"Daily high salary"... Be wary of these 10 recruitment traps!, Charging "internal promotion", "click cashback", "work from home related | services | recruitment

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:16 PM

In order to help job seekers effectively identify scams, improve risk prevention awareness and self-protection ability, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Central Cyberspace Administration, and the Ministry of Public Security have recently sorted out and summarized four types of ten typical traps in the field of job recruitment services, analyzed their main characteristics and methods of committing crimes, and provided typical cases and prevention tips, reminding and helping college graduates and other job seekers find their ideal jobs safely and efficiently.

1. illegal employment intermediary trap

1. Recruitment of "black intermediary"

Some "black intermediaries" without relevant qualifications, without obtaining human resources service licenses, or using or forging relevant qualifications illegally engage in intermediary service activities such as job introductions and job recruitment, and even some companies themselves are non-existent. Most of these "black intermediaries" are unable to provide real and legal "reliable" job opportunities. They often use false recruitment information under the guise of job introductions, using various methods such as "easy to get high salaries" and "fast promotion and salary increase" as bait to deceive job seekers of money.

Case: Job seeker Xiao Zhou is eager to find a satisfactory job after graduating from university. Through someone's introduction, we have established contact with intermediary agency A online. A institution claims that by paying an intermediary fee of 65000 yuan, Xiao Zhou can be arranged to work as a salesperson at B Group, with a monthly salary of 20000 yuan and an additional commission. Xiao Zhou did not see his human resources service license and related information on the website of agency A. When he asked about the situation, agency A evaded and said that the license was being processed, so it was definitely not a problem. Due to the favor of a friend, Xiao Zhou did not delve further and quickly signed a service agreement with Agency A and paid the intermediary fee. Subsequently, Agency A informed Xiao Zhou that Group B was not hiring due to unforeseen circumstances and arranged for Xiao Zhou to work at another Company C. After joining Company C, Xiao Zhou found that his salary was only 4000 yuan, and he was under a lot of daily work pressure. He didn't pay social security for himself, which was completely different from the situation he was introduced to. When Xiaozhou wanted to ask Agency A to introduce another job or refund the agency fee, he found that he could no longer contact the agency.

Prevention tips:

According to laws and regulations such as the Employment Promotion Law, the Interim Regulations on the Human Resources Market, and the Regulations on the Management of Online Recruitment Services, relevant institutions engaged in occupational intermediary activities and online recruitment services shall apply for administrative licenses from the human resources and social security administrative department in accordance with the law and obtain a human resources service license; Institutions engaged in online recruitment services should continuously publicize business licenses, human resources service licenses and other information, or link signs of relevant information, in prominent positions on their websites, mobile Internet applications and other home pages. Those who violate relevant regulations will be punished accordingly by the administrative department of human resources and social security; If it constitutes a violation of public security management, the public security department will impose public security management penalties in accordance with the law. If it constitutes a crime, criminal responsibility will be pursued in accordance with the law.

Unauthorized "black intermediaries" engaged in professional intermediary activities are typical illegal behaviors, and in other forms of "traps" introduced later, they are often organized or participated in by "black intermediaries". In this regard, the relevant regulatory authorities will continue to focus on rectification and severe crackdowns. When job seekers seek employment through the Internet or offline intermediary service agencies, they should choose legitimate human resources service agencies with formal qualifications. They must check whether they have obtained a human resources service license. It is better to choose a service agency with high integrity and standardized operation. Don't trust the verbal promises of intermediary agencies, be sure to sign a formal service agreement on the basis of confirming the relevant content. Once encountering a "black intermediary", please promptly complain and report to the human resources and social security department. If personal property, personal safety, and other legitimate rights and interests are infringed upon, please keep relevant evidence and immediately report to the police.

