Central Media Posts: Investigation and Research on the "Ten Appropriate and Ten Taboos" Issues | Just Say Go | Central Media

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:23 PM

In advance preparation, it is advisable to "bring questions" and avoid "leaving immediately".

In terms of personnel composition, it is advisable to follow a light and simple approach, and avoid being accompanied by multiple layers.

In terms of object selection, it is advisable to "go as needed" and avoid "being too light or too heavy".

In terms of route arrangement, it is advisable to make changes as needed and avoid following the script.

At the interview location, it is advisable to use "field land" and avoid "deep houses and large courtyards".

In terms of methodology, it is advisable to "dissect sparrows" and avoid "skimming water".

When using emotions with heart, it is advisable to "observe words and expressions" and avoid "listening to what is what".

In terms of material sorting, it is advisable to be systematic and comprehensive, and avoid being fragmented.

In report writing, it is advisable to be "objective and fair" and avoid "filtering beauty".

In the application of achievements, it is advisable to "eat dry and squeeze clean", and avoid "shelving them in a high cabinet".

Recently, the Learning Times published an article summarizing the "ten advisable and ten taboos" that should be followed in investigation and research work.

The article points out that achieving the "Ten Appropriate and Ten Taboos" and "chewing the bread with one's own mouth and tasting the taste" is necessary to play the role of the "probe", "outpost", "scout", "thousand mile eyes, and" ear to the wind "in research, truly understand the situation, identify problems, and implement countermeasures, continuously propose real solutions to problems, and solidly do practical things, do well, and solve difficulties for the people.

The full text is as follows, let's take a look together.

Investigation and research on the "Ten Appropriate and Ten Taboos"

Investigation and research is the heirloom of our party, the foundation of planning and the way to get things done. At a time when Daxing investigation and research is used to promote the investigation of the facts, come up with practical measures, and promote development, it is necessary to accurately grasp the basic principles put forward by the CPC Central Committee that "we must adhere to the party's mass line, seek truth from facts, adhere to problem orientation, persist in overcoming difficulties, and adhere to systematic concepts." to achieve "ten suitability and ten taboos" in our work.

In preparation in advance, it is appropriate to "take questions" and avoid "go as soon as you say". Sharpen a knife without mistakenly chopping firewood, and do not fight an unprepared battle. "if you want to do good work, you must first sharpen its tools," and be prepared to go out "before the war."

It is appropriate to "give priority to food and forage before the troops and horses move". As far as research is concerned, "food and grass" is a research scheme. In addition to going through the travel request or reporting procedures, the research preparation work should carefully plan the research theme, research purpose, scope, research methods, expected results, and so on, focusing on what to understand, what experiences to sum up, and which problems to solve, and prepare for relevant knowledge, some should also design questionnaires or material templates in advance, and bring pen and paper or Mini Program before hitting the road.

Avoid "the blind ride a blind horse and face a deep pool in the middle of the night". You can't start with a pat on the head. Innumerable hearts, empty heads, running recklessly, blurred by both eyes, to the scene of light, can only "on the spot to play"foot on the watermelon peel, slide wherever it is," in the end, it must be twice the result with little effect.

In terms of personnel composition, it is appropriate to "follow easily by light vehicle" and avoid "accompany layer by layer". The staff is small but skilled, and the scene is small and real. Strictly control the size of the personnel who participate in the research, reduce it if you can, and do not participate if you can participate or not, and do not bring a single person who is not involved.

It is appropriate to practice economy and keep a low profile. "set out gently", "advance quietly" and "silently", there are no guide vehicles in the front, no security vehicles in the rear, no accompanying vehicles in the middle, go straight to the grass-roots level and go straight into the scene, and do not disturb the people or officials. Do not disrupt the daily life of the masses, do not interfere with the normal work of cadres, do not increase the burden on the grass-roots level, do not add trouble to the research objects.

Avoid much fanfare and stir up the crowd. Before the researchers set out, the grass-roots personnel had already been "ready for" and "repeated drills." along the way, they accompanied and added people everywhere, with colorful flags fluttering in front and back, and cameras and cameras everywhere with "long guns and short guns." this led to "a full start, continuous addition of cars on the road, frequent addition of stools at the scene, and a whole room for meetings."

In the selection of objects, it is appropriate to "go if you need to go" and avoid "abnormal light and heavy". Go wherever you need it. The choice of research subjects depends on the choice of research topics, on what problems to take, what issues to solve, and what to know.

It is appropriate to have "large, small, medium and poor" and choose both "good and bad". We should not only go to advanced areas, excellent units, and model projects to sum up results, enhance experience, and popularize practices, but also go to places where problems are concentrated, contradictions are prominent, and things are thorny to find out the causes, analyze the situation, and study countermeasures. It is necessary to listen to suggestions not only where they are in favor of policies and measures, but also where they are opposed to policies and measures.

