The seminar "Mountain and River - Green Water and Green Mountains Theme Art Exhibition" explores the value of aesthetic education, and the beauty of mountains and rivers awakens love for the ecological environment of our country | Aesthetic Education | Seminar

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 22:01 PM

August 15, 2023 is the first National Ecological Day.On this extraordinary day, with the theme of "From the Spirit of Mountains and Waters to Ecological Aesthetic Education", the "Mountain and River - Green Water and Green Mountains Theme Art Exhibition" was held in Yunbao Future City, showcasing the feelings of home and country.

This seminar is hosted by the Shanghai Art Baidai Museum and hosted by Wang Jiafang, a renowned Shanghai style painter, curator of the Shanghai Museum of Culture and History, and co curator of the Struggle series of aesthetic education exhibitions. Guests from different fields such as Han Ziyong, Mao Shi'an, Yu Yang, Zhu Gang, Kong Dada, Zhang Lixing, and Tang Zheming were invited to discuss the connotation and contemporary value of the "mountain and water spirit" in traditional Chinese culture, focusing on the theme of "from mountain and water spirit to ecological aesthetic education". The seminar implements the current concept of "harmonious coexistence between humans and nature", and provides suggestions for the upcoming "Mountain and River" exhibition at the Art Baidai Museum in September.

"Mountains and Rivers" presents a blend of natural landscapes and humanistic sentiments

The third part of the "Struggle" series of aesthetic education exhibitions, "Mountain and River - Green Water and Green Mountains Theme Art Exhibition", launched by the Shanghai Art Museum, is hosted by the Shanghai Education Commission and other units. The exhibition invites more than 60 artists to showcase over a hundred themed artworks, showcasing the deep love and enthusiastic praise of the Chinese people for the natural mountains and rivers of our motherland from the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China to the new era of socialism. The exhibition is divided into one main curatorial unit and two special curatorial units. Through various forms such as thematic paintings, installations, calligraphy, new media, interactive spaces, works of outstanding young artists, public art, etc., it presents the integration of natural landscapes and humanistic sentiments. The "Mountain and River" exhibition is a powerful practice of the Art Museum of the Hundred Dynasties in ecological aesthetic education.

In Chinese ink painting, calligraphy, literature, and contemporary art works, there is a natural aesthetic concept that has been passed down for thousands of years. This seminar explores the theme of "From the Spirit of Mountains and Waters to Ecological Aesthetic Education", which not only involves the philosophical spirit of "harmony between heaven and man" and the good water of Leshan in traditional Chinese culture, but also delves into the creative process and exhibition works of contemporary artists. Looking at the current public aesthetic education mission in themed art museums, how to integrate ecological aesthetic education into the "social aesthetic education classroom", and how to call on audiences to respect nature and protect the environment in public art projects and ecological aesthetic practices are all the aesthetic education inspirations that the "Mountain and River - Green Water and Green Mountains Theme Art Exhibition" aims to bring to the public in the exhibition.

This seminar is hosted by Wang Jiafang, a renowned Shanghai style painter and curator of the Shanghai Museum of Culture and History. At the "Mountains and Rivers" exhibition, Wang Jiafang's large-scale themed series of works, "Paintings of Xu Xiake's Travels," will also be grandly exhibited. He discussed at the seminar that the planning of this "Shanhe" exhibition revolves around inheriting the "mountain and water spirit" and exploring "ecological aesthetic education", in order to better implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, practice the development concept of "green mountains and clear waters are invaluable assets", and promote the Shanghai "Social Aesthetic Education Plan" project.

The seminar "Mountain and River - Green Water and Green Mountains Theme Art Exhibition" explores the value of aesthetic education, and the beauty of mountains and rivers awakens love for the ecological environment of our country | Aesthetic Education | Seminar

At the meeting, Liu Zihui, the director of the Shanghai Art Museum, first introduced the overview of the museum and the preparations for the Mountain and River Exhibition. She mentioned that the Art Bai Dai Art Museum adheres to the building concept of Shanghai's three major cultural brands - red culture, Shanghai style culture, and Jiangnan culture. Since 2021, the museum has held two consecutive "Struggle Series" art exhibitions, "Struggle" and "City · Long"; We have also launched an international artist residency program and organized various colorful public education activities to bring art into broader public spaces such as communities, schools, and scenic spots in a diverse and cross-border manner.

Landscape Spirit and Natural Aesthetics

The spirit of mountains and rivers and natural aesthetics in classical Chinese culture have been ingrained in the thoughts of literati, officials, and ordinary people since ancient times. The attending guests elaborated on the concept and connotation of "landscape spirit" from different perspectives of personal creation and Chinese culture.

