Decoding Cultural Confidence in City Samples | Haina Baichuan Pu Huazhang - Decoding Cultural Confidence in "People's City" Shanghai Sample Culture | Shanghai | Sample

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:36 PM

The Pujiang River surges forward, and the eastern tide is broad.

For more than 100 years, as an important window for China to face the world and strive for innovation, red culture, Shanghai style culture, and Jiangnan culture have been stirring and blending in the metropolis of Shanghai.

Culture is the soul of a city. Shanghai, the birthplace of the Party and the birthplace of its original aspiration, promotes cultural confidence and self-improvement through inheritance and innovation, and unites efforts to build a people's city.

"A Big Red": Over a Hundred Years of Splendor Still Remains

This "big red" will never fade.

No. 76 Xingye Road, the site of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The small building of Shikumen, with black lacquer wooden doors, carved lintels, and vermilion window frames, has gone through more than a hundred years of spring and autumn, but its fragrance still remains.

Decoding Cultural Confidence in City Samples | Haina Baichuan Pu Huazhang - Decoding Cultural Confidence in "People's City" Shanghai Sample Culture | Shanghai | Sample

The site of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China is bustling with people. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Ying

On the one hand, Xintiandi Street is shining brightly, forming an open and block type cultural space with the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China Memorial Hall. Today, this place has become the most charming urban cultural landmark in the hearts of more and more young people.

The first full Chinese translation of the Communist Manifesto is published here, revolutionary newspapers such as New Youth, Communist Party, and Guide are founded here, and the Internationale is translated into Chinese here

"Red is the most distinctive cultural background in Shanghai," said Xiong Yuezhi, a historian and researcher at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences.

Taking the site of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China as the center, about 800 meters west, in Laoyuyang Village, the Communist Party of China initiated the formation of a site; About 1 kilometer to the north, in Fudhry, the site of the Second National Congress of the Communist Party of China; About 500 meters south, Cheng Yuli, the former site of the new printing house that printed the first Chinese full translation of the Communist Manifesto... On the map of the city, there are over 600 red resources scattered like stars.

The Memorial Hall of the Second National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Ying

Decoding Cultural Confidence in City Samples | Haina Baichuan Pu Huazhang - Decoding Cultural Confidence in "People's City" Shanghai Sample Culture | Shanghai | Sample

This "big red" is timeless and timeless.

The ruins of the old site have become the "classroom" of Party history, cultural relics and historical materials have become the "teaching materials" of Party history, and heroic models have become the "teachers" of Party history - Shanghai innovates ways of expression, enters the young population, and brings red resources to life.

The continuous promotion of "100 Things in 100 Schools, 100 Lectures to Prove a Century" has selected 100 revolutionary cultural relics that witness important history from the collection of more than 120000 items in the Memorial Hall of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China to enter the campus; The Shanghai Red Culture and Creativity Competition has reached its fourth session, with the deep integration and innovative interpretation of time-honored brands and revolutionary cultural relics, making red culture approachable, cute, and "within reach"

This "big red" has integrated into the city's bloodline, becoming a powerful energy that continues the city's memory and inspires new people of the era.

In recent years, Shanghai has created a number of acclaimed and popular literary and artistic works, allowing young people to enter the history of heroes and stir their youth with their youth.

"The faith of the heroes in the play has deeply moved us and improved us, and we need to use our own performances to infect more audiences." During the tour, Zhu Jiejing and Wang Jiajun, the leading actors of the dance drama "Never Die Wave", have joined the CPC with honor one after another.

Decoding Cultural Confidence in City Samples | Haina Baichuan Pu Huazhang - Decoding Cultural Confidence in "People's City" Shanghai Sample Culture | Shanghai | Sample

In the Longhua Martyrs Cemetery, there are clusters of flowers in front of the graves of martyrs such as Chen Yannian, Chen Qiaonian, Zhao Shiyan, Peng Pai, and He Mengxiong. Today, letters written to heroes are stacked one after another.

Between the lines, there is a genuine and meaningful feeling. "We have always been on the right path you have chosen," "I wish you could see Shanghai today"

"One River, One River": The tide of the times is surging and surging

Huang Baomei, a 92-year-old recipient of the "July 1st Medal" and an outstanding representative of textile workers in New China, has worked and lived by the Huangpu River for a lifetime, witnessing the development and evolution of Shanghai's industrial civilization. What impressed her was that the old factory building has now become a public space such as a museum, coffee shop, and party and mass service center.

The Suzhou River, which flows into the Huangpu River, runs through the heart of the city in nine curves and eighteen turns from west to east. On a peninsula on the riverbank, the filling workshop of Shanghai Brewery, built in 1933, has been transformed into an environmental theme park, telling the past and present of Suzhou River to citizens and tourists.

Overlooking the intersection of Suzhou River and Huangpu River from the air. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Fang Zhe

Decoding Cultural Confidence in City Samples | Haina Baichuan Pu Huazhang - Decoding Cultural Confidence in "People's City" Shanghai Sample Culture | Shanghai | Sample

"'One River, One River 'is a unique urban symbol of Shanghai and a prominent cultural landmark," said Wang Zhan, Chairman of the Shanghai Federation of Social Sciences.

Strolling along the Yangpu riverbank, it feels like walking through the "corridor of modern industrial civilization in China". Here, more than ten Chinese national industrial firsts have emerged, including water plants, power plants, and gas plants; By the Suzhou River, there is China's first national capital machine flour factory, first cotton textile factory, first sulfuric acid factory, and first machine production seasoning factory.

