Burn incense and pay respects to Buddha, please pass the level! Corrupt officials repent and willingly be hunted down in the "Family Corruption" card game | Zhang Jing | Family Corruption

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 22:31 PM

Zhang Jing, male, born in November 1964, started working in March 1982 and joined the CPC in November 1986. Formerly served as the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Chenshi Town, Yongchuan City, Sichuan Province; Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Mayor of Baofeng Town, Yongchuan City, Chongqing, and Secretary of the Party Committee; Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Town Mayor, and Party Secretary of the Weixinghu Sub district Office in Yongchuan District, Chongqing; Member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Ecological Environment Bureau of Yongchuan District, Chongqing; Chairman and General Manager of Chongqing Environmental Investment Linjiang River Pollution Control Co., Ltd. and Chongqing Environmental Investment Huize Water Pollution Control Co., Ltd.

In January 2022, Zhang Jing was subjected to disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Yongchuan District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision in Chongqing on suspicion of serious violations of discipline and law. In July 2022, Zhang Jing was expelled from the Party and from public office. In March 2023, Zhang Jing was sentenced to four years in prison and fined 300000 yuan for the crime of bribery.

"As I was nearing retirement, I once longed to travel the beautiful mountains and rivers of our country with my wife, to witness my son enter the marriage hall with infinite glory, and to have children and grandchildren enjoy the joy of family reunion." Zhang Jing, who was about to retire in three years, did not expect that due to his "greed", he constantly touched the "high-voltage line" of party discipline and national law, and went further and further on the wrong path of relying on enterprises to eat enterprises, making his originally smooth life muddy and unbearable in the latter half. If you have greed, you will lose everything. The chess game is like this, and life is even more so.

Pursuing the enjoyment of "talking about noodles" and engaging in illegal business for personal gain

After graduating from high school, Zhang Jing became a teacher. In 1983, he left school and became a township cadre. On the first day of registration, when Zhang Jing was sent to work at the township government by his father, he said earnestly, "My son, your job is not easy won. You should listen to the Party, listen to the leaders and seniors, work hard, and not disappoint the organization."

In her youth, Zhang Jing kept in mind her father's instructions and was diligent and eager to learn in her work. She quickly became the "accountant" in the village, responsible for financial and accounting work. At that time, Zhang Jing's salary was only about 20 yuan per month, but she never thought of using a penny of public funds to keep the accounts clear and understandable. The steadfast and rigorous work was recognized by the organization. Zhang Jing joined the CPC in 1986 with honor, and was listed as a key training object by the organization to participate in the training class. In 1990, he served as the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Chenshi Town. In 1998, he was promoted to the Deputy Secretary and Mayor of Baofeng Town. Having just taken up the leadership position, Zhang Jing worked even harder and more enthusiastically. Due to her outstanding performance and good public reputation, she has been praised multiple times by the district committee and government. "Looking back now, at that time, I had faith in my heart, strength under my feet, and effective work, which was the most unforgettable moment in my life," Zhang Jing recalled.

The change occurred in 2001, when Zhang Jing was promoted to the position of Party Secretary of Baofeng Town. Many businessmen, bosses, and friends tried their best to get closer to him. There were more card games, dinner parties, wine parties, and tea parties, and many people used holidays to give red envelopes ranging from a few hundred to several thousand yuan. At first, Zhang Jing hesitated slightly when faced with invitations and red envelopes, but after experiencing more, she became accustomed to it. The "benefits" and "face recognition" brought by the "leader" aroused Zhang Jing's desire to pursue enjoyment, and gave rise to the idea of "having the right not to expire and become invalid". So, Zhang Jing deliberately revealed project information to her relatives and friends, ostensibly to help them introduce their business, but in reality, to indirectly charge a "thank you fee".

From the initial small red envelope to the later "lump sum of money", Zhang Jing gradually abandoned her ideals and beliefs, lost herself in the temptation of money, and lost her bottom line. He not only takes advantage of his position to seek benefits for others, but also directly "descends" to seek profits and engage in illegal business. Since 2009, Zhang Jingli has invested in private coal mines, real estate projects, earth paper factories, pottery factories, etc. with the proceeds of bribery, obtaining large profits.

