Anhui Province Grasping the Construction of Innovative Provinces to Promote High Quality Development of Industries | Innovation | Province

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:36 PM

On the banks of Chaohu Lake, Hefei City is accelerating the construction of national laboratories, comprehensive national science centers, large-scale scientific facilities, and other "national treasures";

Along the Yangtze River, Wuhu City is accelerating the construction of an innovation system with enterprises as the main body, with a research and development investment intensity of 3.48%, ranking first in the province;

In the plain of northern Anhui, Bengbu City vigorously promotes the development of four major industrial clusters, including new energy, new displays, intelligent sensors, and biochemistry;


In early summer, walking in Anhui to see innovation: on both sides of the Anhui River, the flower of technology blooms; On the land of Jianghuai, a single spark ignites the prairie.

During his inspection tour of Anhui, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed: "the key for Anhui to achieve overtaking and leapfrog development in corners and to continue to catch up in the ranking of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities throughout the country during the 14th five-year Plan period depends on innovation. It is necessary to continue to consolidate the foundation of innovation and persevere for a long time. "

Bearing in mind General Secretary Xi Jinping's instructions, Anhui is determined to take the construction of innovative provinces as an important starting point for promoting high-quality development, vigorously implement the innovation-driven development strategy, and speed up the creation of influential sources of scientific and technological innovation and emerging industries.

In terms of regional innovation capability, Anhui has jumped from the tenth place in the country five years ago to the seventh place, ranking first in the country.

Seize the Key and Strengthen the Main Body of Enterprise Science and Technology Innovation

In the laboratory, the research team is tackling difficulties around the development of integrated circuit technology. From company establishment to growth into a high-tech enterprise, Quanxin Intelligent Manufacturing Technology Co., Ltd. only took 3 years.

"We have successively received research and development subsidies for major special projects commissioned by the Anhui Provincial Department of Science and Technology, as well as for projects such as the 'Key Core Common Technology Research and Development' of the Hefei Science and Technology Bureau." Vice President Zhong Xiumei said that most of the subsidy funds have been invested in scientific research again.

In recent years, Anhui has promoted the tilt of scientific and technological talents, innovation platforms, instruments and equipment, scientific and technological projects, and achievement rewards towards enterprises, encouraging them to become the main body of innovation decision-making, research and development investment, scientific research organization, and achievement transformation. Nowadays, there are more than 15000 high-tech enterprises in Anhui Province, with 11 high-tech enterprises born every day and more than 17000 technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises.

As a part of the national strategic scientific and technological force system, Anhui's major original innovative achievements are emerging one after another. The "artificial sun" achieves stable high constraint mode plasma operation for 403 seconds, setting a new world record; The fields of fusion energy and deep space exploration continue to lead the way

Establishing a sound "laying eggs along the way" mechanism for cutting-edge technology research and development, Anhui's basic research advantages are being transformed into industrial innovation momentum.

On the Science Island located in Hefei, Qi Ziping often "soaked" in the laboratory to develop new anti-cancer drugs. At 8 o'clock in the morning, turn on the lights, then prepare and feed the medicine, observe and record, and conduct animal efficacy experiments. "We are racing against time to develop it earlier," said Qi Ziping, a member of the Liu Qingsong team at the Hefei Institute of Materials Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, while analyzing experimental data.

On August 12th last year, the steady-state strong magnetic field scientific device set a new world record for field strength of 452200 Gauss. Relying on derivative achievements, Liu Qingsong's team achieved new breakthroughs in research on lymphoma, breast cancer, pancreatic cancer and other diseases.

At present, around the fields of energy, big health, artificial intelligence, etc., Anhui Province has laid out and constructed 12 large scientific facilities. Biotechnology, materials technology, plasma technology and other industrial technologies have emerged one after another.

In strengthening the position of enterprises as the main body of technological innovation, Anhui is forging a strong foundation and promoting the formation of an innovation system with enterprises as the main body and efficient collaboration and deep integration of industry, academia and research.

Not long ago, focusing on the planning and layout of the top ten emerging industry innovation chains, blockages, and weak links in Anhui Province, Anhui established 48 key laboratories for joint construction of disciplines.

"It is expected that by 2025, among the top ten emerging industries, traditional advantageous industries, and future industries in Anhui Province, more than 100 joint laboratories will be cultivated and constructed with enterprises as the main body," said the relevant person in charge of the Anhui Provincial Department of Science and Technology.

