What gift is left for the younger students in the dormitory where everyone "goes ashore"?, More than 200000 people watch live broadcasts, and more than 8000 people graduate from their alma mater | graduates | junior students

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:51 PM

During the graduation season, walking into the "West Five 325" dormitory of the School of Mathematics and Science at Shanghai Normal University, a message note jointly written by six roommates caught the eye. One of the notes read: "The harder you work, the linearly increasing your accumulation will be like a Fibonacci sequence." These six girls will study for graduate students at Shanghai Mathematics Center, Chongqing University, and our school, taking away exclusive memories of the 325 room, such as dancing, fitness, swimming, and leaving behind a "paper short and love long" story, which inspired later generations.

On June 15th, at the 2023 graduation ceremony and degree awarding ceremony of Shanghai Normal University, more than 8000 graduates received their certificates and bid farewell, while alumni and parents from all over the country watched the ceremony online. More than 200000 people watched through live broadcasts. What graduation gifts did the graduating students give to the school besides the souvenirs given by their alma mater?

What gift is left for the younger students in the dormitory where everyone "goes ashore"?, More than 200000 people watch live broadcasts, and more than 8000 people graduate from their alma mater | graduates | junior students

[Leaving school, keeping fitness equipment]

At Shanghai Normal University, there are several dormitories where everyone goes ashore to continue their studies. When they enter the dormitories, they find that they have left these things behind for their younger students

What gift is left for the younger students in the dormitory where everyone "goes ashore"?, More than 200000 people watch live broadcasts, and more than 8000 people graduate from their alma mater | graduates | junior students

In Room 203 of Building 9, three male students from the School of Physical Education will soon go to East China Normal University, Beijing Sport University, and Shanghai Sport University for further studies. Originally, all three of them were retired soldiers who maintained a good military style after retirement. They also held regular dormitory meetings to timely summarize the difficulties encountered during the postgraduate entrance examination. As they were about to graduate, their dormitory decided to keep the indispensable fitness equipment and carefully organized study materials for future students to use. "We not only want to keep these visible items, but also want to pass on good exercise and study habits." They said, "Once a sportsman, a lifelong sports soul!"

Compared to waking up and laying tables and chairs, spiritual heritage is superior. The four students from Building 5, 107, will soon go to Fudan University, Hunan University, Suzhou University, and Chongqing Medical University to pursue postgraduate studies. A strong sense of friendship runs through the preparation process. Whenever encountering strange and difficult questions, they will ask their friends to go out together and discuss and analyze in the courtyard of the library. When encountering good review materials, they will also share them with each other. "Hurry up and leave Normal University. We have made a video to send to our younger students, wishing them all the best in maintaining their love and going to the mountains and seas."

What gift is left for the younger students in the dormitory where everyone "goes ashore"?, More than 200000 people watch live broadcasts, and more than 8000 people graduate from their alma mater | graduates | junior students

【 Sending gifts and drawing a map of our alma mater 】

Naturally, the school has also prepared one graduation cultural shirt for all graduates. Designed independently by the 2023 graduates, with the words "End with a new beginning." written on the front, it expresses that graduation is a phased end and also a brand new beginning; On the back, it is geometrically divided into 5 sections, highlighting representative elements such as graduation years, school gate landmarks, and campus architecture, while also covering warm elements such as "Normal University Orange Cat"

What gift is left for the younger students in the dormitory where everyone "goes ashore"?, More than 200000 people watch live broadcasts, and more than 8000 people graduate from their alma mater | graduates | junior students

Students give back what they have learned for practical purposes, and use it before graduation. Three party member graduates from the School of Environment and Geography at Shanghai Normal University are drawing a map for their alma mater, transforming the knowledge and skills taught by teachers over the years into graduation gifts to bid farewell to their alma mater. The Jiefang Daily Shangguan News reporter learned that these three students come from three levels of education: undergraduate, master's, and doctoral. Without exception, all of their university time was spent at Shanghai Normal University. Dr. Xu Dan, a doctoral graduate, stated that her learning experience at Normal University has strengthened her belief in being a guardian of green mountains and clear waters, and she is striving to practice the concept of ecological civilization. After graduation, she will return to her hometown of Fujian as a doctoral candidate, rooted in the front line of ecological environment protection.

In order to express their gratitude to their alma mater, after discussion, they unanimously decided to use their professional knowledge and present a gift to Normal University in the form of a map. The three of them used professional software to outline the roads they walked on in their daily lives, depicted the buildings where they studied and lived day and night, and then used Illustrator and Photoshop software to render the details. So, the full affection for the alma mater was integrated into points, lines, and surfaces, outlining the best wishes for the Normal University Park with each stroke, and even highlighting the strong teacher-student relationship in subject construction.

What gift is left for the younger students in the dormitory where everyone "goes ashore"?, More than 200000 people watch live broadcasts, and more than 8000 people graduate from their alma mater | graduates | junior students

Public welfare donations, exhibition and sale of school works

Tang Qing, a graduate from the Sculpture Department of the Academy of Fine Arts, hand-painted a set of "The Most Beautiful Moment - Watercolor Sketches from the Academy of Fine Arts" as a gift to his alma mater, full of reluctance and showcasing the style of a pure art major. On the basis of Tang Qing's watercolor works, Lu Chenyang, a graduate of the 2023 Visual Communication Design program, designed and produced the works. Finally, he presented a complete set of design inspired file bags to all art college graduates, documenting campus life, conveying emotions through painting, and educating people through aesthetics.

What gift is left for the younger students in the dormitory where everyone "goes ashore"?, More than 200000 people watch live broadcasts, and more than 8000 people graduate from their alma mater | graduates | junior students

It is worth mentioning that the 2023 graduates of the Academy of Fine Arts also chose to send their works during their school years to participate in public welfare exhibitions. At the same time, they donated 50% of the exhibition revenue to their alma mater's public welfare projects in the name of Academy of Fine Arts graduates for the purpose of cultivating Academy of Fine Arts students. The teachers and students who successfully purchased the artwork also received a donation certificate full of honor.

Principal Yuan Wen simply hopes that graduates can "strive to become people who can make themselves happy and create happiness for others." She said that as graduates of normal universities, "excellence" is rooted in the eternal teaching philosophy and educational sentiment in everyone's hearts. May you all be exemplary and exemplary in your family, in society, and in your positions, and become valuable and contributing individuals to society.

What gift is left for the younger students in the dormitory where everyone "goes ashore"?, More than 200000 people watch live broadcasts, and more than 8000 people graduate from their alma mater | graduates | junior students
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"The college entrance examination is an experience in our lives. Looking back on the preparation for the entire senior year of high school, we cannot help but marvel at the preciousness of time. No matter what difficulties we have gone through, I believe that as long as we persist, it will become my lifelong wealth. Today, after completing the morning foreign language listening and speaking test of the college entrance examination, Xiao Song, a senior student of Lingling High School, came out of the examination center of East China University of Science and Technology Affiliated Middle School. The senior year graduate sitting in a wheelchair said," Although academic and life are not small tests for me, I have faced many difficulties in adversity and have never given up on my dream of taking the college entrance examination. "Xiao Song suffered from congenital muscular dystrophy since childhood and entered Lingling High School in high school." Later, the school provided him with classrooms on low floors and close to the toilet, making it easier for him to enter and exit, allowing him to face his academic life with more confidence. At school, I met many kind and enthusiastic people