【 Da Guo Xin Cun: Following the Footprints of General Secretary 】 Wuping, Fujian: Green Revitalization Project of the "First County of Forestry Reform" | Collective | Footprints

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 05:25 AM

Special topic on "Da Guo Xin Cun: Following the Footprints of General Secretary"

The nation must be revitalized, and the countryside must be revitalized.

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that "the most arduous and arduous task of comprehensively building a socialist modernized country still lies in rural areas. We will prioritize the development of agriculture and rural areas, adhere to the integration of urban and rural development, and facilitate the flow of urban and rural factors. We will accelerate the construction of an agricultural strong country and solidly promote the revitalization of rural industries, talents, culture, ecology, and organizations." The People's Forum website has launched a series of reports on "New Villages in a Great Country: Following the Footprints of General Secretary", telling the story of the revitalization of the vast rural areas of China. Today, the research team of the People's Forum takes you into Wuping County, Longyan City, Fujian Province, to experience the beautiful transformation of being the first county in forest reform in China.

The vast sea of forests brushes against the danxiao sky, and the peaks and ridges are stacked with emerald green, chasing the waves.

Although it is in the midsummer, at the southernmost end of Wuyi Mountains, the "Liangye Fairy Mountain" with thousands of beautiful peaks is surrounded by clouds and beautiful scenery. You can enjoy the beauty of waterfalls in the world by standing among green water and green mountains, watching the scenic spots and historic sites, or watching the Milky Way fall from the sky; At the same time, the Qianlu Lake, which integrates mountains, waters, forests, fields, lakes, and grass, is lush with lush vegetation and birds flying gracefully. Riding on the flat bike lane, one can watch egrets bathe in the morning light, or listen to mountain winds singing, and appreciate the brilliance of life blooming

The vivid and colorful scenery of rivers and mountains is a real-time display of the "ecological window of Wuping";

People will not betray the green mountains, and the green mountains will not betray them. As the "number one county in the country for forest reform", Wuping has always kept in mind its instructions, courageously moved forward, and leveraged the magnificent spring breeze of forest reform to continuously enhance its "Wuping experience". With "a group of people, one heart, working together, and achieving success," it has achieved green mountains and clear waters, enriched thousands of forest farmers, and outlined a new picture of tremendous changes and colorful landscapes in mountainous areas.

Leading the trend and initiating the reform of the national collective forest tenure system

Green bamboo enters the secluded path, and green Luo brushes his clothes. Walking in Jiewen Village, with countless new atmospheres, every sight becomes a poem.

Jiewen Village, located in the northwest of Wuping County, is the first pilot village in China to carry out forest tenure reform. In the memory of 74 year old villager Li Yongxing, many years ago, this place was a different place - "The collective mountains and forests were cut down indiscriminately, and the green mountains were hard cut down into barren mountains."

"If you don't chop, you'll be robbed by others..." The people of Jiewen Village couldn't stop talking about the trend of piracy at that time.

In the former Jiewen Village, the collective ownership of mountains and forests was unclear, the mechanism was not active, and the distribution was unreasonable. The village faced the "five difficulties" of "difficult to stop indiscriminate logging, difficult to mobilize forest fires, difficult to develop the forestry industry, difficult to invest in afforestation and nurturing, and difficult to profit from looking at the green mountains.". Relying on the mountains to eat, but the more you eat, the poorer you become.

Map provided by the Organization Department of Wuping County Committee in Jiewen Village surrounded by green mountains

Reform is imperative.

In 2001, a collective forest tenure system reform known as "another great revolution in rural China after the household contract responsibility system" began in Wuping. Jiewen Village has become the "source of national forest reform", taking the lead in dividing mountains into households.

"I'm very excited, finally I have my own mountains and forests!" Li Guilin, a 75 year old villager, still remembers clearly the mood when he received the first forest ownership certificate of the People's Republic of China.

As a result, this forest reform originating from Wuping opened the door to the reform of the national collective forest rights system.

The forest reform not only changes the system, but also responds to the expectations of the people.

"Without burning mountains and indiscriminate logging, our environment has improved, and the atmosphere in the village is getting better and better." Although Li Yongxing has moved to Chengguan for many years, he still often goes back to Jiewen Village for a walk.

"After the forest reform, we have our own mountains and our enthusiasm for managing and protecting them has also increased," said Zhong Naiping, who has lived in Jiewen Village for 60 years.

Photo provided by the Organization Department of Wuping County Committee in Jiewen Village with beautiful scenery

Amidst the vast forest, I stand guard. Nowadays, Jiewen Village has lush land, green mountains and lush greenery. The forest coverage has increased from 78% before the forest reform to 84.2%, and the forest volume has increased from 103000 cubic meters to 193000 cubic meters.

