Carrying the "Golden Shoulder Pole" for Grain Planting (Visiting the Front Line of Summer Harvest ②) Production | Main Body | Front Line

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 00:37 AM

Summer grain harvest, grain return to warehouse, reporters approach various grain growing entities, and work together with them to calculate income accounts. Behind the gradual increase in grain production and revenue collection, there is a comprehensive support for grain production from the national policy of strengthening agriculture and benefiting farmers, reflecting the gratifying changes in agricultural production methods.

The policy is real gold and silver, with a subsidy of 1392 yuan for 6 acres of land. "Tian Nanmu" trusteeship, saving costs and increasing efficiency by over 220 yuan per acre

In midsummer, at the sun drying field in Zaohang Village, Tashan Town, Ganyu District, Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province, grain trucks enter and exit. Cutting, bagging, weighing, and drying the wheat emit a refreshing fragrance.

"The moisture content is less than 14%, which meets the storage standards." The grain broker Zhuang Liangwu quickly measured the moisture content of the wheat and instructed everyone to carry the wheat onto the truck, preparing to transport it to the transfer warehouse in the neighboring village of Zhuangliu.

After receiving a grain payment of over 7200 yuan, the farmer Sun Yuntao smiled and said, "We have sold all 6 acres of wheat at home for 1.22 yuan per kilogram. The agent will come to collect it, which is worry free and effortless."

In Zaohang Village, farmers like Sun Yuntao who grow their own crops account for about one-third.

What is the summer grain income like?

Sun Yuntao carefully calculated with his fingers: This season of wheat, 100 yuan was spent per acre of seeds, 140 yuan was spent on rotary tillage and machine harvesting, and over 100 yuan was spent on fertilizers and pesticides. After deducting the costs, the net income from 6 acres of land was over 5000 yuan. "In recent years, policies have been getting better and better. From direct subsidies for grain and farmland fertility, to subsidies for non live broadcast rice, the total annual subsidy is 1392 yuan, all of which are credited to the card through the one card system," said Sun Yuntao.

Farmers can earn money by growing grain, and only then can grain production be guaranteed. Since the beginning of this year, the policy system of integrating grain prices, subsidies, and insurance has been continuously improved. The minimum purchase price for wheat and early indica rice has increased by 2 cents per kilogram compared to last year. The central government has allocated 10 billion yuan to provide one-time subsidies to actual grain farmers and coordinate support for spring plowing production. "Expanding, adding products, and improving standards", agricultural insurance continues to play a "protective umbrella" function. China has achieved full coverage of the three major grain crop cost insurance and planting income insurance in all 13 major grain producing provinces and counties, with continuous improvement in guarantee capacity and service level.

The policy is real gold and silver, providing farmers with peace of mind. Social services make farming easier for farmers.

In Lianshui County, Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province, relying on "one-stop" or "menu style" custody services, many farmers grow grain more steadily. "5 acres of wheat were entrusted to Yafu Agricultural Cooperative, allowing for free time to work and earn an extra share of money from planting to harvesting without having to do it yourself," said Wang Aizhi, a villager from Heyuan Village in Liancheng Street.

What are the benefits of "Tian Nanmu" farming?

Zou Yajun, the Secretary of the Party Branch of Heyuan Village, calculated that farmers need to spend nearly 220 yuan per acre on their own cultivation, management, and income, while trusteeship only costs 120 yuan, saving nearly a hundred yuan per acre of land; Cooperatives can increase wheat production by over 100 kilograms per acre through scientific planting and standardized operations. By reducing and increasing, one acre of land can earn more than 220 yuan.

During this year's wheat harvest, another 50 households in Heyuan Village signed custody agreements for the next season.

Establish a sound agricultural socialized service system to serve and drive small farmers well. In recent years, various regions have tailored measures to local conditions and supported various service providers to concentrate and carry out single link, multi link, and full process custody services, promoting cost saving, efficiency improvement, and increased income for farmers. Data shows that there are over 1.04 million agricultural socialized service organizations in China, with a service area of over 1.87 billion acres and serving over 89 million small farmers.

Good agricultural machinery is productivity. Cooperatives mechanically grow wheat throughout the process, with an average net income of over 500 yuan per mu

After the summer solstice, the fields in Wenshang County, Shandong Province have returned to tranquility. "After finishing the summer harvest, the harvester can rest." In the agricultural machinery courtyard of Guocang Village, Guocang Town, Guo Bobo, the chairman of Lovol Agricultural Machinery Farmers' Professional Cooperative, is maintaining the agricultural machinery. At the end of May each year, he leads the cooperative operators south to harvest crops from Henan and Anhui all the way to Jining, Shandong, and then rushes back to the local area to harvest wheat.

"For more than half of a year, we deal with agricultural machinery. In the eyes of Guo Bobo, born in 1985, good agricultural machinery is productivity. He carefully counted the advantages of advanced agricultural machinery:" This type of driving rake, which is matched with tractors, can make the surface soil finer, not easy to lose moisture, and also save fuel. This type of strip seeder has high accuracy, can sow 10 wheat seeds within 1 meter, ensure that each seed is sown in place, each seed can sprout, and can save 5-10 kilograms of seeds per acre... "

At present, the cooperative has transferred 2300 acres of land in more than 10 surrounding townships, relying on more than 100 agricultural machinery and equipment to establish standardized planting and fully mechanized operation bases. "This year, we have purchased 9 new BeiDou unmanned navigation systems and all existing tractors are equipped." Guo Bobo said that subsidies for purchasing agricultural machinery support farmers in purchasing advanced and suitable equipment, making farming more convenient. During the summer harvest, the harvester harvests the wheat in front, while the precision seeder follows closely behind to grab moisture and sow corn. Harvesting and planting in one go helps to extend the crop growth period and improve the quality of the seeds during the autumn harvest.

