Details of US military oil theft exposed!

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 22:06 PM

For many years, the United States has frequently illegally stationed troops in Syria to illegally extract Syrian oil. According to official data released by Syria, the daily oil production in the first half of 2022 was approximately 80300 barrels, of which approximately 66000 barrels were plundered by the US military and its supported armed forces every day. That is to say, 82% of Syria's oil has been stolen by the US military.

According to official Syrian media reports, in the first half of June alone, the United States illegally stationed troops in Syria have cumulatively used over 114 oil tankers to illegally extract Syrian oil.

Through multiple contacts and communication, the CCTV reporter recently found an informant from the oil producing area in northeastern Syria to restore the history of the US military's oil theft.

Details of US military oil theft exposed!

In Syria, problems such as difficulty in refueling and high oil prices have long plagued the Syrian people, and even when journalists conduct interviews across provinces and cities, at least two large barrels of gasoline must be prepared in the trunk of cars. So, where has the oil from the oil producing country Syria gone? How did the frequent occurrence of the "US military oil theft incident" in the news take place? What calculations did the US military use to steal oil in Syria?

Strictly control illegal mining routes

Set up detectors to prevent civilians from filming

Details of US military oil theft exposed!

Eikham lives in the suburbs of Hassaq province in northeastern Syria and is a free media person. He told the CCTV reporter that he had long-term contact with local insiders who knew about the illegal US military operations, and even some anonymous sources of opposition armed groups. Based on the information provided by these individuals and the videos they captured, Einham told the CCTV reporter about the activities of illegal US troops stationed in the area and their underlying purposes.

Einham stated that it is difficult to capture the oil extraction route they stole. The US patrol team escorted a convoy of oil tankers to border crossing points such as West Marka, Walid, and Mahmoud. People who attempted to take photos with cameras or mobile phones were arrested and even killed. A photographer that Eiham knows is still being detained. Americans have also set up detectors in the area to prevent civilians from using mobile phones to take photos. When a convoy of oil tankers escorted by the United States passes by, communication in the entire region will be disrupted.

Collaborate with the local opposition

Details of US military oil theft exposed!

The public dares to be angry but not speak up

In the past month, Einham visited multiple witnesses and insiders of illegal US military oil extraction in Hassak and Deir Zor provinces. After integrating the information they provided, the CCTV reporter learned that for a long time, the US military has cooperated with local opposition armed groups to transport dozens of oil tankers carrying stolen oil almost every day out of the country. Under the high-pressure control of the US military and opposition armed forces, the local people dare not speak up or be angry. For safety reasons, few people are willing to face the camera directly.

A resident of Hassak province pointed out that Syrian oil has been stolen, and Hassak people are all witnesses. The situation of oil theft is astonishing, with a fleet of tanker trucks loaded with stolen oil from Syria, seriously affecting the government's work and the activities of public or private sector personnel. The act of oil theft is shocking. The US military escorts oil tankers across the border to sell oil, a phenomenon that has been ongoing since 2015.

Details of US military oil theft exposed!

Long term presence in oil producing areas in northeastern Syria

The oil field has become a military base for the US military

According to the information compiled by Einham, the Omar and Tanak oil fields in Deir Zor province have become the main sources of oil theft by the US military due to their abundant reserves. These two oil fields have also become military bases for the US military.

Details of US military oil theft exposed!

The Ramallan oil field in Hassaq province also has relatively abundant oil reserves, making it one of the earliest oil fields controlled and illegally exploited by the US military due to its proximity to the Syrian Iraq border.

The oil fields in the oil producing areas of northeastern Syria are mainly concentrated in the provinces of Deir Zor and Hassaq.

The province of Deir Zor includes the Omar and Tanak oil fields, which have the highest oil production, and the US military is stationed here for illegal extraction. After illegal mining, head north, pass through the city of Hassak, and exit from the border crossing points of Mahmud or Walid.

Details of US military oil theft exposed!

The Ramallan oil region in Hassaq province is very close to the border. After the US military steals oil from here, it will be directly transported out of the country to Iraq.

During the investigation, Einham also took the risk of taking a car to observe some of the necessary routes and surrounding areas of the US military convoy.

Eikham pointed out that he is currently on a branch road connecting Hassak and Deir Zor provinces. This road is very busy, but the main road cannot be reached due to American surveillance. After the US military illegally extracted oil in the southern part of Hassak Province and Deir Zor Province, it will be transported outward through this road. Locals have witnessed with their own eyes that dozens of oil tankers are escorted by American patrol teams every day. The Omar oilfield is considered to be the highest oil producing oilfield in Syria, where the US military is stationed and heavily guarded. The convoys traveling this route are also protected by the US military or allies.

Details of US military oil theft exposed!

Stealing oil to achieve a closed loop of benefits

Becoming a part of US regional policies

In fact, Syria's oil production is not considered abundant for the United States, so why bother to retain troops in Syrian oil fields and plunder local oil? The US military gained profits by stealing Syrian oil, thereby enhancing its military strength in Syria, funding opposition armed groups, and further ensuring its continued oil theft, achieving a closed loop of interests. Not only that, the US military also has a deeper intention to steal oil.

Details of US military oil theft exposed!

Syrian political analyst Mohammad Omali pointed out that the plundering of Syrian oil is part of US regional policy, combined with economic sanctions, infrastructure destruction, and food plundering, with the main purpose of promoting opposition from the Syrian people to the government, causing sustained and exacerbated poverty in Syria, leading to chaos and the spread of terrorism. Most importantly, they prevent the Syrian government from obtaining economic sources, prevent Syrian refugees from returning, and hinder Syrian reconstruction.

The US military plunders recklessly

Neglecting the human rights of the Syrian people

Details of US military oil theft exposed!

The Syrian people strongly condemn the heinous act of the US military stealing Syrian oil and other resources.

Syrian citizen Handi Hasib said that due to the United States controlling their most important resources and sources of national income, things have become very bad, reflected in all aspects of the lives of the Syrian people.

Syrian citizen Ahmad Hassan said that although their country has many oil fields, they are facing energy shortages due to the United States stealing oil.

Details of US military oil theft exposed!

Syrian citizen Majid Rossi stated that the country's resources have been plundered by the illegally occupied Americans in northeastern Syria, such as oil, wheat, cotton, etc. They took these resources from the Syrians, causing poverty, hunger, and disease among them.

The Syrian government has repeatedly condemned the actions of the United States, which seriously violate international law and the United Nations Charter, and have had a catastrophic impact on Syria. The presence of the US military has become a nightmare for the local people. They stated that the United States' disregard for human rights for its own selfish interests is a manifestation of its hegemonic ideology. But the Syrian people will not yield, they will continue to demand the withdrawal of the US military and strive for national unity.

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Details of US military oil theft exposed!
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