The high-quality development of education provides talent support for Chinese path to modernization. They have never been "dedicated to reading only the books of sages" teaching | experts | China

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 19:22 PM

Building a strong educational country is a strategic guide to building a strong socialist modernization country in an all-round way, an important support for achieving self-reliance in high-level science and technology, an effective way to promote common prosperity for all people, and a basic project to comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese path to modernization.

Higher education is an important indicator of a country's development level and potential, and plays a leading role in the construction of an educational powerhouse. In the new era of Chinese path to modernization, colleges and universities should focus on improving talent innovation ability and scientific and technological innovation ability to cultivate talents for national prosperity and development.

To cultivate the foundation of education for the country and cultivate builders of socialist cause

In the process of Chinese path to modernization, a strong education country is a strong support to comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and the realization of a strong education country cannot be separated from the joint efforts of every educator.

History is the best textbook.Since its establishment, Shanghai Jiao Tong University has always adhered to the educational mission of "inheriting civilization, exploring truth, revitalizing China, and benefiting humanity". It has always adhered to the education of the Party and the country, and has always adhered to the school motto of "drinking water and thinking of the source, loving the country and prospering the school", continuously cultivating talents needed for national development.

Shanghai Jiao Tong University has a history of over 120 years, experiencing war, turmoil, and rejuvenation together with the Chinese nation, witnessing the arduous and glorious struggle of the Chinese revolution. The school's teachers and students can be traced back to the last century in their pursuit and longing for the Party. At the beginning of the founding of the CPC, students of Jiaotong University actively joined in. Zhang Yonghe, the first Communist Party member among the faculty and students of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, joined the Party in April 1925. As the first student party member and organizer and leader of the student movement at Jiaotong University, Zhang Yonghe led the entire student movement and extensively carried out revolutionary propaganda against imperialism and feudal warlords on campus, awakening more Jiaotong University youth and rising up to participate in the revolutionary movement.

Under the influence of a strong patriotic atmosphere, the teachers and students of Jiaotong University have always insisted on being down-to-earth in their studies and selflessly dedicating themselves to the motherland. Jiaotong University students have never been solely focused on reading books of sages, they are very concerned about the development of the country. During the reign of the Kuomintang, under the pressure of civil war, the Nationalist government ordered the cancellation of the Navigation and Marine Engineering Departments at Jiaotong University, triggering a massive Jiaotong University School Protection Movement, fully demonstrating the tenacity of Jiaotong University's patriotic struggle. Jiaotong University students faced high pressure and did not back down. They laid their own railway tracks and drove trains to Nanjing National Government to petition, and ultimately achieved victory in the school protection movement through negotiations.

It was during the school protection movement that many students opened their eyes and completely lost their illusions about the Kuomintang government, becoming the backbone of the patriotic democratic movement. The story of "the train heading to Nanjing" reflects the spirit of Jiaotong University's people abandoning the small self to become the big self, and dedicating themselves to the Party and the country.

After the establishment of the People's Republic of China, the people of Jiaotong University continued to sweat for the development of the motherland in another way. Qian Xuesen, an outstanding member of the CPC, a senior academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and an outstanding alumnus of Shanghai Jiaotong University, returned to the motherland through hardships and dangers. Under his leadership, China's "Two Bombs and One Satellite" initiative has advanced for at least 20 years, laying a solid foundation for the development of China's aerospace industry. Senior Qian Xuesen demonstrated the patriotic enthusiasm of Jiaoda through his lifelong experience, as well as the noble character of selfless dedication as a Communist Party member.

Since its establishment, the people of Jiaotong University have always been closely focused on the needs of national development, committed to basic and original research, and have achieved significant scientific research and innovation achievements in transportation, machinery, electronics, materials, life sciences, and other fields, making contributions to China's scientific and technological progress. In the new era, people from Jiaotong University are paying closer attention to the needs of China's modernization construction process and making efforts to promote further development of science and technology in China. With the support of the school, a large number of scientific research achievements are transformed into productivity, promoting innovation and upgrading of related industries. These achievements in technological innovation and industry university research cooperation have effectively promoted the economic and social development of the country and region, contributing to the strategic goal of building a strong science and technology country.

