Analysis of the problem of "avoiding misconceptions in the construction of modern industrial systems"

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 19:12 PM

For China, which is committed to building a socialist modernized strong country, accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system is no longer a "multiple-choice question", but a "compulsory course". To pass this compulsory course with high scores, we must start from China's basic national conditions, adhere to open cooperation, and prevent "closed door construction".

Openness is an important characteristic of modern industrial systems

Why emphasize "adhering to open cooperation and not building cars behind closed doors" when accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system supported by the real economy?

——This is a realistic choice to look forward to the future path based on historical experience.

Reform and opening up is a strong driving force for China's development and progress over the past 40 years, and it is also a source of vitality for continued development and progress in the future. Building a modern industrial system also relies on this important tool.

"Open cooperation is an important driving force for sustainable economic development. To build a modern industrial system supported by the real economy, it is necessary to achieve interactive integration of the industrial chain, supply chain, and innovation chain in open cooperation." said Liu Qunyan, Director of the Intellectual Property Operations Service Center at Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

"The modern industrial system of a strong country is inevitably internationalized and globalized. Continuously shaping new competitive advantages in China's manufacturing industry in the complex and ever-changing global economic system is the cornerstone of achieving the goal of building a strong country." Ma Tao, Dean of the School of Business at Harbin Institute of Technology, said that China's manufacturing industry has gone from being "poor and impoverished" to "following", "running parallel", and even "leading", and adhering to open cooperation has always been a key content. The entry of China's large-scale labor force into the global factor market has formed a "world factory", and the global resource allocation capabilities of Chinese manufacturing enterprises have made significant progress. It has also provided an efficient market matrix for the growth of global advantageous enterprises such as new energy vehicles and ICT products.

——This is a realistic decision to seize future opportunities based on historical achievements.

China has the world's most complete industrial system and the world's largest potential domestic demand market. These two major advantages are the result of actively participating in international division of labor and global competition for many years, providing strong support for building a new development pattern and becoming a solid foundation for further promoting the open development of modern industrial systems.

Modernization and internationalization are closely related, and openness and competitiveness complement each other. Whether we can build an open and cooperative modern industrial system is related to whether we can win strategic initiative in international competition and future development. Only by aligning with the international industrial system can we participate more deeply in global industrial division of labor and cooperation, allocate resources on a global scale, and maintain innovative vitality through comprehensive participation in international competition.

——This is a realistic decision to plan for future development based on historical laws.

To develop a country and revitalize a nation, it is necessary to follow the logic of historical progress and keep up with the trend of the times. Today, China is unprecedentedly approaching the center of the world stage and closely interacting with the world; Looking around the world, the world is undergoing a new round of great development, transformation, and adjustment. We must seize the opportunity and seize the opportunity to promote high-quality development of the Chinese economy under more open conditions.

"The modern industrial system is oriented towards the world and international markets, and openness is the essence of its topic. In deep interaction with the global factor market, product and service market, it is necessary to obtain high-end demand information and release the energy of system development to the outside world. The modern industrial system is oriented towards the future, and requires extensive communication on a global scale, deepening cooperation in innovation chains, industrial chains, and supply chains, creating incremental markets, and benefiting the community with a shared future for mankind." said Chen Qiang, a professor at the School of Economics and Management at Tongji University and executive director of the Shanghai Industrial Innovation Ecosystem Research Center.

The construction of a modern industrial system is related to the overall security and high-quality development of the country. Creating an open innovation ecosystem with international competitiveness is necessary to enhance the adsorption of high-level innovation and production factors, enhance control over key links in the innovation and industrial chains, and achieve a leap from "Made in China" to "Created in China".

"Building a Modern Industrial System with Closed Doors"

No country or nation in the world can achieve its own development and revitalization by following the footsteps of others, nor can any country achieve modernization in isolation and isolation. Why is there a phenomenon of closed door construction in some areas of China's modern industrial system construction?

