Behind it is actually a specially crafted "marriage trap", where a woman dates and falls in love with over 70 men in a year. Mr. Xiong | A Shuang | blind date

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 08:34 AM

In Wuhan, Hubei, there is a famous young woman who calls herself "A Shuang". In less than a year, she has been dating more than 70 men on blind dates. This "A Shuang" is considerate, gentle, and reasonable towards his boyfriend. However, this seemingly perfect "girlfriend A Shuang" has been criminally detained because behind her lies a fraud gang that specializes in creating "love and marriage traps".

This is a scene that happened at the Hanyang Economic Development Zone Police Station of Wuhan Public Security Bureau this year. Even though the investigating police explained the entire incident in detail to the victim Mr. Liu, he still couldn't accept it. The girlfriend who sweetly talks to him on chat software every day was a man pretending to be his girlfriend.

Behind it is actually a specially crafted "marriage trap", where a woman dates and falls in love with over 70 men in a year. Mr. Xiong | A Shuang | blind date

The girl who has met Mr. Liu multiple times claims to be called "A Shuang". She claims to be born in 1995. In her social circle, there are many short selfies of the girl "A Shuang" with a beautiful face and youthful appearance, which has attracted many suitors like Mr. Liu.

Besides her high looks, Ah Shuang seems to know more about caring and caring for her partner than other girls. This gentleness has captured the hearts of many men, and Mr. Xiong is one of them.

Behind it is actually a specially crafted "marriage trap", where a woman dates and falls in love with over 70 men in a year. Mr. Xiong | A Shuang | blind date

Victim Mr. Xiong: She cares about how I am and whether I am tired. She greets me like this every day. I haven't had anyone say anything about me for so long. Suddenly, greeting me like this every day, and greeting me back and forth, makes me feel very comfortable in my heart.

It is precisely such an ideal girlfriend who keeps a close eye on Mr. Xiong every day. In just two months, she scammed Mr. Xiong out of tens of thousands of yuan. So, how did Mr. Xiong get to know each other, and how did he gradually fall into this "sweet trap"?

Behind it is actually a specially crafted "marriage trap", where a woman dates and falls in love with over 70 men in a year. Mr. Xiong | A Shuang | blind date

Victim Mr. Xiong: On the dating platform, A Shuang sent me a message because they were all considering singles. At that time, he sent me a message saying he wanted to get to know each other.

Mr. Wan, who claimed to be Ah Shuang, told Mr. Xiong that he had reached the marriageable age. On the one hand, her elders urged her to get married quickly, and on the other hand, he also longed for a happy family. Ah Shuang was very proactive and enthusiastic, and Mr. Xiong felt that this girl had a good impression of him.

Behind it is actually a specially crafted "marriage trap", where a woman dates and falls in love with over 70 men in a year. Mr. Xiong | A Shuang | blind date

The woman requests to establish a romantic relationship and propose a meeting

On the third day of their acquaintance, A Shuang proposed to establish a romantic relationship with Mr. Xiong. Although this happiness came suddenly, Mr. Xiong had no doubts at all. At this moment, A Shuang proposed to meet and date Mr. Xiong, but this first date seemed to be different from Mr. Xiong's expectations.

Behind it is actually a specially crafted "marriage trap", where a woman dates and falls in love with over 70 men in a year. Mr. Xiong | A Shuang | blind date

Victim Mr. Xiong: We chatted very intimately on our phone, but after meeting, we still felt a bit unfamiliar.

At first, Mr. Xiong thought that his girlfriend was not as enthusiastic as before because of her shyness, but in the upcoming date, A Shuang's performance left him somewhat puzzled.

Behind it is actually a specially crafted "marriage trap", where a woman dates and falls in love with over 70 men in a year. Mr. Xiong | A Shuang | blind date

Victim Mr. Xiong: For the first time, after finishing her meal, she said she wanted to choose a gift or something for her birthday, and then went to the store.

Online enthusiasm and offline indifference dating are actually shopping

Behind it is actually a specially crafted "marriage trap", where a woman dates and falls in love with over 70 men in a year. Mr. Xiong | A Shuang | blind date

On her first date, A Shuang asked Mr. Xiong to purchase a digital product worth thousands of yuan for her, and quickly ended the meeting on an excuse. This date did not give Mr. Xiong an ideal feeling, and he doubted whether A Shuang was truly committed. However, his girlfriend who returned to the internet quickly returned to her previous gentle, considerate, and enthusiastic state.

Without exception, every time we meet, we ask for gifts or money

Behind it is actually a specially crafted "marriage trap", where a woman dates and falls in love with over 70 men in a year. Mr. Xiong | A Shuang | blind date

In the following months, A Shuang and Mr. Xiong met several times, but without exception, she would ask Mr. Xiong for various gifts. In addition, she also asked her boyfriend Mr. Xiong for money for various reasons.

