A City Embroidered for Thousands of Years - Observation of Taiyuan from the Perspective of Humanities and Economy

Release time:Apr 15, 2024 12:55 PM

On the Fen River, the kayak team preparing for the first National Student Games is vigorously rowing and training; In front of the Temple of Our Lady of Jin, writers who have come from afar are amazed by the exquisite cultural relics; From the ancient clock tower street to the banks of Jinyang Lake, there is a strong smoke and fire atmosphere emanating from the bustling night market of Qiandeng.

Surrounded by mountains on three sides and separated by water, Taiyuan has been known as the "Beautiful City of Taiyuan" since ancient times.

Continuing the millennium old cultural heritage, nurturing beautiful rivers and mountains, and exploring new industries and cities. Spanning over 2500 years of history, the ancient city of Taiyuan remains vibrant. On the new journey, Taiyuan is striving to write a new era legend of the interplay between culture and nature, as well as the integration and coexistence of economy and culture.

Fenshui is a leisurely and famous city

Guanchen Mountain, where the Fen River flows out.

A City Embroidered for Thousands of Years - Observation of Taiyuan from the Perspective of Humanities and Economy

Rushing from the vast mountains and forests, the Fen River runs through the city like a jade belt from Taiyuan. The great river flows far and wide, nurturing human fireworks and giving birth to the Three Jin civilization.

This is a photo taken on June 27, 2023 of Fenhe River in Taiyuan City. Photo by Yang Chenguang, journalist from Xinhua News Agency

In 497 BC, Zhao Yang, the Minister of State of Jin, appointed Dong Anyu to build Jinyang City west of the Fenshui River, establishing the foundation of the state of Zhao. From then on, Taiyuan City began a history of over 2500 years. The Song Dynasty poet Shen Tang left behind the praise of "the famous capital of Bingzhou since ancient times".

One water moistens one city, and the past goes on for thousands of years. From the "separation of the three Jin dynasties" to the "dominance of the Northern Dynasties", from the "uprising of Li Yuan" to the "succession of the Five Dynasties"... on this fertile land, magnificent historical poems are staged.

Southwest of Taiyuan, Ancient Chengying Village. The pilot construction of the National Archaeological Site Park in Jinyang Ancient City is being accelerated, and a history of over 1000 years is expected to unveil its mysterious veil. In the year 979 AD, Emperor Taizong of Song, Zhao Guangyi, detested the strong and difficult city of Jinyang, so he set fire to it and poured water, causing the entire dynasty's reputation to be destroyed. However, a few years later, a new city rose up again 20 kilometers north of the old site, becoming the prototype of the urban area of Taiyuan today.

A City Embroidered for Thousands of Years - Observation of Taiyuan from the Perspective of Humanities and Economy

"As a military stronghold in the north, Taiyuan has experienced frequent wars in its history, known as the 'Four Battlefields, Offensive and Defensive Field', which greatly honed the people of this land and had a great impact on the formation of Taiyuan's humanistic spirit." said Wang Jizu, a historian and cultural scholar in Taiyuan.

Rebirth in adversity, break through in adversity. Inheriting the spirit of fearlessness and perseverance, the people of Taiyuan in the new era continue to explore and forge ahead, rebuild their ecology, and reconstruct their industries. They are steadfast and more resolute in their pursuit of a happy life and building a city of happiness.

Ethnic integration has created an inclusive and accessible urban atmosphere.

Recently, the news that the Taiyuan North Qi Mural Museum, the first national museum dedicated to tomb murals built on the tomb of Xu Xianxiu, a key cultural relic protection unit, is about to open, has attracted attention. The Sogdian decoration on the maid's dress, the Persian style "Bodhisattva statue" pattern, and the gold ring inlaid with gemstones from Central and Western Asia and even the Mediterranean region... Xu Xianxiu's tomb and murals not only depict the daily life of important officials in the Northern Qi Dynasty, but also reveal vivid scenes of ethnic integration and East West exchange.

