Battle the Yongding River! Targeting Central Enterprises to Assist Beijing in Postdisaster Infrastructure Reconstruction Waste | Rivers | Enterprises

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 02:24 AM

The water flow of the Yongding River in Mentougou, Beijing has become much smoother than in the past few days.

However, at present, it is still in the critical period of "seven under eight" flood control, rainstorm, flood, typhoon and other disasters are still high in many places of the country, and the soil moisture content in some mountainous areas of North China and Northeast China has been saturated, which still cannot be relaxed.

To ensure smooth flood discharge and effectively prevent and reduce extreme rainfall disasters, the emergency cleaning task of the main river channel in the Mentougou section of the Yongding River is urgent!

On both sides of the Yongding River, transport vehicles, emergency vehicles, drainage pumps, and excavators crisscross, and post disaster repair work is being carried out in an orderly manner.After continuous efforts, central enterprises have cleared 64.3 kilometers of the main river channels and main tributaries of Yongding River, Qingshui Creek, and Qingshui River, cleared 360000 cubic meters of silt, 62000 cubic meters of sand and gravel, 3521 tons of various types of garbage, and 9035 trees.

Battle the Yongding River! Targeting Central Enterprises to Assist Beijing in Postdisaster Infrastructure Reconstruction Waste | Rivers | Enterprises

In addition to dredging rivers, central enterprises have also completed multiple urgent and dangerous tasks such as dredging villages and towns, repairing transportation, etc., laying a solid foundation for the early realization of "four connections and one protection" in disaster stricken areas.

River cleaning to ensure flood safety

After encountering extreme rainfall disasters in the Yongding River Basin of Beijing, there are a large number of fallen and dead trees, garbage, building debris, vehicles, and mud in the river, seriously polluting the river and lake environment and hindering flood discharge.

Out of 16 administrative villages in Wangping Town, Mentougou District, 11 were flooded and communication with the outside world was interrupted for 72 hours. In just a 17 kilometer S-shaped river, there are 10 bridge and culvert blockages, threatening the safety of 7 administrative villages.

Battle the Yongding River! Targeting Central Enterprises to Assist Beijing in Postdisaster Infrastructure Reconstruction Waste | Rivers | Enterprises

China Anneng has coordinated 18 professional equipment and rushed to the disaster stricken area as soon as possible. Currently, the cleaning and dredging of a 6-kilometer river channel has been completed, and various measures for preventing autumn floods are being carried out in an orderly manner.

Shen Ruomeng, the mayor of Wangping Town in Mentougou District, said: China Anneng was the earliest rescue force to arrive in the disaster stricken area, bringing a machine that could carry at least 40 people. First, it was for road construction, now it is for digging flood discharge channels, and the river is the same every day!

In Datai Street, Mentougou District, the silted and damaged section of the river happens to be located in the mining area, with complex geological conditions.

During the operation of the construction vehicle for clearing silt, there are still gravel falling on both sides of the mountain road; A row of houses collapsed inside and outside the river near the street office, and trucks were carrying garbage one after another.

Battle the Yongding River! Targeting Central Enterprises to Assist Beijing in Postdisaster Infrastructure Reconstruction Waste | Rivers | Enterprises

The task undertaken by China Communications Group is the dredging and tree removal of the 21 kilometer river channel in Datai Street. When they arrived at the scene, they could no longer distinguish between the road and the river, and could only infer the location of the river based on the remains of the bridge, making rescue and cleaning very difficult. But the rescue team members didn't hesitate, "If there's no way, just go ahead and do it first before we talk!"

Ren Yanxiao, Deputy Director of the Datai Street Office, said, "There is nothing we can do on our own. The roads are all paved by China Communications Group."

China Communications Group has invested a total of 48 excavators, loaders, bulldozers and other equipment, and has completed a total of 7.5 kilometers of river cleaning so far.

