[2023 Check In China] So you are like this, Xinjiang foreign internet celebrity outlining the appearance of "him" in the new era. Internet celebrity | Xinjiang | Xinjiang Foreign Network

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 12:28 PM

International online report: On July 31, 2023, the international network communication activity of "clocking in China • understanding Chinese path to modernization - hello, Xinjiang!" ended successfully in Kashgar, Xinjiang. Within seven days, internet celebrity bloggers from eight countries, including Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Pakistan, Spain, Thailand, the United Kingdom, and Vietnam, visited Urumqi, Hotan, and Kashgar, traversing the past and present, and perceiving depth and vitality in history and heritage; Visiting villages and households, experiencing harmony and prosperity in ordinary alleys and alleys; Explore new era development stories between factories in the park, both online and offline.

What is Xinjiang like? This check-in activity in Xinjiang has given foreign internet celebrities their own answers.

Protecting Roots and Nurturing New Sprouts: Weaving "Colorful Clouds" through Historical Inheritance

The best starting point for understanding a place is undoubtedly a museum. The Xinjiang Museum is the first stop of this check-in activity. Here, foreign internet celebrities have gained a systematic understanding of the historical overview and development process of Xinjiang through a variety of exhibits, sand tables, models, and interactive devices. The Kashgar Museum is a specialized museum for historical relics in the field of social sciences. From natural resources to traditional lifestyles and cultural customs of ethnic minorities, foreign internet celebrities are eagerly watching in museums. After visiting, Colombian internet celebrity Gao Fei said with deep emotion, "These historical relics tell us how we have come to the present. Museums are like a window to the past, allowing us to understand how society has developed."

How to make historical and cultural relics "live"? How to make it "fly into ordinary people's homes"? Foreign internet celebrities have found answers in the modern development of Hetian handmade carpets, Adelais silk, and mulberry paper as three intangible cultural heritage.

[2023 Check In China] So you are like this, Xinjiang foreign internet celebrity outlining the appearance of "him" in the new era. Internet celebrity | Xinjiang | Xinjiang Foreign Network

Foreign internet celebrities check in at the Museum of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region to commemorate photography and folk art

Hotan handmade carpets and Adelaide silk production techniques were both listed on the National Intangible Cultural Heritage List in 2008. Nowadays, they are widely used in daily life. Especially Adelais silk, with its soft texture, beautiful colors, and cool body feel, is the favorite clothing material for Uyghur women. Mulberry paper, known as the "living fossil" of human paper industry, is handcrafted from the inner bark of mulberry branches. It has a history of more than 1300 years and is mainly used for high-end calligraphy and painting mounting, umbrella making, fan making, etc. The craft of making mulberry paper has been passed down to the 13th generation, and the inheritors of intangible cultural heritage are leading the ancient mulberry paper craft towards a further future.

The three brilliant intangible cultural heritage, including weaving one warp and one weft, beautiful and complex patterns, and rigorous paper making, have left foreign internet celebrities in awe. Brazilian internet celebrity Sami, who enjoys handcrafting, tried weaving Adelais silk and also experienced the weaving of handmade carpets. "The traditional handmade carpet weaving skills are amazing!" She said, eager to show fans the unique handicrafts of Xinjiang.

Thai internet celebrity kitten and Xinjiang ethnic musical instrument group photo, photography and folk art

In addition, the experience at the Ethnic Musical Instrument Village in Shufu County has also left an unforgettable impression on foreign internet celebrities. The diverse variety of ethnic instruments has surprised and surprised foreign internet celebrities. Colombian internet celebrity Gao Fei said, "I appreciate their efforts to preserve traditional ethnic culture. In addition, the wonderful introduction of the instruments by the instrument village guide made my visit very enjoyable." Brazilian internet celebrity Diego also said, "I really like music. Music is a global language that connects everyone. Even if I can't understand their language, we can still enjoy a beautiful time and learn about their culture through music."

[2023 Check In China] So you are like this, Xinjiang foreign internet celebrity outlining the appearance of "him" in the new era. Internet celebrity | Xinjiang | Xinjiang Foreign Network

Brazilian internet celebrity Sami experiences the weaving and photography of Adeles silk by Zhao Yinping

Cultural inheritance can also be strengthened by activating the development vitality of tourist attractions, allowing people to unconsciously understand past characters and stories during their travels. This has to mention the ancient city of Yuetkan and the Xiangfei Garden scenic area.

