Abducting and trafficking more than ten children, "human trafficker" Yu Huaying is on trial: Confessing to selling illegitimate children, Wang | Brother | illegitimate child

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 05:16 AM

Pengpai News reporter Wang Xin

Recent photo of Yu Huaying.

Wang Meihua said she will not participate in the trial of her mother Yu Huaying's child trafficking case.

Yu Huaying, who will turn 60 this year, is a "human trafficker". According to the prosecution's allegations and previous rulings, since 1993, she has been colluding with her husband Wang Mouwen or her lover Gong Mouliang to kidnap and sell 13 children. These children were all abducted and sold from the southwest region to Handan, Hebei.

In 2000, Yu Huaying was arrested on suspicion of child trafficking. At that time, Yu Huaying was criminally detained by the Handan Public Security Bureau for two months before being released. In 2004, she was arrested while committing another crime in Yunnan. At that time, both she and her husband concealed their true identities and were sentenced to 8 years in prison for false identities. During his sentence, Yu Huaying received a three-year reduction in sentence. After being released from prison, Yu Huaying remained unharmed until Yang Niuhua, who had been abducted by her, found her biological sister and reported the situation to the police.

On July 14th, Yu Huaying was held in the Guiyang Intermediate People's Court on suspicion of child trafficking. Many family seekers gathered at the entrance of the court, hoping to find clues.

Today, the Intermediate People's Court of Guiyang City will hold a public hearing on the case of Yu Huaying suspected of trafficking children. This time, Yu Huaying is accused of trafficking 11 children. Pengpai News learned that Yu Huaying had confessed that she first committed the crime in 1992 by selling her illegitimate child, which has not yet been found. The prosecution ultimately did not file a lawsuit on this matter. According to lawyers, this may be because the evidence did not meet the conditions for prosecution, or it may be because the prosecution period has passed.

Abducting and trafficking more than ten children, "human trafficker" Yu Huaying is on trial: Confessing to selling illegitimate children, Wang | Brother | illegitimate child

On the eve of the trial, Pengpai News went to Chongqing Dazu, Hebei Handan and other places to interview Yu Huaying's close relatives, neighbors, and victims of her trafficking, attempting to present a criminal path of "human traffickers".

Yu Huaying and Wang Mouwen have their first house in the village. Pengpai News reporter Wang Xintu

Confessing that the first crime was the sale of illegitimate children

Yu Huaying is from Heqing County, Dali Prefecture, Yunnan Province. On December 29, 1963, Yu Huaying was born into an ordinary family in the local area, ranking fourth. She also had two older brothers and one older sister above her.

Yu Huaying's mother passed away when she was in the second grade of primary school, and she dropped out of school and returned home to work in agriculture. When she was 17 years old, her father passed away. In 1984, at the age of 21, Yu Huaying met Wang Mouwen, a man from Dazu, Chongqing, while visiting Dali, Yunnan. After the two got married, Wang brought Yu Huaying back to his hometown. In Dazu, Yu Huaying renewed her registered residence and had a ID number number beginning with "510230".

In January 1987, Yu Huaying, who had just turned 23 years old, gave birth to her daughter Wang Meihua. Both of them are not hardworking and willing to endure hardship. Wang Mouwen is still doing some sneaky things outside. In the eyes of the villagers in the same village, the couple's reputation is not good.

In 1992, Wang Mouwen was arrested on suspicion of theft, and Yu Huaying and her daughter were cut off from their sources of livelihood. In order to make a living, Yu Huaying entrusted Wang Meihua to be raised by Wang Mouwen's sister-in-law, while she went to work at a noodle shop in the county town. During her employment, Yu Huaying met Gong Mouliang, also known as "Gong Carpenter".

Abducting and trafficking more than ten children, "human trafficker" Yu Huaying is on trial: Confessing to selling illegitimate children, Wang | Brother | illegitimate child

Gong Mouliang is 20 years older than Yu Huaying. At that time, Gong Mouliang, like Yu Huaying, had families and children. Yu Huaying cohabited with Gong Mouliang and gave birth to a baby boy without terminating her marriage with Wang Mouwen.

According to Yu Huaying's confession, at that time, the two of them were not financially capable enough to support the child, and as they were illegitimate, they discussed selling the baby boy. Under the operation of Gong Mouliang, the baby boy was taken to a person named Wang Moufu in a village of Handan City, Hebei Province, and Wang Moufu resold the baby boy. Gong Mouliang and Yu Huaying received thousands of yuan in compensation as a result.

Since then, Yu Huaying has embarked on an 11 year journey of child trafficking crimes.