Innovation driven, technological innovation potential accelerates the transformation into new driving forces for development

On the big screen, production data jumps in real-time; In the workshop, the robotic arm runs non-stop. Copper anode plates are transported by unmanned vehicles, and stacks of electrolytic copper plates are peeled and packaged by robots - less copper splashes and more intelligent brains. Entering the factory area of Jinguan Copper Industry Branch of Tongling Nonferrous Metals Group Co., Ltd., a sense of technology fills one's face.

"As a traditional copper smelting enterprise, we have been exploring transformation and upgrading. We are not only carrying out intelligent transformation, but also exploring energy conservation and environmental protection, working together." Wen Yan, Deputy Secretary and Manager of the Party Committee of Jinguan Copper Industry Branch, said that by improving the process, the heat generated during the smelting process can be recycled and reused, "generating 200 million kilowatt hours of electricity per year."

Based on copper and undergoing green transformation, Tongling City vigorously develops industries such as new energy, electronic information, and advanced equipment manufacturing. Seizing copper and extending copper, the advanced structural materials industry cluster in Tongling City has been included in the first batch of national strategic emerging industry clusters.

Copper alloy materials in Tongling City, high-speed railway wheels in Ma'anshan City, and green mining construction in Huainan City... Anhui is driven by innovation, focusing on the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries and the development and growth of emerging industries. The Jianghuai region is moving towards intelligence and advancing towards greenery everywhere.

In Hefei High tech Zone, there is a "Quantum Street".

Entering the Keda Shield Quantum Technology Park, the real-time updated data on the big screen of the Hefei Quantum Metropolitan Area Network Control Center is eye-catching. Eight core website points and 159 access website points radiate light waves, weaving a quantum key distribution network covering Hefei.

In August 2022, the Hefei Quantum Metropolitan Area Network, which was constructed with the participation of Guodun Quantum, was officially opened. "This is an important turning point for quantum communication technology to move from laboratory to industrialization," said Gu Fengbo, an expert in quantum technology at Guodun. Taking the construction of a comprehensive national science center as an opportunity, Hefei takes the path of industrial agglomeration development and strives to create a dual highland of "quantum technology" and "quantum industry".

In the past five years, the average annual growth rate of the output value of strategic emerging industries in Anhui has been 18.2%, and the proportion of the output value of strategic emerging industries to large-scale industries has reached 41.6%. As of the end of 2022, more than 6000 strategic emerging industry enterprises in Anhui Province have contributed more than 50% of the listed enterprises in the province and more than 80% of the national level specialized and innovative "little giant" enterprises.

From Zhongguancun in Beijing to the North Anhui Plain in 4 years, Anhui Zhici New Material Technology Co., Ltd., located in Yingquan Economic Development Zone, Fuyang City, has become a national level specialized and innovative "little giant" enterprise.

Pieces of nanocrystalline soft magnetic materials are being cut, and plates of products shimmering with silver are waiting to be packaged. After being sent to manufacturers to make components, they can be applied in new energy vehicles, rail transit, and smartphones. The government helps coordinate factories, while enterprises focus on research and development investment. This innovative team, composed of PhDs from universities such as Peking University, is determined to make progress and grow rapidly.

"We have also collaborated with the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences and other institutions to promote the coordinated development of the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, forming a 'strong magnetic field' for high-quality development," said Deng Bili, the company's general manager.

Deeply cultivate professional fields, focus on key technologies, specialize in new and innovative enterprises as the driving force, and continuously transform scientific and technological innovation achievements into practical driving forces for promoting economic and social development.

As of May this year, Anhui has cultivated a total of 3740 provincial-level specialized, refined, and innovative enterprises, striving to create 477 national level specialized, refined, and innovative "little giant" enterprises, accounting for 5.3% of the total number in the country, ranking seventh in the country and first in the central region.

Building a solid foundation and creating a first-class innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem

For 14 years of studying and entrepreneurship, He Yu, a native of Sichuan born and raised in the 1990s, has become a native of New Anhui. He graduated from the University of Science and Technology of China and has a dream of participating in the revitalization of the national scientific instrument industry. Therefore, he resolutely devoted himself to the industrialization development of quantum technology and scientific instruments.

