【 Da Guo Xin Cun: Following the Footprints of General Secretary 】 Alshan City, Inner Mongolia: Green waters and green mountains become a pillar of happiness in tourism | Ecology | General Secretary

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 15:45 PM

Special topic on "Da Guo Xin Cun: Following the Footprints of General Secretary"

The nation must be revitalized, and the countryside must be revitalized.

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that "the most arduous and arduous task of comprehensively building a socialist modernized country still lies in rural areas. We will prioritize the development of agriculture and rural areas, adhere to the integration of urban and rural development, and facilitate the flow of urban and rural factors. We will accelerate the construction of an agricultural strong country and solidly promote the revitalization of rural industries, talents, culture, ecology, and organizations." The People's Forum website has launched a series of reports on "New Villages in a Great Country: Following the Footprints of General Secretary", telling the story of the revitalization of the vast rural areas of China. Today, let's walk into Xing'an League of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region together and see how Alshan City relies on green development to become prosperous and make great progress on the road of rural revitalization.

Alshan City, located in the northwest of Xing'an League, Inner Mongolia, is a border small town spanning the southwest foothills of the Greater Xing'an Mountains.

For the past decade, Alshan City has always adhered to the leadership of Party building, taking the transformation of shantytowns, ecological protection, and tourism development as three "top-notch" tasks. Based on ecology, it strives for development, focuses on tourism to develop industries, highlights distinctive brands, innovates and promotes development, and creates a new situation of cross-border development in Alshan City.

From "worry about living" to "excellent living"

Persist in continuously improving people's livelihoods through development

He said affectionately, "We party members and cadres all need to have such a consciousness: as long as there is still a family or even a person who has not solved basic living problems, we cannot be complacent; as long as the people's longing for a happy life has not yet become a reality, we must not slack off and unite to lead the people to struggle together."

Alshan City is located in the Greater Khingan Mountains forest area. As early as the mid-1950s, the first generation of forestry workers in New China began working and living here. For a long time, rows of narrow and leaky board and mud houses have formed a highly distinctive forest housing system. And the cold winter in Alshan is long, solving the housing problem has become the top priority here.

On the eve of the 2014 Spring Festival, the city of Alshan, located on the border, was over minus 30 degrees Celsius, covered in ice and snow, and covered in silver.

Seeing the housing difficulties faced by the people in the forest area, the General Secretary reminded local officials to accelerate the renovation of shantytowns, set a schedule, and enable the people to live in new houses as soon as possible. We must do a good job in comforting the people in need and ensure that every family has a good Spring Festival.

Since 2014, Alshan City has focused on the renovation of shantytowns, investing a total of 4.2 billion yuan, renovating 10400 households in shantytowns, completing a demolition area of 660000 square meters, and raising 2658 households and 210000 square meters of resettlement housing. As of 2019, all shantytown residents have moved out of shantytowns and into buildings. The shantytown renovation benefits more than half of the city's residents, and 30000 people have achieved "better housing" from "worrying about their homes".

New Appearance of Shanty Towns Inner Mongolia Xing'an League Aershan Municipal Committee Organization Department

"Since I can remember, I have been living with my parents in a small bungalow made of boards and mud. Now that there is a good policy, my family of three and my mother can live in this building with heating and drainage without spending money. This is the real way to live," said Li Tangyu, a forestry worker living in Tianchi Garden on Ilshi Street, happily.

In order to consolidate the achievements of shantytown renovation, Alshan City has continuously improved its infrastructure. In recent years, 80 kilometers of roads and 155 kilometers of pipeline networks have been newly built and renovated. The urban lighting rate, water supply popularization rate, and garbage disposal rate have reached 95%, 98.14%, and 99.69%, respectively. This has completely solved the problems of difficult heating, drinking, and transportation for residents.

Alshan City has also been awarded the title of pilot city for green development in urban and rural construction in the autonomous region, successfully creating an autonomous region level garden city and an autonomous region level scenic spot. The city's overall appearance has been improved, and the happiness index has been frequently refreshed, showcasing the "image of Alshan" in urban construction.

