A Series of Commentaries on the Prominent Characteristics of Chinese Civilization: Shuyuan Junliu and Ancient as New History | Culture | Junliu and Ancient as New

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:26 PM

"There are many important elements in China's excellent traditional culture, which together shape the outstanding characteristics of Chinese civilization."

This is a profound summary of the characteristics of Chinese culture and the spirit of Chinese civilization. It is a grand plan to create a new culture from a new perspective of promoting Chinese path to modernization, and provides a fundamental guide for the construction of the modern civilization of the Chinese nation.

Connecting history, reality, and the future, answering the question of creating a new cultural era

I have been longing for the Yin ruins for a long time.

The General Secretary pointed out the profound meaning of this trip: "Deeply learn and understand Chinese civilization, make the past serve the present, and provide reference for the better construction of modern Chinese civilization."

This important idea was further elaborated at the symposium on cultural inheritance and development: "Continuing to promote cultural prosperity, build a strong cultural country, and build a modern civilization of the Chinese nation at a new starting point is our new cultural mission in the new era."

On the new journey of great rejuvenation, the general secretary put forward the major thesis of the five outstanding characteristics of Chinese civilization, and issued a great call to shoulder the new cultural mission and strive to build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation.

This is a profound sentiment towards the excellent traditional Chinese culture——

Compared with the "root and soul", it is likened to the "spiritual lifeline", and it is regarded as "the rich nourishment of the Chinese nation's endless growth and development" and "the foundation for us to gain a firm foothold in the agitation of world culture." General Secretary Xi Jinping's affection and respect for China's excellent traditional culture are consistent.

From proposing to "protect urban historical and cultural heritage like cherishing one's own life", to urging "to cherish and respect ancient buildings, old houses, and old neighborhoods";

This is a solid footprint of personally carrying forward the Chinese cultural heritage——

To protect the Liangzhu site, General Secretary Xi Jinping made the important conclusion of "the holy land of the five thousand years of Chinese civilization history;

On the inspection of Guangzhou Yongqing Square, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that "more use of micro-transformation of this 'embroidery' kung fu";

When he came to huawu village in Bijie, Guizhou, general secretary Xi Jinping encouraged everyone to "carry forward Miao embroidery" and "contribute to industrial poverty alleviation and rural revitalization";

Entering Xinjiang University, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "Chinese civilization is the foundation of the culture of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang" and "cast a strong sense of community of the Chinese nation";

Concerned about the compilation and publication of the "Chinese Painting Series of Past Dynasties", a major national cultural project, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that "continue to dig deeper into the genetic code of the continuous inheritance of Chinese civilization";


The context is interconnected, and the elegance is here.In the new era, the land of China is presenting a grand atmosphere of "gloomy and cultured", further solidifying the foundation of cultural confidence.

This is a broad mindedness that embraces all rivers and embraces everything——

The Chinese nation has always emphasized the concept of "one family under heaven" and yearned for a beautiful world where "the world is for the public on the journey of the great road". The concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind is precisely the modernization and modernization of China's excellent traditional cultural values and spiritual bloodline, which has provided China's answer for humanity to respond to global challenges, achieve peaceful development, and move towards prosperity and progress.

The series of home diplomacy, including the Boao Forum for Asia, the Forum on China Africa Cooperation, the Shanghai International Import Expo, and the Asian Civilization Dialogue Conference, demonstrate the open and confident mindset of a major country.

From the Global Development Initiative, to the Global Security Initiative, and then to the Global Civilization Initiative, we continuously enrich and expand the ideological connotation and practical path of building a community with a shared future for mankind.

A foreign politician sincerely sighed, "This reflects the wisdom of ancient Chinese civilization and China's historical responsibility as a responsible major country."

This is a profound reflection on promoting the rejuvenation of Chinese civilization——

According to the rules of the ancients, open up one's own life.

Only by understanding the development history of Chinese civilization for over 5000 years can we understand the confidence and heritage of Chinese culture.

The 'second combination' is another liberation of thought.

"Building on the profound foundation of over 5000 years of Chinese civilization, we must open up and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics, and combine the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific realities and excellent traditional Chinese culture."

The combination of the basic principles of Marxism and the excellent traditional Chinese culture has made the socialist road with Chinese characteristics have a broader and deeper historical depth, and has built the cultural foundation of Chinese path to modernization.