2. recruitment fee trap

2. pay money before entering the job

Intermediary agencies charge job seekers various fees under various pretexts before introducing themselves to work, which is the most typical job recruitment trap. The common method used by criminals is to charge fees under the pretext of deposits, security deposits, certification fees, clothing fees, information fees, etc., and then force job seekers to automatically give up or leave the job with various demanding requirements, and the paid fees are not refunded to job seekers on the pretext of not returning them. This type of scam often has several characteristics: promising high salaries for positions and promising easy work; Low requirements for education and work experience; The interview process is simple and easy to pass; The charges are urgent and seem to have different names, but in reality, they are not reasonable and legal.

Case: Job seeker Xiao Li saw the recruitment information of Company A on a certain recruitment platform and joined the QQ group for job application based on the contact information provided by the information. The group leader claims that the recruitment work of Company A is undertaken by B intermediary agency, and with a responsible attitude towards customers, B agency is required to collect a certain amount of deposit from all personnel participating in the job application. Xiao Li went online to verify the qualifications of Company A, which is a relatively legitimate company. However, he did not verify the qualification information of Company B and related personnel. He paid a deposit, work ID fee, vest fee, training fee, and task deposit, totaling more than 2000 yuan. But as soon as Xiaoli finished paying, he was blacklisted by the QQ group owner.

3. Job search "internal referral"

Individual intermediaries or individuals claim to cooperate with well-known companies such as the Fortune 500 and large state-owned enterprises, and have the right to recommend internally. As long as they pay a certain amount of money, job seekers can successfully obtain high-quality offers from popular industry companies such as finance and the Internet through their professional guidance or specific ways. But these promises that can be "internally pushed" and "guaranteed to offer" are often difficult to fulfill. Some job seekers are hired because they meet the requirements of the relevant position, and these institutions credit themselves; If the job seeker is not hired, such institutions will use various reasons to evade and refuse to refund the relevant fees to the job seeker.

Case: Job seeker Xiao Liu has a master's degree from a foreign university. After returning to China, he found a job agency online because he did not have a good understanding of the job search situation in China. The agency said that it has "resources" to ensure that he can get an offer from a first-line Internet company. For this reason, Xiao Liu paid a service fee of 16999 yuan, but the institution only provided him with two general courses to modify his resume, and made various perfunctory requests for him to join as soon as possible. Later on, he simply "lost contact", and the promised offer disappeared.

4. Recruiting "routine loans"

Criminals collude with non-performing online lending platforms to "dig out" new recruitment traps such as car loans and beauty loans, mainly deceiving job seekers who have recently graduated, are new to the workplace, and are eager to find a job.

Case: Job applicant Xiao Wang saw information on a certain recruitment platform about recruiting truck drivers, stating that they can drive trucks to pick up goods, obtain a C1 driver's license, and have a guaranteed monthly income of 28000 yuan. During the interview, the company promised to have a guaranteed income, but the prerequisite was to purchase a 4.2-meter-long truck on the platform. As long as the truck was purchased, they could sign a contract with the logistics company they worked with. But after paying a down payment of over 40000 yuan and applying for a 36 month mortgage loan to purchase a light truck, Xiao Wang found that he had neither stock nor work to do. In the end, not only did he not earn any money, but he also took on a huge loan.

5. Bundled paid training for onboarding

Some training institutions or intermediary companies recruit students under the guise of recruitment, using high salaries and well-known enterprise job positions as bait to attract job seekers. During interviews, they ask job seekers for reasons such as "insufficient work ability" and "job qualifications are limited", requiring onboarding or certification training, and promising to start work after completing the training. When job seekers pay training fees, such training institutions do not provide the promised corresponding work, or dismiss job seekers as soon as they start working due to reasons such as not meeting job requirements. Some companies, once they collect training fees from job seekers, will immediately evaporate from the workforce.

