【 Da Guo Xin Cun: Following the Footprints of General Secretary 】 Fujian Minhou: Green Water and Green Mountains, "High Appearance" Economic Development, "High Quality" Countryside | Binjiang New City | Fujian

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 07:36 AM

Special topic on "Da Guo Xin Cun: Following the Footprints of General Secretary"

The nation must be revitalized, and the countryside must be revitalized.

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that "the most arduous and arduous task of comprehensively building a socialist modernized country still lies in rural areas. We will prioritize the development of agriculture and rural areas, adhere to the integration of urban and rural development, and facilitate the flow of urban and rural factors. We will accelerate the construction of an agricultural strong country and solidly promote the revitalization of rural industries, talents, culture, ecology, and organizations." The People's Forum website has launched a series of reports on "New Villages in a Great Country: Following the Footprints of General Secretary", telling the story of the revitalization of the vast rural areas of China. Today, the research team of the People's Forum takes you into Minhou County, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, to experience the resonance between the "high aesthetic value" of green water and green mountains and the "high-quality" economic development.

The spring breeze in the Eight Min region is strong, and the first city is filled with hot waves.

The Marquis of Fujian, known as the "Capital of the Eight Min", is as narrow as a crescent moon embracing Fuzhou and closely connected to the urban area.

During his work in Fuzhou, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Minhou many times and proposed that "it is necessary to deepen the awareness of the first city in Bamin, further give full play to its advantages, and speed up the pace of economic construction and reform and opening up".

For many years, the sons and daughters of the Marquis of Min have kept in mind their instructions, adhered to the essence of the "3820" strategic engineering ideology, worked hard and steadfastly, and achieved leapfrog development. The "high appearance" of green mountains and clear waters and the "high quality" of economic development complement each other.

Weaving a dense network for party building, embellishing green waters and green mountains with high aesthetic value

The Chenghuang Temple in Tang Dynasty style, the Zhenguo pagoda standing for thousands of years... Walking into the Houguan Village located on the bank of the Minjiang River in Shangjie Town, you can see a lot of folk houses scattered among the green mountains and green waters, and the beautiful walls are highlighted against the blue sky and white clouds. The village is crisscrossed by paths, with narrow and deep streets and alleys, peaceful and tranquil.

Houguan Village has a profound historical and cultural heritage, and is the county seat of Houguan County, one of the predecessors of Minhou County. As a "millennium old village", the village preserves a large number of cultural relics, which, despite years of wind and rain, still shine brightly.

Houguan Village used to be one of the important ports in the Minjiang River Basin, provided by the Organization Department of Minhou County Committee

In 2017, Houguan Village was listed as a demonstration village for the construction of a "happy home". In 2018, it was listed as a demonstration village for the construction of a "beautiful countryside". In 2019, it was included in the first batch of Fujian Province's place name cultural heritage "Millennium Ancient Town" list, becoming the only ancient village on the list in Fuzhou City.

"The rich resources of ancient houses in the village are an important carrier for Houguan to promote rural revitalization." Wang Guozhi, Secretary of the Houguan Village Party Committee and Director of the Village Committee, introduced that in order to enrich the cultural connotation of the village and improve the cultural taste of the countryside, Houguan Village focuses on the theme of "nature+countryside+culture", excavates and protects local cultural resources, and continuously refreshes the appearance of the ancient village.

On the one hand, Houguan Village firmly grasps the opportunity of the Party building leading rural governance pilot project, takes deepening the construction of the "small team, fine grid" grassroots governance system as the starting point, mobilizes widespread participation of the masses, and the village "two committees" cadres and party member volunteers take the initiative to claim the fourth level grid members from top to bottom, adhering to the Party building leading and multi-dimensional governance, and initially forming a "five governance" integrated rural governance pattern of "political leadership, autonomous consolidation, rule of law guarantee, moral education, and intelligent governance support".

How effective is this "net"?

"In the original grid, a grid worker was responsible for almost hundreds of households, making it difficult to implement it in a timely manner in emergency situations. Now, each team should not exceed 10 households, and the situation of each grid can be understood in about an hour." Wang Guozhi said, this advantage is particularly evident in urgent and difficult tasks such as flood prevention and disaster resistance.