When the agricultural machinery rings, there is no panic in farming. This summer, a total of 16.5 million agricultural machinery and equipment were invested nationwide to carry out mechanized operations for summer harvest, summer planting, and summer field management. The comprehensive mechanization rate of crop cultivation and harvesting in China has reached 73%, and the contribution rate of agricultural scientific and technological progress has reached 62.4%. The foundation of the granary of a large country is constantly being strengthened.

How effective is the cooperative in fully mechanized farming?

Guo Bobo has a clear understanding of the account——

Looking at the cost, one acre of land costs 40 yuan for land reclamation, 50 yuan for land rotation, 50 yuan for topdressing, 45 yuan for sprinkler irrigation, 30 yuan for high-altitude gap plant protection machine combined with drone plant protection, and 280 yuan for agricultural inputs. Overall, the investment per acre is less than 500 yuan.

Based on income, the scale of continuous cultivation of the "Jimai 44" strong gluten variety has an average yield of 680 kilograms per mu, and the current market price is around 1.36 yuan per kilogram. After deducting transfer fees and planting costs, the net income per acre of land is over 500 yuan. At the same time, the cooperative provides agricultural machinery operation services to the outside world, with a cross regional machine harvesting service area of 28000 acres this year. As a new type of agricultural management entity with moderate scale operation, cooperatives can also receive corresponding social service subsidies per acre in areas such as deep land loosening and comprehensive utilization of straw.

With the help of good opportunities and matching methods, the benefits of grain cultivation continue to improve. Guo Yanxi, the head of the Agricultural Technology Promotion Station in Wenshang County, said that by utilizing the scale advantage formed by the new business entity, the county has innovatively integrated more than 40 technological systems, including the "double late" technology for wheat and corn, the "ten unifications" for wheat production, the "eight unifications" for corn production, and the "one three three three" for soybeans, forming a green, high-quality, and efficient "Wenshang Model" technology spectrum, effectively supporting the improvement and efficiency of grain production.

Planting wheat in high standard farmland can save costs and increase income by over 200 yuan per mu, and strengthen risk prevention measures for ensuring post harvest food security

In the farmland of Gu'an County, Hebei Province, corn seedlings have emerged and the ground is lush green. Zhang Jinsong, a major grain grower, sighed, "High standard farmland ensures a stable harvest during droughts and floods. After harvesting wheat and corn, one crop after another, the confidence in grain cultivation is even stronger."

"The land is flat and contiguous, with complete infrastructure such as field power transmission and irrigation. In case of drought, it can be irrigated immediately, saving electricity and water." Zhang Jinsong said, "Winter wheat relies on water to boost its growth at every stage.". In the past, wheat was irrigated with cloth ridges and ditches, with heavy water flooding and uneven watering, making low-lying areas prone to waterlogging. Nowadays, with the use of buried multi section automatic telescopic sprinkler irrigation equipment, water can be discharged by pulling the gate. With only one person on hundreds of acres of land, electricity costs have been reduced by 30% compared to before. The average water saving per acre is 30 to 50 cubic meters, and the integration of water and fertilizer has been achieved. The yield has increased by 5%, resulting in a cost saving increase of 200-300 yuan per acre of land.

Yin Yanjun, a member of the Party Group of the Agriculture and Rural Bureau of Gu'an County, introduced that there is a shortage of water resources in Gu'an. In recent years, the county has integrated financial funds of 500 million yuan at all levels and built 440700 mu of high standard farmland, accounting for nearly 70% of the total arable land area in the county. Among them, the high-efficiency water-saving irrigation area has reached 14000 mu. At the same time, the local government vigorously promotes water-saving varieties such as "Shinong 086" and "Malan No.1" to tighten the "faucet" of wheat production from the source.

To earn money while growing crops, good farmland is the guarantee. China has achieved the goal of constructing 1 billion mu of high standard farmland as scheduled, and the average grain production capacity per mu has increased by 10-20%. This year, we will coordinate the construction, renovation, and upgrading of 80 million mu of high standard farmland. Next, we will gradually turn all permanent basic farmland into high standard farmland.

Strengthen post harvest food security to ensure a bountiful harvest. During this year's summer harvest, the Huanghuai region experienced continuous cloudy and rainy weather, which had a negative impact on the harvest. From emergency collection, drying and storage to insurance compensation, relevant policies and measures provide protection and effectively play a role in providing a bottom line guarantee.

In the granary of Weiyi Seed Industry Co., Ltd. located in Jun County, Henan Province, more than 12000 tons of newly harvested wheat have been stored. "One week before the wheat harvest, the county organized us to prepare the drying tower for maintenance, ensuring a drying capacity of 200-300 tons per day." The company's person in charge, Zhou Weiqi, introduced that the seed grains we have received mainly include varieties such as "Bainong 607" and "Bainong 307", with a moisture content of just over 11%. All of them have been stored in an "air-conditioned warehouse". He picked up a few wheat seeds and chewed them in his mouth, "Listen to this sound, how crispy!"

This year, Henan Province urgently allocated 200 million yuan of special funds for wheat drying. Luohe City has formulated and introduced specific measures to ensure the purchase of damaged wheat, and will open up purchases at designated locations throughout the city. Shenqiu County in Zhoukou City and Lushan County in Pingdingshan City regulate grain procurement to maximize the protection of the interests of grain farmers. Agricultural insurance underwriting institutions in various regions have opened green channels for claims settlement, orderly promoting survey and loss assessment, ensuring that claims payments are made to farmers' accounts in the first time, reducing losses for wheat planting farmers, and providing solid support for summer grain production.

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