Case: A company recruited programmers on a certain recruitment platform with "high salary+zero recruitment conditions". Xiao Gao was attracted by this high salary condition to submit his resume and participate in an interview. After the interview, Company A requested Xiaogao to participate in a self funded training organized by the company, citing a mismatch in their major, before they can be officially hired. Without much thought, Xiaogao signed an agreement during the internship period before joining, with training fees reaching tens of thousands of yuan. Later on, Xiaogao gradually realized that the training provided by the company was all online courses on video websites, and there was no actual work arranged for a long time. Finally, for various reasons, he was unable to pass the internship period. At this moment, Xiaogao realized that he had spent a lot of money on "training" instead of finding a job.

Prevention tips:

Article 9 of the Labor Contract Law clearly stipulates that when an employer recruits a worker, it shall not collect any property from the worker in any name. Article 27 of the Provisional Regulations on the Human Resources Market stipulates that human resources service institutions shall not use fraud, violence, coercion or other improper means to recruit personnel or carry out other human resources services commissioned by employers, and shall not seek improper benefits under the pretext of recruitment. Those who violate relevant regulations will be ordered by the administrative department of human resources and social security to make corrections, have their illegal gains confiscated, be fined, and have their human resources service license revoked; Those who cause damage to individuals shall bear civil liability in accordance with the law or be punished by relevant competent authorities in accordance with the law.

Such diverse fee behaviors during the recruitment process often involve false recruitment and fraudulent property acquisition. Employers and human resources service institutions should strictly abide by relevant laws and regulations, operate legally and with integrity, and shall not engage in or participate in illegal and irregular activities such as false recruitment. Fees such as "internal promotion" and "guaranteed offers" are often false advertising, suspected of violating laws and regulations. Job seekers should not believe in the words of scammers with a mentality of "taking shortcuts" or "relying on relationships". They should seek employment through formal online recruitment service platforms, human resources service agencies, or the official website of employers. It is best for job seekers to verify the relevant qualifications of companies with job application intentions through third-party platforms and other channels in advance. If the company requests to rent, purchase various types of work equipment, or pay or take out loans for job positions for various reasons during the job search process, it should be decisively rejected to avoid being deceived. The cost of employee training should generally be borne by the employer. Job seekers must be vigilant against the trap of being scammed for training fees, wasting time and energy, and ultimately not learning any skills, let alone getting their ideal job, in order to meet the requirements of being able to hire through paid training and ensuring employment. If job seekers fall into a scam, please remember to keep relevant evidence, report to the police in a timely manner, and file a complaint with the human resources and social security department.

"Daily high salary"... Be wary of these 10 recruitment traps!, Charging "internal promotion", "click cashback", "work from home related | services | recruitment

3. lure to engage in illegal activities in the name of recruitment

6. Part-time "brush list"

Criminals usually post pre fabricated job recruitment information on well-known websites, forums, and various online service platforms, using words such as "high salary urgent employment" and "unlimited education" to attract attention. Once job seekers click on the link, they will be asked to further "chat" or "discuss in detail" through adding QQ, WeChat, and other methods, gradually exposing more personal information and being induced to download the brushing app. Once a job seeker falls into a trap, they can easily earn a few hundred yuan in the first few rounds of brushing orders, and then advance more money to obtain a higher commission rate, until a considerable amount of their funds are transferred to the designated account of the illegal elements, and they will be quickly blacklisted by the other party.

Case: Company A, disguised as a legitimate enterprise, posted recruitment information for the position of "clerk" on a recruitment platform, claiming that "they can work from home, earn high salaries every day, earn over 10000 yuan per month, and work easily and freely.". After submitting his resume to Company A online, job seeker Xiao Zhao was quickly informed that he could enter the probation period and was asked to download an app to engage in "brushing orders" work. This job requires Xiao Zhao to purchase designated products on various e-commerce platforms, most of which are virtual products such as recharge cards and online services. After purchasing the goods, Xiao Zhao needs to contact the company through payment screenshots and order numbers to obtain profits. At first, Xiao Zhao would still receive small profits, but when he increased the value of the products he swiped, he was informed by the company that due to system or bank issues, he was temporarily unable to receive refunds and needed to swipe a few more orders in order to concentrate on returning the profits. Xiao Zhao was embezzled more money in order to retrieve the principal of the paid goods and gain profits, resulting in a loss of tens of thousands of yuan.

