The transformation of a Master's degree in Aquaculture is a bit significant, transforming into a "Xiangzi Teacher" at the Zhongfuhui Kindergarten. "Fish Baby" has been a father for 7 years | Aquaculture | Xiangzi

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 22:58 PM

"Yang Yang, this morning in the ocean class, Yang Yang was very active. He said that the aquarium at home can make the house more beautiful, and he also loves to observe the creatures inside..." At the end of the final day of class, Sheng Xiang, who was affectionately known as the "Xiangzi Teacher" by the children, gave feedback to the parents about the status of the children in the class.

Originally, this new teacher completed a 7-year undergraduate and master's program in aquaculture from the School of Aquaculture and Life at Shanghai Ocean University. After graduating last year, he joined the China Welfare Association Kindergarten to work as a preschool teacher. From researching aquaculture and marine conservation to preschool education, completing cross-border transformation and employment, the seemingly unrelated two careers have stirred up waves under Sheng Xiang's insistence, and planted seeds of closeness to the sea in the hearts of children.

The "demonic wind" at sea cannot stop feeding on time

The transformation of a Master's degree in Aquaculture is a bit significant, transforming into a "Xiangzi Teacher" at the Zhongfuhui Kindergarten. "Fish Baby" has been a father for 7 years | Aquaculture | Xiangzi

"A fish, a crab, a patch of algae... constitute a complete ecosystem. Only by respecting every life in the system can we truly see the 'miracle of life'." This is what Sheng Xiang often says to children in the classroom of the China Welfare Association Kindergarten. During his studies at Shanghai Ocean University, his mentor Professor Tan Hongxin has been teaching him that the research foundation of aquaculture and marine conservation is the understanding of aquatic organisms. Their basic courses in the profession include drawing fish maps, making specimens, dissecting, as well as competitions such as aquatic ecological landscaping and fish egg hatching, which constantly allow Sheng Xiang to witness the wonders of marine life.

During his school years, Sheng Xiang often stayed in the laboratory early and late to take care of the "fish babies" in the laboratory. Even when encountering the sea "demon wind" near Shanghai Port, it couldn't stop him from feeding on time. It is precisely this kind of "dad like" experience that gave Sheng Xiang a deeper understanding when he entered kindergarten work. "In marine ecosystems, the behavior and personality of organisms are different. In the process of communicating with children in kindergarten, I also saw that each person has different shining points, and we need to slowly explore them while respecting them." Sheng Xiang said.

In the "Appreciation of Ocean University" activity at school, Sheng Xiang served as a reader, lecturer, and organizer for 7 years from enrollment to graduation. Historical and cultural sculptures such as the "Sea Power Stone", "Yuan Ding Bone", and "Six Part Instrument" on campus, as well as the deeds of predecessors such as Zhang Jian, Zhang Wentian, and Wang Wu, gave him a deeper understanding of the significance of ocean science popularization. The spirit of "diligence, simplicity, and loyalty" in the school motto is also engraved on this ocean adult.

The transformation of a Master's degree in Aquaculture is a bit significant, transforming into a "Xiangzi Teacher" at the Zhongfuhui Kindergarten. "Fish Baby" has been a father for 7 years | Aquaculture | Xiangzi

Ecological Bottle Inspires "Little Fish Settling Home Plan"

Early childhood is an important period for cultivating scientific literacy, and laying a solid foundation in science from an early age is the primary task. The China Welfare Association Kindergarten adheres to Ms. Song Qingling's philosophy of "giving the most precious things to children", gradually forming and improving a "survival curriculum" with "learning life, learning to be a person, and learning" as the starting point. Among them, Sheng Xiang has developed the "ocean curriculum" with professional support. In order to design this course that stimulates children's interest in exploring the mysteries of the ocean, Sheng Xiang has put in a lot of effort in course introduction, topic discussion, and the construction of an ocean science exploration room.

Books with and without characters play a significant role in cultivating Sheng Xiang's professional abilities. A series of professional books and literature such as "Fish Breeding" and "Fish Ecology" are the basis for his course design, and the professional practice he participated in at school helped him discover the highlights of the course. The Liberation Daily's Shangguan News reporter learned that the "Little Fish Settlement Plan" is one of them.

The transformation of a Master's degree in Aquaculture is a bit significant, transforming into a "Xiangzi Teacher" at the Zhongfuhui Kindergarten. "Fish Baby" has been a father for 7 years | Aquaculture | Xiangzi

Its inspiration comes from the ecological bottle made by Sheng Xiang in school, which places a small amount of plants and animals or other non biological substances that feed on these plants into a transparent environment, forming an artificially simulated micro ecosystem. This model can precisely help children stimulate their curiosity about the ocean when raising and watching fish and other aquatic organisms in the ecological bottle.

"Growing up to become a scientist in the Mariana Trench"

When Sheng Xiang first started working in early childhood education in kindergarten, he often worried about making mistakes in his work due to a mismatch in his profession. Once, a child asked Sheng Xiang, "Teacher Xiangzi, how deep is the Mariana Trench? What's inside?" Sheng Xiang didn't really understand this deep-sea question, so he jotted it down and told the child, "After we go home today, let's all look for an answer. Shall we come tomorrow morning to communicate?"

The transformation of a Master's degree in Aquaculture is a bit significant, transforming into a "Xiangzi Teacher" at the Zhongfuhui Kindergarten. "Fish Baby" has been a father for 7 years | Aquaculture | Xiangzi

The next morning, the child showed Sheng Xiang a schematic diagram of the trench they had drawn themselves, and Sheng Xiang opened the deep-sea science popularization picture book he had brought from home to answer the children's questions. From that day on, he found that the child often flipped through the deep-sea science popularization album in the book corner. As graduation approached and everyone shared their dreams, the child said, "I want to become a scientist in the Mariana Trench when I grow up!"

"Although my current job has crossed the line with my major, I feel the beauty of 'harmony between fish and water'!" Sheng Xiang said excitedly. In the Zhongfuhui Kindergarten, children really like this "Xiangzi Teacher", and the principal and colleagues also praise him greatly. Opening his phone, Sheng Xiang, nicknamed "One Little Ocean" on WeChat, patiently communicated with parents on how to guide children to independently raise and observe the small creatures in the ecological fish tank, using the power of one small ocean to inspire one after another small waves that love the ocean.

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