【 Da Guo Xin Cun: Following the Footprints of General Secretary 】 Tong'an, Xiamen: Looking up at the Qingshan is Jinshan Village | Military Camp | Xiamen

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 00:06 AM

The nation must be revitalized, and the countryside must be revitalized.

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that "the most arduous and arduous task of comprehensively building a socialist modernized country still lies in rural areas. We will prioritize the development of agriculture and rural areas, adhere to the integration of urban and rural development, and facilitate the flow of urban and rural factors. We will accelerate the construction of an agricultural strong country and solidly promote the revitalization of rural industries, talents, culture, ecology, and organizations." The People's Forum website has launched a series of reports on "New Villages in a Great Country: Following the Footprints of General Secretary", telling the story of the revitalization of the vast rural areas of China. Today, the People's Forum research team takes you into Baijiaoci Village and Junying Village in Tong'an District, Xiamen City, Fujian Province, to experience the new rural landscape here.

The early summer wind gently brushes the land of Ludao.

On the high mountain, batches of party members went to the Original Aspiration and Mission Hall of Xiamen Gaoshan Party School to study party history, understand the original aspiration, and inspire fighting spirit.

Under the white clouds, families of farmers embark on the path of prosperity, establishing new businesses, enjoying a peaceful home, and enjoying a bountiful harvest.

After more than 30 years of construction and development, the once impoverished and remote high mountain village has undergone earth shaking changes, becoming a new "highland" for rural development.

Deep love is like the sea, and high hopes are like mountains. For many years, the children of Tong'an have kept in mind the instructions of "wearing hats on the mountain, developing at the foot of the mountain" and "planting tea and fruits without forgetting forest greening". With the original intention as the pen and practical work as the ink, they have harvested gold and silver in the green mountains and rivers. In 2022, the output value of the urban modern agricultural industry cluster in Tong'an District reached 36 billion yuan, and it was rated as a national ecological civilization construction demonstration zone. For two consecutive years, it ranked in the top ten of the "Fujian Province Rural Revitalization Heat Index" comprehensive ranking.

Panoramic view of Baijiao Temple Village

Focusing on the "central point" of party building to achieve the transformation from "input" to "output"

The mountain path twists and turns, with winding peaks and winding roads.

Once upon a time, the military camp village at an altitude of nearly one kilometer, like many rural areas, was famous for its "three poor villages": people were poor, land was poor, and days were poor.

"In the past, there were no decent roads in the village and the environment was very bad," said Gao Quanwei, the secretary of the Party branch of Junying Village. For more than 30 years, Junying Village has adhered to the guidance of Party building, and through "Party members taking the lead in setting examples, the masses participating and cooperating", formulated village rules and regulations, and consolidated the environmental protection awareness of the villagers.

On the banks of the Jiulong River, wooden signs of "Party Member Protecting the River" and "Volunteer Protecting the River" stand out, with the names of the river guards written on them. "We adopt the method of 'river chief system' to manage and protect streams and protect the ecological environment." Gao Quanwei introduced that under the management and protection of party members and volunteers, the previous situation of villagers littering and discharging sewage at will has also been eliminated.

Panoramic view of military camp village

The foundation of grassroots is rooted in party building.

In May 2022, 59 out of 19 resident work teams settled in 62 economically weak and key villages in Tong'an District, providing real support and empowerment for rural revitalization.

"Rural revitalization is a marathon that requires both speed and endurance," said Chen Zhouwen, the captain of the resident work team in the 19th district. Gaoshan Village has become his "other home".

In recent years, Gaoshan Village has focused on the resident work team, village "two committees" cadres, and four teams, relying on carriers such as the Elderly Association, Township Wise Council, and Returning Youth Entrepreneurship Alliance to widely mobilize party members and the masses to jointly create and work.

At present, the mountains are turning green, the water is turning clear, and Jiulong Creek has become a practical post for science popularization, ecological leisure, fitness and sports at the Military Camp Village New Era Civilization Practice Station.

For a long time, Gaoshan Village has vigorously implemented the improvement of living environment and deepened the construction of spiritual civilization, extending the Party's tentacles to the forefront of rural governance, allowing the spirit of civilization to permeate every corner of the village, and continuously improving the happiness, security, and sense of gain of the masses.

"The changes in the village are too great. The roads are hardened and repaired to the doorstep of every household, and every household is moving into new buildings." Talking about the changes in the military camp village, villager Gao Quanhui couldn't hide his joy on his face. "The environment has improved, the popularity has increased, and life is getting better and better. I really want to thank the party and government for their care for us."

Where can the canal be so clear? To have a source of fresh water.

