Be wary of not eating public funds, boss. Central Commission for Discipline Inspection website: Illegal eating and drinking issues rebound, high risk investigation and punishment | Enterprises | Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision | Notification | Party members and cadres | Supervision | Issues | Illegal eating and drinking

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 03:22 AM

The Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Yantai City, Shandong Province, have been closely monitoring the "Four Winds" issues such as illegal eating and drinking, and have carried out special supervision and inspection on key places such as hotels and supermarkets through open inspections and secret visits, continuously consolidating the effectiveness of work style construction. The picture shows disciplinary inspection and supervision officials in the city visiting a tobacco and alcohol supermarket to gather clues about the issue of purchasing tobacco and alcohol with public funds. Miao Hengyuan Map

On June 28th, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission announced the summary of the national investigation and punishment of violations of the central eight point regulations in May this year. Among them, there were 981 cases of illegal eating and drinking, ranking second in the total number of issues related to hedonism and extravagance.

In the first half of this year, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission named and reported 204 cases of violating the central eight point regulations on mental health issues, of which 72 were related to illegal eating and drinking, accounting for 35.3%. What are the new characteristics and manifestations of illegal eating and drinking? How to work hard for a long time, effectively and effectively crack down on illegal eating and drinking?

To address the issue of illegal eating and drinking, we will take multiple measures to prevent rebound, hidden mutations, fatigue, and war weariness

The formulation and implementation of the Central Eight point Regulations is a resolute move by our party in the new era. Since the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, disciplinary inspection and supervision organs at all levels have upheld a strict tone of integrity and discipline, focusing on key points, connecting points and forming lines, and making long-term achievements. They have adhered to the monthly publication of a summary of the national investigation and punishment of violations of the spirit of the Central Eight point Regulations. The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission have upgraded and investigated, and instructed the Qinghai Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision to seriously investigate and publicly report on the serious violations of the spirit of the Central Eight point Regulations by six party members and leading cadres in Qinghai Province. They have issued a strong signal that they will continue to work hard and never slack off, promoting the implementation of the spirit of the Central Eight point Regulations from being rooted in wood and standing in trust to transforming into customs.

Taking the issue of illegal eating and drinking as an example, various regions seize the frequent and recurring problems, closely monitor them, take every step forward, and investigate them immediately. They use information technology tools such as big data to strengthen early warning and correction, deepen systematic governance and rectification, prevent rebound, hidden mutation, fatigue and war weariness, and firmly put an end to illegal eating and drinking.

Among the 72 notices on illegal eating and drinking issues published on the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervision Commission, the Hunan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision issued 6 notices, accounting for 8.3%. "Our province has seriously cracked down on the hedonism and extravagance that damage the image of the Party and are strongly reflected by the masses. We have been closely monitoring recurring and stubborn issues such as public funds for food and drink, and 'waste on the tongue'. While we have dealt with them seriously, we have also named and reported them to the public. Since the beginning of this year, a total of 147 cases of illegal food and drink have been investigated and dealt with, 358 people have been punished, and 222 people have been disciplined for party discipline and government affairs." The head of the Party Conduct and Political Conduct Supervision Office of the Hunan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision introduced.

Starting from April this year, 23 district owned state-owned enterprises in Wanzhou District, Chongqing City are required to use plagiarism detection software and strictly review electronic invoices for reimbursement. Zhang Hengxue, the leader of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the Wanzhou District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision stationed at the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, introduced that after the supervision found that some state-owned enterprises had the problem of duplicate reimbursement of catering electronic bills, the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the stationed State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission urged the enterprises to conduct self inspection and self correction. At the same time, they developed and promoted the use of plagiarism and anti-counterfeiting software for reviewing electronic bills, requiring financial management personnel of enterprises to use the software to verify the authenticity of bills in advance. "The implementation of supervision has shifted the focus forward, and the use of information technology has solved the difficulties and bottlenecks in rectifying illegal eating and drinking." Zhang Heng said.