As time passes, with the transformation and upgrading of industries, many old industrial relics have retired, and the densely packed docks, factories, and warehouses along the river have become obstacles for citizens to get close to water; A large amount of industrial and domestic wastewater is directly discharged into the Suzhou River, and the pollution of the river is increasing year by year. In the 1970s, fish and shrimp disappeared from the urban river section, and the river water was black and smelly all year round.

People's cities are built by the people, and people's cities are for the people. In recent years, the "One River, One River" has opened up nearly a hundred kilometers of coastline, and Shanghai's urban image has been renewed through protection and renewal.

The old site of Xiangtai Muxing has been renovated and constructed as the Yangpu Binjiang People's Urban Construction Planning Exhibition Hall. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Ying

The best river scenery is dedicated to the citizens. On a new life "show" belt, the once auspicious wooden walk has become a showcase of Yangpu Binjiang People's Urban Construction Planning; The former production site of the "largest soap factory in the Far East" transformed into the "soap dream space" White Seven Cafe; Huang Baomei used to work at the 17th National Cotton Factory, but now it is the bustling Shanghai International Fashion Center

Decoding Cultural Confidence in City Samples | Haina Baichuan Pu Huazhang - Decoding Cultural Confidence in "People's City" Shanghai Sample Culture | Shanghai | Sample

The clear river water is dedicated to the citizens. After thirty years and three phases of renovation, the Suzhou River has transformed from "black like ink" to "beautiful like a painting", with fish swimming at the shallow bottom, gulls and egrets gathering everywhere, green corridors extending, water routes open, and exciting rowing sports.

"To retain the imprint of urban transformation, what is tangible is to preserve historical buildings and relics in their original state, while what is intangible is to allow people to retain the memory of the city from the texture and details of public spaces, feel nostalgia, craftsmanship, and inheritance." said Qian Bin, Director of the Yangpu District Bureau of Culture and Tourism in Shanghai.

"One river, one river" is surging and surging, and cultural forces are driving the vitality of cities. The Zhangyuan Garden, the largest, most complete, and diverse mid to late period Shikumen architectural complex in Shanghai, has undergone four years of protective repair and has been endowed with new commercial functions and formats; The Xuhui Hengfu style area, with 232 excellent historical buildings, retains the authentic Shanghai style with "micro updates"

New cultural space: beauty and mutual nourishment of people's hearts

As night falls, the buildings of the Bund are brightly lit; The Wukang Building, which is as old as before, is full of vicissitudes and mystery, attracting a multitude of visitors... With 1058 outstanding historical buildings and 3075 buildings, 397 protected roads, 250 protected neighborhoods, and 44 historical and cultural areas, it exudes a refined and fashionable atmosphere in Shanghai.

History, present, and future are intertwined and nourished in a series of new cultural spaces.

Decoding Cultural Confidence in City Samples | Haina Baichuan Pu Huazhang - Decoding Cultural Confidence in "People's City" Shanghai Sample Culture | Shanghai | Sample

Interior view of the reading square in the south of the East Hall of Shanghai Library. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Fang Zhe

The bustling city is very close, and "poetry and distance" are not far away. People can turn the "Dream Forest" into a reading landscape in the East Hall of the Shanghai Library, which is known as the "jade in the forest"; You can also watch the sunrise and sunset at the "Most Beautiful Bookstore" by Dishui Lake at Duoyun Academy

The public cultural circle of "10 minutes in the central urban area and 15 minutes in the suburbs" has been basically formed, and art galleries, theaters, and design and creative institutions have naturally formed communities. Shanghai has taken the lead in building a modern public cultural service system nationwide.

Urban culture also empowers economic pulsation. In 2022, the total output of Shanghai's cultural and creative industries accounted for about 13% of the city's GDP, and the overall development resilience and vitality of cultural and creative enterprises were strong.

Cultural resonance, beauty and harmony. Shanghai is continuously promoting exchanges and mutual learning between Chinese and foreign civilizations, demonstrating its cultural confidence and character.

From last year to this year, the Shanghai Museum's exhibition "From Botticelli to Van Gogh" echoes the rare authentic Botticelli Renaissance from the Uffizi Art Museum in Italy at the East One Art Museum on the Bund; The Pudong Art Museum across the river, the "Outline of Time" exhibition from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in the United States, and art collections from the Thyssen Museum in Spain are gradually being updated.

Decoding Cultural Confidence in City Samples | Haina Baichuan Pu Huazhang - Decoding Cultural Confidence in "People's City" Shanghai Sample Culture | Shanghai | Sample

Shanghai citizens and tourists watch street art performances in the central square of Yu Garden Shopping Mall. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Ying

Following the trajectory of exploring the origin of Chinese civilization, the second exhibition of the Shanghai Museum's "Why China" Cultural Relics and Archaeology Exhibition, "Empirical China: Songze Liangzhu Civilization Archaeology Exhibition," is poised to take off. Chu Xiaobo, the curator of Shanghai Museum, said, "We plan to gather more than 320 groups of unearthed cultural relics to reproduce the glory of civilization in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River more than 5000 years ago." Oracle bone pottery symbols, bronze heavy objects, Qin bricks and Han tiles are gathered in Shanghai Fengxian Museum. "Danjia Qingwen - essence Exhibition of Chinese Characters Cultural Relics" is telling people about the beauty of Chinese characters over thousands of years, showing the continuous vitality of Chinese civilization.

Through each cultural relic, one can experience the profound heritage of Chinese civilization and draw the power of cultural confidence from it. The bustling audience inside and outside museums and art galleries is the most eye-catching "protagonist" in this city's cultural landscape.

Continuing the context and writing magnificent chapters. Promoting an open, innovative, and inclusive urban character, strengthening cultural confidence, and practicing the concept of a people's city, Shanghai is accelerating the construction of a socialist modern international metropolis, constantly creating new glory.

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