Han Ziyong, a member of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, a full committee member of the Chinese Federation of Literary and Art Circles, a full committee member of the Chinese Writers' Association, and a special researcher at the Central Museum of Culture and History, said, "Mountains and waters should not be sought from the outside, but from the inside. The 'spirit of mountains and waters' is integrated with our own experiences, and we cultivate the mountains and waters that we remember. Our love for mountains and waters is linked to our emotions for life, our motherland, and our homeland. The environment we used to live in can see mountains and water, and mountains and waters connect our rural homesickness."

Kong Dada, Director of the Beijing International Center for Cultural and Art Conservation and an expert in the evaluation of the National Art Fund, believes: "In the new era, we need to have new ways of creation. How can we represent this era and the mountains and rivers of this era? This is what we need to think about. This year, the" Mountains and Rivers "exhibition will be held at the Shanghai Art Museum, integrating the spirit of mountains and rivers with nature, and presenting such works to the audience. I think this can make the beauty of natural mountains and rivers awaken our love for nature and our country."

Dr. Tang Zheming from the Department of Art History at the Chinese Academy of Fine Arts said, "The pursuit of spiritual freedom is the fundamental purpose of Chinese landscape painting and the philosophical spirit of Chinese culture. It emphasizes nature, harmony, and self reflection, and has complementary effects with Western culture. The exhibition" Mountains and Rivers "plays a value in ecological aesthetic education, and we hope it can guide us to seek inner freedom in mountains and rivers."

The seminar "Mountain and River - Green Water and Green Mountains Theme Art Exhibition" explores the value of aesthetic education, and the beauty of mountains and rivers awakens love for the ecological environment of our country | Aesthetic Education | Seminar

Integrating Ecological Art Education into the "Social Art Education Classroom"

From the perspective of artistic participation to current social practice, how to integrate ecological aesthetic education into the "social aesthetic education classroom", as a public cultural platform, art museums play an important role in it. Around the innovative practice cases of ecological aesthetic education in art museums, on-site guests brainstorm and speak freely.

Zhang Lixing, vice chairman of Shanghai Literature and Art Critics Association, media person, curator and art critic, shared his own views: "Mountain and River Exhibition plays an important role in integrating into the social aesthetic education program, giving play to the ecological aesthetic education value of the art museum. Mountain and River Exhibition should strive to" break the circle ", break the tangible wall of the art museum, and integrate the metaphysical landscape spirit into the daily life of ordinary people through holding cross-border expert lectures and public education series activities through intangible Internet knowledge sharing, media dissemination and promotion."

Zhu Gang, President of the Shanghai Art Museum Association and member of the Shanghai Museum of Culture and History, said, "Today's seminar is being held on the first 'National Ecological Day', coinciding with the timing. We hope that the Art Museum can create a 'Green Art Museum' and extend the green classroom. Landscape works or green art education can present an immersive experience and create a green ecological aesthetic. We hope that through the exhibition 'Mountains and Rivers', we can better lead green life."

Fully tap into the ecological aesthetic value of the exhibition "Mountains and Rivers"

The attending experts also gave suggestions and suggestions for the "Mountain and River - Green Water and Green Mountains Theme Art Exhibition". The series of themed exhibitions launched by the Shanghai Art Baidai Museum, from "struggle" to "city mayor" and then to "mountains and rivers", connect a public welfare art museum that pays attention to current affairs with patriotism.

The seminar "Mountain and River - Green Water and Green Mountains Theme Art Exhibition" explores the value of aesthetic education, and the beauty of mountains and rivers awakens love for the ecological environment of our country | Aesthetic Education | Seminar

Professor and doctoral supervisor of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Yu Yang, proposed his unique "Five Views" at the conference to discuss the ecological aesthetic value of the "Mountains and Rivers" exhibition: seeing nature - experiencing the beauty of nature in the mountains and rivers; Seeing the countryside - recognizing the rural style and customs in cultural settlements; Seeing the City - Cultivating Ecological City Awareness in Cities; Seeing the Times - Learning the Development Concept of the Era, Based on the Present to Make New Thinking and Practice; Meeting the Realm of Heaven and Man - Experience the Truth of the Unity of Heaven and Man, and Inspire People's Ecological Protection Awareness and Responsibility.

At this seminar, guests from different fields elaborated on the theme of "from the spirit of mountains and rivers to ecological aesthetic education" from different perspectives, presenting a feast of ideas and culture. At the same time, they also gathered their ideas and put forward many valuable opinions for the exhibition of "mountains and rivers". The theme art exhibition of "Mountains and Rivers - Green Waters and Mountains" will be enriched through art guides, public interactions, aesthetic education lectures, workshops, and other public and educational activities in subsequent exhibitions, inspiring the public to work together for the construction of a beautiful China.

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