Last year, during the joint supervision of the "disciplinary inspection and review" of rural revitalization in Jian'ou City, Fujian Province, it was discovered that two natural resource companies in townships had embezzled rental fees for illegal food and drink. After the investigation of the case, the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Nanping City went down to supervision and conducted a comprehensive investigation of the accounts of the Township Natural Resources Institute in Jian'ou City through the linkage supervision of "office, group, and land". They discovered and dealt with illegal eating and drinking issues at four other stations. A comrade in charge of the Party and Political Conduct Supervision Office of the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Nanping City said that it is necessary to strictly prevent the hidden mutation and resurgence of illegal eating and drinking problems, and promote the coordination and coordination of various supervision measures. "We have enhanced our ability to accurately detect illegal eating and drinking issues through complementary advantages of 'disciplinary inspection and review', key breakthroughs in 'office and land', and three-level linkage of 'city, county, and township'. Our supervision has become more powerful and effective."

In Jiashan County, Zhejiang Province, local Ding Guoqiang runs two restaurants in Xitang Ancient Town. After the Xitang Town Discipline Inspection Commission and the Town Catering Industry Association advocated "Clean Your Plate Campaign", Ding Guoqiang posted "Clean Your Plate Campaign" promotional signs on the store walls and striking places of the dining table. "We are now responding to the call to 'eliminate waste on the tongue' and making small portions," Ding Guoqiang said. This way, customers can taste more dishes and avoid waste.

The Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Jiashan County adhere to the principle of rectifying the "four winds" and promoting new customs. While severely punishing illegal eating and drinking practices, they also carry out propaganda and education on the new customs of the times. Organize the activities of "opposing the waste on the tip of the tongue" and "Clean Your Plate Campaign" to enter schools, villages and enterprises, integrate the concept of thrift with township rules and regulations, corporate culture, promote the combination of changing customs and honest construction, get rid of stereotypes, and advocate new trends of the times. "The problem of illegal eating and drinking has a stubborn and repetitive nature, and a slight relaxation may lead to a resurgence. It must be constantly addressed," said Chen Juan, director of the Party and Political Conduct Supervision Office of the County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision.

Invisible mutation behavior is growing covertly, and the problem of not taking public funds and eating bosses is worth being vigilant about

Out of 72 reports of illegal eating and drinking issues, 7 were reported as illegal eating and drinking with public funds, accounting for 9.7%. For example, Fu Qiang, Deputy Secretary and General Manager of the Party Branch of Shanghai Fengxian Oriental Cable Network Co., Ltd., hosted a banquet to entertain private friends. After full payment was made, he requested the hotel to split two invoices and arrange for the company's administrative staff to fabricate business entertainment reasons for reimbursement of public funds. "We cannot directly use public funds to reimburse expenses related to illegal eating and drinking. Some party members and cadres have embezzled public funds for illegal eating and drinking through methods such as inflated projects and inflated quotations," said Liu Jingping, director of the Party Conduct and Political Conduct Supervision Office of the Changde Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision in Hunan Province.

Among the 72 reports of violations in food and drink, 63 were hosted by management service recipients or private enterprise owners, accounting for 87.5%. Liang Xi, Deputy Director of the Party Conduct and Political Conduct Supervision Office of the Nanning Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, said, "From the illegal eating and drinking issues investigated and dealt with in our city in recent years, there has been a trend of increasing and decreasing. The number of illegal banquets for management service recipients has been increasing year by year, while the number of illegal public fund eating and drinking problems has been decreasing year by year."

The issue of concealed eating and drinking in internal canteens, office spaces, private clubs, residential communities, and other places is worth paying attention to, with 21 relevant notices, accounting for 29.2%. For example, Fan Zhongjie, former secretary of the Zhaoqing Municipal Party Committee in Guangdong Province, visited a luxurious clubhouse located in a 5A level tourist attraction multiple times from 2018 to 2020, and organized or accepted banquets at the clubhouse multiple times, with related expenses paid by private entrepreneurs. On April 26th, the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region reported 6 violations of the central eight point regulations on mental health issues, of which 3 cases of illegal eating and drinking occurred in high-end residential areas, private clubs, or internal company canteens.

"Since last year, we have been adhering to the principle of" one case, one investigation ". The Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision's Review and Investigation Office has regularly sorted out the illegal eating and drinking behavior of party members, cadres, and management service objects found during case investigations, formed a list of illegal eating and drinking bases, and transferred them to the Party and Political Conduct Supervision Office. Among them, private entrepreneurs have set up internal canteens in office buildings, and some have converted self built houses into private clubs, limited to providing dining services for a very small number of leadership cadres, with strong concealment." Liang Xi said.

