【 Da Guo Xin Cun: Following the Footprints of General Secretary 】 Fujian Shishi: From Leading the Way to Becoming Rich Together | Rural | Fujian Shishi

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 00:44 AM

The nation must be revitalized, and the countryside must be revitalized.

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that "the most arduous and arduous task of comprehensively building a socialist modernized country still lies in rural areas. We will prioritize the development of agriculture and rural areas, adhere to the integration of urban and rural development, and facilitate the flow of urban and rural factors. We will accelerate the construction of an agricultural strong country and solidly promote the revitalization of rural industries, talents, culture, ecology, and organizations." The People's Forum website has launched a series of reports on "New Villages in a Great Country: Following the Footprints of General Secretary", telling the story of the revitalization of the vast rural areas of China. Today, the research group of the People's Forum takes you into Shishi City, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province, to listen to the villagers talk about the new changes in their hometown over the years. It presents a panoramic view of Shishi's successful practice and effective exploration of relying on the "most beautiful present" to build dreams and a "more beautiful future", striving for progress and revitalizing rural areas.

Strengthening the foundation: Unified planning, leaving the best position for collective economic development

The summer breeze is filled with grass and trees, and vitality is thriving.

Cuozai Village, located at the northern foot of Baogai Mountain in Shishi City, Fujian Province, covers an area of 1.7 square kilometers and is a key development area connecting the eastern part of the city.

In August 1996, Comrade Xi Jinping, then deputy secretary of the Fujian Provincial CPC Committee, visited Cuozai Village to investigate and guide the construction of "two civilizations" and the construction of a well-off society, and spoke highly of the economic development and spiritual civilization construction of Cuozai Village. It is pointed out that "actively explore how to move towards a comfortable and affluent well-off society, continue to take the first step, and play an exemplary role".

Words are earnest, urging people to move forward.

In order to further optimize the rural living environment and improve the quality of life of villagers, in recent years, Cuozai Village has been continuously promoting the construction process of "beautiful countryside" and accelerating the pace of "new community" construction around the overall goal of "beautiful village, beautiful environment, sweet life, and harmonious society". At the same time, the two committees of Cuozai Village, based on the actual situation of the village, planned and constructed commercial streets, sports venues, leisure small parks, etc., giving the village a completely new appearance.

In 2017, Cuozai Village was awarded the title of "Fifth National Civilized Village", marking the official birth of the first national civilized village in Shishi City; In 2020, we will continue to retain the title of the 6th National Civilized Village and have successively won honors such as the "Five Good" Village Party Branch in Fujian Province, the Fujian Rural Revitalization Pilot Village, the Fujian Elderly Fitness and Recreation Home, the Provincial Rural Governance Demonstration Village, the Beautiful Village in Quanzhou City, and the "Party Building+" Neighborhood Center Pilot Village in Shishi City.

Xu Mingcong, the rural revitalization mentor of Cuozai Village, witnessed the changes here. He said that Cuozai Village has always deeply tapped into the potential of collective resources, unified planning and land acquisition, and left the best position for collective economic development.

The acceleration of resource elements brings more vitality to rural development. In recent years, Cuozai Village has seized the good opportunity of rural revitalization construction and dedicated itself to creating the "Five One Project", which includes a party building cultural corridor, a rural revitalization hall, a cultural and sports comprehensive activity center, a Cuozai Grandpa Volunteer Service Team, and a public welfare charity association. Create a "one park, one center" construction project, which includes a Cuozi local cultural ecological park and a "Party building+" neighborhood center. Continuously using the new era civilization practice station as a carrier, we will effectively connect propaganda, education, guidance, care, and service to the "last mile" of the people.

More and more "hardware" and "software" are being simultaneously strengthened to achieve the sharing of achievements in "environmental beauty" and "life beauty". Xu Mingde, Secretary of the Party Branch and Director of the Village Committee of Cuozi Village, introduced that Cuozi Village continuously builds and improves its basic infrastructure for people's livelihoods. It has successively built a large number of people's livelihood projects, such as a farmer's villa area, Baoyuantang, the new campus of Huajin Primary School, a farmer's market, the establishment of a public charity foundation, and rural improvement. The total investment exceeds 100 million yuan, adding "benefits" to the happy life of the people.

Bird's-eye view of Cuozai Village, Hanjiang Town, Shishi City, provided by Shishi City Integrated Media Center

Entering Cuozi Village, one can see scattered and orderly "small villas" with unified planning, clean and serene environments, spacious and flat roads, and harmonious and beautiful villages... everything is a happy appearance on the road to prosperity.

The slogan "Revitalization of Cuozi is on the way, creating happiness is the goal!" is a true portrayal of Cuozi Village's decades of hard work and struggle. Nowadays, beautiful rural paintings that blend mountains, water, flowers, and stones are unfolding on this hopeful land.