Why Anhui? He Yu bluntly stated that what he values is an innovative and entrepreneurial environment. There are both basic research, industrial clusters, and real gold and silver here. "In the early stages of entrepreneurship, there was insufficient funds. According to relevant policies, Hefei High tech Zone waived rent for us. Subsequently, another 600000 yuan of funding was provided to support us."

Nowadays, He Yu has not only led his team to be selected as one of the "115" Industrial Innovation Teams in Anhui Province, "" Luzhou Industrial Innovation Team, "and" Jianghuai Silicon Valley Innovation and Entrepreneurship Team. "He himself has also been recognized as a high-level talent in Hefei City. For the scarce talents recruited by enterprises, Hefei provides rent subsidies of 3 to 5 years per person.

The fundamental source of technological innovation lies in people, and Anhui is making every effort to create an environment that ties hearts and keeps people.

From strengthening the guarantee of enrollment for talent children and employment for spouses, to improving incentive systems such as settlement subsidies, housing security, and technology dividends, from deepening the reform of talent development system and mechanism, to building platforms and carriers such as large institutions, Anhui retains talents through emotions, treatment, environment, and career. In 2022, Anhui Province added 840000 new talents, with a total of over 11 million, and more than 1300 people were selected for the national level plan, ranking eighth in the country.

The sensing valley located in Bengbu is brightly lit.

Equipment is gradually entering the factory, and machines are being installed intensively. Within the more than 30000 square meter factory building, people and vehicles are busy coming and going. The construction workers are painting the walls and finishing the construction of the factory building. "Work overtime and strive to achieve the production of three process production lines by the end of the year, with results achieved one day earlier," said Wen Jianzhong, Deputy Director of the Bengbu Science and Technology Bureau.

In 2021, targeting the development trend of artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things industry, China's Sensor Valley emerged. Nearly 20 innovation platforms, including the Anhui Intelligent Sensor Innovation Center and the Sensor Industry Common Technology Research Center, have gathered here, and more than 70 key enterprises in the intelligent sensor industry have settled in.

To solve the packaging and testing difficulties of small and medium-sized chip design enterprises, Bengbu Economic Development Zone is building a pilot platform. "With an investment of over 300 million yuan, after completion, it can provide ceramic packaging, glass packaging and other process tests for small and medium-sized enterprises, like a shared kitchen," said Zhang Pengyuan, a second level researcher at the Bengbu Economic Development Zone Management Committee.

The creation of an industrial pilot platform in the Sensing Valley is a microcosm of Anhui's accelerated promotion of the construction of the Hewubang National Science and Technology Achievement Transfer and Transformation Demonstration Zone.

Anhui Province is working hard to create an innovative environment, just like creating a first-class business environment. The main leaders of the Anhui Provincial Party Committee stated that they should serve scientists, talents, and enterprises well. Science and Technology University Silicon Valley, which aspires to become a world-class innovation center, is recruiting partners worldwide. Nearly 200 teams from countries and regions such as the United States and Japan have applied for the partnership.

Four months is the time taken by Hefei Zhongke Kele New Materials Co., Ltd. from planning to implementation.

The special team for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements excavated 2 million yuan each from the Seed Fund and Angel Fund of Hefei City, and 3 million yuan each from the Science and Technology Innovation Fund of Hefei High tech Zone. In August 2022, the company was established based on the polyolefin elastomer packaging material project proposed by Professor Chen Changle of the University of Science and Technology of China. The general manager of the company, Zhou Jiangjun, said that these three funds have given him real confidence. Nearly 20 million yuan of social capital followed closely behind, which also gave enterprises more confidence in technological innovation.

How to attract financial vitality for the transformation of technological achievements? In recent years, Anhui has innovated its financing mechanism for technology-based enterprises and accelerated the integration of technology and finance. It has led the establishment of an angel fund group and an artificial intelligence themed mother fund with a total scale of 12.6 billion yuan, creating a forest of "early investment and small investment in technology" funds; Establishing a risk compensation fund pool of 200 million yuan for technology enterprise loans, driving banks to issue loans exceeding 51.1 billion yuan to more than 10000 technology enterprises

On the road to building an innovative province, we must take the initiative, excavate the source of water, build a ladder to climb the clouds, and bravely venture into uninhabited areas. Today in Anhui, there is no need to raise the whip and forge ahead.

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