Collaborating with his son to commit fraud, the fake life of a deputy department level researcher in Changsha: accused of forging military achievements to deceive compensation

Release time:Apr 16, 2024 01:33 AM

Yang Xiangui, who is nearly sixty years old, was once a third level researcher at the Changsha Procuratorate in Hunan Province. As he is about to retire, he, who was originally cracking down on and accusing crimes, is now standing in shackles in the criminal court as a defendant.

Since July, the People's Court of Yuelu District, Changsha City has held multiple public hearings to hear Yang Xiangui suspected of the crime of unknown source of huge assets, fraud, forging official documents, certificates, and seals of the armed forces, forging official documents and seals of state organs, forging seals of public institutions, and false litigation. Yang Xiangui's son Yang Mouwei and daughter-in-law Nie were also on trial on the same stage as Yang Xiangui. Yang Mouwei was suspected of fraud and false litigation, while Nie was suspected of false litigation, covering up or concealing the crime.

Upstream News reporters learned that the case was originally planned to have a 5-day trial, but due to the involvement of multiple charges, Yang Xiangui refused to plead guilty in court, and his defense raised questions about the jurisdiction of the investigation agency. The trial lasted for several days until late at night. The Yuelu District Court organized at least three consecutive court sessions and announced an adjournment on August 7th. At present, the case is under trial.

Recently, Upstream News reporters learned from the trial site that Yang Xiangui denied all charges of fraud, forgery of official documents, documents, and seals of the armed forces by the prosecutor. He was emotional and sometimes tearful in court. As a retired soldier, he claimed to be a "battle hero" and claimed that the charges against him were "unjust and false cases".

The reporter learned that Yang Xiangui falsely claimed to have connections and the ability to help others "solve difficulties", colluding with his son Yang Mouwei to defraud Li and Xie of 2.6 million yuan in property. As the "solution" was not successful, Li and Xie demanded that they return the property afterwards. Yang Xiangui not only refused, but also filed a false lawsuit to evade investigation by the disciplinary inspection department, demanding that Li and Xie return 500000 yuan. The case was reported by Li and his parents.

Recently, Yang Xiangui was suspected of the crimes of unknown sources of huge amounts of property, fraud, forging official documents, certificates, and seals of the armed forces, forging official documents and seals of state organs, forging seals of public institutions, and false litigation in the Yuelu District Court for trial. Photography/Upstream News Reporter Xiao Peng

Deputy department level prosecutor fraudulently obtains position and rank, and is double dismissed

On June 3, 2021, the subject of certification was the Changsha Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection's WeChat official account, "Clean Changsha", which announced that Yang Xiangui, a three-level researcher of the Changsha People's Procuratorate, was suspected of serious violations of discipline and was currently subject to disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Changsha Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection.

Yang Xiangui, male, Miao nationality, born in July 1964, is a member of the Hunan Association. He started working in October 1982 and joined the CPC in October 1983. According to his resume, starting from September 1998, he successively served as a deputy department level prosecutor and a chief department level prosecutor of the People's Procuratorate of Huaihua City, as well as the deputy director of the Crime Investigation Bureau of the People's Procuratorate of Huaihua City; In November 2005, he was appointed as a deputy county-level cadre of the People's Procuratorate of Huaihua City; From September 2020 to present, served as a third level researcher at the People's Procuratorate of Changsha City.

On July 14, 2022, "Clean Changsha" continued its report. Recently, with the approval of the Changsha Municipal Party Committee, the Changsha Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision conducted an investigation into the serious violations of discipline and law by Yang Xiangui, a former third level researcher of the Changsha People's Procuratorate.

After investigation, it was found that Yang Xiangui violated political discipline, was disloyal and dishonest to the party, was stubborn and did not understand, provided false information to the organization, and deliberately opposed censorship; Violation of organizational discipline, failure to truthfully report personal matters, and falsification to obtain positions, ranks, educational qualifications, and honors; Violating integrity and discipline, taking advantage of one's position to illegally accept property from others; Suspected of committing a crime where the source of a huge amount of property is unknown, and the existing property and expenses clearly exceed the legitimate income, it cannot be explained the source. In addition, Yang Xiangui is also suspected of fraud, forging official documents and seals, and committing false litigation crimes.

