【 Da Guo Xin Cun · Following the Footprints of General Secretary 】 The Development of Green Waters and Green Mountains in Anjiyu Village | Rural | General Secretary

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 15:04 PM

Special topic on "Da Guo Xin Cun: Following the Footprints of General Secretary"

The nation must be revitalized, and the countryside must be revitalized.

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that "the most arduous and arduous task of comprehensively building a socialist modernized country still lies in rural areas. We will prioritize the development of agriculture and rural areas, adhere to the integration of urban and rural development, and facilitate the flow of urban and rural factors. We will accelerate the construction of an agricultural strong country and solidly promote the revitalization of rural industries, talents, culture, ecology, and organizations." The People's Forum website has launched a series of reports on "New Villages in a Great Country: Following the Footprints of General Secretary", telling the story of the revitalization of the vast rural areas of China. Today, let's walk into Yu Village, Tianhuangping Town, Anji County, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province, and explore the mysteries behind the beautiful transformation of rural areas.

After the Cloud Forest Studio, the sparse bell enters, and before the fragrant Aster flowers, the bamboo grows. The sound of cooking cement in the stove is overwhelming, and lifting a pot to cook tea is common in the mountains.

Arriving at Yucun in Anji, Zhejiang, it's like immersing oneself in a poetic landscape painting: a small village surrounded by mountains on three sides and lush green peaks, like a flat boat sailing in the vast expanse of bamboo waves. In the village, residential villas are built along the mountains, reflecting the beautiful life of the villagers living and working in peace and contentment; In front of the village, the stone tablet "Green waters and green mountains are invaluable assets" stands by the lake, writing the firm belief of Yu Village in the development of the village. The win-win situation of ecological protection, economic development, and improvement of people's livelihoods is the result of the continuous exploration of Yucun people over the past twenty years.

Yu Village Scenery

Green waters and green mountains transform into new faces, and rural development takes a new path

It is the peak season for summer tourism, and in the Spring Forest Villa of Yu Village, there is a constant stream of guests coming and going. Pan Chunlin is greeting them everywhere. Pan Chunlin used to be a tractor driver in Yucun Mine, but now he is a well-known farmer's entertainment operator. "Our guests come from all over the country, and we need to book our rooms in advance!" busy Pan Chunlin said with a smile.

Entering Anjiyu Village, surrounded by lush bamboo trees and murmuring clear streams, the poetic and picturesque rural scenery is refreshing and delightful. The booming emerging industries of homestay villas, handicraft studios, youth entrepreneurship bases, cafes, and camping sites bring a fashionable atmosphere.

However, the scenery of Yucun 20 years ago was completely different. Pan Chunlin recalled, "In the past, industries were closely related to environmental pollution. There were three cement factories alone, three mines, and over a hundred tractors. The sky in the village was gray all year round, and the rivers were also very muddy. Young people were basically unwilling to stay in Yu Village..."

In 2003, Zhejiang Province launched the "Thousand Village Demonstration and Ten Thousand Village Renovation" project. Taking advantage of the "Ten Million Project", Yucun shut down mines, closed cement plants, reclaimed greenery, treated reservoirs, and transformed the appearance of villages, promoting a major rural environmental construction campaign that concerns all farmers.

Guided by this concept, the green development of Yucun has entered the "fast lane", achieving a magnificent transformation from the sound of gunfire and dust to the beautiful mountains and rivers, and the continuous bamboo sea.

Nowadays, beautiful ecology has become a "golden calling card" of Yucun. With the improvement of the ecological environment in Yucun, Yucun has begun to vigorously develop rural tourism, successfully transforming the ecological resource advantages of "green mountains and clear waters" into economic development advantages of "golden mountains and silver mountains". In 2021, Yucun was selected as one of the first "Best Tourist Villages" by the United Nations World Tourism Organization. The leisure tourism industry provides a continuous source of power for Yucun's rural revitalization and sustainable economic development.

"When the ecological environment is good, tourists are willing to come, and the young people in the village are also willing to come back. They have started rural tourism, homestays, cultural and creative activities, specialty sales, rafting, and picking." Speaking of the current "Spring Forest Villa," Pan Chunlin smiled proudly. "We have developed from a single rural tourism company to a 'one-stop service' of tourism companies, car fleets, cultural companies, and washing companies, managing food, housing, and transportation, which can be said to form a rural industrial chain."