7. MLM "attracting new customers"

Pyramid marketing organizations have typical characteristics such as charging entry fees, attracting people, and a pyramid structure profit model. In recent years, under severe crackdowns from relevant departments, some pyramid schemes have shifted to using online recruitment traps to attract new employees and develop offline sales. These types of pyramid schemes release recruitment information on recruitment platforms, using incentives such as "work study", "part-time job recruitment", and "high returns" to attract job seekers to apply. Once job seekers fall into a trap, pyramid schemes will demand payment of certain fees or purchase of a certain product, and assign various "sales tasks". This type of pyramid scheme activity itself has a certain degree of confusion and is often implemented through online recruitment and other means, which further increases its concealment.

Case: A company claiming to be a telecommunications service agent widely publishes recruitment information on online recruitment platforms. The company hires all applicants and requires them to apply for a 5G communication package employee card worth 159 yuan per month, a deposit of 1440 yuan, and a contract period of 24 months when they start working. The only job for applicants is to recruit no less than 10 new employees per month, in order to continuously develop and go offline. This case resulted in many people being deceived, and some victims even became deeply involved. Even after the company was cracked down on, they still did not believe that they had fallen into the scam and engaged in illegal activities. In response, relevant departments explained to the victims the legal provisions of the state prohibiting and cracking down on pyramid schemes, analyzed the pitfalls of pyramid schemes and their serious harm, and made them realize that no matter what kind of packaging or form pyramid schemes are used, they cannot change the essence of their illegal activities.

8. Pornographic recruitment

These recruitment traps often target young women, often under the guise of recruiting "administrative secretaries" and "life assistants". Some even use the guise of recruiting emerging professions such as online anchors, or explicitly or implicitly require "special companionship" and "special service", essentially requiring female job seekers to engage in pornographic services.

Case: Company A posted a message through a certain online recruitment platform stating that "high paying room attendants are recruited", and it was explicitly stated that "beautiful women under 26 years old, physically and mentally healthy, able to freely manage their time, facing various difficulties, and in need of high income are welcome to apply.". After applying for the job, the young and beautiful girl Xiaomei was invited by the recruitment personnel of Company A to a hotel room for an interview. Although Xiaomei, who had little job seeking experience, felt that the interview location and method were somewhat strange, she still couldn't resist the temptation of favorable conditions to participate in the interview. During the interview, the recruiter from Company A vaguely stated, "We are looking for high paying positions here, and beautiful women should be clear about what they are doing." They also offered attractive "welfare benefits" such as a starting salary of 50000 to 100000 yuan per month, including meals, accommodation, and daily wages. They kept inquiring about personal privacy information such as whether they were married and whether they had a boyfriend. At this moment, Xiaomei realized that this job was not easy, so she cleverly made excuses to leave in a timely manner to avoid being violated.

9. Stealing personal information

Some illegal elements, under the guise of recruitment, engage in telecommunications fraud under the guise of "high paying part-time jobs" and "click cashback", inducing job applicants to apply for bank cards, mobile cards, or register APP accounts. These bank cards, mobile phone cards, or payment accounts can be used by criminals for illegal activities such as fraud and money laundering. Once the relevant information is involved, it will directly affect the holder, causing personal credit damage or corresponding legal responsibilities.