"There have been several major ethnic integrations in ancient China, and Taiyuan has always been an important region," said Chang Yimin, a member of the Cultural Museum Research Institute of Taiyuan Cultural Relics Protection Research Institute. "The great integration of ethnic groups has made this place more imbued with a typical inclusive and accessible cultural personality formed by multi-ethnic groups in the north.".

A City Embroidered for Thousands of Years - Observation of Taiyuan from the Perspective of Humanities and Economy

The trickle of history infiltrates the bloodline of the city, creating a humanistic atmosphere of inclusiveness, openness, and accessibility in the ancient city of Taiyuan. It also drives Taiyuan to accelerate the gathering of excellent talents and high-quality industries today, steadily advancing towards the goal of innovation, industry, talent, and openness.

The long cultural context nourishes the urban character of advocating culture and righteousness.

Touring the Jin Temple, admiring the Twin Towers, strolling through the ancient city, and observing Jin merchants... During the summer vacation, tourists from all over come in droves to explore the profound cultural heritage of Taiyuan and taste its cultural connotations.

At Yingze Park in Yingze District, Taiyuan City, citizens are practicing Tai Chi fans. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhan Yan

As an important ancient capital with a civilization history of over 5000 years and a city building history of over 2500 years, Taiyuan's historical and cultural sky is shining with stars. During the prosperous Tang Dynasty, as the third largest city at that time, Taiyuan was economically prosperous and culturally prosperous. "Sending people on a trip to merge with Fen" and "merging with Fen's old road was full of brilliance" became a fashion trend, and Li Bai, Du Mu, Bai Juyi, and others left praises and lyrical poems here.

A City Embroidered for Thousands of Years - Observation of Taiyuan from the Perspective of Humanities and Economy

"Taiyuan is a city that values culture and righteousness. The cultural relics, various museums, and other cultural facilities scattered throughout the city all tell the rich cultural pursuit of Taiyuan from ancient times to the present." Liu Yuwei, Director of the Taiyuan Municipal Bureau of Cultural Relics, said that this pursuit of culture is not only an important resource for urban development, but also an inexhaustible nutrient for urban prosperity.

The Fenshui River flows endlessly, with a continuous and continuous cultural heritage.

Water birds inhabit the Fen River in Taiyuan City. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhan Yan

The people of Taiyuan in the new era are deeply rooted in the fertile soil of history and culture, inheriting and promoting the urban spirit and temperament, adhering to the principle of using cultural people and cultural cities, nourishing life and the city with abundant historical culture, and demonstrating a never-ending driving force for development.

Shanchuan Ningcui, Changing Old Appearance

A City Embroidered for Thousands of Years - Observation of Taiyuan from the Perspective of Humanities and Economy

The mountains are lush and the rivers are picturesque. In the midsummer season, the Fen River in the urban area of Taiyuan flows deep with clear water, with towering green mountains and lush vegetation on both sides in the distance. In the morning and evening, on the bicycle lane built along the river, with a total length of over 80 kilometers, the figures of cyclists occasionally pass by.

Citizens ride in Fenhe Park in Taiyuan City. Photo by Yang Chenguang, journalist from Xinhua News Agency

Taiyuan is located in the remnants of the Lvliang Mountains, with two mountains facing each other from east to west in the urban area. Nine side mountain tributaries converge into the Fen River, and it has been known for its "beauty" since ancient times. However, in the past, influenced by functional positioning and industrial development, Taiyuan gradually lost its "color" and the city became dimmer: the Fen River was cut off, mountain damage, air pollution

Green mountains and clear waters are like mountains of gold and silver. The urban environment is not only the living space of urban residents, but also the bright background of urban development, which is related to the happiness of citizens and high-quality economic development.

Repairing ecological scars and restoring urban glory has become a difficult exam that Taiyuan has to answer and must answer well in promoting high-quality economic and social development.

A City Embroidered for Thousands of Years - Observation of Taiyuan from the Perspective of Humanities and Economy

At Fenhe Park in Taiyuan City, river cleaners are cleaning up the garbage in the Fenhe River. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhan Yan

To do difficult things and solve difficult problems, one needs a firm will and thorough action. In recent years, Taiyuan City has made up its mind and continued to make efforts to promote the integration of mountain, water, gas, and urban governance, and has launched a battle for urban environmental governance. A series of governance measures have been solidly implemented, including the introduction of innovative mechanisms to govern the eastern and western mountains with social capital, continuous promotion of comprehensive governance of the Fen River and urban water systems, and coordinated promotion of coal-fired pollution control and urban infrastructure construction through the transformation of urban villages.