Chen Qiang believes that this is related to both the objective environment and subjective mentality. One is due to the objective environment. Currently, a few countries are "building walls and barriers" and "decoupling and breaking chains" in technology and industrial cooperation, attempting to put China's high-tech industry in a "solitary corner" situation. The second is related to subjective mentality. Or it may manifest as "only burying oneself in pulling the car, disregarding looking up to see the road", lacking initiative in understanding and understanding the forefront of technology industry development and changes in international market demand; Or it may manifest as blind confidence, believing that the bottleneck problems that constrain the development of modern industrial systems can be quickly overcome in a relatively short period of time; Or it may manifest as a one-sided pursuit of safety and emphasis on localization, leading to self isolation and closure in terms of force organization, resource allocation, and factor flow.

"To tackle key core technologies, we must not only focus on deep cultivation and long-term achievements, but also look at the world and gather global talents to work together in order to achieve breakthroughs on a larger scale and at a higher level." Chen Qiang said that "localization" is not the purpose of building a modern industrial system, but rather to ensure the resilience and security of industrial and supply chains in the ever-changing international situation. Although globalization is constantly encountering new challenges, the construction of modern industrial system should adhere to the "international song" and consolidate the material and technological foundation of Chinese path to modernization.

Some people understand independent innovation as fighting alone and opposing it to open cooperation, which is obviously wrong. Independent innovation is not about working in isolation or fighting alone, but about gathering the energy of the world and leveraging the power of all directions. Many high-tech industries in our country have developed and grown in response to the international song. Many industries developed earlier abroad, and there are many areas worth learning and learning from in terms of technology, equipment, regulations, and other aspects.

Taking the biopharmaceutical industry as an example. The biopharmaceutical industry in China started 20 to 30 years later than developed countries in Europe and America. Due to the time required for product development and iteration, some R&D and production equipment and reagents still rely on imports. However, Chinese biopharmaceutical companies adhere to open cooperation, continuously develop international markets, and set sail overseas through various forms such as investment and acquisition, patent authorization, and product transfer, gradually narrowing the gap with mature overseas markets.

According to data from the General Administration of Customs, the total import and export volume of biological products in China increased from 58.77 billion yuan to 293.35 billion yuan from 2017 to 2021. Among them, the first four years showed a stable growth trend, with exports significantly lower than imports. In 2020, it was only 35.73 billion yuan. In 2021, the export value of biological products significantly increased to 187.2 billion yuan, an increase of over 400%, and achieved the first trade surplus in nearly five years.

"Making cars behind closed doors means falling behind and being eliminated. We need to absorb and learn from advanced foreign experiences, while also strengthening the construction of innovation systems and independent innovation capabilities, to keep up with or even surpass the world's advanced level." Dr. Chen Bingliang, Chief Scientist of Xinda Biopharmaceutical Group, introduced that since its establishment in 2011, the company has always adhered to open innovation, followed the path of globalization, and achieved multiple international cooperation with internationally renowned enterprises. Its research and development, production standards have been evaluated by international quality standards, and have also formed independent research and development intellectual property rights, becoming a typical case in the field of people's livelihood for foreigners to pay for Chinese intellectual property.

For a period of time, economic globalization has encountered a headwind and a headwind. Some countries attempt to "decouple and break the chain" and build "small courtyards and high walls", hoping to exclude China from the global value chain division of labor system. The most effective strategy to break the "small courtyard high wall" is not to return to closure, but to promote higher levels of technological self-reliance and expand higher levels of opening up to the outside world. To demonstrate to the world China's confidence and determination in participating in the global economy, and to promote more inclusive, inclusive, and resilient global development.

The door to China's opening up will only continue to widen

This year marks the 45th anniversary of China's reform and opening up, which has developed China and also influenced the world. The Chinese economy is a vast ocean, and all the oceans in the world are interconnected. The door to China's opening up will only continue to widen, and we will always stand on the right side of history, never hindered by headwinds and turning waves.

——Adhere to open cooperation and build institutional mechanisms that are more in line with the laws of innovation.

"The modern industrial system is a system of technological innovation, and we must respect the laws of technological innovation." said Mi Lei, founding partner of Zhongke Chuangxing Technology Investment Co., Ltd. He has been working on the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, but it is difficult to obtain financing for truly cutting-edge projects in the early stages. On the one hand, many private enterprises that started with traditional industries are not familiar with or understand high-tech, and are afraid to invest their money into the future; On the other hand, many powerful state-owned and central enterprises have relatively conservative investment decisions.