From "cutting green" to "protecting green"

Resolutely building an important ecological security barrier in northern China

In 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out during an inspection in Aershan City, Inner Mongolia: "We must keep the ecological bottom line at all times. Protecting the ecology is development."

"In recent years, the ecology of Alshan City has been improving year by year, and there are more and more small animals in the forest area. From time to time, reindeer, snow rabbits, and wild boars can be seen, and in the past one or two years, some strange and unnamed animals have emerged." Bai Yuhua, a caretaker who has worked at the Durar Forest Farm in Alshan City for 32 years, witnessed the little changes in the ecological environment of the forest area after the logging was stopped.

Focusing on ecological environment protection, making green waters and mountains beautiful. Alshan City earnestly implements the "Two Mountains" concept, adheres to ecological priority and green development, and began implementing grazing bans and land reclamation in 2002. In 2012, it was the first in Inner Mongolia to fully stop logging in state-owned forest farms. Since 2014, we have been continuously promoting ecological and environmental protection work, implementing a total of 16.5 million mu of natural conservation projects, 1.2 million mu of mountain closure and afforestation, 400000 mu of afforestation, 250000 mu of returning farmland to forests and grasslands, and 15000 mu of key area greening. At present, the forest coverage rate in the city has reached 81.2%, and the green vegetation coverage rate has exceeded 95%. Groundwater and surface water have both reached the Class III standard, and have been selected as the national forestry carbon sequestration pilot cities in 2022. This has paved the way for ecological protection with "government led, enterprise participation, and collective efforts", painting a beautiful picture of harmonious coexistence of mountains, waters, forests, fields, lakes, and grasses.

Embedded in the vast forest sea of Aershan Tianchi Inner Mongolia Xing'an League Aershan Municipal Committee Organization Department

As a national ecotourism demonstration area, an international health tourism destination of the "the Belt and Road", a demonstration city of national ecological civilization construction, and a practice and innovation base of "green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains", the border town of Aershan has made important contributions to building an important ecological security barrier in northern China.

Our raw materials are sourced from dead, fallen, and dead birch trees in the local area. After natural peeling, they come in over 40 different colors and can be processed to design and produce exquisite bark paintings that cannot be replicated. In Bailang Town, Alshan City, the former tree feller has become a forest ranger, guarding the green mountains and rivers, collecting and making beautiful birch bark paintings, paving the way for the development of intangible cultural heritage inheritance and turning waste into treasure.

Focus on the development of green industries and make green mountains and clear waters prosperous. In recent years, Alshan City has made every effort to promote the economy under the forest. The "Alshan Boliuke" national geographical indication certification trademark has been successfully registered, and Alshan black fungus and Alshan cold sea buckthorn have been recognized as national famous and excellent new agricultural products. More than 20 projects, including the green agricultural and livestock product processing industrial park, the integration of red matsutake production and processing in Bailang Town, and the upgrading and renovation of rural revitalization demonstration villages, have been fully implemented and started. The designated assistance of central government agencies and the deepening and implementation of cooperation between Beijing and Mongolia have accelerated the implementation of the "Xiaojing Plan" to lead the rich and lead the rich, and the comprehensive implementation of the list system and point system for rural governance. The cultivation of red pine antler has increased the income of the surrounding people, with an average increase of over 30000 yuan per person.

Once upon a time, there was the glory of "a chainsaw costs ten thousand taels of gold", and I have also experienced the pain of adjustment and transformation. Today, Alshan is making great strides on the path of green prosperity and rural revitalization.

"Green mountains and clear waters are like mountains of gold and silver."

Remember the instructions and strive for success, making tourism in border towns popular

"The natural scenery of Mount Aershan is very beautiful in all seasons." "Alshan tourism will definitely catch fire." Nine years ago, the praise of General Secretary Xi Jinping strengthened the determination of Aershan people to continue to develop tourism relying on the beautiful natural scenery.