Some party members and cadres not only eat and drink illegally themselves, but also lead their subordinates to accept invitations in violation of regulations, which has damaged the atmosphere of the unit. For example, Chen Jun, former party secretary and captain of the Chongqing Public Security Bureau Traffic Patrol Corps, led his subordinates to accept banquets arranged by private entrepreneurs in private clubs.

Some party members and cadres drink alcohol on weekdays, and even have drunk driving investigated. On the evening of October 27, 2022, Chen Chenggang, former member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Market Supervision Administration of Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province, first attended a banquet arranged by one subordinate and drank alcohol, and then accepted another subordinate's arrangement to drink and sing at KTV. At around midnight the next day, Chen Chenggang drove home under the influence of alcohol and was caught by the public security organs on the spot.

Be wary of not eating public funds, boss. Central Commission for Discipline Inspection website: Illegal eating and drinking issues rebound, high risk investigation and punishment | Enterprises | Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision | Notification | Party members and cadres | Supervision | Issues | Illegal eating and drinking

The occurrence of disciplinary violations against the wind still indicates that the problem of illegal eating and drinking has stubborn and repetitive characteristics

From the investigation and handling of cases in recent years, it can be seen that the problem of illegal eating and drinking has a higher risk of rebounding among various "Four Winds" issues. The reporter found that "multiple times" was a high-frequency term in 72 reports. There were 49 cases of accepting banquets that may affect the fair execution of official duties multiple times, and 49 cases of accepting banquets arranged by management service recipients or private entrepreneurs multiple times, accounting for 68.1%.

In the view of Guo Jianjun, Director of the Party and Political Conduct Supervision Office of the Lanzhou Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision in Gansu Province, the issue of illegal eating and drinking is closely related to negative social norms. "Some people believe in 'good things to do at the table' and believe that by treating guests to meals, they can find people to greet and handle matters. Some illegal eating and drinking may seem like normal human relationships, but they usually conceal their intention to plead and cultivate emotions. 'Fishing for big fish with a long line', there is a problem of profit transmission behind it."

Among the 38 notifications that announced specific times, the longest time span was Li Chaoming, former Party Secretary and Director of the Council of Guangdong Supply and Marketing Cooperative Society. From 2012 to 2021, Li Chaoming requested private business owners to rent houses in high-end residential areas and set up "private canteens" for their personal gatherings and receptions, with related expenses paid by private business owners.

Some people are willing to pay for food and drink expenses for party members and cadres. "They even feel it's their honor to pay for illegal eating and drinking, which means these officials treat them as' their own people '." Liu Jingping said, "Some party members and cadres even participate in the dinner party to provide a platform for the business owner, guide others at the table to think that' the relationship between the two is good ', and' turn on the green light 'and' make it convenient 'for the business owner's requests after the meal."

Some business owners hunt leading cadres and cook frogs in warm water through dinner parties. "At a dinner party, some party members and cadres have become complacent and relaxed their vigilance, gradually falling into traps carefully designed by others, from not knowing to knowing, from knowing to becoming familiar, from knowing to trusting, and even accepting gifts and even bribery." Liu Jingping said.

The 72 notifications also reflect the persistent trend of hedonism and extravagance, and the root cause is still present. Among them, 14 notifications mentioned high-end drinks and dishes, accounting for 19.4%. Chen Jiadong, former director of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Xiamen City, Fujian Province, has repeatedly accepted banquets arranged by private entrepreneurs at home, in company restaurants or high-end hotels, and consumed high-end alcoholic beverages.

Wang Xipeng, a researcher at the Party Building Teaching and Research Department of China Institute of Discipline Inspection and Supervision, believes that some party members and cadres are enthusiastic about eating, drinking, and drinking, and one important reason is the indulgence and hedonism ideology. "The extravagant and hedonistic ideology is essentially characterized by the wavering of ideals and beliefs, the decline of revolutionary will, and the weakening of the spirit of struggle. It manifests as ideological emptiness, spiritual decadence, a desire for comfort, laziness, and looseness, a keen desire for power and corruption, a addiction to sensory enjoyment, and the loss of the ideological and moral qualities that Communist Party members should have. Once Party members and cadres pursue material enjoyment, their will to struggle is weakened, and their enterprising spirit is weakened, they are likely to go further and deeper."