Case: Company A posted information on the recruitment platform, such as "Easy part-time job, only requires ID card, can be completed in ten minutes, and good salary". Xiao He, with the intention of giving it a try, added his QQ number to apply for the job. The other party told him that after joining the company, his salary will be transferred to his salary card through the internal platform, but before the interview, he needs to download a certain app and bind it to his bank card. Xiao He took the photo, but didn't expect the interview to be delayed. Instead, he received a call from the public security department, informing him that his bank cards were suspected of money laundering and other criminal activities, and requesting his cooperation in the investigation. At this moment, Xiaohe suddenly realized that his personal information had been stolen and utilized by criminals.

Prevention tips:

Using information technology such as the internet and new media to lure job seekers into engaging in various illegal and irregular activities under the guise of recruitment is a common fraudulent technique in recent years. In this regard, job seekers should establish a correct concept of career choice, sharpen their "eyes" in identifying scams, master the "tricks" to prevent traps, and be vigilant when encountering job postings that sound beautiful, such as "less work and more money", "easy money", "lying flat and making money", and when encountering "good things" like "pie falling from the sky". They should investigate, ask, and be cautious, and be cautious of "stepping on landmines" and "falling into traps". Once job seekers are deceived or harmed, please immediately report to the police for help, and they can promptly report to the human resources and social security department and relevant intermediary agencies.

All types of human resources service institutions shall strictly implement the relevant provisions of the Interim Regulations on the Human Resources Market and the Regulations on the Management of Online Recruitment Services. When accepting the recruitment of personnel commissioned by employers, they shall require the employer to provide relevant materials and review the authenticity and legality of the materials. They shall not seek undue benefits under the pretext of recruitment, nor introduce units or individuals to engage in illegal activities; When collecting and using personal information of users engaged in online recruitment services, they shall comply with the provisions of laws and administrative regulations on personal information protection. Those who violate relevant regulations will be punished by relevant departments in accordance with the law.

4. contract trap

10. "Celine" contract

When job seekers are looking for a job, they also need to guard against labor contract traps. Some employers refuse to sign a written labor contract with workers under various pretexts, some do not provide workers with a copy of the contract for retention after signing the contract, and some contracts lack specific information such as job position, labor remuneration, and working conditions. After the employee starts working, especially when there are some disputes, the employer may delay or refuse to pay wages on the grounds of not having a written labor contract or violating the relevant terms of the contract.

Case: Job seeker Xiao Wu saw the recruitment information for general workers published by Company A on a certain recruitment platform. After he came to the company to apply, the relevant management personnel clearly stated that his monthly salary was 20000 yuan. When Xiao Wu signed the labor contract upon joining, the company requested to include a monthly salary of 8000 yuan in the contract, citing underpayment of personal income tax. The company also verbally promised to make up for the remaining balance by reimbursing accommodation and gas expenses. Xiao Wu signed a labor contract due to his eagerness to join the company. After working for a period of time, the company believed that Xiao Wu was not fully competent for the position and requested him to resign as soon as possible. Xiao Wu requested the company to pay one month's salary as a proxy notice and another month's salary as economic compensation according to the initial clear monthly salary of 20000 yuan. However, the company advocates compensation based on a written contract and a monthly salary standard of 8000 yuan.

Prevention tips:

Article 10 of the Labor Contract Law stipulates that in order to establish a labor relationship, a written labor contract shall be concluded. If a labor relationship has been established but a labor contract has not been signed simultaneously, a written labor contract shall be signed within one month from the date of employment. Article 16 stipulates that a labor contract shall be negotiated and agreed upon by the employer and the employee, and shall become effective upon signature or seal by the employer and the employee on the text of the labor contract. The labor contract text shall be held by both the employer and the employee. Workers must carefully read and sign labor contracts before joining, especially verifying key clauses related to personal rights and interests. This is an effective protection of their legitimate rights and interests. For part-time work, the Labor Contract Law stipulates that oral agreements can be entered into, but attention should be paid to retaining relevant information from the time the agreement was made. If the contract or agreement cannot be signed due to reasons, in case of disputes, relevant departments such as human resources and social security should be sought for help in a timely manner, and they should be properly resolved through formal channels.

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