Forging Strength: Guided by Party Building, Promoting Strong Villages and Rich People through Industrial Prosperity

The changes in Cuozai Village are a vivid reflection of Shishi's pioneering exploration of high-quality development and the construction of a path of common prosperity.

Shishi, born from the sea and thriving towards the sea, is a coastal city, a famous hometown of overseas Chinese, and a famous clothing city. Its comprehensive economic strength ranks 15th among the top 100 counties and cities in China, and its comprehensive well-off index ranks 20th among the top 100 county-level cities in China. Its per capita GDP and per capita disposable income continue to rank among the top in the province.

In recent years, Shishi City has thoroughly implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions, and put forward the strategic development goal of "building a common prosperity first zone", first try to explore the development path of "prosperity" with "common", and strive to create a county-level common prosperity Shishi model, Continuously lead rural revitalization to depth.

Since the end of 2021, Shishi has taken the opportunity of village level organizational changes to continuously stimulate the endogenous motivation of village cadres, promote the realization of village level projects from "no ideas" to "direction", organize the team from "I want to do" to "I want to do", and transform and leap the village's financial income from "weak areas" to "one million villages", accelerating the comprehensive revitalization of Shishi rural areas in industry, talent, culture, ecology, and organization.

"Industrial revitalization is the foundation and key to the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas." Xu Shunda, member of the Standing Committee of the Shishi Municipal Party Committee and Minister of the Organization Department, said that each village should rely on their own resource endowments, find the right direction, activate resources, enhance the "hematopoietic" function, promote asset appreciation, guide the standardized management of village collective assets, increase profits, and promote the prosperity of industries to strengthen villages and enrich the people, helping to deepen the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy.

Hanjiang Village in Hanjiang Town aims to achieve the "Five Good" goals of "developing prosperous industries, improving rural construction, inheriting rural culture, building governance capabilities, and leading party building". It deepens the guidance of party building, gathers the strength of local residents at home and abroad, actively guides the masses to change their roles from "bystanders" to "participants", and vigorously promotes the landing and completion of a "package" of livelihood projects such as Hanjiang Bay Night Market, Fujian Technician College Shishi Campus, and Minxiang Catering Smart Central Kitchen.

Huxi Village in Xiangzhi Town is seizing the geographical advantage adjacent to the city's hardware printing park and accelerating the pace of rural revitalization. Especially after the change of village level organizations, the new team of Huxi Village further explored new paths for the development of village collective economy. They successively explored the establishment of Xiangzhi Town gig station, Xiangzhi Town enterprise recruitment market, and human resources service company, achieving a "double increase" in village financial income and farmer income, making Huxi Village a well-known wealthy and star village.

Qianyuan Village in Baogai Town has introduced an intelligent cross-border e-commerce project, which is supported by catering, supermarkets, education and training, and other business formats, driving the development of the e-commerce industry in the area, achieving the goal of stable income growth for villagers. Many villagers have stable storefronts, apartment rents, and new employment opportunities.

Relying on the sports hall, as well as industrial carriers such as a tourism commodity street and a forest based research and learning park, Xibian Village in Yongning Town is expected to achieve a fiscal year revenue of 2 million yuan. It has moved from being a weak village in terms of financial resources to becoming a "million village" and has become a demonstration model for the construction of a leading area for common prosperity in Shishi.

The way of governing a country starts with enriching the people. Under the guidance of party building, Shishi City has fully played the role of grassroots party organizations, creating a positive atmosphere where the party committee takes overall responsibility and coordinates all parties. At present, there are 25 villages in the city with a total income exceeding one million yuan, which has empowered Shishi to become a leading area for common prosperity.

Transmission of temperature: Point, line, and surface work together to benefit enterprises and the people in the comprehensive deepening of reform

In early summer, Qianpu Village and Hehe Garden in Yongning Town are shaded by green trees, with the fragrance of flowers overflowing. There are schools of goldfish chasing and playing in the lake, and the gentle chirping of birds in the forest is faintly visible.

"Hehe Park is an ecological and cultural park with a moral theme. Why is it called 'Hehe Park'? The first 'He' represents neighborhood harmony, and the second 'He' represents the integration of local residents with migrant workers and Three Gorges immigrants. 'Yuan' means both a park and a home, indicating that this park is built for every resident of Qianpu Village." Cai Wenpin, Secretary of the Qianpu Village Party Branch and Director of the Village Committee, introduced it.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Qianpu Village has focused on the goal of building a "garden style village suitable for business and living". It has hired planning and design units to carry out control and construction planning for the entire village, strictly implementing the "one blueprint management" of planning and construction, promoting the planning and layout of the entire spatial structure system, modern industrial layout system, and human settlement ecological environment system, vividly interpreting the perfect balance between urbanization and rural revitalization.