Previously, the disciplinary inspection and supervision authorities in Nanning City investigated and dealt with a corruption case. From 2017 to 2019, Pang, then Director of the Wuming District Food and Drug Administration and former Executive Deputy Director of the Wuming District Command Office for the "Beautiful Nanning, Clean, Smooth, and Orderly Action", demanded that each squadron under the command of the command office issue false invoices to embezzle unit funds, organize monthly gatherings called "stress relief activities" that were actually public funds for eating and drinking, and illegally eat and drink for a total of over 700000 yuan over three years. "In systematic and industry-specific cases like this, a unit's involvement in illegal eating and drinking from top to bottom, taking this' emotional connection 'approach for granted, is often related to inadequate supervision by the supervisory department, the overall culture of the unit, and the characteristics of the industry." Wang Xipeng said.

Persist in investigating corruption together, maintain a high-pressure situation, and fight against corruption on the tip of the tongue as soon as it appears

In the notification, there were 4 cases where the individual took the initiative to organize meals, requested management service recipients or private business owners to pay for their illegal eating and drinking. Yuan Mingquan, former deputy director of the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau in Anning District, Lanzhou City, Gansu Province, treated a private enterprise owner as a long-term "meal ticket" and repeatedly demanded that the private enterprise owner pay a total of 14400 yuan for personal banquets and drinks.

"There is a bigger situation behind some dinners." Guo Jianjun said that Yuan Mingquan had a close relationship with some private business owners in private. He not only ate and drank illegally, but also often used his position to greet and handle affairs, and even used his power to promote and resell Baijiu for illegal profits. "This is a typical problem of wind corruption and wind corruption."

Among the 72 reports of violations of food and drink, 56 of the parties involved had other serious violations of discipline and law, and were expelled from the party, accounting for 77.8%. On April 20th, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission publicly reported ten typical cases of violating the spirit of the eight point regulations of the central government. All parties involved in the ten cases were expelled from the party, and the phenomenon of wind, corruption, and wind corruption was more prominent.

"The problems of work style and corruption are interrelated and have the same roots and origins. From the cases investigated and dealt with in our city, it can be seen that the corruption and corruption of party members and cadres often stem from neglecting small details, and most illegal and criminal activities begin with breaking discipline. It is necessary to be vigilant about the risks and harms caused by the combination of wind, corruption, and wind corruption, maintain a high-pressure situation of promoting integrity and discipline, and achieve the goal of 'one foot higher than the devil, one foot higher than the road'. Zeng Jian, director of the Party Conduct and Political Conduct Supervision Office of the Lishui Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, introduced that this year, the city's Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has launched a special action to catch small issues early and rectify and prevent corruption, deepening the 'looking at wind through cases' and' investigating cases with wind 'rectification and prevention mechanisms, and has been transferred to The 8 municipal management leaders have not only investigated corruption issues such as interest exchange and requests for services, but also identified the" Four Winds "issue.

"To rectify illegal eating and drinking, it is necessary to eliminate the erroneous ideas of some party members and cadres, such as' participating in meals arranged by leaders, violating regulations is also okay 'and' eating and drinking is not a problem, as long as you don't put it in your mouth ', and solve the problem of the' main switch 'of thinking." Liu Jingping said. The Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Changde City have strengthened the use of cases to promote governance and reform in response to the typical problems of illegal eating and drinking that have been investigated and dealt with. While carrying out regular supervision and inspection on the rectification of the "Four Winds", they have also carried out heart to heart talks at different levels around illegal eating and drinking, deeply explaining the severity of corruption and corruption, and making party members and cadres aware of the harm of the "Four Winds", guarding the bottom line and not crossing the red line.

Holidays are prone to frequent violations of food and drink regulations. Yang Wenwen, Director of the Party Conduct and Political Conduct Supervision Office of the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture in Guizhou Province, introduced that in response to the problem of illegal eating and drinking, the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of the prefecture closely monitored the nodes, issued honest SMS reminders and reported on the "Four Winds" cases, adopted a "room group and place" linkage supervision mechanism, carried out surprise inspections on internal reception venues, restaurants, farmhouses, etc., dug deep and investigated the problem of illegal eating and drinking that had been transformed and infiltrated underground, and strengthened the cooperation between discipline inspection and supervision, audit supervision, financial and accounting supervision, and statistical supervision. They established a mechanism for transferring clues to "Four Winds" problems such as illegal eating and drinking with finance, taxation, audit and other departments, and always carried out. The central eight point regulation, as a long-term and effective iron rule and hard bar, will never allow the resurgence of unhealthy eating and drinking habits.

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