Except for Houguan Village, this "big network" has now spread throughout the entire Minhou region. Chen Peihuang, member of the Standing Committee of the Minhou County Committee and Minister of the Organization Department, introduced that based on the scale of "10 households, 1 team, 1 area, and 10 areas, 1 district", the county has finely divided the grid into household to person and partition to room to object, with roads as the boundary and houses as the limit. A comprehensive and dense physical grid distribution system has been established, and Minhou County has been divided into 322 districts, 2627 areas, and 11240 teams. According to the selection model of "direct allocation of village workers, part-time claiming of government officials, demonstration and guidance of unemployed party members, and voluntary participation of social forces", the rural governance work has been continuously strengthened.

At the same time, Minhou improved the grid party organization system of "village party organization grid party branch united team party group", and synchronously established 2323 grid party branches at the "area district" level, incorporating party members into the management of the grid party organization. The secretary of the grid party branch is generally held by members of the village party organization, village committee members, and village representatives, and works under the unified leadership of the village party organization, achieving the "dual network integration" of party building grid and social governance grid.

Provided by the Organization Department of Minhou County Committee in Houguan Old Street after renovation and development

There are new ways to govern, and rural areas are showing new colors. Nowadays, walking on Houguan Ancient Street, every household hangs red lanterns, and the stalls placed in front of the door are full of local characteristics. Along the street, there are still many ancient houses with green bricks, Dai tiles, and civil structures on both sides of the road. Tourists come and go while tasting delicious food and taking photos, and some even start live broadcasts.

"The popularity is getting stronger and the ancient street is bustling again." "Our environment has become more beautiful, our quality of life has improved, and our houses have also improved." Speaking of the development and changes in the village in recent years, the villagers have praised it one after another.

The rural governance model of Houguan Village is a vivid epitome of Minhou County's high-quality party building leading rural revitalization and urban-rural integration, and comprehensively constructing a coordinated development pattern of the new era Binjiang New City. In recent years, Minhou has leveraged its three major advantages of "Southeast Automobile City, Fuzhou University City, and proximity to the main city", with "Party building guidance, industrial development, technological prosperity, digital empowerment, and integration of industry and city" as its development direction. With modern layout, construction, governance, and modern living as its implementation path, Minhou has taken some villages such as Qingkou, Xiangqian, Shangjie, Jingxi, Baisha, and Hongwei as its construction foundation, and built a "1+5" rural revitalization demonstration belt from point to surface and contiguous areas, creating "rural areas in the city and urban areas in the countryside", expanding its vast space to accelerate the construction of "science and education famous cities, strong industrial cities, and livable new cities". Lay a solid foundation.

The urban landscape is changing day by day, people's livelihood projects are fruitful, and the happiness index is rising step by step... Minhou adheres to the leadership of party building in various work, injecting a source of fresh water into the high-quality development of the local area. In 2022, Minhou County was awarded the "Sixth Batch of National Ecological Civilization Construction Demonstration Zones", which is another "National Ecological County" gold signboard for ecological civilization construction after being named "National Ecological County" in 2016 and awarded "National Greening Model Unit" in 2019.

A towering tree must have its roots; The water of Huaishan must have its source. In the future, Minhou County will actively benchmark against the central urban area of the provincial capital, optimize urban spatial layout, and promote modern urban construction at a higher level, making people's lives more convenient, comfortable, and better.

To play a leading role in the industry and promote high-quality economic development

As the saying goes, the world's goldfish look at China, Chinese goldfish look at Fuzhou, and Fuzhou goldfish look at Minhou.

As the "hometown of Chinese goldfish", Minhou goldfish has a wide variety of varieties, excellent quality, bright colors, beautiful body shape, and strong body. After hundreds of years of strain optimization, it has formed a unique Minhou goldfish variety and boutique goldfish.

At present, there are 43 goldfish breeding farms in the county, with a breeding area of over 1250 acres, mainly distributed in towns such as Nantong, Jingxi, and Xiaoruo. The annual production of various finished goldfish is more than 15 million, accounting for about 80% of the country's high-end boutique goldfish. It is the largest goldfish breeding base in Fuzhou, with a production value of 380 million yuan in 2022, a year-on-year increase of 26%.

Photo provided by the Organization Department of Minhou County Committee in the Jinyu Exhibition and Sales Hall

In order to consolidate the development foundation of the goldfish industry, Minhou County has implemented the goldfish breeding production base renovation and upgrading project, actively promoting new technologies such as the "three-stage method" goldfish intensive breeding mode, water quality online monitoring, dissolved oxygen automatic control, and circular water utilization, improving the intelligent, standardized, and standardized production level of goldfish breeding. By establishing a goldfish breeding farm and a large-scale aquaculture seed industry base, further strengthening the protection of famous and endangered goldfish species, improving germplasm resources, and promoting the revitalization of Minhou goldfish seed industry.