Political and business collusion with "brotherly partners" who do not refuse benefits

With job changes and job adjustments, Zhang Jing holds more power in project construction and fund allocation. He should have used his power with caution and faithfully fulfilled his duties, but he spent more time communicating and socializing with business owners. He believes that learning political theory is not as good as making more friends, and putting effort into managing his own network is the key. He has long been indulged in extravagance over wine and dinner, indulging in the extravagance of playing cards and entertainment. He has become reckless and reckless, accepting bribes in increasingly large amounts and receiving them in simpler and more direct ways.

Upon learning that Zhang Jing was passionate about gambling and had good luck, some bosses fell in love with him and tried their best to squeeze into his "card circle". Businessman Liu was one of them. In 2013, the two met in a game of cards. Liu acted realistically, while Zhang Jing became a victorious general, becoming a frequent player in the game. The seemingly consensual gamble was actually a tacit transaction, and the game became an exchange for bribery and bribery.

"I know he wants to undertake environmental protection projects through me, and I have learned that he is a generous and generous spender." After multiple rounds of "exchange and exchange" in the game, Zhang Jing decided to disclose the bidding information for the tens of millions of yuan project to this "card friend" and help him customize the bidding conditions. After Liu successfully won the bid, he gave Zhang Jing a "thank you fee" of 200000 yuan.

This is just one of Zhang Jing's many violations of discipline and law. During the business trip, he "stopped by" to accept the boss's travel banquets, helped "friends" apply for municipal environmental protection special funds, established "food and drink" groups with management service objects, and collaborated with others to establish waste recycling companies for illegal operations... Regardless of the amount of money, he refused to come, for a period of 16 years. Zhang Jing indulged in the flattery and sugar coated bullets of her bosses, sliding further and further on the path of violating discipline and law.

Not only did Zhang Jing have a brotherly boss, but her circle of wealth even expanded to include her former students and relatives. He successively helped his student Tang and his nephew and son-in-law He undertake engineering projects, accepting bribes of 200000 yuan and 300000 yuan respectively.

At this point, Zhang Jing had already used the amount of money given as the criterion for judging a person. During a companion trip with a businessman, Zhang Jing was dissatisfied because the businessman did not pay for his travel expenses and kicked him out of his "circle of friends" and stopped interacting with him.

"I only realized now that the power in my hands has become a tool for me to accumulate wealth. In my consciousness, there is no concept of friends, students, or relatives, only the 'benefits' of power and money transactions." Zhang Jing confessed.

Burning incense and paying homage to Buddha, "Seeking to pass the level" intensifies, reaching out for help

During her tenure as the Deputy Director of the Ecological Environment Bureau in Yongchuan District, Zhang Jing believed that it was only natural for her to take over as the Director, as the then Director was about to retire. In the end, there was another candidate for the director, and Zhang Jing did not analyze her own reasons. Instead, she believed that the organization was mistreating her. The organizing department talked to Zhang Jing and planned to arrange for him to serve as the Party Secretary of the District Association for Science and Technology. However, he despised the association as a clean water yamen and stubbornly refused to take up the position, insisting on staying at the District Ecological Environment Bureau.

In 2013, after learning that businessman Kong, who had bribed him, had been taken away by the district disciplinary commission to assist in the investigation, Zhang Jing was anxious and restless all day long. He could have voluntarily explained the problem to the organization to alleviate his crime, but he was stubborn and spent a lot of money asking the so-called feng shui master to "burn incense and pray to the gods" for him to pass the test safely. Kong's incident did not implicate Zhang Jing, and since then he has become even more daring and reckless.