The second house built by Yu Huaying and Wang Mouwen in the village has been abandoned due to being uninhabited for many years. Pengpai News reporter Wang Xintu

Years of continuous "business": kidnapping and trafficking of 13 children

At first, Yu Huaying and Gong Mouliang teamed up to commit the crime. After renting a house, they approached their neighbors and searched for trafficking partners. In order to gain the trust of the victims, Yu Huaying even brought her daughter.

According to prosecution charges, from 1993 to 1996, in just over three years, Yu Huaying and Gong Mouliang abducted and sold a total of 11 children from multiple families, including 3 pairs of siblings. In January 1993, the two abducted 6-year-old Xiao A near Zunyi Railway Station in Guizhou; In August of the same year, the two kidnapped Little B and Little C brothers in Zunyi; In 1994, the two kidnapped Xiao D near Baiziqiao in Duyun City, Guizhou Province; In July 1995, the two kidnapped Little E and Little F brothers near Xiaowei Village in Duyun City; In the winter of 1995, the two of them came to Guiyang and kidnapped 5-year-old Yang Niuhua; In July 1996, the two returned to Duyun and abducted Little H and Little I siblings by the small river in Xiyuan Village; In October of the same year, the two kidnapped Xiao J near the intersection of Xianren Cave in Dongshan, Guiyang City; Subsequently, the two returned to Dazu, Chongqing and abducted Xiao K.

Abducting and trafficking more than ten children, "human trafficker" Yu Huaying is on trial: Confessing to selling illegitimate children, Wang | Brother | illegitimate child

"In 1995, my parents worked in Guiyang and rented a room, and our family lived there." Yang Niuhua recalled that year, when Yu Huaying moved in next door, "a family of three", and the two families gradually became familiar. She and her sister often played with Yu Huaying's daughter Wang Meihua. After gaining the trust of her parents, Yu Huaying abducted her on the grounds of taking her to buy a signature for knitting a sweater.

The prosecution accused Yu Huaying of colluding with Gong to kidnap Yang Niuhua, but Yang Niuhua claimed that in her memory, it was Wang Mouwen who was with Yu Huaying at the time. "My sister and I both remember clearly that the man's legs were normal, but Gong Mouliang had some problems with his legs."

The 11 children mentioned above were ultimately sold to Handan, Hebei by different intermediaries.

Afterwards, Yu Huaying and others fell silent for many years. In 2000, Yu Huaying was criminally detained by the Handan police on suspicion of child trafficking, but was released two months later. In 2004, Yu Huaying resumed her old business and her accomplice changed from her lover Gong Mouliang to her husband Wang Mouwen.

According to the prosecution's charges, Yu Huaying and Wang Mouwen did not commit crimes in Guizhou or Chongqing later. They went to Chuxiong, Yunnan Province and abducted Little L and Little M to Handan in Nanhua County and Dayao County. After Xiao M was abducted, his father went to the Dayao County Public Security Bureau to report the case. With the cooperation of the police in Yunnan and Hebei, Yu Huaying and Wang Mouwen were arrested and brought to justice on May 19, 2004. Faced with interrogation by the police in Dayao County, both of them concealed their true identities. Yu Huaying falsely claimed to be "Zhang Yun" and Wang Mouwen falsely claimed to be "Wang Wei", and evaded scrutiny by the local public security organs.

On September 27, 2004, the Dayao County Court sentenced Zhang Yun and Wang Wei to 8 years in prison for the crime of child trafficking. The court believes that "Zhang Yun" and "Wang Wei" subjectively have the purpose of trafficking children for sale, and objectively committed the act of profiting 13500 yuan from trafficking children, which has constituted the crime of child trafficking.

After the verdict, the two did not appeal. During her sentence, Yu Huaying received a one-year reduction in prison in 2007 and a two-year reduction in prison in 2009. Her sentence was completed on May 18, 2009, and she returned to live in Danzishi, Nan'an District, Chongqing after her release.

Abducting and trafficking more than ten children, "human trafficker" Yu Huaying is on trial: Confessing to selling illegitimate children, Wang | Brother | illegitimate child

At that time, more criminal facts about Yu Huaying and others were not discovered.

Now, among the 13 people suspected of being abducted by Yu Huaying, 2 have been rescued by the police, 10 have found their original families, and 1 has not been found yet.

During Yu Huaying's imprisonment, Gong Mouliang was diagnosed with cancer. Gong Mouliang passed away on August 1, 2008, four months after his son took him home.

In 2021, Yang Niuhua successfully searched for relatives and returned to Guizhou to meet her family. Respondents provide pictures

A kidnapped girl successfully searches for her family 26 years later

When Yu Huaying was released from prison in 2009, Yang Niuhua was still searching for relatives.