Victim Mr. Xiong: Buy her a tablet and sometimes give her gifts, which cost nearly 5000 yuan. My phone is broken and I wanted to replace it with a new one, which cost me over 9000 yuan. She suddenly said that her best friend had to undergo surgery in the hospital, which cost over 20000 yuan. After she returned home, she fell ill and had no money at home, so she spoke to me again.

Behind it is actually a specially crafted "marriage trap", where a woman dates and falls in love with over 70 men in a year. Mr. Xiong | A Shuang | blind date

Suddenly changed face after demanding tens of thousands of yuan in property

Mr. Xiong was asked by A Shuang to take away several tens of thousands of yuan in property. When he wanted to further his relationship with A Shuang, the other person became cold and indifferent. One day, two months after they met, A Shuang unexpectedly lost contact.

Behind it is actually a specially crafted "marriage trap", where a woman dates and falls in love with over 70 men in a year. Mr. Xiong | A Shuang | blind date

Wuhan Public Security Bureau Hanyang Branch Hanyang Economic Development Zone Police Station Police Officer Comfortable: Mr. Xiong came to our dispatch for help, saying that his girlfriend couldn't be found and expressing concern for his safety.

According to the reporter Mr. Xiong's description, the investigators initially thought that Ah Shuang's disappearance might have been caused by a conflict between the couple, but as the investigation deepened, the police discovered the anomaly.

Behind it is actually a specially crafted "marriage trap", where a woman dates and falls in love with over 70 men in a year. Mr. Xiong | A Shuang | blind date

Wuhan Public Security Bureau Hanyang Branch Hanyang Economic Development Zone Police Station Police Officer Comfort: At that time, we contacted Mr. Xiong to confirm Ah Shuang's contact information. Mr. Xiong mentioned that Ah Shuang has been avoiding giving him his phone number and has been using WeChat to contact him. WeChat binding is a man's identity, which clearly does not match the situation reported by Mr. Xiong.

The police vaguely sensed that Mr. Xiong may have been involved in a marriage fraud. However, at this moment, Mr. Xiong still believes in his girlfriend A Shuang. He provided her ID card and believes that the police's suspicion is unfounded.

Behind it is actually a specially crafted "marriage trap", where a woman dates and falls in love with over 70 men in a year. Mr. Xiong | A Shuang | blind date

Wang Yilin, a police officer from the Hanyang Economic Development Zone Police Station of the Hanyang Branch of the Wuhan Public Security Bureau, said: We have found that the photo on our ID card is a polished one, which does not meet the requirements of our normal ID card photo. The patterns, threads, and font on this ID card look very rough.

Police of Hanyang Economic Development Zone Police Station of Hanyang Branch of Wuhan Public Security Bureau Comfortable: According to the ID number number provided, we found that the ID card issued by Ah Shuang to Mr. Xiong was false, and no such person was found.

Behind it is actually a specially crafted "marriage trap", where a woman dates and falls in love with over 70 men in a year. Mr. Xiong | A Shuang | blind date

During their relationship with Mr. Xiong, A Shuang repeatedly requested digital products. Based on the information provided by the informant, the police conducted visits to several shops that A Shuang had visited. After investigation, the investigators made new discoveries.

Police officers from the Hanyang Economic Development Zone Police Station of the Hanyang Branch of the Wuhan Public Security Bureau are comfortable: Store staff have reported that in recent times, they often see the same woman bringing different men to the store to buy the latest mobile phones and tablets, all of which are high-end electronic products. The woman showed a less enthusiastic attitude towards the man, which surprised the salesperson at the time.

Behind it is actually a specially crafted "marriage trap", where a woman dates and falls in love with over 70 men in a year. Mr. Xiong | A Shuang | blind date

Based on the clues in hand, the police can basically determine that the so-called enthusiasm, initiative, gentleness, and thoughtfulness are all disguise of this "A Shuang". She had no intention of truly falling in love with Mr. Xiong from the beginning.

Investigating the true identity of a woman and obtaining information from transfer records

Behind it is actually a specially crafted "marriage trap", where a woman dates and falls in love with over 70 men in a year. Mr. Xiong | A Shuang | blind date

The police analysis found that being young, beautiful, and considerate were all carefully crafted "Bai Fu Mei" personas by Wang when interacting with others. Although she has been trying every way to conceal her true identity, the meticulous investigators still found a way to solve the problem from the complex clues.

Wang Yilin, a police officer from the Hanyang Economic Development Zone Police Station of the Hanyang Branch of Wuhan Public Security Bureau: Mr. Xiong transferred an account to a woman named A Shuang with a bank card. We retrieved the identity information of the account owner through the bank and found that the name was Wang. After Mr. Xiong transferred the payment to Wang, he asked his girlfriend A Shuang this question: why is the payee Wang instead of you? A Shuang argued that Wang was her own sister and just helped collect it. Later on, we provided Mr. Xiong with a photo of Wang for identification. Mr. Xiong immediately recognized that Wang was the Ah Shuang he was dating online. After investigation, we found that Wang was a supervisor from Hubei in 1993. He had already married and had two children in 2015. After reporting this situation to Mr. Xiong, he couldn't accept it for a while and was very devastated.