It is in this sense that the General Secretary emphasized that "Chinese path to modernization gives modern power to Chinese civilization, and Chinese civilization gives profound connotation to Chinese path to modernization".

The clearer you know, the more steadfast you will be in your actions; The more steadfast one's actions, the more enlightened one's knowledge becomes.

The accelerating evolution of the unprecedented great changes in the world today has once again put human society at a crossroads of where to go. The CPC is determined to build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation, which is not only necessary to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, but also necessary to maintain and promote lasting peace and common prosperity in the world.

"The best inheritance of history is to create new history; the greatest respect for human civilization is to create new forms of human civilization."

This voice responds to the incessant waves of the long river of Chinese cultural history day and night, and guides this vast river forward with majestic power.

Recognizing the prominent characteristics of civilization and effectively promoting cultural construction in the new era

Why civilization? Why China?

On May 27, 2022, Zhongnanhai, Beijing. A collective study of the Central Political Bureau focusing on the exploration of the origin of Chinese civilization is taking place here.

"Chinese civilization has a long and profound history, and is a unique spiritual symbol of the Chinese nation. It is the foundation of contemporary Chinese culture, the spiritual bond that sustains Chinese people around the world, and a treasure trove of Chinese cultural innovation."

With a profound understanding of Chinese civilization, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized when presiding over the study that it is necessary to have an in-depth understanding of the development history of Chinese civilization for more than 5,000 years, and to deepen the study of the history of Chinese civilization.

To see is to know, to observe is to know.

The five prominent characteristics of Chinese civilization have significant guiding significance for us to comprehensively and deeply understand the history of Chinese civilization, better shoulder new cultural missions, and work together to create a new culture that belongs to our era.

Outstanding continuity, firm determination to walk one's own path.

On June 1, 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping walked into the Central General Hall of the China National Version Hall.

"Shengshi Xiuwen." In the Lantai cave library in the museum, General Secretary Xi Jinping said the word many times.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: "The original intention of building the edition library is to collect, that is, at this stage of our history, to collect and protect all the ancient books and materials that can be collected since ancient times, and to continue to pass on the only uninterrupted civilization in the world."

The Chinese nation is an ancient and great nation in the world. If we do not understand China from its long-standing historical continuity, it is impossible to understand ancient China, modern China, and future China.

By learning from history, we can know the rise and fall. China has firm confidence in its path, theory, and system, which is essentially a cultural confidence built on the foundation of over 5000 years of civilization inheritance. Standing at the height of civilization, walking one's own path gives one a strong confidence.

Outstanding innovation cultivates an enterprising spirit and fearless character.

On June 7, 2023, the first Cultural Power Construction Summit Forum opened in Shenzhen.

Adhere to upholding integrity and innovation, and stimulate the vitality of cultural innovation and creation of the entire nation. This congratulatory letter once again sends out the strong voice of the times to create a new culture and build a new civilization.

Innovating and keeping up with the times is the eternal spiritual temperament of Chinese civilization.

Thousands of years ago, the ancestors of the Chinese nation adhered to the spirit of "although Zhou was an old country, its destiny was renewed" and embarked on the great practice of creating Chinese civilization. From the perspective of thousands of years of history, reform and opening up are generally the norm in China's history. Chinese civilization continues to develop through inheritance and innovation, repeatedly breaking through the "heavy mountains and heavy waters" and encountering the "hidden willows and bright flowers". The great tree of civilization can be long-lasting and deeply rooted, giving it unparalleled creative ability and innovative consciousness.

Outstanding unity, the great power that unites all.

"Tomorrow's China, strength comes from unity." General Secretary Xi Jinping firmly pointed out in his New Year's message in 2003, "More than 1.4 billion Chinese people think in one place, work hard in one place, and work together in the same boat, and unite in the same boat, there will be no things that cannot be done or hurdles that cannot be overcome."

Unity and virtue, gather strength, and leap forward with determination.

A Chinese history is a history of various ethnic groups blending and converging into a diverse and integrated Chinese nation. It is a history of all ethnic groups working together to create, develop, and consolidate a unified great motherland. Culturally inclusive, economically interdependent, and emotionally close, each ethnic group has developed a collective spirit, and each member possesses an extremely strong sense of community. A unified China is the carrier of the Chinese national community, maintaining the destiny of all ethnic groups and uniting every individual.