Guanzhong Village is the base village of the revolutionary old area and also the center of the Guanyuan area in Jingxi Town, Minhou County. The village mainly develops the goldfish farming industry, among which the Pan's ornamental fish farming farm is well-known far and wide.

Our farm has over 2000 goldfish breeding ponds, which can produce nearly 1 million high-end ornamental fish per year, of which 75% are exported to various parts of the world. Pan Guocheng, who has been in the industry for more than 20 years, is the president of the Fuzhou Goldfish Industry Association. He has cultivated and raised goldfish with ingenuity, and many varieties have won awards in various domestic competitions, helping Fuzhou goldfish "swim" to the world.

While expanding and strengthening the goldfish industry, Guanzhong Village also collaborates with industrial elements such as Renzhou Village Line and Liudang Village Green and Red Wine to promote resource sharing and complementary advantages. Nowadays, the Guanyuan area centered around Guanzhong Village has initially formed a concentrated area for goldfish farming, gathering 7 large-scale goldfish farming enterprises such as Pan's ornamental fish farming farm and Minhou Guanyuan goldfish farming farm, as well as nearly 30 small and medium-sized goldfish farming enterprises.

Jingxi Guanzhong Village has soft and clean water quality, rich in minerals, and is suitable for breeding goldfish. The Organization Department of Minhou County Committee provides pictures

In order to better promote the integrated development of the primary, secondary, and tertiary industries in the goldfish industry, Minhou County relies on platforms such as the Jingxi E-commerce Live Exchange Base and Nantong Goldfish Cultural and Creative Park to develop new retail models such as live streaming sales and social e-commerce, improve the supply chain of goldfish e-commerce, and expand online and offline sales channels.

Luo Yingwei is one of the online salespeople. When she returned to the village after graduation, she originally planned to go to work in the factory with her lover. After contacting the goldfish industry in Guanzhong Village, she found that it was very unique. So she started from trial breeding of one and two to training of Internet marketers, and gradually became an "expert".

"During peak season, goldfish are not enough to sell. In a month, you can earn around 20000 to 30000 yuan and take care of the elderly and children, which is much more cost-effective than going out to work," Luo Yingwei said with a smile.

It is reported that the second phase of Jingxi E-commerce Live Broadcasting Exchange Base has been completed and is currently planning to attract investment. At the same time, the local government will further enhance product awareness and plan to build a comprehensive goldfish characteristic town with goldfish as the theme, integrating aquaculture production, agricultural experience, science popularization education, and tourism. This will provide new momentum for extending the goldfish industry chain, enabling positive interaction between people, logistics, and capital flow, and promoting common prosperity.

Minhou is a hot land for high-quality development.

At present, the pace of high-quality development in the "Eight Min Capital" region is still advancing: Southeast Automobile City has become a cluster type automobile industry base led by Fujian Mercedes Benz and Southeast Automobile, driving the formation of 135 automobile parts manufacturing enterprises and 42 automobile sales enterprises; Fuzhou University City is closely linked to the innovation source of Southeast China Science City and the positioning of Fujian University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center, building an integrated development and innovation highland of industry, academia, research and application; The central county town is deeply implementing five major projects: urban renewal, new area clustering, ecological continuity, transportation accessibility, and safety resilience, accelerating the construction of livable new cities.

Provided by the Organization Department of Minhou County Committee of Southeast Automobile City

Ecological vitality and strong industrial driving force. In 2022, the GDP of Minhou County exceeded 100 billion yuan for the first time, and for 13 consecutive years, it was listed as one of the top 10 counties in the province's county-level economy. It ranked 13th among the top 100 counties with development potential in China.

"We will always keep in mind the instructions, deepen the awareness of being the first city in the Eight Min regions, further leverage our advantages, and fully promote the high-quality development of modern Binjiang New City in the new era, making contributions to Fuzhou's accelerated construction of a modern international city," said Zhao Mingzheng, Secretary of Minhou County Committee.

Answer the "Original Heart Scroll" well, and strive to compose a new chapter. Happy to see the land of the capital city of Fujian, a modern riverside new city that is full of vigor and progress in the new era is worthy of everyone's expectations.

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