【 Da Guo Xin Cun: Following the Footprints of General Secretary 】 The New Road of Enriching the People in Shiba Dong Village | Rural | Shiba Dong Village

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:52 PM

The nation must be revitalized, and the countryside must be revitalized.

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that "the most arduous and arduous task of comprehensively building a socialist modernized country still lies in rural areas. We will prioritize the development of agriculture and rural areas, adhere to the integration of urban and rural development, and facilitate the flow of urban and rural factors. We will accelerate the construction of an agricultural strong country and solidly promote the revitalization of rural industries, talents, culture, ecology, and organizations." The People's Forum website has launched a series of reports on "New Villages in a Great Country: Following the Footprints of General Secretary", telling the story of the revitalization of the vast rural areas of China. Today, let's walk into Shibadong Village, Huayuan County, Hunan Province and experience the new rural landscape here.

From then on, the four major words "precision poverty alleviation" took root in the soil of Miao villages and nurtured a different kind of vitality.

In the past ten years, Shibadong Village has kept in mind the entrustment of General Secretary Xi Jinping, and used the "place of initiative" to "initiate the initiative", and has blazed a good path to poverty alleviation that can be replicated and promoted. An innovative new way to enrich the people has been created, and the "great changes in the mountains and townships" of the first place for targeted poverty alleviation have been written ".

Shibadong Village, the pioneer of precision poverty alleviation and a red landmark of the new era

Rural revitalization is a comprehensive revitalization that includes industrial revitalization, talent revitalization, cultural revitalization, ecological revitalization, and organizational revitalization. Promoting rural revitalization is a long-term and systematic project. We must maintain our composure, stick to a blueprint, and achieve high-quality and efficient agriculture, livable and business friendly rural areas, and prosperous farmers.

Shibadong Village firmly understands and thoroughly understands the Party's policies and guidelines, with "precision" as the foundation and "enriching the people" as the core, comprehensively and systematically promoting industrial development, cultural and tourism integration, green ecology, rural governance, and other aspects in a coordinated manner, actively exploring and taking the lead.

The road is right, and confidence is even stronger.

Nowadays, the development miracle of the millennium old Miao village is continuing. This small mountain village, once unknown due to poverty and backwardness, has undergone earth shaking changes and embarked on a new journey to build a demonstration village for rural revitalization.

Shibadong Village Kiwi Base

As the pioneer of "precision poverty alleviation", how can Shiba Dong Village work together to comprehensively promote rural revitalization?

"We will vigorously develop characteristic industries according to local conditions, promote the integrated development of rural primary, secondary, and tertiary industries, and broaden the channels for farmers' income growth and prosperity."

With a change in mindset, we will broaden our horizons and develop the 18 hole industry beyond the 18 holes. Shibadong Village adheres to the principle of adapting measures to local conditions and implementing policies tailored to each village. When suitable for planting, nurturing, and forestry, its characteristic industries have grown into industries that enrich the people. Its distinctive agricultural products have highlighted their brand and increased their value. The market competitiveness and sustainable development capacity of rural industries continue to strengthen.

Develop the kiwifruit industry. Following the idea of "jumping out of the 18 holes to develop the 18 hole industry", we have explored and implemented the "enclave economy" model, transferring 1000 acres of land in agricultural parks to build a high-quality kiwifruit base. In 2017, we entered the fruit production period and distribute nearly 800 yuan in dividends per capita to poverty-stricken households every year.

Build a mountain spring water plant. Introducing Bubugao Group to invest in the construction of the Shibadong Village Spring Water Plant, providing guaranteed dividends to the village according to the "50+1" model, and accumulating nearly 3 million yuan in collective dividends for the village, driving dozens of villagers to work at the water plant year-round.

Develop the Miao embroidery industry. Establish a Miao embroidery cooperative, sign cooperation agreements with CRRC Zhuzhou Machinery and Hunan University of Technology, develop order business, and drive 54 left behind women to work at their doorstep.

Developing the labor economy. Actively connecting with the human resources and social security departments, opening the "Eighteen Holes" special train to transport labor to developed coastal areas, nearly 200 laborers in the village have achieved transfer employment, with an average annual increase in income of over 6 million yuan.

Develop red tourism. Selected as one of the "Top 100 Red Tourism Routes in the Centennial of the Founding of the Communist Party of China" and rated as a national 5A level tourist attraction. Last year, we received over 3000 batches of over 145000 learning teams, driving over 300 people to engage in business and employment at their doorstep, and achieving tourism revenue of over 10 million yuan.


Long Xianlan, a former deeply impoverished household, developed the beekeeping industry with the help of poverty alleviation policies. Not only did she escape poverty, but she also became a leader in the village's industry, driving over 100 households to raise bees and become prosperous. Nowadays, relying on selling preserved meat and honey, Long Xianlan earns over 500000 yuan a year. He named his daughter Long Sien with the intention of thanking the Communist Party and the good times. Long Xianlan said, "After studying the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, I want to consolidate the hard won achievements in poverty alleviation, expand and strengthen the beekeeping industry, and live a better life with the villagers." Now, he is planning to build a rural water park and continuously expand his own industry.

"The key to rural revitalization lies in people and efforts."

Talent first, cultivate the endogenous driving force of rural revitalization. Strengthening the construction of talent team, we should discover people in the industry, cultivate people in the industry, and use good people in the industry.

On the one hand, Shibadong Village guides migrant workers and college students to return to their hometowns to start businesses and participate in the development of rural tourism. On the other hand, we will vigorously cultivate new types of professional farmers and e-commerce leaders. Villager Long Xianlan not only keeps over 400 beekeeping boxes himself, but also drives 118 households and 562 people to keep over 1200 beekeeping boxes. In addition, more than 300 laborers have improved their employment skills and achieved stable employment through more than 10 training sessions such as tour guides, security guards, and chefs.