In the above-mentioned notice, the Discipline Inspection Commission of Changsha City spoke harshly, mentioning that Yang Xiangui, as a party member, leading cadre, and judicial staff member, has a comprehensive lack of party spirit awareness and seriously distorted values. Without reverence, without respect for laws and regulations, without integrity, driven by greed, daring to act recklessly, deceiving organizations for a long time, their behavior seriously violates discipline and law, and is suspected of committing crimes. They also do not restrain or stop after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and continue to lack reverence and restraint after the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Their nature is serious and their impact is heinous, and they should be dealt with seriously. In accordance with the Regulations of the CPC on Disciplinary Punishment, the Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Punishment of Public Officials and other relevant provisions, after discussion at the meeting of the Standing Committee of Changsha Commission for Discipline Inspection and reported to the Municipal Party Committee for approval, it was decided to expel Yang Xiangui from Party membership, and the Changsha Commission for Discipline Inspection would expel him from public office and remove him from his post as a prosecutor as required; Confiscate their illegal gains from disciplinary violations; Transfer the suspected criminal issues to the procuratorial organs for legal review and prosecution, and transfer the involved property together.

After being reported, the incident occurred

The Yang Xiangui case occurred due to a criminal case that was suspected of "loan fraud" five years ago.

The Yuelu District Prosecutor's Office accused that in July 2018, 13 employees of Hunan Bokehui Information Technology Co., Ltd. were arrested and more than 3.98 million yuan was frozen due to Li's actual control of the "copper money loan" lending and collection business operated by Hunan Botai Investment Co., Ltd., Hunan Bokehui Information Technology Co., Ltd., and Shenzhen Botai Financial Services Co., Ltd., which were suspected of "arbitrage loans". After being investigated by the Longquan Public Security Bureau in Zhejiang Province, 13 employees of Hunan Bokehui Information Technology Co., Ltd. were arrested.

At the end of 2018, Li approached his colleague Yang, hoping to help Li understand the case and unfreeze the funds through Yang's father, the defendant Yang Xiangui, who worked at the Changsha People's Procuratorate. Afterwards, Yang Xiangui, Yang Mouwei, Li Mou, Xie Mou, and others had multiple discussions at the Jasmine Hotel, Meiyasi Hotel, Hailian Hotel, and other places in Changsha. During this period, Yang Xiangui fabricated the fact that he knew the leaders of the Hunan Provincial Public Security Department, the Procuratorate, the Longquan Public Security Bureau, and the procuratorates of Lishui and Longquan in Zhejiang Province. He lied to Li and Xie Mou about finding connections to help Li Mou handle company employees leniently and unfreeze frozen funds. Yang Xiangui also fabricated the fact that he had already contacted relevant leaders to handle the decision not to arrest Li Mou, which deceived the trust of Li and Xie Mou. Someone proposed to pay the "difficult" fee.

From February to June 2019, Yang Xiangui arranged for Yang Mouwei to take money from Li and Xie, and fraudulently obtained 2.6 million yuan four times. In June 2019, Yang Mouwei handed over 600000 yuan in cash to the defendant Yang Xiangui, and the remaining funds were kept and used by Yang Mouwei and his wife Nie.

According to insiders, later on, after Li was sentenced for provoking trouble, they demanded that Yang Xiangui refund the "settlement fee" he had previously paid. "They did not say that they could refund all of it, but a portion could be refunded, but this request was rejected by Yang Xiangui." Afterwards, Li and his parents began to report to the Changsha Commission for Discipline Inspection and other authorities in real name.

Collaborating with his son to commit fraud, the fake life of a deputy department level researcher in Changsha: accused of forging military achievements to deceive compensation

The above-mentioned individuals stated that at the beginning, their report did not receive attention from the discipline inspection commission. It was not until Nie filed a civil lawsuit against Li and Xie, demanding the repayment of his "loan" of 500000 yuan. After filing the case, the Furong District Court said, "This gave Li and his team an opportunity to audit the plaintiff's accounts. They found that the time they received 2.6 million yuan deposited into the bank four times was basically consistent with the time they sent the money. In this way, the case came into the sight of the discipline inspection commission."