The Qianpu model of rural industrialization, agricultural industrialization, and urbanization takes safeguarding the fundamental interests of all residents and promoting common prosperity as the starting point and foothold, stimulating the endogenous driving force of rural revitalization and further enhancing the sense of belonging, responsibility, and identification of the masses towards rural revitalization.

Bird's-eye view of Qianpu Village and Heheyuan in Yongning Town, Shishi City, provided by Shishi City Integrated Media Center

In the next stage, Qianpu Village will focus on building a new pattern of "comprehensive tourism", expanding the development ideas of leisure agriculture, continuously improving the functional zoning construction of the entire village's "residential area, industrial area, farming area, and leisure area", injecting new impetus into rural revitalization and development, and creating a livable, business friendly, and beautiful countryside with Qianpu characteristics.

Romantic water coffee, endless swimming pool in the air, high-end outdoor restaurants, and high-end homestays with all sea views... Located in Xiangyu Village, Xiangzhi Town, the Shishi Wenhai Micro Resort Cultural and Tourism Project has attracted the attention of tourists from all over the country since its trial operation, becoming another popular check-in point for Shishi.

"We use the 'one port, two bays, and three industrial parks' as a carrier to promote the' 2+2 'model of integrating' industry and trade+fishing and tourism 'throughout the town, creating a' particularly rich and beautiful 'coastal town with the unique style of Minnan fishing port." said Qiu Jianming, Secretary of the Party Committee of Xiangzhi Town.

Rural revitalization requires both shaping and shaping the soul. Based on the advantages of marine economy and strong industry and trade, Xiangzhi Town fully explores its unique natural fishing port resources, coordinates land and sea, and organically combines the Wenhai Cultural and Tourism Project, Doumei Bay Renovation and Improvement Project, and Yandun Mountain Landscape Improvement and Renovation Project. Combined with the Fisherman Culture Festival in Shishi City, Xiangzhi Town strives to promote the formation of a highlight business model in the Xiangyu Cultural and Tourism Circle.

Shishi Xiangzhi Fishing Port Thousand Sail Race Navigation Map Provided by Shishi City Integrated Media Center

Along the way, the development pace of Shishi, a coastal city, has always been ahead of others. The beauty of the stone lion largely lies in humanized and coordinated management, and in enhancing the quality of people's livelihood. At present, Shishi is working together in terms of points, lines, and surfaces, focusing on elements such as sea silk, fishing ports, coastal areas, and wetlands, breaking down town boundaries, connecting points and forming a new path for rural revitalization through multi town linkage development.

As of now, there are five rural revitalization demonstration lines in the city, including Yongning Line, Hanjiang Xiangzhi Line, Xiangzhi Hongshan Line, Lingxiu Line, and Hongshan Jinshang Line. Among them, Hanjiang Xiangzhi Line has been awarded the second batch of excellent rural revitalization demonstration lines in Quanzhou City.

"Improving the rural living environment is also a key task in implementing the rural revitalization strategy." Wang Yingjun, Director of the Agriculture and Rural Bureau of Shishi City, stated that this year, Shishi will aim to build livable, business friendly, and beautiful rural areas, increase efforts to renovate village public spaces, strengthen the construction and maintenance of rural public toilets, promote the treatment of rural domestic sewage and the classification and reduction of rural domestic waste sources, accelerate the filling of prominent shortcomings in rural living environment, and optimize the rural ecological environment.

At the same time, the city is deepening the construction of the "Five Beauties" in rural areas and guiding farmers to actively participate. In 2022, a total of 360 beautiful rural courtyards, 105 beautiful rural micro landscapes, 22 beautiful rural small parks, 7 beautiful countryside areas, and 2 beautiful rural leisure tourism points will be built.

Bird's-eye view of the Golden Coast in Shishi City, provided by the Shishi Integrated Media Center

The most beautiful scenery touches people's hearts. The rural tourism industry in Shishi City has developed rapidly, and batches of young "partners" have also emerged in droves, committed to creating "poetry and distant places at the doorstep". Xu Zixie, born in the 1980s, is one of them.

"The changes in the village are too great, and more and more fellow villagers are choosing to come back." He, who has been working outside for 9 years and has returned to his hometown to start a business, hopes to leverage e-commerce "new agricultural tools" to sell Shishi's shoes, clothing, and food to various parts of the country, and drive more local villagers to become rich.

The fields are greener, the villages are more beautiful, the countryside is more livable, and there is more laughter and joy among the villagers... In the evening, the "Golden Coast" lights up and the water ripples. In the ancient alleyways, there are countless tourists, shining brightly.

The story of shared beauty on the coast of the East China Sea is still being written, from building solid foundations and platforms to building momentum through accumulation, from strategic layout to joint development, from leading the way to prosperity to running together for common prosperity.

Author: Research Group of the People's Forum

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