Institute, "20% of the young people born in the 1980s and 1990s have already made up.".

The firewood is passed down and never stops, and Wu Lao is like the same big tree, sheltering future generations to grow strong and upward.

Huang Dafa:

The days are getting better and better

He Jianming

I haven't seen Huang Dafa, the old secretary in Zunyi, Guizhou, for almost six years. A video call came over, and the old man asked me to "wait" because he was giving a party lecture to a group of young party members and cadres who had come from afar.

The village cadre Xiao Shen told me over the phone that Huang Dafa's family is very busy every day now. As long as he is at home, he either receives visiting or tourist groups, or teaches party lessons to party members and cadres who come from all over the country, telling his stories of his past struggles

"How is the elderly person's health? They're almost ninety years old, right?" This is what I care about.

"I'm 88 years old this year, very healthy! It seems even more resilient than when you came to interview six years ago..." said Xiao Shen.

About forty minutes later, Huang Dafa, who had finished his class, began a video call with me. He speaks with a strong aura, and his voice is even louder than when I first saw him six years ago.

"The days are getting better and better! After your book came out, many people came to our Unity Village to visit and travel... I'm so happy!" He said with a smile on his face.

The old man couldn't wait to tell me some good news: "The road from our village to the city has become much more convenient now. The province has built a 'Dafa Bridge' for us. You must take a look, writer He. With the repair of this bridge, our previous' Tianqu 'has also become a' Tianqiao '..." The nearby Xiao Shen quickly turned his phone lens to the nearby' Dafa Canal Extra Large Bridge 'to show me - oh, the bridge is indeed majestic, like a rainbow, spanning between two large mountains, how spectacular!

Xiao Shen introduced that this bridge started construction in 2019 and was officially opened to traffic in 2022. After the completion of the bridge, the time for villagers in Huang Dafa's village to travel out of the mountain by car was reduced from over 50 minutes to two minutes.

"The changes are so great! Nowadays, Tuanjie Village has become a well-known vacation and tourist destination, receiving waves of guests every day... Many people have started rural tourism, and their days are much more prosperous than before!" It can be heard that this is the happiest thing for Huang Dafa's family.

"Where are you still busy every day now?" I am very concerned about his current life.

"Busy, very busy, I have to receive people every day, tell them about our past canal construction, and introduce the changes in the village today. Also, I have to give party lectures to party members, cadres, and young people from all over the country..."

"Do you have to tell everyone every day?"

"Speaking. At most, we have to teach five or six classes a day!" The elderly obviously don't take the hard work of teaching seriously. He said that his original home has now become a party education base, and his family has moved into a new house in the village.

A person who lives with a good heart will live a long and healthy life. A few days ago, a friend of mine who works at Shanghai Television went to shoot a special feature film for Huang Dafa's elderly home. At the age of 88, he climbed onto the passenger seat and humorously said to several young men, "You guys are all very handsome!" Now, I have seen his energetic appearance with my own eyes. I am truly happy for the old hero in my heart.

"When will you definitely come back to our Unity Village to take a look? It changes every day here!"

"Definitely. I will definitely go!" I promised him. When I said this, my eyes were a bit wet... because I really miss him.

Director of Continuing Struggle, Selahemaiti Aihetaimu | Phone | Charm

Wei Deyou:

I only wish to guard the border for a lifetime

Yang Mingfang Li Yanan

In Tacheng, Xinjiang, the summer sky breaks early on the Sarbulak grassland. In the morning light, Wei Deyou and his wife Liu Jinghao walked towards the flagpole in the small courtyard, preparing to raise the national flag. Liu Jing was eager to tighten the rope, while Wei Deyou vigorously waved his right arm, and a bright five-star red flag spread out in the wind. Accompanied by the national anthem, the five-star red flag slowly rises. Daughter Wei Ping followed behind, paying attention with her parents.

Every morning, the first thing the two elderly people do after waking up is to raise the national flag. Whenever they see a bright national flag, a sense of pride arises in their hearts: "No matter how far they go, seeing a five-star red flag will lead them to their home."

"You go take a look at the sheep, have a bite to eat, and get ready to go out!" After raising the flag, Wei Deyou reminded Wei Ping to go out early, watch while walking, and pay more attention to the border defense line.