"If Yu Huaying could have confessed to the other children she abducted and sold at that time, I should have been able to find my family sooner." After many years, Yang Niuhua's hatred towards Yu Huaying did not diminish at all. "My sister told me that my father smashed all the bricks I had prepared to build a house after I lost them, and the house was no longer built. I couldn't find them everywhere, so I started borrowing alcohol to relieve my worries. I passed away in 1997. My mother had mental problems and left the following year. My sister became an orphan, and after living with her grandmother and uncle for a few years, she also went out to work. After I was abducted, I was also abused by Yu Huaying. Later, I didn't go to elementary school." I dropped out of school after finishing reading

Abducting and trafficking more than ten children, "human trafficker" Yu Huaying is on trial: Confessing to selling illegitimate children, Wang | Brother | illegitimate child

Yang Niuhua said that not only did Yu Huaying cause her family to perish, but she also failed to truthfully confess all her crimes after being arrested last time, resulting in her finding her loved ones 26 years later.

After reuniting with her family, Yang Niuhua reported to the Handan police, hoping that they could catch the human traffickers. Yang Niuhua said that after reporting the case, the Handan police conducted a preliminary investigation on the intermediary Wang Moufu at that time. Due to uncertainty about whether her father had reported a case locally in Guiyang, Yang Niuhua sought help from the Guiyang police. Finally, on June 6, 2022, the Nanming Branch of Guiyang Public Security Bureau launched an investigation into the case of Yang Niuhua being abducted and sold. 24 days later, Yu Huaying was caught in Dazu, Chongqing.

In February 2023, the Nanming District Procuratorate of Guiyang City filed a public prosecution against Yu Huaying. Wang Wenguang, the lawyer representing Yang Niuhua, believes that Yu Huaying is accused of trafficking multiple children and indirectly causing the death of Yang Niuhua's parents, which is a particularly serious circumstance and may result in life imprisonment or even death penalty. In view of this situation, the Nanming District Court should transfer the case to the Guiyang Intermediate Court for trial. On April 19th, he submitted a case transfer application to the Nanming District Court, requesting that the case be transferred to the Guiyang Intermediate People's Court for trial. Five days later, Wang Wenguang was informed that the case of Yu Huaying's child trafficking had been returned from the court to the Nanming District Prosecutor's Office. Later, it will be transferred from the Nanming District Prosecutor's Office to the Guiyang City Prosecutor's Office for prosecution.

On June 9th, the Guiyang Procuratorate announced that the case of Yu Huaying suspected of child trafficking was concluded by the Nanming Branch of the Guiyang Public Security Bureau and transferred to the Guiyang Procuratorate for examination and prosecution. Recently, the Guiyang Procuratorate filed a public prosecution with the Guiyang Intermediate Court in accordance with the law.

On July 14th, the Intermediate People's Court of Guiyang City will publicly hear the case of Yu Huaying suspected of child trafficking.

Case information released by the Guiyang Procuratorate. Picture of Guiyang Procuratorate's WeChat official account

"Eating and lazy"

Abducting and trafficking more than ten children, "human trafficker" Yu Huaying is on trial: Confessing to selling illegitimate children, Wang | Brother | illegitimate child

Yu Huaying's daughter, Wang Meihua, told The Paper that she will not attend Yu Huaying's trial and does not want to mention Yu Huaying's abduction of children again.

Nowadays, the old house of Yu Huaying and Wang Mouwen in a certain village in Dazu only has the main structure of bricks and tiles. The three rooms they later built are also abandoned due to the lack of residential space for a long time, and the weeds in front of the courtyard have not been cleared, growing up to two meters high.

Villagers and community workers all know more or less about Yu Huaying and Wang Mouwen. Several villagers told reporters that they knew about Yu Huaying's child trafficking outside and also knew that Wang Mouwen had been sentenced for stealing. The reporter learned that Wang Mouwen is currently missing and his registered residence has been cancelled several years ago. Some villagers also claim that Wang Mouwen is still alive, and they occasionally met him in the village before. Before being arrested, Yu Huaying came back to visit the house once, but no one greeted her.

Wang Mouwen's previous sister-in-law told Pengpai News that two years ago, a police officer brought Wang Mouwen back to the village, hoping that she could take him in. At that time, Wang Mouwen's brother had already passed away and she had remarried, so she refused the police's request. Wang Mouwen stayed in the village for a few days, but later disappeared without a trace.

She said she is from Guizhou, and when she married Wang's brother, Wang had already married Yu Huaying. After Wang Mouwen was first arrested, she also helped take care of Wang Meihua for a period of time. Later, they left the village and the interaction between the two families gradually decreased.

She didn't have a good impression of Wang Mouwen and Yu Huaying: "They belong to the type of lazy eaters, otherwise how would they do that kind of thing?"

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