Boiled frog style hunting in warm water! Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Office Report: Party members and cadres should remain vigilant, and the fallen deputy mayor repents of power and money transactions | Cao | Central Commission for Discipline Inspection

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 22:12 PM

Recently, the Sichuan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision publicly released the confession records of Zou Qing, former deputy mayor of Shehong City, Suining City, for violating discipline and laws. The article reveals that Zou Qing has received bribes of millions of yuan from 18 business owners 52 times. Zou Qing expressed in his confession that he was successfully "hunted" by the "besieger" by boiling frogs in warm water. The recently released confession letter from Zhang Haishan, former Party Secretary and Director of the Statistics Bureau of Xiangcheng City, Henan Province, also mentioned: "After becoming a leading cadre, facing the warm 'hunting' of some so-called relatives and business friends, I was like a frog in warm water, slowly boiled by these so-called family and friendship. I regarded disciplinary violations as human nature and ignored illegal facts as partnership operations to make money."

What is warm water boiled frog style "hunting"? How to dispel the fog of "warm water", cut off the chain of interests between "hunting" and being "hunted", and break down the network of power and money transactions? The reporter conducted an interview and report on this.

Tobacco, wine, red envelopes, hobbies, and hobbies... "Siege hunters" cater to their interests in various ways, allowing leaders and cadres to relax their vigilance

Boiling frogs in warm water is a comfortable temperature that prevents them from detecting danger in a timely manner. In the eyes of many "poachers", small-scale, covert, and long-term "poaching" methods, like warm water, are more likely to make leaders let go of their guard and accept their "good intentions".

Gao Quanyu has gradually grown from a grassroots technical position to a member of the Party Committee and Deputy General Manager of Yuhuan Urban Construction Group Co., Ltd. in Zhejiang Province, as well as the Executive Vice Chairman and General Manager of Yuhuan Water Group Co., Ltd.

In early 2005, Gao Quanyu was appointed as the Deputy General Manager of Yuhuan Water Group. The hunters keenly sensed the scent of their prey. After learning that he had a habit of smoking and drinking, some construction contractors and subordinates liked him and often sent cigarettes and alcohol. Gao Quanyu gradually took off his guard and transformed his normal work relationship into a vulgar gift giving and receiving relationship.

In 2015, Gao Quanyu was promoted to the position of General Manager of Yuhuan Water Group, and his "hunting" campaign intensified accordingly. Enterprise leaders and construction contractors who have business dealings with the Water Group and its subsidiaries often offer hospitality and seek care, with famous wines, cigarettes, shopping cards, and even cash pouring in. In 2016, when Gao Quanyu took his family on a trip to Jiangsu, he received a "one-stop service" arranged by his management service partner Chen for accommodation, banquets, and scenic spot sightseeing. After the trip, Chen specially sent 30000 yuan in cash, which Gao Quanyu gladly accepted.

From the initial package of cigarettes, a bottle of wine, and a shopping card, to the later famous cigarettes, wines, and large amounts of cash, the gradually rising "water temperature" did not alert Gao Quanyu. After investigation, from 2005 to 2022, Gao Quanyu received a total of 728200 yuan in property 66 times. In September 2022, Gao Quanyu was granted a "double opening". In October of the same year, Gao Quanyu was sentenced to three years in prison and fined 200000 yuan for the crime of accepting bribes.

Not only is there a money attack, but in the case, many "besiegers" use the guise of like-minded interests to establish relationships and customize a routine that "there is always one that suits you".

Jiang, former director of the Finance Bureau of a certain park in Guangling District, Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province. He, who comes from a background in finance and accounting, was initially cautious and cautious. In 2008, Jiang was transferred to the position of Director of the Finance Department of a certain park in Guangling, responsible for the financial work of the park. Jiang, who held the "financial power," immediately became a prey in the eyes of some business owners. They tried every means to get close to him in order to receive his "care.".

Ma is one of them. By chance, Ma learned that Jiang loved to play play badminton. After many inquiries, he found the gym Jiang often went to and intended to book a place in the museum for a long time. After all the hunting work was ready, Ma invited Jiang to play ball together. Over and over again, Jiang and Ma's relationship went from a dating experience in a project to being frequent friends playing basketball together. After getting to know each other well, Ma took the opportunity to launch an attack. In between, the two signed a project cooperation agreement worth hundreds of millions of yuan. Ma also gave Jiang a generous reward as a token of gratitude.

"For leading cadres, they must have reverence and act with caution. When interacting with others, they should have a clear mind and be more vigilant when interacting frequently." said the relevant person in charge of the Guangling District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision.