In response to the prosecution's allegations, during the court hearing on July 4th, Yang Xiangui shouted "unjust" and pointed out that he had only seen Li and others at the Meiyas Hotel once. After accepting the commission, he not only found someone but also spent money.

Accused of falsifying meritorious service and diploma to defraud pension funds

With the in-depth investigation by the Discipline Inspection Commission, Yang Xiangui is not only suspected of fraud, but more clues such as fake meritorious service and fake diplomas have been identified.

The Yuelu District Prosecutor's Office accuses the defendant Yang Xiangui of serving in the military from 1982 to 1987. In order to obtain national disability compensation and various honor rewards, the defendant Yang Xiangui fabricated the fact that he participated in the battle and was injured in December 1985, fabricated a large amount of false materials such as his first and second class merits due to war, applied for disability assessment, and was assessed as a seventh level disability due to war by the civil affairs department in 2009 through fabricated facts and forged proof materials, and received disability compensation issued by the state.

In 2016, the defendant Yang Xiangui applied to the Yuelu District Civil Affairs Bureau of Changsha City to increase the disability level in order to fraudulently obtain more disability compensation by forging relevant materials such as certificates from the medical department of a certain hospital of the People's Liberation Army. Afterwards, the defendant Yang Xiangui used forged materials and other means to obtain the appraisal conclusion of level six disability, and was assessed by the civil affairs department as level six disability due to war. From December 2009 to May 2021, the defendant Yang Xiangui fabricated the fact of being injured in battle and fraudulently obtained a total of RMB 226416 in disability compensation from the state.

The prosecutor claimed that during his service in a border defense unit in Guangxi, Yang Xiangui only achieved third class merit, not first or second class merit. Yang Xiangui claimed that his military achievements were genuine and not forged, and that all the more than 220000 yuan in compensation was used to treat disability.

The reporter noticed that in the evidence provided by the prosecutor, it was pointed out that Yang Xiangui forged a medical introduction letter from a certain hospital of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Several medical workers from a certain Guangxi border defense unit who testified to the investigation agency claimed that they had not heard of the hospital that issued the introduction letter.

In addition to forging his first class merit and second class merit due to war injuries, Yang Xiangui also forged the "Huai Zu No. 2 Reply of Huaihua Municipal Party Committee Organization Department of the CPC" with the seal of Huaihua Municipal Party Committee Organization Department. After appraisal, the seal stamped on the approval is forged. At the beginning of 2021, the defendant Yang Xiangui forged a job description of Comrade Yang Xiangui from the Organization Department of the Huaihua Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China. Around 2002, the defendant Yang Xiangui forged a master's degree certificate stamped with the seal of Hunan Normal University. After appraisal, it was found that the seal affixed to the graduation certificate was forged.

Upstream news reporters learned at the trial that Hunan Normal University issued an explanation to the investigative authorities stating that Yang Xiangui's master's degree in industrial economics and master's degree certificate obtained from Hunan Normal University were not issued by the university.

Yang Xiangui claimed that the master's degree was obtained by being assigned by the Huaihua Municipal Party School to study at Hunan Normal University. "The tuition fee was over 40000 yuan, which was paid in cash in two installments. After passing the exam, a graduation ceremony was held, and the graduation certificate was also recognized by the Organization Department of the Changsha Municipal Party Committee."

The reporter learned that in June 2021, the Changsha Municipal Supervision Commission took detention measures against Yang Xiangui and seized a large number of various documents, certificates, and other items from Yang Xiangui's residence, unit, and other places, which were "a big burlap bag.".

The reporter also learned that Yang Xiangui's son, Yang Mouwei, hopes that the court will make a lenient judgment on his wife, saying, "I can do whatever I want.". Yang Xiangui filed a complaint with the Guangzhou Judicial Bureau regarding the two defenders of Yang Wei and Nie's negligence in exercising their defense duties. The Guangzhou Lawyers Association filed an investigation into this matter.

At present, the case is under trial.

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