After years of hard work, Taiyuan has taken on a new look. The mountains are dyed green and the water becomes clear, and the beautiful scenery of "Shanshui City", where "the western mountains on the water are like hanging screens and thirty miles of lush greenery," is reappeared; The "Park City", with a green coverage rate of 45% and a per capita park green area of 12.85 square meters, and a leading number of urban parks in the country, is gradually gaining popularity; The "Happiness City" quietly arrives, with over 1500 people owning a convenience store and 54000 people owning a museum.

A dragon boat team is training at the Taiyuan Water Sports Center. Photo by Yang Chenguang, journalist from Xinhua News Agency

"Unexpectedly!" Most tourists who come from afar would express such feelings after arriving in Taiyuan. "It completely overturned my traditional understanding of Taiyuan. It's hard to imagine such a city, such a river, such a refreshing climate, and such a comfortable life in the inland of North China," said Xia Haitao, the head of a real estate company after being transferred from another province to work in Taiyuan.

A City Embroidered for Thousands of Years - Observation of Taiyuan from the Perspective of Humanities and Economy

People's cities are built by the people, and people's cities are for the people.

On summer nights, the bustling Zhonglou Street in Taiyuan is bustling with people. Famous photo studios, barbershops, pastry shops and other time-honored brands in Taiyuan have welcomed a group of young customers. "Zhonglou Street has come back to life," said Guo Jianguo, a nearly eighty year old resident.

Tourists are visiting Zhonglou Street in Taiyuan City. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhan Yan

Zhonglou Street, located in the core area of the old city, is a millennium old street that originated in the Song and Yuan dynasties, flourished in the Ming and Qing dynasties, and flourished in the Republic of China. It carries the history and memory of the city. But the once outdated infrastructure, cramped space, and obstructed transportation have caused the flow of people to gradually decrease and the scenery to fade away.

In April 2020, Taiyuan City launched the upgrading and renovation project for the Zhonglou Street area. "During the renovation, we did not demolish any old buildings and preserved the urban memory of the old city of Taiyuan as much as possible." Pu Jing, the director of Taiyuan Architectural Design and Research Institute, said that the renovated Zhonglou Street not only enhances the century old brand, but also introduces brand flagship stores, achieving the interconnection and continuation of cultural and commercial networks, and activating traditional historical and cultural blocks.

A City Embroidered for Thousands of Years - Observation of Taiyuan from the Perspective of Humanities and Economy

Landscape rejuvenation, urban renewal; The ancient city is transformed into a butterfly, once again showcasing its splendor.

In the surging wave of modernization, the ancient culture and nature of Taiyuan complement each other, and production and life complement each other. The background of development is brighter and the quality of development is more abundant.

Integration of Industry and City: A New Chapter

"How can we cut half of the Wusong River with quick scissors in Bingzhou?" A poem by Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu describes the development of Taiyuan's iron making industry in ancient times.

Shanxi has been producing a lot of coal and iron since ancient times, and Taiyuan is undoubtedly a leading city. Until many years after the establishment of the People's Republic of China, Taiyuan was positioned as an energy and heavy chemical industry base, with a strong foundation in traditional industries such as coal, metallurgy, and chemical industry, making significant contributions to the country's economic and social development. At the same time, Taiyuan is also burdened by heavy industries, with a distorted and single industrial structure, which has brought about problems such as weak transformation and slow development.

A City Embroidered for Thousands of Years - Observation of Taiyuan from the Perspective of Humanities and Economy

"Fundamentally speaking, humanities and economics is about high-quality development, emphasizing the continuous improvement of development direction based on the actual situation, maintaining economic resilience and vitality, and enabling people living in cities to have material wealth and live and work in peace and contentment." said Liu Weiqi, Vice Dean of the School of Economics at Shanxi University of Finance and Economics.