In Yucun, there are still many villagers like Pan Chunlin who turn green into gold. The "Green Variations" of Yucun's economic development is a conscious practice of the concept that "green mountains and clear waters are as valuable as gold and silver", and a vivid portrayal of taking the path of green development and building beautiful countryside.

Party building leads a new pattern, and rural governance achieves practical results

While rural industries are flourishing, Yucun has always adhered to the principle of "developing without forgetting the Party", continuously consolidating the responsibility of Party building, strengthening grassroots organizations, and cultivating backbone Party members. Under the leadership of the village party branch, Yu Village, guided by the "Two Mountains" concept and with the mission of reconstructing the rural social ecology, has explored the new era of rural governance "Yu Village Experience" with the main characteristics of "branch leading villages, developing strong villages, democratic management of villages, rule of law, moral nourishment of villages, ecological beauty of villages, safety protection of villages, and clean and upright villages", which has become a typical example of good rural governance in Zhejiang. In 2021, Tianhuangping Town was awarded the National Rural Governance Demonstration Town, and the Yucun Village Party Branch was awarded the National Advanced Grassroots Party Organization.

The Liangshan Conference is a typical autonomous platform for Yucun to implement "democratic village management".The concept of "two mountains" has dispelled the fog of development in Yucun. The local government takes advantage of the situation and insists on integrating consultative democracy into the entire process of deepening the "Two Mountains" practice in daily life. Gradually, a platform for democratic discussions, village committee discussions, party member deliberation, village representative resolutions, and township wise evaluations has been formed, and a set of deliberation mechanisms has been explored, including "independent proposal, on-demand deliberation, appointment of counselors, democratic evaluation, and follow-up supervision.". Relying on the "Two Mountains Conference", not only has the participation and management ability of villagers in village affairs been improved, but also conflicts and disputes have been effectively avoided and reduced, maintaining the harmony and stability of the village.

With the protection of the law, Yu Village has hired village level legal advisors, and a professional legal team has laid a solid foundation for the rule of law management in Yu Village. Since 2001, village legal advisors have actively integrated into village level affairs management and assisted the village committee in handling legal affairs. At the same time, the innovative model of "mediators joining villages, judges stationed in villages, and home guardians protecting villages" is adopted to deeply carry out on-site mediation, sending legal representatives to the countryside, patrolling and guarding, and other work, achieving the "five not leaving villages" of mass affairs, conflict mediation, legal services, information consultation, and wealth seeking. In addition, Yu Village has also promoted legal knowledge to villagers through various educational and entertainment legal culture activities and cultural corridors, creating a strong atmosphere of legal management.

Yucun Smart Health Station

Rural customs, rural charm, refreshing people's hearts, civilized customs, and new atmosphere

Nowadays, Yucun not only has "appearance", but also "temperament". With the promotion of beautiful rural construction, the appearance of Yu Village has been continuously improved, with beautiful environment, convenient transportation, and complete supporting facilities. The living standards of the villagers have been continuously improved. While promoting material civilization, Yucun also vigorously promotes the construction of spiritual civilization, solidly carries out various work of changing customs, cultivates civilized rural customs, good family traditions, and simple folk customs, providing strong spiritual power for rural revitalization.

Establish regulations and cultivate new cultural trends. In Yucun, every household has formulated their own family rules and regulations, which are hung in prominent positions at home. This is not only a scenic spot in Yucun, but also the way for every family in Yucun to manage their family. Yucun has also included environmental protection measures such as keeping garbage on the ground, prohibiting fireworks and firecrackers, civilized dining tables, and civilized transportation, as well as promoting rural customs and civility in the Village Rules and Regulations. Through wall paintings and brochures, Yucun actively promotes these measures, making the beautiful countryside and beautiful folk customs complement each other.

Strengthen practice and guide villagers to cultivate self-awareness. By carrying out various volunteer services, festival activities, "passing on family teachings, establishing family rules, and promoting family values", and "beautiful families" selection activities, a group of advanced models of changing customs and promoting rural civilization have been established, mobilizing the enthusiasm of villagers to participate in rural civilization construction. In order to protect the beautiful environment, villagers have also formed ecological protection teams to promptly correct the uncivilized behavior of the villagers and tourists, making civilization a highly conscious behavior.