On August 15th, China State Construction Corporation (CSCEC) received a cleaning task for the 32 kilometer section of the Yongding River in Qingshui Town, Mentougou District. Currently, six working faces are simultaneously carrying out dredging, garbage removal, and dredging operations, and it is expected to be completed by August 20th. Prior to this, China National Construction Corporation had completed the dredging and sand and gravel backfilling tasks for the Wangping Town section of National Highway 109 and Shilong West Road in Mentougou District.

Battle the Yongding River! Targeting Central Enterprises to Assist Beijing in Postdisaster Infrastructure Reconstruction Waste | Rivers | Enterprises

As of now, China Construction has deployed a total of 10087 personnel and 1494 equipment to undertake emergency rescue and standby tasks.

On August 16th, China Railway Construction Organization invested more than 750 people in various types of work, including 306 excavators, bulldozers, and other equipment, to clean up construction waste, household waste, trees, and other debris in the Yongding River basin, about 13 kilometers from the Chenjiazhuang Bridge to Mayu Village section, accelerating the restoration of the basic appearance of the river and restoring the flood discharge function of the river as soon as possible.

Villages and Towns Embark on Land Reclamation and Start Home Reconstruction

The mountain flood receded, and "land reclamation" became the first difficult problem for villagers to return to their homes.

Battle the Yongding River! Targeting Central Enterprises to Assist Beijing in Postdisaster Infrastructure Reconstruction Waste | Rivers | Enterprises

Just after the flood, Dingjiatan Village in Miaofengshan, Mentougou has almost disappeared, leaving only the village entrance archway standing amidst the ruins.

558 staff members from China Energy Construction Organization, carrying 359 equipment such as excavators, loaders, forklifts, and dump trucks, rushed to Dingjiatan Village to participate in obstacle clearance and construction. As of 17:00 on August 17th, a total of 8.96 kilometers of river channel have been cleared, 6610 cubic meters of silt, 8030 cubic meters of sand and gravel, 9308 tons of various garbage, 5798 trees have been cleared, and 1570 meters of slope protection have been repaired.

Repair railway to ensure transportation

On the southeast side of the Yongding River, there is a railway break point on the Fengsha Line.

Battle the Yongding River! Targeting Central Enterprises to Assist Beijing in Postdisaster Infrastructure Reconstruction Waste | Rivers | Enterprises

The "shocking moment" of three trains being trapped and passengers successfully transferred on board is still vividly remembered, and another rush of central enterprises has begun simultaneously——

Repair the collapsed roadbed, clean up the tunnel silt, and allow the railway section to resume traffic as soon as possible, providing strong support for the subsequent transportation of rescue materials.

China Railway Corporation (CRRC) has invested 1395 people and 62 equipment, and has cumulatively repaired and opened 13.2km of the line, renovated 14 kilometers of the overhead contact system, repaired more than 41 pillars and suspensions of the overhead contact system, cleared 4800 cubic meters of debris flow and debris, cleared 740 meters of silt in the tunnel, backfilled 16800 cubic meters of roadbed, rescued 159 passengers, installed 2 sets of wireless antennas on the tunnel wall, laid 800 meters of optical cables, excavated 1 track crossing, completed 3 optical cable ends, 6 optical cable joints, and 22 kilometers of aerial photography lines.

Lighting up townships and villages through electrification and communication

Battle the Yongding River! Targeting Central Enterprises to Assist Beijing in Postdisaster Infrastructure Reconstruction Waste | Rivers | Enterprises

The mountainous area of Mentougou District accounts for 98.5%, and the flood prevention and rescue situation is complex and the task is arduous. The joint operation between China Tower Beijing Branch and State Grid Beijing Electric Power - Beijing Tower first uses oil powered power generation to ensure the power supply of communication facilities; State Grid Beijing Electric Power Company will take over and coordinate personnel, equipment, and materials to gradually restore power supply to communication facilities, and work together to seize the lifeline of communication in disaster stricken areas.