From 2002 to 2022, Wuping has completed about 860000 mu of afforestation in 20 years, and has successively created three national ecological cards: Liangyeshan National Nature Reserve, Mount Wuyi National Forest Trail Wuping Section, and Zhongshan River National Wetland Park. The number of days with good air quality in the urban area continues to reach more than 99%, and the ambient air quality ranks among the top in the province. It is one of the 66 "China's major eco-tourism counties", and has been honored with "national green model county", "national advanced county for mountain closure and forest cultivation" and other "national brands".

Integrating knowledge and action, opening up the two-way conversion channel between "two mountains"

"It is not difficult to know, but difficult to act."

In the innovation of forestry system and mechanism, Wuping took the lead in promoting the "three pronged approach" of mortgage, guarantee, and credit, providing financing services for forestry development; Implement a "three wheel drive" of service promotion, cooperation linkage, and leading role driving, and innovate the development mechanism of the forestry industry; Explore the "three way transformation" of transforming forest reserves into carbon reserves, ecological advantages into industrial advantages, and forest resources into tourism resources, and innovate the path to realizing ecological value.

In May 2021, Wuping launched the "Natural Forest Non assessable Direct Mortgage Loan" business; In July 2021, the first forestry finance blockchain financing service platform in the province will be built; In March 2022, an upgraded version of the ecological finance product "Carbon Gold Card" was innovatively launched throughout the province, exploring a forestry carbon sequestration and carbon inclusive incentive mechanism based on the "Carbon Bank" platform, making the vast mountains a "happy support" for forest farmers.

Even without chopping down trees, one can still become rich. Since September 2013, Wuping County has actively promoted the model of "leading enterprises+professional cooperatives+bases+farmers" and encouraged and guided farmers to develop the understory economy. Special policies have been introduced to support the development of industries such as Zilingzhi and beekeeping, forming 11 understory economic models including forest medicine, forest fungi, forest flowers, forest tea, forest fruits, forest bees, forest poultry, forest livestock, forest frogs, forest tourism, and understory product collection and processing.

Dongliu Town in Wuping County vigorously develops the hibiscus plum industry and leads farmers to become prosperous. The Organization Department of the Wuping County Committee provides pictures

At the Peach and Plum Red Fruit Professional Cooperative Planting Base in Dongliu Town, the delicate and transparent hibiscus plums are full of branches, carrying the hope of a bountiful harvest. Dongliu Town currently cultivates various fruits such as hibiscus plums, navel oranges, oil nai, nectarines, early maturing pears, and waxberries, and has initially formed a forest orchard with seasonal fruits. Among them, hibiscus plums have a planting area of over 30000 acres, and "Wuping hibiscus plums" have been protected by the National Geographical Indication Registration for Agricultural Products, listed in the National List of Famous and Excellent New Agricultural Products, and certified as green food.

In Shiliao Ge, Shangzhen Village, Wan'an Town, a beekeeping cooperative led by beekeeper Zhong Liangsheng directly helped 192 disabled people join the beekeeping industry, radiating over 1000 people in the county to become rich through beekeeping employment. As of 2021, the operating area of understory beekeeping in Wuping has reached 130000 acres, with 57000 beehives and a production value of over 50 million yuan.

Zhong Liangsheng is inspecting the growth of bees. The Organization Department of Wuping County Committee is providing pictures

In the source area of national forest reform, Jiewen Village has exchanged greenery for gold, planted nearly 5000 acres of purple lingzhi under the forest, with an annual output value of over 30 million yuan, and was awarded the "One Village, One Product" demonstration village in Fujian Province. In 2022, the county will add 8510 acres of purple ganoderma under the forest, accounting for 170% of the task. The total area will reach 28200 acres, with a production of 350 tons and a total industrial chain output value of 230 million yuan.

A good industry is a road to prosperity. Nowadays, treasures are gathered and greenery turns into gold on the land of Wuping: the first fruit of forest reform, "Wuping Baixiang Fruit," has been presented at the "BRICS State Banquet" in Xiamen, becoming a national brand; The elephant hole chicken, which runs under the forest and sleeps on trees, flies out of Longyan and becomes the "golden phoenix" for villagers to become rich and prosperous; Fugui seed production accounts for over 95% of the national market, making it the largest Fugui seed production area in the country; The forest industry continues to grow and cultivate a number of key leading enterprises.

"In recent years, Wuping has actively explored new ways to transform 'green mountains and clear waters' into' golden mountains and silver mountains'." Lan Kaijin, Director of the Agriculture and Rural Bureau of Wuping County, introduced that currently, 253 demonstration bases for understory economy have been built in the county, with about 33000 forest farmers participating in the development of understory economy, and the understory economic management area has reached 1.56 million acres.

Coordinated development of "increasing green" and "increasing income", with a positive interaction between "promoting industry" and "enriching the people".