Taking controllable nuclear fusion technology as an example, it is a revolutionary new energy technology that can change the world, and China's scientific research in this field is also leading internationally. In recent years, global commercial capital has been accelerating its influx into the field of controllable nuclear fusion. According to incomplete statistics, as of 2020, there were a total of 23 private companies involved in controllable nuclear fusion worldwide, while there were very few private enterprises in the field of controllable nuclear fusion in China.

"There is a big gap between us and the United States in the field of venture capital for the future. Innovation is about uncertainty, trial and error, and diversity. It needs to be inclusive in order to encourage innovation." Mi Lei believes that the mechanism for encouraging innovation should be further improved, and investment in hard technology fields that require long-term investment, such as quantum, photonic chips, and controllable nuclear fusion, should be increased. Building a modern industrial system means that from talent selection to capital investment, from evaluation mechanisms to reward and punishment mechanisms, all must be established around innovative laws.

——Encourage participation in competition and attract higher quality global resources.

In 2022, China's actual use of foreign investment reached 1232.68 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 6.3% according to comparable standards, equivalent to 189.13 billion US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 8%. This data indicates that the vast majority of foreign-funded enterprises are still optimistic about their development prospects in China, which remains a global investment highland.

In the current global situation, we need to put more effort into high-level "bringing in" and high-quality "going out". Ma Tao said that in 2021, foreign applicants obtained over 110000 invention patent authorizations in China. As of the end of 2022, foreign-funded enterprises accounted for over 60% of the over 1300 technical committees in China. However, at the same time, foreign R&D institutions in China tend to focus on local market development, with a focus on domestic demand in industries such as medical and pharmaceutical, advanced manufacturing, etc. There are few core R&D tasks aimed at global external demand, and there is not much forward-looking basic research.

To achieve high-level "introduction", it is necessary to encourage multinational companies to establish research and development centers within China, or cooperate with local institutions to form international research and development alliances and joint research and development institutions, encourage foreign-funded enterprises to participate in the pre research and drafting of Chinese standards, and support the innovative development of foreign-funded research and development institutions in China; To leverage the driving role of national key and major foreign investment projects, and guide global resources to actively participate in the construction of national new industrialization industry demonstration bases and advanced manufacturing clusters; To support Chinese enterprises in laying out overseas open innovation systems, encourage various innovative entities in China to establish overseas research and development institutions, overseas science and technology innovation centers, and overseas entrepreneurship bases, support Chinese enterprises to actively engage in shared innovation cooperation with domestic and foreign partners and users, and build innovation alliances through the development of new technologies, industries, formats, and models; Encourage and support Chinese enterprises to promote cross-border transfer and transformation of suitable technologies and achievements, and promote two-way technological cooperation.

——Strengthen collaborative linkage and break down local protection and regional barriers.

Adhering to open cooperation not only requires external cooperation, but also internal cooperation. Compared with opening up to the outside world, there are also many problems and challenges faced by opening up domestically. To build a modern industrial system that combines real economy, technological innovation, modern finance, and human resources, it is necessary to accelerate the establishment of a unified national market system and rules, break through local protection and market segmentation, break through key bottlenecks that restrict economic circulation, and promote the smooth flow of commodity factor resources on a larger scale.

Liu Qunyan suggested deepening the institutional and mechanism reform of factor resource allocation. Strengthen the market-oriented allocation reform of resources such as land, labor, talent, technology, capital, and data, and reduce excessive reliance on land and labor resources; Cultivate and introduce innovative talents and high-tech, utilize the financing capabilities of the capital market, and promote the development and progress of the real economy.

Globalization is a major trend in the development of the world economy, and openness is an important feature of modern industrial systems. In the process of building a modern industrial system, China will firmly adhere to the open strategy of mutual benefit and win-win, deeply integrate into the global industrial and supply chains, participate in international circulation at a high level, and continuously provide new opportunities for the world with China's new development.

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