Continuously enhancing the historical initiative of modernization in the new era and new journey | Socialism | Era

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 03:16 AM

Author: Li Huaitao

History is the activity of those who pursue their own goals. Lenin once said, "With the expansion and deepening of people's historical creation activities, the number of people who are conscious historical activists will inevitably increase.".

Be good at enhancing historical initiative in grasping the historical trend

To know the great way, one must first study history. Enhancing historical initiative requires first identifying the direction of historical development and grasping the overall trend of historical development, in order to guide and follow the trend.On the basis of existing understanding, the Outline provides timely attention and concentrated presentation of the development trends of the times in recent years. For example, in terms of the world situation, it is important to point out that "the world's unprecedented great changes are accelerating their evolution" and strengthen the judgment that "the world has entered a new period of turbulence and change"; In terms of national conditions, it is pointed out that the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered a critical period, and the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered an irreversible historical process; In terms of party sentiment, the original "firmly walking in the forefront of the times in revolutionary forging" has been adjusted to "the CPC has opened up a new realm of self revolution"; In the history of the development of scientific socialism, it points out the great achievements of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, and "demonstrates the vitality of scientific socialism with irrefutable facts.".

In particular, the Outline adds a systematic exposition of "Chinese path to modernization comprehensively promotes and expands" in its interpretation of the development trend of China today, pointing out that Chinese path to modernization in the new era has made innovative breakthroughs in theory and practice, "enriching and developing new forms of human civilization". At the same time, in the chapter of "comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese path to modernization" in the book, the Chinese characteristics, essential requirements and major principles of Chinese path to modernization are further explained. As the latest achievement of scientific socialism, Chinese path to modernization is a major innovation in the theory and practice of world modernization and provides a new modernization path for the world. The successful practice and remarkable achievements of Chinese path to modernization, as well as the sharp contrast between "rising in the east and falling in the west" and "governing chaos in the west" since the new era, provide a new choice for developing countries to independently move towards modernization and explore the diversity of modernization paths.

The historical development of human society has proven that no matter what kind of twists and turns it encounters, history always moves forward according to its own laws, and no force can stop the wheel of historical progress. Deeply studying the Outline helps us accurately grasp the historical trend, continuously draw wisdom and strength from history, and promote the continuous development of the Party and the people's cause.

Proficient in enhancing historical initiative by refining historical laws

Enhancing historical initiative requires observing the overall situation and being adept at strategic planning and strategizing; We also need to grasp the mechanism and be good at targeted strategies.These important statements deepen the understanding of the laws of the Communist Party's governance, socialist construction, and human social development with a new perspective, providing a "golden key" for people to understand the current world and transform the real world.

For example, the title of the first chapter of the book makes it clear that "the leadership of the CPC is the most essential feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics", focusing on explaining the highest political leadership in contemporary China; In Chapter 2 "Adhering to and Developing Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era", an important discourse in the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, "Opening up a New Realm of Marxism's Sinicization and Modernization in the 'Two Combinations'", has been added; In the chapter "Adhering to putting the people at the center", it is pointed out that "achieving common prosperity is not only an economic issue, but also a major political issue related to the foundation of the Party's governance", and it is clear that both the "cake" should be enlarged and well divided, "so that the people can truly feel that common prosperity is not just a slogan, but a visible, tangible, and tangible fact"; In the chapter on "comprehensively promoting the rule of law", "adhering to the rule of law and governing according to the constitution" is listed as a separate item, which highlights the authority of the constitution and helps to improve the ability and level of governing according to the constitution; In the chapter on "Resolutely and comprehensively governing the Party with strict discipline", a new section is added stating "always maintaining a clear and resolute approach to solving the unique problems of the major party", highlighting the calm, rational, mature, and wise approach of our party in doing a good job in self construction in the new era and new journey; In terms of economic construction, we should keep pace with the times, accelerate the construction of a new development pattern, adhere to the "two unwavering principles", promote high-level technological self-reliance and self-improvement, and implement major national development strategies; In the political construction section, it deeply discusses that "the whole process of people's democracy is the most extensive, authentic, and effective socialist democracy", revealing the unique advantages of China's people's democratic dictatorship; In the cultural construction section, emphasis is placed on the fundamental system of adhering to the guiding position of Marxism in the field of ideology;

"Historical development has its own laws, but people are not completely passive in it. As long as we grasp the general trend of historical development, seize the opportunity of historical change, follow the trend, and work hard, we can make better progress." Understanding the laws of history, grasping the general trend of history, grasping the historical opportunities, and keeping up with the trend of the times are the valuable experience of the CPC for more than 100 years of development, and an important reason for the CPC to lead the Chinese people to win one victory after another.

Be good at enhancing historical initiative in facing historical challenges

To enhance historical initiative, we must not only take the initiative to fight, but also bravely respond, and stand at the forefront in the transformation of subject and object, as well as the transformation of offense and defense. The universal principle of contradiction tells people that society moves forward in the movement of contradictions, and contradictions are always present and everywhere. If there is contradiction, there will be struggle. It is the nature of the CPC to understand and apply the law of movement of social contradictions, adhere to the struggle, struggle tirelessly, and advance in the struggle.Striving for safety through struggle leads to safety, and yielding through weakness leads to safety and death; To seek development through struggle leads to prosperity, and to seek development through weakness and concession leads to decline.