Avoid being picky and dislike the poor and love the rich. There can be no "swarm of bees" or a gust of wind, gathering research, long research, and repeated research, nor can there be "always forgotten corners." nor can there be a preference for the new and hate the old, avoid avoiding the "nest of contradictions", utilitarian choices that can enhance the color, let alone engage in unhealthy tendencies such as sightseeing, eating, drinking and playing in the name of research.

Central Media Posts: Investigation and Research on the "Ten Appropriate and Ten Taboos" Issues | Just Say Go | Central Media

In the arrangement of the route, it is appropriate to "change if necessary" and avoid "acting according to the script". What you hear is not as good as what you see, what you see is not as good as practice. Investigation and research should be representative, typical, exemplary and extensive, and should not always follow the classic route, always go to window units, and always visit wealthy families.

It is appropriate to enhance autonomy and take the initiative. Adopt the method of "four no and two straightness" to increase the randomness of the research. Add more optional routes, more "optional actions", more "free activities", "go straight to the end", "go straight ahead", "make a U-turn", "make a U-turn" and "get off when you need to get off", so that the subjects surveyed are "unpreventable" and "come back with a full load" in "unexpected" and "unexpected".

Bogey is always arranged and forced to be an actor. Being led by the nose, following the script, and watching the manuscript's performance and bonsai research not only fail to see the truth, hear the truth, or solve the problem, but also arouse resentment and resistance among the masses.

In the interview site, it is appropriate to "field head", avoid "deep house courtyard". Those who know the leak of the house are in the sky, and those who know the loss of government are in the grass. Research inevitably requires interviews, whether it is one-to-one, or one-to-many, or many-to-one, many-to-many, so that the other person can speak, want to speak, willing to speak, dare to speak, open up, have no scruples, or even "full of words."

It is appropriate to go deep into the nooks and crannies and go to the masses. Know the nature of a fish near the water and the sound of a bird near the mountain. Take off your suits and shoes, change into casual clothes, go to the field, go into the workshop team, sit side by side with the masses, chat hand in hand, pull diesel oil, rice and salt together, talk about food, clothing, housing, transportation, and birth, old age, sickness and death. Ask "parents' short things", listen to "trivial words", some with dew, with heat, with soil, joys and sorrows, anxious and sad, can be expressed naturally.

Do not look only at "facade" and "window", not "backyard" and "corner". You can't always look at high-rise buildings, get used to buildings and halls, don't look at shady alleys, and don't want to find your own way. It is difficult to fully grasp the first-hand situation by watching in the car, looking through the glass, sitting on the stage, holding meetings in the conference room, showing faces, speaking, taking pictures, and shaking hands.

In terms of methods, it is appropriate to "dissect sparrows" and avoid "scratching the surface". Those who wade in shoals get fish and shrimp, and those who enter deep water get dragons. Although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs. There are many methods of investigation and research, among which "dissecting Sparrow" is a very important and useful one.

It is advisable to lean down and concentrate. "one pulse is not smooth, the whole body is not smooth". It is necessary to carefully observe the whole picture of the "sparrow," examine the "eye, ear, nose, mouth, and feather skin," and carefully "cut open the belly," sort out the "skeletal muscle,"blood vessels and nerves," and "five internal organs," and not only check for "tumors,"ulcers,"inflammation," and "bleeding spots," but also comprehensively analyze the daily "profit and loss of qi and blood," and the five elements of yin and yang, and see the whole through a small part.

Avoid being impetuous and perfunctory. Neither "look, hear, ask, cut", nor "see, touch and listen". The style of not asking for consultation, not checking, not testing, not looking for pain points to plug the silt points, and "the rain is not wet" can only make a "diagnosis" that is "probably"possible" and "similar", which is very likely to delay the disease, delay the fighter plane, and make a big mistake.

In the heart and emotion, it is appropriate to "observe words and emotions" and avoid "what is what to listen to". It is easy to enter the threshold of the masses, but it is not easy to enter the hearts of the masses. Sometimes the interviewees are unwilling to tell the truth and tell the truth, either beating about the bush, speaking insincerely, or talking about him, which requires "observation" in order to find out his true intention.

It is appropriate to be physically and mentally affectionate, not afraid of floating clouds covering your eyes. Read between the lines and read between the lines. You can not only identify insincerity by the other person's body language, such as facial expressions, tone, and gestures, but also through clothing, food and drink consumption, and income expenditure to prove whether your heart is consistent, remove coarsening, extract essence, and identify fake things. keep the real thing, from the outside to the inside. Telepathy and empathy are also an important starting point for keeping close ties with the masses and promoting their feelings.

Avoid "you must record what you hear" and "listening to the wind is rain". "the body enters but the heart does not reach", do not listen attentively, do not understand emotionally, not only can not find out what the other party thinks, hopes and wishes, but also difficult to understand the other party's worries and worries, and it is even more difficult to really pick up problems and real problems. It may even cause material distortion, misjudgment, and lead to poles in the opposite direction.