On April 7, 2016, when Comrade Xi Jinping first went to Junying Village and Baijiaoci Village to work for 30 years, the high mountain teaching point of the Xiamen Municipal Party School and the high mountain teaching point of the Tongan District Party School were inaugurated in the two villages. The practice of civilization in the new era of mountains continues to deepen and become more practical.

"The key to inheriting the red gene is to inherit the original aspiration and mission of the CPC." In the view of Lin Yuxiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Tong'an District Committee and head of the Organization Department, Gaoshan Party School is not only a place to pursue the original aspiration and mission, strengthen political learning, but also a new engine to drive the revitalization of the two villages.

The party school is located on a high mountain, and the professors are invited to their doorstep. The students delve deep into the fields and fields. By utilizing the party building resources of Gaoshan Party School, Gaoshan Village has embarked on a win-win path of precise training and targeted poverty alleviation. In just one year, it has received over 100000 visitors.

"The sun rises and the branches are red, the girl picks tea in April, and the days of the villagers are sweet every day..." Amidst the resounding and beautiful singing of lotus flowers, another group of students come to the "Primordial Mission Hall", following the footsteps of the mountains and retracing the path of the Primordial Heart.

Grasp the "key points" of the industry and achieve a leap from "blood transfusion" to "hematopoiesis"

The first summer is still clear and peaceful, and the fragrant grass has not rested.

Entering the spacious and bright home of Yang Qingji in Baijiao Temple Village, he was spreading tea leaves in the yard. When he saw someone enter, a cheerful smile immediately appeared on his face.

"Our village has a good ecological environment, and every household has tea planting," said Yang Qingji, who is 77 years old. Although planting tea is a bit difficult, without leaving the village, selling tea alone can earn 70-80 thousand yuan per year.

Relying on the mountains to eat, tea has always been the pillar industry of various villages in high mountains, and it is also the key to driving villagers out of poverty and becoming prosperous.

In recent years, in order to improve the quality of tea cultivation, the Party organizations of the military camp and Baijiaoci village have innovated the "enterprise+cooperative+farmer" and "base+" models, adopting methods such as "contract agriculture" and "land stock cooperation" to integrate tea garden resources, improve tea making techniques, and enhance the brand power of the tea industry.

The cherry blossoms at Guangming Peak in Baijiaoci Village complement each other with the tea garden

Baijiaoci Village explores and implements the mode of "agricultural products+tourism+e-commerce", builds brands such as "cloud white Jiaogaoshan tea", "golden potato chips" and "Gaoshanhong", expands publicity and sales channels through the Internet, and cooperates with China Post, Xiamen Public Transport Group and other enterprises to pilot the "public transport express" transport mode, play a role of link, open up logistics channels and save transport costs.

The agricultural industry professional cooperatives such as "Tea Fragrance Pearl" in the military camp village have established three tea processing plants, achieving a 70% increase in the conversion rate of tea processing for brands such as "Yamao" and "Mulan". Last year, it drove the village collective to increase its income by nearly 100000 yuan.

In order to better guide the sustainable development of tourism in mountain villages, the military camp village has also introduced Xiamen Tourism Group to develop rural tourism through the operation model of "state-owned enterprise demonstration projects+village collective drive+village cooperation and shareholding", and to uniformly plan and operate the homestay and other industries in the village.

"The introduction of new varieties and technologies is also being promoted synchronously in various villages in the high mountains," said Yang Jinquan, Secretary of the Party Branch of Baijiaoci Village. The top-level design also makes rural industries more vibrant and fruitful.

Planting tea in the valleys, planting fruits on the slopes, vigorously afforestation on the mountaintops, developing tourist attractions, and jointly running homestays... Driven by the "one village, one product" high-altitude tea, the road for high-altitude tea farmers to become rich is becoming wider and wider.

In 2022, the collective operating income of Baijiaoci Village reached 1.1068 million yuan, and the per capita income of villagers was 43000 yuan. Has successively won multiple honors such as "Civilized Village", "Beautiful Leisure Village in China", "Millennium Ancient Village", "Four Star Village in Rural Tourism of Fujian Province", and the advanced version of "Green and Prosperous Village" in Fujian Province.

Now, under the guidance of experts from the Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Bai Jiaoci Village has started planting fruit trees in tea gardens, changing the relatively single source of income for villagers. The military camp village has also built a Yangmei base and a Blueberry base, and has cooperated with Baili Seedling Company to build a tomato planting base and plant fruits and vegetables, promoting agricultural transformation and increasing farmers' production and income.

Gaoshan Tea Garden

Kang Yingde, founder and general manager of Xiamen Baili Seedling Co., Ltd., chose to return to his hometown to start a business after studying abroad. With a broad market for seedlings as the starting point of his career, he rooted himself in Xiamen to carry out modern agricultural work. As a "new farmer", he hopes to write his paper on the vast land, bring innovation to the fields and fields, and contribute his modest efforts to the development of rural industries.