Highlighting inclusivity and showcasing the pattern of carrying material with virtue.

On the banks of the Bahe River and under the Chang'an Pagoda, the millennium old capital welcomes a grand event where history and future blend together——

The China Asia Summit will be held in Xi'an from May 18th to 19th, 2023. The heads of state of Central Asian countries, in the ancient charm of Tang Dynasty, feel the grace and magnanimity of Chinese culture that embraces all rivers and the world.

"Shaanxi is the eastern starting point of the ancient Silk Road, which has witnessed the deep friendship between China and Central Asian countries for more than 2,000 years. For thousands of years, the people of China and Central Asia have exchanged and learned from each other, creating the glory of the ancient Silk Road and writing a chapter in the history of exchanges between human civilizations." General Secretary Xi Jinping said.

Exploring the depths of history, the Chinese civilization has been continuously passed down and has always been evolving through inclusiveness. The Chinese civilization has enriched itself through exchange and mutual learning, and has also given to others, contributing profound ideological systems, rich scientific and technological cultural and artistic achievements, unique institutional creations to the world, and profoundly influencing the process of world civilization.

Outstanding peace, showcasing the image of carrying great responsibility on the road.

The contemplative Athena relief caught his eye.

"This is Athena, the goddess, resting and contemplating just after participating in the war." Accompanying the tour, then Greek President Pavlopoulos served as the "interpreter.".

"She's thinking about the meaning of war." President Xi Jinping talked about the Chinese allusion of "stopping the war", and President Pavlopoulos kept nodding in agreement.

China was once one of the most powerful countries in the world for a long time in history, but there is no record of colonization or aggression against other countries. Since ancient times, Chinese civilization has not been exclusive, but has continuously developed through inclusiveness and inclusiveness, relying on its essential attribute of advocating peace.

China will never engage in a zero sum game where a strong country will inevitably dominate, nor will it agree with a zero sum game where you lose and you win. This is because the pursuit of peace, harmony, and harmony has long been deeply rooted in the spiritual world of the Chinese nation and dissolved in the blood of the Chinese people.

Undertake a new cultural mission and usher in a new era of civilization through historical progress

In the autumn of 2022, the major cultural project "Revival Library" was officially published and distributed.

The entire five volumes consist of over 60 volumes, over 300 volumes, and over 110 million words. A total of 37 volumes, 195 volumes, and 61.9 million words have been published in three volumes, spanning over a hundred years... The Emperor's masterpiece echoes the resounding footsteps of an ancient nation moving towards rejuvenation between the lines.

"It is a tradition of the Chinese nation that has lasted for thousands of years to study history and establish a code, save history and enlighten wisdom, and use cultural people." In the preface to the "Renaissance Library", General Secretary Xi Jinping issued a strong voice of the times of "strengthening historical self-confidence, grasping the general trend of the times, and taking the Chinese road well.

Record the pioneering work of our ancestors and inspire the struggle of those who come.

The 20th CPC National Congress has drawn a grand blueprint for building a socialist modern country in an all-round way and comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese path to modernization, and defined the development goal of building a cultural power and significantly enhancing the country's cultural soft power by 2035.

Standing at a new historical starting point, continuing to promote cultural prosperity, build a strong cultural nation, and build a modern civilization of the Chinese nation, it is even more necessary for us to comprehensively and deeply understand the development history of Chinese civilization over 5000 years, deeply grasp the outstanding characteristics of Chinese civilization, better understand and identify with Chinese civilization, stimulate the spirit of confidence and self-improvement, and demonstrate more positive historical responsibilities.

To better shoulder the new cultural mission, we must strengthen cultural confidence, adhere to our own path, and achieve spiritual independence and autonomy——

In Meishan, Sichuan, there are towering ancient trees in the Sansu Temple.

Visitors from all directions, including the front hall, banquet hall, Qixian hall, and Fengxuan, come to travel and study in an endless stream. They stroll in the ancient temple surrounded by water on three sides, marveling at the unparalleled talent of the "Three Heroes of One School" and being impressed by the honest and kind-hearted family style of "filial piety, benevolence, kindness towards others, and thinness towards oneself".

Through bricks, tiles, poetry, and paintings, today's Chinese people are even more convinced that there were once such people on this land: they have weathered the wind and rain but never give in, they have gone through the vicissitudes but still remain as strong as ever.