In the carding of materials, it is appropriate to be "systematic and informative" and avoid "fragmentation". The source of dredging is long, and the deep-rooted Ye Mao. Find out "facts" and "seek truth" in science. We should not only prevent the problem of insufficient depth, but also avoid the defect of insufficient breadth, but also prevent the fallacy in the synthesis.

It is appropriate to look back at the road you have taken and overlook the way ahead. We should see the future from the past and highlight the key points from the overall situation. Not only sort out the achievements, experiences and lessons that have been formed before, but also understand what is happening or about to happen, and look at the immediate and practical problems from a long-term perspective and development point of view. Review the size and map, slowly and hastily spread it. On a comprehensive basis, highlight the key issues, distinguish priorities, arrange priorities, define the main direction of attack, and repeatedly check and compare the key items, core elements, and important data, so that the outline of the whole material is clear and the relationship is corresponding. Really string up, live, stand up.

Avoid seeing only the trees but not the forest. "A leaf is blind to Mount Tai" and "eyebrows and beards are grasped with one grasp", in order to generalize, or can not be put aside, can not be closed, a pile of materials are scattered, incomplete, true and false are not clear, neither people nor things, neither scenes nor stories, such materials are difficult to play due value.

In the writing of the report, we should be "objective and impartial" and avoid "filtering beauty". Don't hide your selfishness when you write "the Lord of three points". The pen in the hands of the writer is very important, and one stroke at a time writes down the loyalty, responsibility and responsibility of the research team. Only when there is responsibility and responsibility, the report will shine.

We should stick to the principle of party spirit and uphold the principle of serving the public with one heart and one mind. The first status of party members and cadres is to be a member of the Communist Party, and their first duty is to work for the party, and the position of writing the report is the position of the party, and the degree of objectivity and impartiality is the purity of loyalty to the party, which must be truthfully reported. The party has entrusted us with the mission of research, and the responsibility is as heavy as Mount Tai. We must perform our duties conscientiously, do our best, and strive to hand over the answers that can stand the test of history, so as to be "responsible, responsible, and responsible." Sometimes research work will encounter this kind of interference and pressure, telling the truth, telling the truth, and reporting the truth will also face risks and criticism, and it is necessary to have the spirit of not evading problems, difficulties, and risks, and be able to withstand temptation and intimidation, not only books, but also truthfulness, dare to struggle, and be good at struggle.

Avoid selfish thoughts and give birth to flowers. There can be no "small abacus", "small ninety-nine", "careful thinking" and "cleverness". For fear of taking responsibility, they write some "scene words" that are "universally applicable", "tell far but not close, tell falsehood but not truth", "jianghu talk" of "shooting arrows before drawing targets", and even whitewash peace for fear of offending people or pandering to leaders and research objects, avoiding important points, avoiding reality, and building cars behind closed doors.

In the application of the results, it is advisable to "eat dry and squeeze clean" and avoid "putting it on the shelf". Do not forget the original ideals and aspirations, keep in mind the mission. Spend a certain amount of manpower and material resources to carry out investigation and research, in order to sum up the experience of achievement promotion, find a good way to find problems, master the situation and decision-making reference.

It is appropriate to prescribe the right medicine to cure the disease. Establish a list of the transformation and application of research results, and meticulously carry out targeted treatment of stubborn chronic diseases. Whether the research work is done well or whether the research report is excellent or not is not just about how much time has been spent, how many places have been visited, how many people have been interviewed, and how many reports have been written. it is not just about the layout, choice of words and sentences, and literary talent of the research report. the most important thing is to identify the reasons for success, to be able to popularize, to identify the root causes of problems, to find a diagnosis, and to find a cure. The research that can solve the problem is a good research, the report that can solve the problem is a good report, the result that can be "squeezed clean" is a good result, and the research method that can be extended from solving "one thing" to solving "one kind of thing" is a good method.

Avoid investigation and research layer of paper, policy implementation across the mountain. If you can't hand in the report, you can finish the task, and a prize can be counted as your work achievement. The report written is neither approachable nor confident, nor much practical value, nor much maneuverability, which is harmful but not beneficial to decision-making. This kind of invalid research, which "comes and goes empty" and has nothing, is not only a waste of people and money, but also corrupts the atmosphere, and even deviates from the requirements of the CPC Central Committee.

It's all problems in the office, but it's all the way down to the grass-roots level. Only by abstaining from formalism and bureaucracy, anchoring difficult problems and stubborn chronic diseases, having a thorough understanding of the situation, mastering the lower situation, and understanding the foreign situation, so as to achieve "ten suitability and ten taboos", "chew the bun and taste it", can we give full play to the role of "probe", "outpost", "scout", "clairvoyance" and "clairvoyance", truly find out the situation, find out the problems correctly, and improve the countermeasures. Constantly put forward ideas and methods to really solve problems, and do practical things, do good deeds, and solve difficult problems for the masses in a down-to-earth manner.

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