The warm water boiled frog style "hunting" exhibits characteristics such as long duration, strong concealment, and great confusion

"Unlike direct petitioning, the warm water boiled frog style 'hunting' exhibits characteristics such as long duration, strong concealment, and great confusion. It often uses sweet words and small favors as bait, slowly corrupting party members and cadres, causing them to lose their vigilance, and ultimately leading to the abyss of illegal and criminal activities." Ye Yunhai, Deputy Director of the Fifth Discipline Inspection and Supervision Office of the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Shangcheng District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, analyzed that this type of 'hunting' generally begins with seeking warmth and affection, develops to giving benefits and enjoyment, and finally blatantly conveying benefits. Through continuous emotional investment, it continuously corrodes the psychological barrier of party members and cadres.

In December 2022, Qiu, the person in charge of a second level unit under a district government in Shangcheng District, was sentenced to four years in prison and fined 200000 yuan by the court for committing the crime of bribery. From breaking rules and regulations to committing illegal crimes, it is precisely under the warm water frog like "hunting". In the process of interacting with management service recipients, he accepts banquets and entertainment arrangements, acts as a brother to the other party, develops from accepting small amounts of tobacco and alcohol gifts to directly accepting bribes. Qiu received over 1.4 million yuan in bribes, which he accumulated through 43 bribery attempts over the past 5 years. Most of the individual amounts ranged from 10000 to 50000 yuan. In his confession, Qiu wrote, "Normally, everyone has a good relationship, but not accepting it may seem unfair."

"The interweaving of wind and corruption, wind and corruption, is a distinctive feature of the frog style 'hunting around' cooked in warm water. The indulgence and extravagance of a few party members and cadres often leave room for those with ulterior motives to break through." Zhou Jie, director of the Party Conduct and Political Conduct Supervision Office of the Shangcheng District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, analyzed that some party members and cadres were 'hunting around' starting with eating, eating, and drinking. Once you can't stop talking and collude with criminals, becoming their prey, it's not far from using power for personal gain and breaking the law.

In the view of Wang Yongchang, Director of the Ninth Discipline Inspection and Supervision Office of the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Chuzhou City, Anhui Province, there are mainly several types of warm water frog style "hunting": first, the type that suits the preferences of the leader, and the "hunting" person will give whatever they like; The second is the roundabout type, which selects spouses, parents, children, and even drivers of leading cadres to break through; Thirdly, it is a type of continuous flow, which involves giving cigarettes and alcohol, shopping cards, and gas cards as gifts, and unconsciously engaging in activities such as comforting sick people, reimbursing meal expenses, and traveling. After winning the favor and trust of leaders and cadres, large amounts of cash are given as gifts at special time points for hunting; The fourth type is emotional paralysis, recognizing relatives, doing household chores, becoming chefs, bringing them closer together, maintaining close relationships, showing deep affection and care for leaders and their relatives, and covering up the substantive community of interests with the form of a "family".

Starting from key individuals, key events, and critical moments, we lock in the interest chain behind the "encirclement" layer by layer, effectively breaking through the power and money trading network

For the "besiegers", their actions may seem to have nothing to ask for, but in reality, they are clearly priced in the dark. What they value is always the power in the hands of public officials, and its essence is still a trade of power and money.

In the view of Chen Weicong, Director of the Fourth Supervision and Inspection Office of the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province, in order to investigate and deal with cases of frog style "hunting in warm water", it is necessary to be good at dispelling the fog of "warm water", take key people, key events, and critical moments as the entry point, lock in the chain of interests behind "hunting" layer by layer, and effectively break through the power and money trading network.

Chen Weicong analyzed that when handling such cases, the locking of bank accounts and specific related parties is an important breakthrough. Disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies can start with details such as call frequency, fund transactions, and abnormal deposits and withdrawals, and carry out peripheral investigations around the "social circle" of bribe recipients. With the help of big data analysis and judgment, the accuracy of problem detection can be effectively improved.

Chen Moulie, former organizer of the Coastal Industrial City Development Service Center in Sanmen County, Taizhou City, has been receiving constant attention from Xing, the actual controller of a certain company. Xing has repeatedly given Chen Moulie supermarket cards, high-end Baijiu, cigarettes and other properties on holidays, gave his car to Chen Moulie for long-term use, and even bought clothes for Chen Moulie. In order to heat up the relationship between the two, Xing also asked Chen Moulie's specific connections to be listed under his company name and pay social security on his behalf. Chen Moulie reciprocated his kindness and opened the door to Xing Mou's convenience in the project. Xing Moulie repeatedly gave Chen Moulie a "thank you fee".

Investigators retrieved the bank accounts of Xing and Chen during the inspection and found that although they had a close relationship, they did not pass through the bank accounts. On the surface, there seems to be no abnormality in their relationship. But careful investigation found that the business responsible for Xing Company is under the jurisdiction of Chen Moulie, and there is almost always Chen Moulie's shadow behind its projects, which cannot be ruled out as problems with power and money transactions and profit transmission.