In the Taiyuan Zhongbei High tech Industrial Development Zone, artificial sapphire has been "planted" from the growth furnace of Taiyuan Yuanhan Technology Company. LED substrates, mobile phone cameras, sports watch mirrors, aerospace window materials... In the high-tech field, this material with hardness second only to diamonds is in short supply. In recent years, through independent research and development, equipment, products, and technological upgrades, the industry has solved the bottleneck problem. Vice General Manager of the company, Shan Guangyu, said, "With the support of the local government, the second phase of the company's project is about to be completed and is expected to become a larger sapphire production base in the world."

In recent years, Taiyuan City has introduced a group of enterprises with core technologies, focusing on building six billion dollar industrial chains including the new generation of electronic information manufacturing and special metal materials. Huawei's global headquarters for mining business, iFlytek, Shenzhen Huike and other iconic projects have successfully landed. Last year, the added value of industrial enterprises above designated size in Taiyuan increased by 8.5%, ranking sixth among provincial capitals in China and first among the six provincial capitals in central China.

Accumulate and cultivate, solidify the foundation and open up new opportunities. Based on the industrial foundation, leveraging comparative advantages, and empowering traditional industries with modern technology; Keep up with the pace of the times, target the domestic high-end, and cultivate strategic emerging industries. Faced with development difficulties, Taiyuan adheres to "dual wheel drive" and takes solid steps towards high-quality development.

With the help of the national strategy of building the central urban agglomeration in Shanxi, Taiyuan City is seeking prosperity to the north and expanding to the south, promoting the integration of industry and city, and continuously releasing new momentum for urban development.

A City Embroidered for Thousands of Years - Observation of Taiyuan from the Perspective of Humanities and Economy

On a summer morning, on the banks of the Xiaohe River, sunlight falls on the landmark of the new city - the Xiaohe International Convention and Exhibition Center complex, reflecting a bright golden color. High tech exhibition halls, hotel clusters and other supporting facilities have sprung up in Xiaohe New City, and Taiyuan citizens have also had a new "City South Reception Hall".

In the northern part of the city, the story of "starting a new city from the ground" is also unfolding. In the core start-up area of the Shanxi Taixin Integrated Economic Zone, the Dayu Industrial New City, 32 infrastructure projects of 4 categories have been basically completed, and traction industrial projects such as the Science and Technology Innovation Center and the Dual Carbon Industrial Park have been gradually completed.

Dr. Zhang Guanghua and Pan Jing, who are born in 1985, have become "new citizens" of Taiyuan in recent years with the support of the Taiyuan City's talent recruitment policy. They have a dedicated laboratory in Taiyuan University to grow together with the city. "Taiyuan is a city with unique charm, and we firmly believe that there can be better development here," said Pan Jing.

Plant wutong well, and attract the phoenix. The seventh national census data shows that compared to ten years ago, Taiyuan City has added more than 1.1 million people, and the population of Taiyuan will continue to maintain a growth trend in 2022.

At the beginning of the night, in an antique style building in the ancient county town of Taiyuan, a young pipa player named Li Xingxing plucked the strings and played his fingers, singing the song "Coming to Drink", which received warm applause.

A City Embroidered for Thousands of Years - Observation of Taiyuan from the Perspective of Humanities and Economy

Tourists are visiting the ancient county town of Taiyuan. Photo by Yang Chenguang, journalist from Xinhua News Agency

This young man born in Taiyuan, born in the 1990s, returned to his hometown this year and opened a Chinese style cultural and creative museum. "My hometown has a long history, a rich cultural heritage, warm and open-minded citizens, and a tolerant temperament, all of which provide good conditions for the dissemination of Chinese culture and music, and also attract me to come back and take root and start a business," he said.

The melody of the qin is long, and the ancient city is full of new sounds.

Throughout history, Taiyuan City on the banks of the Fenshui River has been in line with high-quality development, a happy life, and a bright future with a more beautiful ecology, more open attitude, and more confident gait.

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A City Embroidered for Thousands of Years - Observation of Taiyuan from the Perspective of Humanities and Economy
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