The ancient city of Yuetkan was built in reference to the style of the ancient Khotan royal city recorded in historical documents. Here, cultural history, food and dance, tourism and vacation, and folk customs are perfectly integrated. This is Gu Yutian, and even more so, Xin Hetian. In the darkness, foreign internet celebrities wander through the ancient city and shuttle through the streets, embarking on an immersive tour. After the tour, Mexican internet celebrity Max said, "I am very grateful for the opportunity to come here. I have so much content to showcase to my fans."

Whether you know Xiangfei or not, Xiangfei Garden should not be missed. Here is the legendary story of the Xiangfei, as well as the unique customs and folk culture of Kashgar. This also evokes the childhood memories of Vietnamese internet celebrity Nguyen Thieu Ching ching. When Ruan Shiqing was a child, she watched the TV series "Huan Zhu Ge" in Vietnam. Coming to Xiangfei Garden made her feel very friendly, and she was also very interested in the unique culture and ethnic customs here. She said she would recommend her friends to visit Xiangfei Garden for tourism. "The culture of Xiangfei Garden is worth exploring."

The protection of culture requires continuous development, old trees and new sprouts, in order to weave new "colorful clouds" on the warp and weft of history. Xinjiang's efforts in cultural inheritance and development have been perceived by more people.

[2023 Check In China] So you are like this, Xinjiang foreign internet celebrity outlining the appearance of "him" in the new era. Internet celebrity | Xinjiang | Xinjiang Foreign Network

Towards the Far Cloud: A New Song of Modern Footnote Score

Xinjiang is both historical and modern.

Xinjiang has always been an important hub connecting the East and West on the Silk Road. During the Han Dynasty, Zhang Qian's "hollowing out journey" led to increasingly frequent economic and cultural exchanges between the East and the West. Now, the contemporary journey of hollowing out has begun.

In 2015, the Urumqi Economic Development Zone planned to build the Urumqi International Land Port Area, with China Europe freight trains as the main business support. At present, the Urumqi International Land Port Area has achieved the transportation of over 200 categories of goods by China Europe freight trains, operating 21 freight train routes, and connecting 19 countries and regions in Europe and Asia, as well as 26 cities.

Standing on the high-level platform of the international land port area, overlooking the comprehensive bonded zone, multimodal transportation center, railway port express center, as well as the under construction port industrial park, highway port projects, etc., Pakistani internet celebrity Yan Zhengping was amazed. "The scale of the international land port area is something I didn't expect," he said. "We need to introduce it to more Pakistanis and hope that Pakistan can work together with China to promote mutual development."

[2023 Check In China] So you are like this, Xinjiang foreign internet celebrity outlining the appearance of "him" in the new era. Internet celebrity | Xinjiang | Xinjiang Foreign Network

In the new era of Xinjiang, there is not only exploration towards the distance, but also flight towards the clouds.

The construction area of the Hetian E-commerce Industrial Park is 5300 square meters, and the settled team can enjoy preferential policies such as free use of office space, live broadcast rooms, and internet broadband. Here, every day is a live broadcast, with a continuous stream of goods being pushed to various parts of the world through the cloud. With the products being sold globally, the living standards of local people have also greatly improved. A couple who only settled in the e-commerce industry park in January this year sold Adelaide silk through live streaming, and now have a net profit of tens of thousands of yuan per month. Brazilian internet celebrity Sami was surprised by the speed of e-commerce development here. She believes that the e-commerce industry can help local people obtain higher profits and live a better life, which is a very good development model.

Colombian internet celebrity Gao Fei experiences live streaming sales photography with Zhao Yinping

In addition to live streaming sales, local enterprises are also seizing opportunities for e-commerce development. Kashgar Xinjiang Fruit Agriculture Technology Co., Ltd. has opened online shopping malls on more than 480 third-party platforms, allowing netizens to taste Xinjiang's good fruits and melons without leaving their homes. Colombian internet celebrity Gao Fei and British internet celebrity Deer entered the live broadcast room and experienced a live streaming sales experience firsthand. They tasted delicious food in front of the camera and shared it with netizens, warmly recommending it. Gaofei believes that Jiangguo Guo has done a good job in technical support, training, product sales, and other aspects, which allows local fruits and melons to enter a larger market. "Live streaming sales are very interesting, and one mobile phone and one product are enough to bring development to the whole country."