Investigators delved deeper into this direction and discovered abnormal fund transactions between another stakeholder in the project, Cao, and Chen Lie's former middle-level cadre, Chen's relative bank account. By comparing bank transfers, withdrawals, and other data one by one, they quickly identified the fact that Cao bribed Chen. Through Chen, they also discovered clues that Xing bribed Chen Lie, thus breaking through the problem of using cash for power and money transactions between the two individuals.

"Warm water boiled frog style 'hunting' often has strong concealment and confusion. For example, in the early stage of communication, only emotional connections are established without requesting specific matters; in the transmission of benefits, the whole is broken down, deliberately increasing the frequency and reducing the value of individual transactions; when there is a demand, targeted bribery is not carried out. These will bring challenges to the investigation and handling of cases. However, as long as there is a power and money transaction, it will definitely leave traces. According to the relevant person in charge of the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Shangcheng District, Hangzhou, it is necessary to be good at revealing economic interest connections through the capital chain, sorting out a series of profit seeking arrangements through the power chain, identifying the risk of rent-seeking through the power chain, and locking in specific stakeholders through social circles.".

In the initial review process of the Qiu case, the investigation team of the Shangcheng District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision first focused on his social network, and obtained relevant evidence of Qiu's multiple violations of accepting other people's banquets and entertainment arrangements, as well as multiple instances of receiving money from others; Subsequently, analyzing his power network, it was found that most of the people who treated Qiu for food and money were his management and service targets, and he had requests for project support, approval, and other aspects. Therefore, it was determined that Qiu had a problem of rent-seeking power, and the amount of money he received had accumulated to exceed the prosecution standards, suspected of bribery. After the retention, the investigation team straightened out the interest chain of power and money transactions between Qiu and the briber, found out the specific number and amount of bribery, and verified the details of his violation of procedures and illegal operations by taking advantage of his position to seek benefits for the briber.

To avoid falling into the trap of boiling frogs in warm water, Party members and leading cadres must build a strong ideological defense against corruption and change

The deterioration of work style is not formed in a day. To avoid falling into the trap of boiling frogs in warm water, it is necessary to firmly build a ideological defense line against corruption and change, especially when party members and leading cadres hold power and occupy key positions, they must be highly vigilant. The disciplinary inspection and supervision organs should extend their supervision tentacles, move forward the prevention checkpoint, strengthen supervision of leading cadres, timely detect the signs of problems, and prevent leading cadres from losing their vigilance in "warm water".

The Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Fengxian District, Shanghai, have made efforts to prevent diseases by establishing a special supervision and inspection team. With a focus on cracking down on unhealthy practices such as illegal eating and drinking, and illegal receipt and delivery of gifts and gifts, they have carried out regular supervision and inspection, and conducted in-depth investigations into hidden and mutated "Four Winds" problems such as party members and cadres illegally receiving gifts and gifts, and hiding in internal places for eating and drinking.

In order to educate and guide party members and cadres to maintain a high level of vigilance against "from the wind to corruption" and "from the wind to corruption", and to guard against frog like "hunting" in warm water, the Yuhuan Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has selected typical cases investigated and dealt with in recent years. Through the production of special warning education films such as "Abyss" and attending court hearings, the methods of "hunting", the trajectory of corruption, and the root causes of transformation are analyzed, and "people around us" are educated to guide party members and cadres to be vigilant, understand the bottom line, and respect. At the same time, we will strengthen daily management and supervision, continue to carry out five special activities: case warnings, risk investigation, personal declaration, reminder talks, and party spirit analysis. Through precise profiling, problem collection, and real-time analysis, we will establish a clean government file.

To address the phenomenon of frog hunting in warm water, it is necessary to increase the punishment for bribery. The Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Shishi City, Fujian Province, has implemented a "blacklist" system for bribe givers, strengthened cooperation and cooperation with relevant departments, jointly punished bribery, and improved the comprehensive efficiency of managing bribery. Explore the establishment of a unified data information database for bribery records, classify suspected bribery information into the information database, and gradually expand the coverage of bribery records; Strengthen cooperation with departments such as taxation, finance, finance, and bidding management, achieve real-time sharing and interconnection of bribery information, directly link bribery situations with enterprise market access, business qualifications, loan conditions, bidding qualifications, etc., and impose punishment on bribe givers in accordance with laws and regulations.

The small details are out of order, and the major festivals are difficult to maintain. When the water boils in the pot, it is too late to repent. Party members and cadres must always remain vigilant against the various offensives of those who are "hunting" and avoid slipping into the abyss of being "hunted and eaten".

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