The spirit and ability of struggle are not innate. Party members and leading cadres must undergo strict ideological refinement, political experience, practical training, and professional training, actively participate in various struggles, experience more ups and downs, and hold more "hot potato", in order to truly forge into fiery gold in complex and severe struggles. The Outline points out that "struggle is an art, courage alone is not enough, and one must also be good at struggle, achieving the unity of strategic judgment and tactical decision-making, and the unity of the struggle process and the effectiveness of the struggle." In various major struggles, it is necessary to accurately grasp the overall situation and situation, clarify the struggle tasks, accurately grasp the struggle process, judge the timing of the attack, find the target and hit it with one strike. Adhere to the principles of reason, benefit, and restraint, choose a reasonable mode of struggle, grasp the intensity of the struggle, ensure punctuality, efficiency, mobilize all positive factors, and seek unity, cooperation, and win-win results in the struggle.

The wheels of history roll forward, and the tide of the times is vast and mighty. The realization of the Chinese Dream of fully building a socialist modernized strong country and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is not something that can be easily achieved overnight. We must engage in arduous and persistent struggle. In the new era, the "four major tests" and "four dangers" that our party is facing are long-term and severe. On the road ahead, there are still many "snow mountains" and "grasslands" that need to be crossed, as well as many "Loushanguan" and "Lazikou" that need to be conquered. At present, China's development has entered a critical period of coexistence of strategic opportunities and risks, with an increase in uncertain and unpredictable factors. Various "black swan" and "gray rhinoceros" events may occur at any time. We must deeply grasp the historical characteristics of the new great struggle, firmly grasp the laws of struggle, carry forward the spirit of struggle, and enhance our fighting skills. We cannot casually "relax and rest", nor can we carelessly think "once and for all" or "stop after seeing the good", nor can we indulge in "chondropathy" or "phobia". We must maintain the spirit of moving forward with greater difficulty, and in effectively responding to major challenges, resisting major risks, overcoming major obstacles, and resolving major contradictions, we must make every effort to overcome all foreseeable and unforeseeable risks and challenges, and continuously strive for new victories in the great struggle of the new era.

Proficient in enhancing historical initiative through the convergence of historical forces

The materialist view of history holds that history advances through the interaction of numerous individual wills. The development of history is not the result of a single individual's will, but the result of the combined force of multiple factors. Enhancing historical initiative is not the isolated initiative and blind chaos of individual individuals and forces, but the initiative of forming unity, mutual assistance, and coordinated consistency through universal connections, comprehensive systems, and development and changes. In this regard, the Outline clearly points out in the item of "creating historic achievements by united struggle" that "united struggle is the most significant spiritual symbol of the CPC and the Chinese people, and the only way for the Chinese people to create historic achievements. Only a nation that can unite in struggle has a future, and only a party that can unite in struggle can be invincible."

In the new era and new journey, we have set a clear goal of unity and struggle, "building a strong socialist modernization country in an all-round way, achieving the second century goal, and comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese path to modernization"; In comprehensively strengthening the leadership of the Party, we ensure that the Party is always the core of leadership in unity and struggle. "The socialist modernization led by the CPC is the qualitative determination of Chinese path to modernization, and is in charge of the overall management and the fundamental management"; We firmly adhere to the fundamental direction of unity and struggle, and only by adhering to and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics can we achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation; We have consolidated the strong foundation of unity and struggle, stating that "the people are the creators of history, the people are the true heroes, and the people are the greatest confidence of the Party in governing and revitalizing the country."; We plan a strategic arrangement of unity and struggle, from comprehensively building a moderately prosperous society to achieving basic modernization, and then to comprehensively building a socialist modernized strong country; We activate the source of strength for unity and struggle, and the fundamental driving force for adhering to and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era is still the comprehensive deepening of reform; We build a legal guarantee for unity and struggle, and "comprehensive rule of law is an essential requirement and important guarantee for adhering to and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics"; We forged the political guarantee of unity and struggle. "Without the revolutionary forging of comprehensively strict governance of the Party, there would not be today's highly united and strong CPC, there would not be a party masses relationship of unity and unity in the face of difficulties, and it would be impossible to win the historical initiative in the changing international situation"... This series of new ideas, new ideas, and new assertions raised our understanding of unity and struggle to a new height.

We have created a glorious history through unity and struggle, and we must also open up a better future through unity and struggle. On the new journey, we must adhere to the principle of great unity and unity, unite all forces that can be united, mobilize all positive factors that can be mobilized, continuously consolidate and develop the great unity of all ethnic groups in the country, the great unity of the whole people, and the great unity of all Chinese people, and form a strong joint force to achieve the Chinese Dream with one heart and one mind. As long as the entire Party and people of all ethnic groups in the country unite under the banner of the Party, think and work hard together, they will definitely be able to overcome all difficulties and challenges on the road to progress, and continue to create new miracles that are impressive.

Guangming Daily

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