In 2016, villager Shi Fangli returned to her hometown for development and became a tourism guide. She said, "After tourists arrive, we will introduce them to the precise poverty alleviation story, entrepreneurial story, and happiness story of Shiba Dong Village in the car, so that they can feel the happy life of our Shiba Dong Village." Now, the village guides are full of confidence and actively participate in the explanation training, hoping to better tell the touching story of Shiba Dong Village to tourists and polish the beautiful business card of rural tourism.

"To promote new and positive customs, promote the transformation of customs, cultivate civilized rural customs, good family traditions, and simple folk customs, and radiate a new atmosphere of rural civilization."

Rural areas should not only shape themselves, but also shape their souls. We should strengthen the construction of rural ideological and moral education, promote and practice socialist core values, protect and inherit excellent traditional culture in rural areas, and promote the formation of civilized rural customs, good family traditions, and simple folk customs.

Based on the local characteristics, Shibadong Village gives full play to the advantages of original ecology, local flavor and nationality, and strives to create a livable and beautiful village with mountains, water and nostalgia.

A combination of layout planning and meticulous craftsmanship. The village carefully compiled the "Eighteen Cave Village Plan" and won the special award for the first Hunan Province Excellent Case Exhibition and Evaluation of Land and Space Planning; We have implemented water, electricity, roads, networks, and environmental governance, as well as projects to renovate kitchens, toilets, bathrooms, neighborhoods, and dilapidated houses. We have also launched actions to create micro landscapes, micro gardens, micro courtyards, micro forests, micro wall paintings, and the most beautiful rural homes. We have been awarded the title of China's Beautiful Leisure Village, the first batch of national traditional village demonstration villages, and national ethnic minority characteristic villages.

Shibadong Village fully plays the role of a new era civilization practice station, guiding the masses to feel the Party's kindness, listen to the Party's words, and follow the Party, effectively stimulating the internal motivation of the masses. We also regularly carry out activities such as the Miao ethnic group's autumn rush, Miao New Year celebration, Eighteen Cave blind dates, and the "11.3 Jike Festival" to promote and promote ethnic cultural characteristics. Actively developing grassroots democracy, improving the autonomous constitution and village rules and regulations, and guiding villagers to fully participate in village level affairs management. Strengthening legal education, promoting the formation of a strong atmosphere of knowledge and compliance with the law, and being awarded the title of "National Demonstration Village of Democracy and Rule of Law".

The forest coverage rate of Shibadong Village has reached over 80%

"Make a good ecological environment a support point for rural revitalization"

At present, blue slate roads in Shiba Dong Village connect green tiled wooden houses, and the mountains are filled with greenery. The forest coverage rate has reached over 80%, and there are green mountains, high mountains, canyons, waterfalls, and caves everywhere.

Shibadong Village attaches great importance to ecological protection, and the village's residential buildings have also undergone five renovations. The Miao village, surrounded by green mountains and trees, is clean and tidy.

Shibadong Village has turned "green mountains and clear waters are like mountains of gold and silver" into a vivid reality. The local government firmly grasps the greatest advantage of natural ecology and regards ecological and cultural tourism as a pillar industry for development. Tailor measures to local conditions to tap into commercial value, develop green ecological resources, accelerate the construction of rural complexes, karst cave development and other projects, continuously enrich the tourism industry, and turn green mountains and clear waters into gold and silver.

At present, the Shiba Cave Scenic Area has opened a dedicated tourist bus line, and has gradually built tourist service facilities such as star rated tourist toilets, e-commerce service stations, specialty product stores, 3000 meter hiking trails, and 4 parking lots.

In addition to the classic mountain scenery and Miao culture, the Shiba Cave Scenic Area also has a Shiba Cave · Earth Warehouse Cliff Hotel located on the cliff of the village, which integrates the primitive natural scenery of the Miao village with a strong sense of technology, becoming one of the popular check-in points for tourists.

Eighteen Cave Cliff Hotel

"We need to improve the village level organizational system under the leadership of village party organizations, and build rural grassroots party organizations into strong fortresses for effectively implementing party leadership."

Organize and guide villagers to carry modern "golden carrying poles". Shibadong Village firmly takes on the political responsibility of the initiative, improves the system for redistributing collective economic benefits, and further improves the "Village level Collective Economic Benefit Distribution Management Measures". 10% of the income will be used for low-income families, disaster relief, and disability assistance, 30% of the income will be used for development and reproduction investment, as well as the construction and maintenance of public welfare facilities. 40% of the income will be used to reward all villagers participating in mutual aid groups, continuously improving the level of rural public services and allowing villagers to enjoy more industrial development dividends.

To do rural affairs well, one must rely on good leaders. Shibadong Village fully leverages the role of the Party branch as a fighting fortress. The number of party members in the village has increased from 24 in 2013 to 34, including 7 young party members under the age of 35 and 14 party members with a college degree or above. Party members are everywhere in the front line of rural revitalization, and their roles are evident everywhere.

From being the pioneer of precision poverty alleviation to the main battlefield of rural revitalization, from industrial revitalization to organizational revitalization, the systematic planning of Shiba Dong Village has been steadfast in its commitment to the Party and the Party, with a focus on scientific top-level design and active exploration at the grassroots level. It fully respects the pioneering spirit at the grassroots level, unleashes the enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity of all villagers, and provides new answers for how industries can thrive and how people can gather.

Today, this Miao village embedded on the ridge has achieved a beautiful transformation of the countryside. In the new era, the people of Shiba Dong Village are constantly drawing strength from the achievements of targeted poverty alleviation, and with firm determination and courage, they are stepping forward on the road of rural revitalization, continuing to write the era legend of the pioneer of targeted poverty alleviation.

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