Relying on the unique resource advantages of being the first county in China's forest reform and the first natural oxygen bar in Fujian Province, Wuping has embarked on the forest reform and firmly practiced the development concept of "green mountains and clear waters are as valuable as gold and silver", providing strong momentum for high-quality development. For six consecutive years, it has been honored as one of the "Top Ten Counties for County Economic Development in Fujian Province", becoming a "bridgehead", "dam", "reservoir" to undertake high-tech transfer, and also becoming the "most promising city for investment in China", "preferred city for Soviet investment in China", and "best investment city for Guangdong merchants in China".

Devote oneself to serving the people and activate rural governance with a pool of spring water

Green ecology benefits the people. Today's Wuping is impressive.

For many years, Wu Ping has been concerned about the concerns of the people and fulfilling their expectations, resulting in fruitful work in people's livelihood.

Listen, the brand is getting louder and louder - at the foot of Liangye Mountain, the rural revitalization demonstration site with "connected points" attracts tourists from all over the world; In Huangfang Village, interesting courses such as agricultural experience and fruit wine brewing have made the village a popular check-in spot; In the Liujia Reservoir, boats with painted boats create ripples on the quiet lake surface. The addition of motorboats and yachts has turned this place into a water sports park... These are all successful practices of Wuping County in exploring the path of rural revitalization and development, transforming "beautiful resources" into "beautiful economy".

Look, the countryside is getting richer - Huangfang Village in Dongliu Town has built a new "Huaguo Dongliu" rural complex and Huangfang rural amusement park project, and the village collective receives an annual rental income of 100000 yuan and a 20% profit dividend; Huangpu Village in Wudong Town has successfully introduced the Ipsi air compressor project, with a tax share of 140000 yuan in 2022; Tianbei Village in Yongping Town is led by the Party branch to establish a Lingzhi Professional Cooperative and build a demonstration base for organic Lingzhi cultivation under a thousand acre forest. In 2022, it will increase the collective income of the village by 450000 yuan... In recent years, Wuping has made breakthroughs in improving forest rights income, activating existing assets, deepening cooperation and co construction, and supporting innovative projects, increasing the collective mountain and forest circulation, driving the development of village level collective economy through industry, and enhancing the village level "hematopoietic" function.

Zan, life is getting better and better - Wuping County spends more than 80% of its financial resources on people's livelihood expenses every year, and education, employment, social security, medical care, housing and other undertakings have made significant progress. Six centralized rural domestic sewage treatment stations and 143 oxidation ponds have been built throughout the county; Exceeding the annual task of "two governance and one demolition", rectifying 6421 bare houses, hollow houses, and illegal buildings with an area of 637000 square meters, and achieving zero number of dry toilets; Green everywhere, surrounded by beauty, creating 197 "green villages" and 250 "beautiful courtyards" demonstration households.

Not only that, Wu Ping also took the initiative to "use his brain to gather strength" and activate the "spring water" of rural governance: actively building a platform for deliberation and consultation, guiding veteran party members, teachers, and wealthy experts to participate in village level affairs; Carry out regional cooperation in border judicial administration to assist in the construction of a peaceful and rule of law Wuping; Deepen the construction of brands such as "Da Ai Longyan · Fu Man Wuping" and "Fu Xiao Xuan" Little Bee Rock Lecturers and "Music Party Classes", regularly hold "Wuping Story Meetings" to promote positive social energy... waves of new cultural trends are slowly blowing in the land of Wuping, moistening thousands of people.

"Under the leadership of the Party's political construction, we will continue to deepen the construction of the 'Red Leading Action · Red Radiant Wuping' characteristic Party building brand." Huang Qingping, member of the Standing Committee of the Wuping County Committee and Minister of the Organization Department, introduced that the County Committee, through typical guidance and demonstration, continuously solidifies the foundation of rural governance, achieves soulful, orderly, powerful, and effective rural governance, constructs a new pattern of co construction, co governance, and shared rural governance, and lays a solid foundation for rural revitalization.

At the same time, Wuping pays attention to the role of 82 first secretaries dispatched by provinces, cities, and counties to villages. Since 2021, they have accumulated 272 million yuan in various assistance funds for stationed villages and implemented 485 rural revitalization projects.

Time is the scale for pioneers to move forward, and the witness for those who strive to build their dreams. Groups of inspiring data, brilliant achievements, and warm and solid answers have witnessed the extraordinary journey of Wuping.

From "relying on the mountains to eat the mountains" to "relying on the mountains to protect the mountains", "relying on the mountains to nurture the mountains", and "relying on the mountains to enrich the mountains", the reform has revitalized the appearance of Wuping, made people's lives happier, and strengthened the confidence of green rise.

"Wuping will always keep in mind the instructions, continue to strive, and continue to take the lead in ecological civilization construction as a demonstration, making 'green mountains and clear waters' a continuous source of wealth for the people." said Zhang Lihua, Secretary of the Wuping County Party Committee.

With a green foundation and a refreshing concept, Wuping, a promising land, is striving forward with renewed vitality.

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