"Don't worry, I've been taking your whip for several years! On the other hand, you should be careful at home and not be too tired," Wei Ping reminded while having breakfast.

Taking advantage of the heat not yet rising, Wei Deyou picked up the water pipe and went to water the trees and vegetables. The small saplings planted a few years ago have grown much taller, and the vegetable garden is lush green. "Be diligent, you don't have to buy groceries all summer. We also grow watermelons and cantaloupes here!" The old man was very proud.

The work in the small courtyard is almost done, and Liu Jing is ready to prepare watermelons and receive incoming guests. In July 2021, after the opening of the Wei Deyou Border Garrison Exhibition Hall, almost every day people came to visit and study, with tens of thousands of educated party members and masses. Listening to Wei Deyou's border defense story and looking at the old objects he used during his border defense, a figure who adhered to his beliefs and patrolled the border seemed to emerge before people's eyes.

"Grandpa Wei, how did you persist in such a difficult environment for nearly sixty years?" A visiting middle school student asked Wei Deyou.

"If the party organization didn't send me over at that time, they would send someone else over. I promised to guard the border and do it well for a lifetime," Wei Deyou replied.

"If you have been here, you will have a better understanding of what border defense is; if you have been here, you will see what kind of people shoulder the responsibility of being a 'national defender'; if you have been here, you will experience the earth moving spirit of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps..." A young mother wrote on her social circle after visiting, "In the future, we will bring our children back to better inherit the red gene and continue the red bloodline."

The story of Wei Deyou was also brought to the stage. On June 27th, the large-scale musical "Living Boundary Monument" based on Wei Deyou premiered at the Performing Arts Building Theater of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Cultural and Art Center, attracting hundreds of viewers. We met Wei Deyou and his wife on site. Wei Deyou said, "Actually, I didn't do anything. This drama performed me too well. I just hope to pass on the spirit of defending the border."

Nowadays, smart border defense has been built on the border of the Sarbulak grassland, and Wei Deyou has also handed over the sheep whip to Wei Ping. However, when he was free, he still used to walk along the familiar pastoral path. Apart from the promise of "as long as I can still walk", there is also a sincere admiration: "Our country is becoming stronger and stronger!"

Maimaitijiang Wumaier:

Inheriting the Red Gene

Xiong Hongjiu

After two years, I returned to Bulikai Village, Wenyar Township, Yining County, Xinjiang. On both sides of the clean street, the villages are orderly, with lush trees and blooming flowers. As soon as the car stopped at the entrance of the courtyard, Maimaitijiang Wumaier, the 71 year old secretary of the Bulikai Village branch, quickly walked out and held my hand tightly. This recipient of the July 1st Medal is still spirited and energetic.

It was the Dragon Boat Festival, and the family was sitting in the yard, preparing to make Zongzi. Maimaitijiang's wife Nurbuwei Mijiti said that she had hoped her husband would retire and be clean for a few days, but now he is even busier. Every week, his employer invites him to give party lectures, and many people come to the village to visit and study. Some even directly find their homes, but Maimaitijiang never refuses. Her tone was a bit resentful, but more proud.

Maimaitijiang Wumaier said that he is willing to teach everyone, especially to go to school and tell children about his childhood life, so that children can feel the greatness of the Communist Party and the strength of the motherland in the new era. He has already taught more than ten Party history courses in just four primary and secondary schools, and in addition, he gives more than fifty lectures every year in various units in the state.

Selahemaiti Aihetaimu, the director of the Bulikai Village Committee, told us that although Maimaitijiang Wumaier has retired, he has always been concerned about the work in the village, especially the most difficult mass work. Last spring, the village was researching the transfer of a batch of land, but the two families with better plots did not agree. The village committee repeatedly came to their homes but failed to work, so they had to seek help from Maimaitijiang. After going to Maimaitijiang, I didn't talk about land transfer. Instead, I asked about my children's education, livestock farming, the health of the elderly, and the harvest of grain. Gradually, I brought the topic to family income. He carefully calculated the income from farming one by one, excluding costs and labor expenses. The income per acre was less than 1200 yuan, while the land transfer cost was 1500 yuan per acre. He could also work in cooperatives and earn another salary. The farmer suddenly realized and agreed to the transfer on the spot. After going out, Maimaitijiang said that when doing mass work, one should not be impatient, but should keep track of the labor costs that are often forgotten by them. Only when cadres safeguard the interests of the masses can the masses be willing to follow them.