Due to concerns about the East Window incident, Zhang Jing often wakes up suddenly in the late night. However, he did not stop at the cliff, but instead racked his brains to cover up the illegal and criminal facts. When accepting a bribe, Zhang Jing first pretended to refund the money through a bank account, and then asked the merchant to give it to him in cash. Zhang Jing naively thought that even if investigated in the future, she could still argue that the money had been returned and there were bank transfer records as evidence.

In June 2019, Zhang Jing was appointed as the Chairman and General Manager of Chongqing Environmental Investment Linjiang River Pollution Control Co., Ltd. and Chongqing Environmental Investment Huize Water Pollution Control Co., Ltd. Zhang Jing, who thought she had been the second in command of the environmental protection department for 8 years and was the best candidate for the position of the department's first in command, was arranged to work in a company by the organization. Feeling that her future was not going well, she began to focus solely on pursuing a career path.

Burn incense and pay respects to Buddha, please pass the level! Corrupt officials repent and willingly be hunted down in the "Family Corruption" card game | Zhang Jing | Family Corruption

During her tenure as the chairman of two project companies in Chongqing Environmental Investment, Zhang Jing openly accepted bribes in the office multiple times and even planned the retirement and elderly care industry. In the absence of any funding needs or new shareholder demands from the management service target, Zhang Jing invested in the subcontracting business company under the name of her son. Due to Zhang Jing's identity, the business owner was forced to agree and promised a guaranteed "dividend" regardless of profit or loss.

With the invisibility cloak of shareholding, "shadow shareholder" Zhang Jing eagerly waited to receive dividends. Unexpectedly, the subcontracting company was affected by the progress of payment collection and tight funds, and was unable to distribute dividends on schedule at the end of the year, which caused dissatisfaction from Zhang Jing, who was eager to collect money. In order to demand returns, he claimed that the fact of "equity investment" was "borrowing interest" on the grounds of not participating in the actual operation of the enterprise, and arrogantly demanded the principal and "interest" from the enterprise.

Family ethics are corrupt, "husband and wife files" are out of control, lack of education, and the whole family is corrupt

Zhang Jing not only failed to set a good example for his spouse and son, but also his family was involved in his multiple bribery cases.

Zhang Jing repaired her private car and went on two trips with her wife and children, both using bank cards gifted by merchants for consumption. Zhang Jing's wife, knowing that it was a "bribery card," tacitly agreed and even borrowed money from her family through that card.

Merchants came to the door to give gifts, but Zhang Jing's wife noticed that she not only did not give timely advice, but also "greeted each other with a smile" and "followed the footsteps of the husband and wife.". She hid all the stolen money in the wardrobe, claiming that it was to support her family and even bought a new car for her son. A dirty wardrobe has become the ATM of the whole family.

Zhang Jing's wife, who has tasted the sweetness many times, is not willing to return to the peaceful life of the past. She has the idea of becoming rich overnight. With the help of Zhang Jing's position, she invested more than 2 million yuan in the real estate project of businessman Kong. Later, due to Kong's suspected bribery investigation, all the capital and dividends she invested were wasted. The bamboo basket was empty, and not only did their beautiful dreams turn into nothing, but the couple also had high debts. In order to repay her debt, Zhang Jing repeatedly extended her sinful hand.

The upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked. Zhang Jing's son has witnessed his father's actions for a long time and has been deeply influenced by them. His decadent ideological understanding has led him to deviate from his life direction, gradually forming a wrong value system of getting something for nothing and enjoying it in a timely manner. He did not learn the skill of settling down, but learned to use his father's network and power to make friends with the boss, and he became a "broker" with peace of mind. Many local bosses know that if there is no way to directly contact Zhang Jing, they can seek help through his son.

Not satisfied that her son was just a "broker", Zhang Jing thought of "not letting the fat and water flow into outsiders' fields", so she "hands-on" taught her son to accumulate wealth together, developing him into a "white glove" and "agent". He instructed his son to take bribes from his family's wardrobe to invest in the project, and to seek commissions from companies... He managed the project on his own front desk while his son did business on the back desk, becoming a pair of corrupt father son soldiers.