"Brothers, be quick, villagers are waiting to call and report safety!" On August 6th, at 4:50 am, after the joint efforts of China Telecom Beijing and Hebei companies, the Mentougou Qingshui Town base station was successfully connected, becoming the first optical cable base station to be connected in Qingshui Town!

In this emergency repair task, China Telecom innovated methods and utilized the Hebei transmission network and core network to conduct overnight line tracing and repair from Hebei and Beijing directions, successfully opening up wireless base station equipment, and achieving coverage of the main areas of Qingshui Town.

On the way to Datai Village in Mentougou District, China Unicom staff found that the road was destroyed and vehicles were unable to enter the mountains. They decided to carry a portable base station weighing more than ten pounds and a power generator weighing tens of pounds by hand, and walk into the mountain to race against time for communication restoration work. On August 10th, all severely affected villages in Fangshan District and Mentougou District resumed network communication.

Battle the Yongding River! Targeting Central Enterprises to Assist Beijing in Postdisaster Infrastructure Reconstruction Waste | Rivers | Enterprises

China Mobile has coordinated the allocation of resources across the entire group, with 47 emergency personnel, 27 emergency vehicles, 42 portable satellite backpack stations, 5 drones, and 37 satellite phones from 20 provincial companies and professional centers supporting them arriving in Beijing. "They not only brought advanced equipment, but also boosted our morale. Everyone is working hard to accelerate the speed and strive to restore communication to the affected people as soon as possible."

Except for the most severely affected Mentougou area

In other areas of Beijing

Post disaster reconstruction work of central enterprises

Battle the Yongding River! Targeting Central Enterprises to Assist Beijing in Postdisaster Infrastructure Reconstruction Waste | Rivers | Enterprises

It has also been launched and efficiently promoted one after another

Restore power supply as soon as possible——

State Grid Beijing Electric Power Company has invested nearly 4620 people in emergency repair efforts in severely affected areas, equipped with 109 generator cars, more than 430 small generators, and more than 1100 emergency repair vehicles. In accordance with the principles of "water return, road access, pedestrian access, and electricity access", emergency repair and power restoration work has been carried out.

As of 18:00 on August 8th, all villages in Beijing, except for the 9 villages resettled in other places, have resumed power supply.

Battle the Yongding River! Targeting Central Enterprises to Assist Beijing in Postdisaster Infrastructure Reconstruction Waste | Rivers | Enterprises

Identify risks as soon as possible——

The testing center affiliated with the China Academy of Construction Research quickly formed an emergency assessment team for housing safety hazards, and rushed to Liulihe Town and Xiayunling Township in Fangshan District. They completed a daily screening of nearly 1000 houses on average, and reported the summary results to relevant departments on time.

China Electric Power Construction Corporation has invested a total of 771 people and 196 equipment for 7 consecutive days, successfully completing the drainage and dredging tasks of Zhangcai roadside ditch in Zhangjiawan Town, Tongzhou District, as well as the emergency response, rescue, and defense tasks for the dangerous sections of Binhe South Road and Binhe North Road in Yanqing District.

Ensure smooth operation of water conservancy facilities——

Battle the Yongding River! Targeting Central Enterprises to Assist Beijing in Postdisaster Infrastructure Reconstruction Waste | Rivers | Enterprises

During the peak period of this rainstorm, the Ziya River, Yongding River and Daqing River in the Haihe River Basin within the middle route of China's South to North Water Transfer Project have successively experienced numbered floods. The China South to North Water Diversion Group has 6152 on duty personnel, 3015 on-site rescue personnel, 3137 on duty personnel, and 458 equipment. Overall, the number of personnel has increased by more than 2 times compared to the normal standby state, and the number of equipment has increased by more than 1 time. As of now, the middle route of the South to North Water Diversion Project is supplying water normally, the project is running smoothly, and the water quality is stable and meets the standard.

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Battle the Yongding River! Targeting Central Enterprises to Assist Beijing in Postdisaster Infrastructure Reconstruction Waste | Rivers | Enterprises

Responsible Editor | Wang Dian

Executive Editor, Liu Haoran

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