[2023 Check In China] So you are like this, Xinjiang foreign internet celebrity outlining the appearance of "him" in the new era. Internet celebrity | Xinjiang | Xinjiang Foreign Network

Helping the people live a prosperous and beautiful life: Talking about a bumper year in the fragrance of rice flowers

Daoxiang Village in Hanairike Town, Hotan County is a demonstration village for human settlement environment renovation, rural revitalization, and modern civilized living in the Hotan area. Here is a landscape of 1868 acres of rice paddies, 75 acres of green space, as well as the aroma of roasted nana, joyful singing and dancing, and overflowing smiles. The beautiful and livable village, as well as the happy and prosperous life, have brought the saying of "abundant years in the fragrance of rice flowers" to life. This happiness has also infected foreign internet celebrities, who either learn embroidery and baking bread from the villagers, or dance gracefully to the music. They were surprised by the vast rice paddies next to the world's second largest desert. "The surrounding area is a vast desert, and I didn't expect vegetables and rice to grow here. It's amazing!" said Mexican photographer Alexander.

British internet celebrity Deer can learn from villagers about making Nang and taking photos with Bai Wei

Daoxiang Village has gone from being dirty and chaotic in the past to being picturesque today, and the lives of the villagers have undergone earth shattering changes. Whether it is Hotan Tuan City or Kashgar Ancient City, these two historic districts have undergone significant government renovations, transforming their old appearance into a new one. Both scenic spots are integrated with the lives of residents, creating a unique charm through the fusion of fireworks, cultural heritage, and vibrant vitality. On the streets of Tuancheng, a dazzling array of goods, happy children, and people dancing freely at any time make Mexican internet celebrity Max linger. He interacted happily with the local children, sharing Mexican candies. "I found this to be a very happy place, with many people dancing on the streets. People are very open and willing to interact with people from other countries," Max said.

Mexican internet celebrity Max interacts with local children in Xinjiang to create interactive photography art pieces

[2023 Check In China] So you are like this, Xinjiang foreign internet celebrity outlining the appearance of "him" in the new era. Internet celebrity | Xinjiang | Xinjiang Foreign Network

The ancient city of Kashgar also has a charming charm that makes people fall in love at first sight. Kashgar Ancient City preserves traditional Uyghur style architecture, which fascinates and excites Mexican photographer Alexander. The protection of unique culture here has left a deep impression on Spanish internet celebrity Noria. She believes that this approach not only allows locals to touch the past, but also allows tourists and people from other countries to understand the history and culture of Xinjiang.

From rural areas to urban areas, from the bustling crowds in Dazha to the still brightly lit night market at 1 a.m., they all tell the story of the local people's peace, happiness, and prosperity, and also allow foreign internet celebrities to see the real Xinjiang.

Vietnamese internet celebrity Nguyen's Qingqing Check in Xinjiang International Grand Bazaar Photography Song Shujun

Mexican internet celebrity Max said, "I love this place, I love the culture here, and I will come back again."

Colombian internet celebrity Gao Fei said, "During my four months working in Xinjiang, I deeply fell in love with it. Xinjiang has so many interesting things, interesting people, and charming attractions. I really don't want to leave, I want to stay here longer."

[2023 Check In China] So you are like this, Xinjiang foreign internet celebrity outlining the appearance of "him" in the new era. Internet celebrity | Xinjiang | Xinjiang Foreign Network

Pakistani internet celebrity Yan Zhengping said, "The scenery here is good, the weather is good, the food is good, and the people are also good."

What is Xinjiang like? The answer lies in the meticulous sketches of foreign internet celebrities, in their lenses, smiles, and unforgettable memories.

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On the evening of June 1st, the US Senate passed a bill on the federal government's debt ceiling and budget, and the flame of the US debt bomb was temporarily extinguished at the last moment. The two parties in the United States have staged an extreme tug of war over the US debt bomb. Some experts believe that the US debt crisis is the result of the reckless politics promoted by the US dollar hegemony, and the underlying cause of this crisis is the highly polarized political system of the US. Since the end of World War II, the US Congress has adjusted the debt ceiling more than a hundred times. The recurring debt crisis will not only have a catastrophic impact on the US economy and people's livelihoods, but also continuously erode the value of US dollar assets such as government credit and US bonds, bringing significant and far-reaching impacts to the global economic landscape. 【