Behind it is actually a specially crafted "marriage trap", where a woman dates and falls in love with over 70 men in a year. Mr. Xiong | A Shuang | blind date

Married women create a "perfect" persona and perform double reed during online chats

Mr. Xiong was very disappointed by this "network romance" full of tricks. It turned out that the perfect girlfriend in his mind had already become a wife, and what surprised him even more was that there was another person who chatted with him warmly online.

Behind it is actually a specially crafted "marriage trap", where a woman dates and falls in love with over 70 men in a year. Mr. Xiong | A Shuang | blind date

Suspect Wang Mou explained that in addition to Mr. Xiong and Mr. Liu, there were dozens of other men who fell into the "gentle trap" of the fake perfect girlfriend "Ah Shuang". In this fraud, she was responsible for shooting videos and offline dating, and there was a man named Wan Mou behind her.

Wang Yilin, a police officer from the Hanyang Economic Development Zone Police Station of the Hanyang Branch of the Wuhan Public Security Bureau: The person chatting is actually not herself, but a man named Wan. When chatting with Mr. Xiong on WeChat, Wan is responsible for it. When Wan feels the time is right, she will notify Wang to come and have an offline meeting with Mr. Xiong. Before the meeting, Wan would share some of Mr. Xiong's work situation, interests, and life experiences with Wang.

Behind it is actually a specially crafted "marriage trap", where a woman dates and falls in love with over 70 men in a year. Mr. Xiong | A Shuang | blind date

Why are scams repeatedly successful and the tricks behind them exposed

Wang Mou, the suspect, once had a colleague relationship with Wan Mou. In the middle of 2022, Wan Mou found Wang Mou and said that he had a way to make money quickly. He wanted to ask Wang Mou to operate together and promised to pay Wang Mou 10000 yuan a month. Wan Mou said that the way to make money was to fabricate a fraud. Then, why can the suspect Wan, Wang and others succeed in their deception so that the victims have no doubt about the identity of "Ah Shuang"?

Behind it is actually a specially crafted "marriage trap", where a woman dates and falls in love with over 70 men in a year. Mr. Xiong | A Shuang | blind date

Wang Yilin, a police officer from the Hanyang Economic Development Zone Police Station of the Hanyang Branch of the Wuhan Public Security Bureau: As a man, Wan actually understands some of the needs of men better, which is why he has created a gentle, kind, considerate, youthful and beautiful image of an A-Shuang. And Wan has basically told the parties online that he only wants to marry his beloved, and does not require the other party to have a car, a house, or money.

The victim yearned for emotional attachment and was eager to get rid of being single, while the appearance of this "perfect" girlfriend, "A Shuang," quickly captured the other person's heart. However, the victim's love this time made him fall into the fraud fabricated by suspect Wan and others.

Behind it is actually a specially crafted "marriage trap", where a woman dates and falls in love with over 70 men in a year. Mr. Xiong | A Shuang | blind date

Zhang Wei, Deputy Director of the Hanyang Economic Development Zone Police Station of the Hanyang Branch of the Wuhan Public Security Bureau: First, it costs a few thousand yuan, and then tens of thousands of yuan, such as necklaces, rings, and iPhones, gradually upgrading. Then, after these reasons are solved, they pretend to be friends and family in traffic accidents, get sick, undergo surgery, and step by step lock him up. With each step, they give you relevant promises, such as taking you to see my parents, watching a movie with you, and so on.

Wang Yilin, a police officer from the Hanyang Economic Development Zone Police Station of the Hanyang Branch of the Wuhan Public Security Bureau, said that after meeting for two to three times, A Shuang will become increasingly indifferent to these blind date men online, causing them to feel increasingly distant and ultimately causing the other party to have inappropriate thoughts about the two of them. This relationship will come to an end.

Behind it is actually a specially crafted "marriage trap", where a woman dates and falls in love with over 70 men in a year. Mr. Xiong | A Shuang | blind date

According to the clues in hand, the police locked the whereabouts of suspect Wan, Lin and Gong, and after some deployment, the police captured Wan and others.

Wuhan Public Security Bureau Hanyang Branch Hanyang Economic Development Zone Police Station Police Officer Comfort: We found through the mobile phone used by Wan that four or five WeChat accounts were logged in simultaneously, each with dozens of dating men chatting. Lin and Gong were also doing the same thing as Wan, mainly responsible for using their respective WeChat accounts to chat with the dating men in the name of A Shuang. In less than a year, four people led by Wan carried out more than 70 fraud cases in various parts of the country under the guise of blind dates under the identity of Ah Shuang, involving a total amount of over 700000 yuan.

Behind it is actually a specially crafted "marriage trap", where a woman dates and falls in love with over 70 men in a year. Mr. Xiong | A Shuang | blind date
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