What are the five major dimensions?, Boost Chinese path to modernization with network power, and when generative AI emerges, digital | China | Internet

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 17:13 PM

Powering the country through network is a major strategic task and due meaning to realize Chinese path to modernization and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

We should firmly grasp this ideological weapon and action guide, and use the great practice of building a network power in the new era to help realize the great cause of the era of Chinese path to modernization.

One of the dimensions

Firmly grasp the leading role of online ideological work. Adherence to the leadership of the Party is the political background and fundamental guarantee for the development of China's Internet. From the perspective of the domestic network ecosystem, the core of China's network development issues is the work of network ideology. The Internet is the main front and battlefield of ideological struggle.The issue of network ideological security risks deserves high attention. We must resolutely win the ideological struggle on the internet. Throughout history, the ideas in cyberspace have become increasingly diverse, and various ideological trends are surging. The erroneous trends of historical nihilism and online populism have impacted mainstream ideology both online and offline. Therefore, in the "Three Adherences" of online ideology, "being able to manage is a hard truth" is an overall, bottom line, and rigid requirement.On the other hand, it is more important to firmly uphold network sovereignty. Cyber sovereignty is the extension and symbol of national sovereignty in cyberspace. "Without cyber security, there is no national security". Therefore, in the journey of comprehensively promoting Chinese path to modernization, we must firmly guard the initiative of cyber ideology and cyber sovereignty, adhere to self-confidence and self-improvement, keep innovation, and build a solid foundation for cyber security.

Dimension 2

Promote the formation of a good online ecosystem through good governance through the internet. China is a major cyber power and is moving towards becoming a cyber powerhouse. China Internet Network Information Center released the 51st Statistical Report on the Development of Internet in China. The Report shows that as of December 2022, the number of Internet users in China has reached 1.067 billion, an increase of 35.49 million over December 2021, and the Internet penetration rate has reached 75.6%. Legislation is a slow social process. However, in recent years, China has accelerated its legislation in the Internet field at the rate of 2-3 normative legal documents per year, totaling more than 140, and the network ecology has undergone continuous and overall changes. This can be seen from the statements in the reports of the two recent Party congresses: the report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that we should strengthen the construction of Internet content, establish a comprehensive network governance system, and create a clear cyberspace. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China requires the establishment of a comprehensive network governance system and the promotion of the formation of a good network ecosystem. From "establishment" to "soundness", from "clear network space" to "good network ecology", these changes indicate that the purification of network space driven by network content construction has achieved phased results. It is necessary to consistently strengthen the construction of a comprehensive network governance system, and the ultimate goal is to achieve a good network ecology. At present, China has formed a comprehensive governance pattern with the participation of multiple parties, including party committee leadership, government management, corporate responsibility, social supervision, and self-discipline of netizens, combined with various means such as economy, law, and technology. Every year, the internet information department carries out a series of special actions to clean up the internet, effectively addressing the chaos in cyberspace and continuously improving the internet ecology.

Dimension Three

Applying network achievements to benefit people's well-being. It is the fundamental principle of China's Internet development to practice the concept of taking the people as the center. Connectivity is the biggest feature and advantage of the Internet. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China's network infrastructure has continued to expand, and the scale of Internet enterprises has continued to grow and become stronger. The network has long been integrated into and increasingly changes all aspects of people's lives. The new norm is that no one is connected, no time is connected, and no place is connected. The capabilities of CNKI, CNKI, network usage, network management, and network management are constantly improving. Information technology drives industrial transformation, network security provides comprehensive protection, and the achievements of network development are shared by everyone. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China placed Digital China in a more important position as a national strategy, which is another practical innovation on the basis of building a strong cyber country. This indicates that the country attaches great importance to digital resources, strengthens data utilization and protection, and explores digital elements to promote the development of the digital economy. The country has established a data bureau to coordinate the construction of data infrastructure from a macro level, coordinate the integration, sharing, and development of data resources, and promote the planning and construction of digital China, digital economy, and digital society, so that the digital dividend benefits the people. In addition, the country attaches great importance to the improvement of digital literacy and skills for the whole population. The first batch of 78 national digital literacy and skills training bases have been established nationwide, covering different groups such as teenagers, the elderly, and people with disabilities, building a friendly and inclusive society for all ages, and jointly embracing digital civilization.

Dimension Four

Empowering network development through technological innovation and upgrading. The wave of information technology revolution is sweeping across the world, with new technologies such as metaverse, algorithm revolution, quantum information, blockchain, and generative artificial intelligence constantly iterating and upgrading, and the cycle of iteration and updating is becoming shorter and the scope of impact is also becoming wider. Especially recently, generative artificial intelligence represented by big language models such as ChatGPT has attracted global attention and discussion. Various countries have launched their own big language models, competing to make layouts and seize the forefront of the new round of information industry technology revolution, to help the development of the digital economy. In order to promote the healthy development and standardized application of generative AI technology, the National Internet Information Office drafted the "Management Measures for Service of Generative AI", which is a set of management measures formed in the shortest time at the beginning of the rise of generative AI. It standardizes and guides the big language model, setting the record of the fastest legislation in the network field in recent years, further highlighting the high attention paid by the country to this technology. The systematic integration and comprehensive linkage of advanced technology to economic and social development will certainly play a huge role in promoting the empowerment and upgrading of traditional industries and the innovation drive of emerging industries. Therefore, establishing and improving the national network advanced technology system and promoting the independent innovation of core technologies are important tasks and key basic support for building a network power and a digital China, as well as an important dimension for the network power to help Chinese path to modernization.

Dimension Five

Build a Chinese path to modernization security barrier with network security.We need to strengthen the construction of security systems in areas such as economy, major infrastructure, finance, networks, data, biology, resources, nuclear, space, and oceans. Network security is an important part of national security and an important guarantee for the realization of Chinese path to modernization. Network security and data security are the core support of the national security network guarantee system. In recent years, there have been three main national level legislations in the field of the internet: the Cybersecurity Law, the Data Security Law, and the Personal Information Protection Law. These three laws are the main basis for legislation in the fields of cyber power and digital China. Network security and data security are the legal bottom line and the foundation of a strong cyber nation. Currently, global competition in cyberspace technology is becoming increasingly fierce, cybersecurity risks are increasing dramatically, hacker attacks are rampant, online fraud seriously harms the interests of the people, personal information leakage incidents are emerging one after another, and the public's awareness of cybersecurity needs to be further improved. Therefore, we must adhere to the concept of "cybersecurity for the people, cybersecurity relies on the people", strengthen the responsibility system for cybersecurity work, not only strengthen the security guarantee of key information infrastructure, but also establish a sound data security management system, not only crack down on illegal crimes in the field of cybersecurity, but also continuously improve people's cybersecurity literacy. Since 2014, the country has held 9 consecutive cybersecurity promotion weeks, forming a good brand effect and increasing awareness of cybersecurity. Last year, under the guidance of the Cyberspace and Information Office of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee, Shanghai Jiao Tong University held the first North Bund Cyberspace Security Summit Forum. Academicians, universities, and the cybersecurity industry discussed how to adhere to self-confidence and self-improvement, and build a strong network country and digital China for the second century.

The 20th CPC National Congress has drawn a grand blueprint for comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese path to modernization. The network power has injected strong momentum into Chinese path to modernization, and has also contributed to the realization of this grand blueprint. In this process, universities bear the responsibility and mission of connecting politics, industry, academia, research and application, cultivating talents, and serving society. They should always adhere to educating people for the Party and the country, leverage their disciplinary advantages, gather professional strength, and make due contributions to deeply integrating and strongly supporting the cause of building a strong online country.

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