A drop of water reveals the sun, and a Sansu Temple reveals the vastness and profoundness of Chinese culture.

Standing on a vast land of over 9.6 million square kilometers, sucking on the cultural nutrients accumulated through the long struggle of the Chinese nation, and possessing the magnificent power of over 1.4 billion Chinese people, we persist in following our own path, with an incredibly broad stage, profound historical heritage, and strong determination to move forward.

"The ideological content of China's excellent traditional culture is widely related to understanding the world, transforming the world, governing the country, moral construction and other aspects. Absorbing the essence of it will be beneficial to the smooth progress of Chinese path to modernization." Chen Lai, a senior professor of arts at Tsinghua University and president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said.

To better shoulder the new cultural mission, we must uphold openness and inclusiveness, continuously cultivate and create socialist culture with Chinese characteristics in the new era——

On June 7, 2023, the 19th China International Cultural Industry Expo and Trade Fair opened.

Attracting over 100000 cultural and creative industry exhibits from both domestic and international markets, the number of exhibitors has increased from over 700 in the first edition to 3596, and the number of countries and regions visited, exhibited, and purchased has increased from over 10 to 108

Since its establishment in 2004, the scale of exhibitions, the number of visitors, the degree of internationalization, and the transaction results of the Cultural Expo have been continuously increasing. It has become an important platform for promoting Chinese culture to go global and an important window for expanding cultural openness to the outside world.

Chinese culture is both national and global. Chinese civilization has been known for its openness and inclusiveness since ancient times, constantly radiating new vitality through exchanges and mutual learning with other civilizations.

Today, the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered an irreversible historical process, and the international community is increasingly paying attention to China and hoping to understand Chinese culture. With a broad mind that embraces all rivers, we can break down the barriers of cultural exchange, absorb the nutrients of various civilizations with an inclusive attitude, and better promote the internationalization of Chinese culture with a confident and open attitude. Only then can we promote the common progress of various civilizations in exchange and mutual learning, and write a new chapter in human civilization.

To better shoulder the new cultural mission, we must adhere to the principles of integrity and innovation, continue the historical context, and compose a contemporary chapter of brilliance——

Night falls and the lights come on. In an instant, Xi'an transformed into Chang'an.

Under the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, there is a scenic area of the Tang Dynasty Never Nights City, and a 2-kilometer long street is crowded with people. This Tang inspired pedestrian street is scattered with the Chang'an Twelve Hours Theme Block, which offers an experience of Tang Dynasty city life, and the Starlight Trail, which showcases the charm of Tang poetry. Climbing onto the Xi'an city wall, a pair of VR glasses can allow tourists to overlook the ancient city from a high altitude; A lighting digital projection brings back the Tang Dynasty style of "a hundred houses like a Go game, and twelve streets like vegetable beds".

Let history speak, let cultural relics speak. "Faced with the rich historical and cultural heritage, we prioritize protection and accelerate the revitalization and utilization of cultural relics through multiple methods such as artistic creation, technological application, and audio-visual expression, continuously providing new experiences for citizens and tourists." said Sun Chao, Director of Xi'an Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism.

The new cultural consciousness promotes the revival of cultural relics collected in museums, heritage displayed on vast land, and characters written in ancient books, and the inheritance of cultural heritage through string songs is continuous and timeless.

In today's China, the "cultural and museum fever" is booming, and the "cultural and creative trend" is blowing vigorously. The enthusiasm of the people for traditional culture is increasing, and the vitality of excellent traditional Chinese culture is bursting. This requires us to uphold the spirit of integrity and innovation, adhere to the principle of letting a hundred flowers bloom and a hundred schools of thought contend, adhere to creative transformation and innovative development, stimulate the vitality of cultural innovation and creation of the whole nation, continuously enhance the spiritual power to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and continuously create new brilliance in Chinese culture.

Looking back at the past, Chinese civilization carries the never-ending spiritual bloodline of the Chinese nation, enduring thousands of years of storms and still shining brightly. On the long axis of human development, it has written a brilliant chapter.

Adhere to our own path, based on the great historical and contemporary practices of the Chinese nation, summarize Chinese experience with Chinese principles, elevate Chinese experience into Chinese theory, and achieve spiritual independence and autonomy.

The contemporary CPC and the Chinese people should and will be able to shoulder the new cultural mission, create new culture in practice, and build the modern civilization of the Chinese nation in historical progress.

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