"Previously, the majority of tourists came to the Northeast region of Alshan for tourism. Now, customers from Beijing, Shanghai, Shenyang, and Guangzhou are also constantly coming. I am truly happy from the bottom of my heart," said You Junli, who has been doing business in Alshan for many years.

Alshan City is located at the intersection of the Horqin Grassland, Xilingol Grassland, and Hulunbuir Grassland, with natural landscapes such as hot springs, wetlands, volcanoes, ice and snow, forests, grasslands, and abundant tourism resources.

In recent years, Alshan City has adhered to the principles of "ecological construction, tourism development, and port strength", and has taken the creation of a national level tourist resort as the "number one project" leading the high-quality development of tourism. It continues to work for tourism and its development momentum is thriving. Build high-level tourism products such as the "Lujiaowan" hot spring resort camp, oxygen heart forest bath, and Halaha Drifting Park; Create distinctive tourism formats such as Beer · Qingfang, "Shanzhen Shuiyan" and "Allu" cultural and creative stores. Promote the construction of key projects such as the five-star hot spring resort hotel, hot spring museum renovation, thermal MALL agricultural and creative food park, and Shengquan Snow Collection in Alshan, gradually establishing five standardized systems: hot springs, forest health, vacation campsites, hotels, and catering. The 1382 relay station and port sightseeing boardwalk have been put into operation, and the average border travel time has been extended by about 50%, fully opening up a new model of immersive tourism development.

"Butterfly Change" of Aershan City

Alshan adheres to high standards to promote the construction of cultural and tourism brands, with nationwide festivals and all staff participating. It has successfully held festival activities such as "China Tourism Day" and "Cultural and Natural Heritage Day", promoting the integrated development of "forest+ice and snow" and "winter tourism+sports". The ice and snow festival, deer antler snow camp, forest snow field, and Qingfang Snow Street have ignited winter tourism enthusiasm; Organize high-end forums such as alumni economic forums and tourism and vacation conferences, and focus on developing the forum economy. Over the past decade, the annual reception of tourists in the city has surged from 2 million to a peak of over 5 million people; Tourism revenue has exceeded 10 million to over 3 billion yuan; The number of tourism professionals has increased from nearly 10000 to 14000, and the tourism industry has become the "core engine" driving high-quality economic development in Alshan City.

Taking advantage of the popularity of tourism, the Junli family started by making hand rolled noodles and purchased a 280 square meter shop in 2017. The small noodle shop was upgraded to a specialty restaurant, specializing in mountain spring water ground tofu and specialty mountain and wild vegetables. During the peak tourism season, we can receive a maximum of over 500 customers per day and earn a monthly income of over 100000 yuan. Senior employee Zhong Shuyan said, "Nowadays, during the peak season, I have to be busy from 8am to midnight and have no time to rest. My salary is about 10 times higher than before!"

"For the past decade, Alshan City has always focused on grassroots party building, overseeing key tasks such as rural revitalization, tourism development, and ecological protection. It has continuously improved the political and organizational functions of grassroots party organizations, closely focusing on the" two major events "of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and the deployment requirements of the League Committee and the Municipal Party Committee. It has persisted in drawing a blueprint to the end, with sufficient embroidery efforts, continuously improving people's livelihoods, ecology, and tourism, and has embarked on a high-quality development path of innovation, coordination, green, openness, and sharing." said Li Chuanli, Executive Deputy Minister of the Organization Department of the Alshan Municipal Party Committee.

The mountains and waters are beautiful, the people are abundant, and there are no guests coming. Smiling faces are filled with happiness and sweetness, and painting scrolls outline the past and present, as well as the changes of the times. The border town of Arshan is riding the fast train of high-quality development towards tomorrow.

In the future, Aershan City will thoroughly implement the important instructions and important speech spirit of General Secretary Jinping during his inspection in Inner Mongolia, make every effort to grasp the five major tasks of Inner Mongolia, build a model autonomous region in all directions, and complete the primary goal of creating a national tourist resort., Strive to write a new chapter of high-quality development in the new era of Aershan.

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