The rejected boss also helped with planning, and the teacher helped polish the resume interview. After graduating and leaving school, she signed with the China Polar Center China Polar Research Center | related | boss

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 11:56 AM

"Teacher Zhang, I have signed a contract with the China Polar Research Center! I have sent you the labor contract, and I need you to help me register my graduation destination." After more than half a month since graduation, Liu Xiaoya, a fresh graduate from the School of Ocean Science at Shanghai Ocean University, finally signed a contract with her desired work unit. Her and the teachers' worries slowly eased.

Liu Xiaoya's graduation photo

After graduating and leaving school, this "little girl" signed the contract. Compared to other classmates who started early, her job search experience was quite complicated, and she couldn't help but have everyone helping her.

Polar center. Photo by Xu Ruizhe

"At the moment of failing the postgraduate entrance examination, it seemed like everything had come to a halt."

The rejected boss also helped with planning, and the teacher helped polish the resume interview. After graduating and leaving school, she signed with the China Polar Center China Polar Research Center | related | boss

Liu Xiaoya has a relatively introverted and reserved personality. As a primary and secondary school teacher, her parents expect her to become a cheerful and smiling little girl. This little girl from Henan also grew up to be an indomitable and unrestrained girl, affectionately referred to as "little girl" by her teachers and classmates. At school, from science and technology innovation competitions, dragon boat races to epidemic prevention and control, one can see the figure of "little girls", but the big axe that failed the postgraduate entrance examination blocked the way.

Due to her passion for marine science, Liu Xiaoya set her goal of pursuing further studies in her third year of college. She has participated in many science and technology innovation projects and social practices, as well as published related research papers, which she excels in data processing. However, the Jiefang Daily Shangguan News reporter learned that Liu Xiaoya was infected with COVID-19 on the very day of the postgraduate entrance examination. Her fever and pain did not stop her from joining the postgraduate entrance examination army, and she struggled to finish four examination papers in one cough.

"At the moment of failure in the postgraduate entrance examination, everything seemed to have come to a halt." The sky didn't meet people's wishes, and at the moment when the results came out, "Xiaoya" quickly calmed down and made a bold choice: "World War II" in the postgraduate entrance examination.

Participating in volunteer services for epidemic prevention and control, Liu Xiaoya, the second from the left

"If you really want to do something, then the whole world will help you."

The rejected boss also helped with planning, and the teacher helped polish the resume interview. After graduating and leaving school, she signed with the China Polar Center China Polar Research Center | related | boss

When she learned that "Xiaoya" was going to take the postgraduate entrance examination for the second time, counselor Zhang Mancao frankly said that it was expected that since she met "Xiaoya", there has been a strong sense of resilience in her bones. "In order to screen experimental data, she stayed up until four or five o'clock in the morning for a week, squinting a little before rushing to the eight o'clock class, almost exhausting her body. Also, during the epidemic prevention and control, she volunteered in thick protective clothing for several hours, so her resilience also proved to be applicable to the postgraduate entrance examination." Zhang Mancao immediately called "Xiaoya" to talk and suggested that she change her thinking and instead of blindly taking the postgraduate entrance examination in the dark, she might as well start working in her major, see more life possibilities in practice, and find her career direction.

So, while thinking about the counselor's advice, Liu Xiaoya walked into the campus job fair by accompanying her roommates to apply for jobs. Watching her classmates holding beautifully crafted resumes at the campus job fair, she revised her resume the next day under the guidance of her counselor. Zhang Yizhen, the employment instructor and party branch secretary of the College of Ocean Sciences, also guided her in the expression skills of interviews.

Through the job search tactics taught by the teachers, Liu Xiaoya quickly received many invitations from companies. Even after she politely declined an offer from a company, the boss specifically contacted Liu Xiaoya to inquire about the reasons for the rejection and helped her analyze her career plan. "This feeling is like fulfilling the sentence 'If you really want to do something, the whole world will help you'," Liu Xiaoya said with a smile.

Participated in the school dragon boat competition, left second Liu Xiaoya

"I just thought of 'heaven rewards diligence', and in the future, I will also use it as a lesson."

The rejected boss also helped with planning, and the teacher helped polish the resume interview. After graduating and leaving school, she signed with the China Polar Center China Polar Research Center | related | boss

The "little girl" and teachers, who were about to graduate and leave school, were anxious as their jobs were not yet available. After learning that Liu Xiaoya still hopes to continue working in ocean related data processing, the teachers paid special attention to the job recruitment information of relevant units. On the same day, Zhang Mancao and Zhang Yizhen respectively contacted "Xiaoya" through class groups and party branch groups, encouraging her to participate in the new recruitment for the China Polar Research Center Polar Data Center in Shanghai. They also guided her to revise her resume word for word, highlighting the content related to the recruitment position at the Polar Center, such as participating in research projects related to the school's Arctic, writing related graduation theses, and so on.

Upon learning that she had passed the initial screening of her resume, the two teachers tirelessly guided "Xiaoya" in creating an interview PPT, from clothing advice to expressing logic... After multiple simulated interviews, the two teachers gave "Xiaoya" a thumbs up, and Liu Xiaoya also felt an unprecedented strength and confidence. But on the day of the interview, Liu Xiaoya's computer and Pad had problems, crashing, making no sound, and unable to open files... A sudden accident almost disrupted her mood. However, recalling her failure in the postgraduate entrance examination, job transition, and teacher's instructions, Liu Xiaoya, who refused to give up, "revived with blood" and narrowly passed the interview.

"When I first enrolled in my freshman year, the school randomly distributed keychains with the four school mottos of 'diligence', 'simplicity', 'loyalty', and 'practicality' to each new student. At that time, I received 'diligence', and I thought that heaven rewards diligence, and in the future, I will also use it as a discipline." Liu Xiaoya said, "Since then, 'diligence' has given me the confidence to not give up. To this day, I have carefully kept this keychain." Now, "Xiaoya" has opened up a new state of life, from being flustered when she just took over work to using programming methods learned in school to quickly process data, and the gears of fate have spun again. ".

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