Promote culture and boost the spirit of rural areas. In recent years, Yucun has increased investment in rural cultural construction and is committed to creating a spiritual home for the people of Yucun to express their homesickness. Cultural and sports facilities such as the Cultural Hall, the "Beautiful Anji · Green Development" Exhibition Hall, the Cultural Stage, the Digital Cinema, and the Rural Bookstore have been successively built. Cafes, tea houses, distilleries, and cultural and creative shops are blooming everywhere, providing villagers with free services such as movie and book borrowing, theoretical learning, and cultural entertainment. The village has also formed multiple cultural and sports teams, including the Silver Dragon Lotus Dance Team, Waist Drum Team, Fan Dance Team, Basketball Team, etc. It has successfully hosted various cultural and sports activities such as the Zhejiang Beautiful Rural Olympics and Rural Sports Festival, enriching the spiritual and cultural life of the villagers, and improving their spiritual outlook and overall quality.

Cultural life of villagers in Yucun

The talent engine rejuvenates vitality, and the power of youth empowers new abilities

The village scenery changes with people, and the countryside thrives with people. As a new countryside that welcomes young people to start businesses, Yucun is committed to empowering the rural revitalization cause with talents, reconstructing the advantages of rural resources with young people, jointly building partners' career dreams and rural revitalization dreams, continuously expanding the transformation channel from "green mountains and clear waters" to "golden mountains and silver mountains", and providing sustainable development ideas, momentum, and paths for Yucun.

Relying on the two major IPs of "Nature Workstation" and "Global Partner", Yucun has established the "Qinglai Ji" Youth Talent Community, constructing an innovation and entrepreneurship matrix for young talents including Yucun Co Creation Space, Qinglai Ji Incubator, Henglu Art Tribe, Fuyang Youth Dream Factory, etc., providing a platform for innovation and entrepreneurship for young talents. "Nowadays, global partners have covered various types such as research and education, cultural and creative industries, agriculture and forestry, digital economy, etc., with more than 40 partner projects settled in. Thousands of college students have come to work and live in Yucun and surrounding villages, and new economic and business formats are flourishing here." Wang Yucheng, Secretary of the Village Party Committee, introduced.

The beautiful working environment, favorable talent policies, complete supporting facilities, and pleasant working atmosphere have attracted many young people from other places to start businesses and work in the village. Fantastic ideas from all over the world are bursting here.

Chen Zhe, born after 1985, is the head of a Chinese anime themed caf é. His caf é not only sells coffee, but also displays many products featuring classic Chinese animated characters, injecting joy and vitality into Yucun. "Rural areas have irreplaceable values that cannot be replaced by cities. Natural resources, local culture, and the infinite possibilities of rural areas all attract young people to come." Chen Zhe believes that Chinese comics, coffee, and Yucun can collide to create different sparks.

Huang Sujuan, a 28 year old girl from Xiamen, arrived in Yucun six months ago and officially started living as a digital nomad. Her residence is upstairs in the digital nomadic community, just a few steps away from her desk, and she can choose ways to relax while working.

In addition, more and more people from Yucun who are traveling abroad have seen the vibrant development of their hometowns and choose to return to their hometowns to start businesses. Zhao Zhengnan, a 24-year-old local youth, returned to Yucun from Guangdong in September last year. His sushi restaurant is currently undergoing intense renovation and preparation. Zhao Zhengnan said that under the strong promotion of youth entrepreneurship projects and related support policies by the local government, many local youth like him choose to return to their hometowns to contribute to the construction of their hometowns.

Yucun has established a "Qinglai Ji" youth talent community, attracting many young people to return to their hometowns

Time flies, the situation of the past is vividly remembered, but now, the construction of beautiful countryside in Yucun has become a reality. Following the footsteps of General Secretary, what is presented to the members of the practice team is a beautiful rural painting of scenery, innovation, and harmony. It can be said that the new changes in Yucun have demonstrated the effectiveness of the "Ten Million Project" implemented for 20 years, showcasing a new level of rural revitalization and development. This is also a vivid demonstration of the modernization of agriculture and rural areas to a new level.

This social practice activity is an important action taken by the School of Marxism at Nankai University to research new achievements in agricultural and rural modernization and deeply understand the strategy of rural revitalization. For many years, the college has continuously promoted students to go deep into the grassroots and rural areas, deeply implement the Party's original intention and mission, truly internalize theoretical learning in the heart and practice it externally, uphold the concept of knowing and serving China, and polish the "Four Similarities" education brand.

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