After learning that Maimaitijiang Wumaier's daughter is working as the village branch secretary in Duolang Village, Wenyar Township, I decided to have a good chat with her.

Zubaidan Maimaitijiang is a capable person with a face full of vitality, unlike people in their early forties. "I didn't originally like being a village cadre," Zubaidan told me. She knew from a young age that her father, who was a village cadre, had very little rest time and sometimes even brought a large group of villagers home, pouring tea and managing food. In her impression, her father is "everyone's" and her mother is "her own". She worked in the township government after graduation and has been unwilling to be transferred to the village.

"Why did you go later?" I asked curiously.

"I accompanied my father to Beijing to participate in the 'July 1st Medal' award ceremony. In the audience, I was deeply moved by the deeds of the models. Compared to them, I realized that as the daughter of the recipient of the 'July 1st Medal', my ideological consciousness was too low." After returning, she actively applied to the organization, hoping to work in the village. My father was also very happy to learn about it and specifically helped her choose Duolang Village, which has backward industries and remote roads. In the past two years, the village has undergone significant changes, and Zubaidan has become more passionate about his work.

At present, based on the deeds of Maimaitijiang Wumaier, the village has built the "Bulikai Village Red Education Base". As long as the body allows, Maimaitijiang Wumaier must personally explain. He said he hopes to be the inheritor, narrator, and practitioner of the red gene, and he will continue to do so.


Becoming a seed

Chen Yida

Knowing that Lin Dan is very busy, as soon as the Dragon Boat Festival holiday passed, I headed straight to Junmen Community, Gulou District, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province. As soon as I entered the community service hall, I quickly asked the staff, is Secretary Lin Dan there? The staff replied that she has gone out and there are activities at the community square in the morning. I chased straight ahead and coincidentally met Lin Dan on the road, so I followed her all the way to Junmen Square.

Lin Dan had no time to attend to me and was busy greeting the community residents who came to participate in the activity to take their seats. I looked at the scene and found out that today happened to be National Land Day. The Natural Resources and Planning Bureau of Gulou District came to the community to carry out promotional activities. Lin Dan didn't have time to chat with me until the activity was arranged properly.

Lin Dan told me that after returning from participating in the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, she served as a member of the "Five Advancements and Five Studies" theoretical preaching team in Gulou District and was invited to give more than 60 preaching reports to various government agencies, enterprises and institutions in the province. The online and offline preaching covered nearly 50000 people. In order to enable the residents of Junmen Community to better learn and understand the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, she set up community forums in residential buildings, Su Gongjing, and other places within the community, striving to make the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China take root in the community. Based on the spirit of "improving the social governance system" proposed in the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Junmen Community has established the "Social Governance Citizen Committee" with the guidance and support of higher-level departments, promoting the resolution of urgent and difficult issues for the community, such as the installation of community cameras and free replacement of eleven electricity meters in Antai Center

I asked Lin Dan, "You're already in your seventies and still working tirelessly like this. Don't you feel tired?"

Lin Dan smiled and said, "As a witness and witness to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, I believe I should become a seed that spreads the spirit of the 20th National Congress. This seed of mine needs to sprout, bloom, and bear fruit."

Junmen Community is now one of the characteristic teaching points for theme education in Fujian Province. Lin Dan and his colleagues launched the "Five Brightness" project for party members in the Junmen community, requiring all party members in the community to "clarify their identities, responsibilities, commitments, services, and brands", and make every effort to solve the urgent needs and anxieties of the community. At the same time, they are accelerating the construction of smart communities and building an information comprehensive service platform that integrates convenient services, community promotion, interactive communication and other functions, providing comprehensive services such as online interaction, policy push, information inquiry, and business processing for community residents.

When I left Junmen Square, there was a National Land Day knowledge competition taking place at the event venue, and residents present raised their hands to participate. Looking at the smiling community residents under the sunshine, Lin Dan appeared very pleased. At this moment, I deeply feel that she has indeed made the happiness of community residents her own happiness!


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