"Relationships built on the basis of power and money transactions are fragile and unbearable. Without my protection, how should my son face society and support himself and his family? It was me who harmed my wife and children," Zhang Jing regretted.

As a party member and cadre, Zhang Jing, who should have been the "leading goose" in building a good family culture, not only did not lead by example in integrity and self-cultivation, but also "taught by example" to lead a bad family culture. She used the "network" she had accumulated over the years to pave the way for her son's business. Laozi handled affairs and his wife and children accumulated wealth, resulting in "pulling out carrots and bringing out mud", and the entire family was punished by law.

After investigation, from 2004 to 2021, Zhang Jingli used his position as the main leader of the town and street, deputy director of the district ecological environment bureau, and chairman and general manager of the project company to seek benefits for others in project subsidies, engineering contracting, and engineering fund disbursement. Regardless of the amount involved, he refused to accept anyone and continued to commit crimes for a long time. He received a total of more than 1.24 million yuan in property from 23 people.

Zhang Jing's Confession Record

In the early stages of being detained, my heart was filled with panic and confusion. In the face of organizational review and investigation, I once had feelings of resistance and opposition. But the comrades in the task force did not give up on me. After their patient and meticulous ideological education and guidance, I slowly let go of my resistance and began to examine my past. Looking back at the life I have struggled with and the corruption along the way, apart from endless regret, it is also a deep sense of self blame. At this moment, I am willing to confess to the organization, thoroughly analyze my past violations of discipline and law, and use my own blood and tears to warn party members and cadres who are wandering on the edge of violations of discipline and law.

As a party member and cadre who has served as the main leader of the unit for a long time, I should pay more attention to political and professional learning than ordinary comrades. However, my political consciousness, political thinking, and political cultivation are gradually deteriorating. Marxism Leninism has become a lip service and unfamiliar ideology to me. Faced with the choice of whether to confess to the organization or continue to be stubborn, I chose to spend a lot of money asking feng shui masters to "burn incense and pray to the gods" for me to avoid organizational investigation. At this time, I have completely lost my faith as a Communist Party member.

After taking up the leadership position, I lost my awareness of the bottom line and the red line, opening the door to greed and gradually moving towards the abyss of corruption and corruption. With the promotion of my position, my power became increasingly powerful and I became more eager for money. The power in my hand has become a tool for me to accumulate wealth. Due to the reckless trading of power and money, I was afraid of waking up multiple times when I was deep asleep at night. However, I did not stop at the cliff and confess to the organization in a timely manner. Instead, I racked my brains to cover up the illegal and criminal facts and evade the organization's investigation. However, the fact is the fact. In the face of the organization's investigation, the cover up behavior that my agency calculated was nothing but deceiving my ears and stealing bells, ultimately turning into a futile effort.

The desire for money has devoured my morality and conscience. I failed to hold onto my moral bottom line, disregarding my sense of responsibility towards my family, living a luxurious life by imitating the boss around me, and failing to set a correct and good example for my wife and children, which led to a negative atmosphere in the entire family under my influence. My wife gradually acquiesced to my behavior of using my power to collect money, and under my influence, my son developed the wrong values of getting something for nothing, enjoying himself in a timely manner, and not willing to endure hardship. It was I who harmed my own wife and children.

Now trapped in prison, looking back on all sorts of past experiences, apart from endless regret, it is also self blame with regret. Hate me for failing the organization's decades of training and education, hate me for failing the trust and support of leaders and colleagues, hate me for forgetting my father's instructions and embarking on a criminal path, and hate me even more for causing endless harm to my family.

It's too late to repent after a painful experience. I am sincerely grateful that the organization did not give up on me even after I made a big mistake, and is still educating and saving me. During the period of being detained, I have been lost and discouraged, but with the earnest guidance and patient help of the investigators, I realized that only by sincerely repenting, admitting guilt, and repenting can I alleviate my sins. I earnestly request to use my painful lessons to warn the vast number of party members and cadres that there is no medicine for regret in the world. We must learn from myself and not follow in my footsteps.

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