Enriching the people is the fundamental goal of the Party building strong village and enriching the people project, which requires "blood transfusion" and "hematopoiesis" to go hand in hand. As the administrative district with the largest rural area and the largest rural population in Xiamen, Tong'an District is also the main battlefield of Xiamen's rural revitalization work. At sunset, walking in the Fujian Taiwan Agricultural Integration Development Industrial Park, seedlings are accumulating strength and growing vigorously. Like these seedlings, Tong'an is a powerful force that has risen and transformed from the northern agricultural region of Xiamen into a high-quality and aesthetically pleasing urban area.

Grasping the "foothold" of people's livelihood and realizing the transformation from "following" to "leading"

If the development of advantageous industries and the strengthening of village collective economy are the "core" of rural areas, then optimizing the living environment and enhancing the appearance of villages are the "face" of rural areas.

In recent years, with strong support from various levels of government and departments, Gaoshan Village has continuously improved various environmental politics and infrastructure construction, carried out more than 40 key projects such as comprehensive environmental improvement and upgrading projects, domestic sewage treatment projects, renovation projects of drinking water sources, and infrastructure construction for leisure and sightseeing agriculture.

"Our cadres and the masses have not forgotten the general secretary's entrustment. Great changes have taken place in our village." Gao Quanguo, who was born in 1953, was a witness of the general secretary's two visits to the poor and in-depth understanding of the development of the military camp village. He still remembers the scene at that time.

A corner of the military camp village

From "hidden in the mountains unknown" to "searching for her thousands of times in the crowd", from "primitive villages" to "deep mountain pearls", from "impoverished villages" to "star villages", what is visible to the naked eye for the two high mountain villages is——

My hometown has been rejuvenated. More than 400 dry toilets were buried in the two villages, and more than 300 street lamps were installed. Every house in front and behind was clean and tidy. After the bare house renovation and "flat to sloping", the houses in the village were rejuvenated.

The village facilities are complete. The village has completed road hardening, courtyard beautification, street lighting, and village greening, as well as improved cultural parks, health centers, libraries, fitness paths, basketball courts, etc. The living and ecological environment has significantly improved. Especially the opening of the New Era Civilization Practice Station has further enriched the cultural life of the people in Gaoshan Village.

Getting medical treatment is no longer difficult. Medical security has been further strengthened, promoting the integrated management of town and village health services. It has also been included in the city's citizen health information system. Every villager enjoys basic public health services and can swipe their card to seek medical treatment and buy medicine at the village health center, achieving the goal of "not leaving the village for minor illnesses and not leaving the town for general illnesses".

Going to school has become more convenient. The school in the military camp village has been renovated, with significant improvements in hardware facilities, including multimedia teachers, computers, libraries, and children's playground facilities. Bai Jiaoci Primary School and Yang Zhai Primary School have launched "Education Cloud" remote synchronous classrooms. With the support of educational informatization in Tong'an District, students in Gaoshan Village can also listen, learn, interact with students in the urban area, and share high-quality educational resources through the gigabit network education cloud platform.

The Gaoshan brand is even brighter. Since its establishment in 2016, the Gaoshan Party School has successfully held over 600 classes, and more than 40000 students have revisited the story of "two visits and constant concern" in the high mountains and embarked on the path of "original intention". In 2021, the Military Camp Village was selected as one of the "Top 100 Red Tourism Routes of the Century since the Founding of the Communist Party of China". The original intention mission hall of the Gaoshan Party School has become an on-site teaching base for party schools at the provincial, municipal, and district levels.

The construction of "new rural areas", the improvement of "five in one" and "improvement of living environment", and the assistance of Gaoshan Party School have repeatedly injected strong momentum into the appearance, infrastructure, and economic development of Gaoshan Village.

Looking up at the green mountains, buildings leaning against the mountains. Nowadays, Gaoshan Village has brilliant summer flowers and thriving business. Relying on the unique green mountains and clear waters, a number of high mountain characteristic tourist attractions such as Jinshan Pavilion, Qicai Pool, Baizhang Cliff, and Guangming Peak have been developed successively, attracting tourists from all directions.

Those who are near are happy, those who are far are coming. Wang Yueping, Secretary of the Tong'an District Party Committee, stated that in the future, we will prioritize the development of agriculture and rural areas, comprehensively promote the "Five Revitalizations", and make efforts to build a demonstration zone for agricultural and rural modernization and a model area for rural revitalization in Xiamen, promoting new steps in rural revitalization.

The tide surges, the sea and the sky are wide, and the boat sails with determination. In the expedition full of glory and dreams, we strive to create a new situation where prosperity, beauty, and safety catch up and develop, while maintaining stability and fulfilling Yin Yin's expectations.

Author: Research Group of the People's Forum

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