Taking integrated development as the teaching orientation and cultivating innovative technology talents

Shanghai Jiao Tong University has a fine tradition and educational characteristics of "high starting point, solid foundation, strict requirements, emphasis on practice, and pursuit of innovation". In teaching and educating students, it always focuses on stimulating their innovative abilities and strives to cultivate new generations with a sense of social responsibility. The school actively builds a first-class teaching staff, encourages teachers to conduct organized scientific research, continuously explores innovative educational models, and adheres to the principle of talent as the foundation, promoting institutional and mechanism reforms, implementing a "three in one" scientific research and innovation system of education, scientific research, and talent, forming a diversified scientific research organizational model, and committed to cultivating innovative talents.

The most urgently needed field for the country is the research field that must be conquered. Jiaotong University has always been guided by solving major national strategic needs, adhering to the combination of strategic orientation and free exploration in teaching development, fully leveraging disciplinary and talent advantages, focusing on original innovation, and professors and experts achieving outstanding achievements in the field of scientific research and innovation. Huang Xuhua, an outstanding alumnus of Jiaotong University, devoted himself to the nuclear submarine industry under cover for thirty years, not seeking fame or fortune, but only benefiting China's national defense research.

In the new era, professors from Jiaotong University continue to expand the territory of China's scientific research field with new scientific research achievements. Shanghai Jiao Tong University adheres to the promotion of organized scientific research and cultivates talents guided by solving the bottleneck problem of key core technologies. Professor Wang Haowei and his team, along with the materials personnel from Jiaotong University, have worked together for nearly 30 years to grow ceramics in aluminum and generate a new nano ceramic aluminum alloy material. This new material improves the stiffness and strength of the material, while maintaining the good processing and manufacturing performance of aluminum alloy, breaking through the bottleneck of large-scale engineering applications, and has been applied in aerospace, automotive, and advanced electronic equipment fields.

Green mountains and clear waters are like mountains of gold and silver. The teachers and students of Jiaotong University pay attention to technological innovation and better understand the importance of the construction of our country's green mountains and clear waters. When conducting scientific research, always focus on the present and use the professional knowledge accumulated over the years to shed sweat for the construction of a beautiful China. Professor Kong Hainan from the School of Environmental Science and Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University gave up the favorable conditions abroad and resolutely returned to China in his fifties as China's water environment was deteriorating. In the following decades, Professor Kong Hainan utilized his technology developed abroad and years of accumulated experience to lead his team of teachers and students to root in Dali and manage the waters of Erhai Lake. Professor Kong Hainan once said, "Connect one's life design with the tomorrow of the motherland, the development of the nation, and the needs of society, and never regret it for a lifetime.".

The school encourages professors and experts to cultivate students independently, have a forward-looking layout, and diversify teaching, actively cultivating high-quality talents for the development and construction of the country. The innovative teaching team led by Academician Ding Wenjiang from the School of Materials Science, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, is also a representative of implementing this teaching method. Academician Ding Wenjiang's team focuses on cultivating students' practical abilities and organizing diverse activities to provide them with opportunities for exercise. For example, based on major national needs, organize teachers and students to carry out related topics; Select doctoral students to be responsible for innovative research and development of related products; Inviting international academic masters to come to the university for academic exchanges, and so on.

To make achievements in the most needed areas of our country, and to write scientific research papers on the land of our country, is the joint effort of the faculty and students of Jiaotong University to showcase its charm. We strive to make the students who come out of Shanghai Jiao Tong University embrace the "greatness of the country" and become the "pillars of the country". Shanghai Jiao Tong University accurately grasps the needs of development in the new era, combines the advantages of education, technology, and talent, and solidly achieves comprehensive education for all staff, the whole process, and all aspects, cultivating high-quality talents with comprehensive abilities.

Taking comprehensive education as the foundation of teaching and cultivating new generations with a sense of social responsibility

Shanghai Jiao Tong University adheres to the educational purpose of "cultivating first-class conduct, seeking first-class knowledge, creating first-class undertakings, and becoming first-class talents", explores interdisciplinary and professional construction, and cultivates leading talents in scientific and technological innovation that meet the needs of the times and the future of the country.

Comprehensive education requires universities to not only focus on students' professional knowledge and abilities, but also pay attention to the comprehensive development of moral education, aesthetic education, sports, and other aspects. Shanghai Jiao Tong University not only values the cultivation of students' professional knowledge, but is also committed to cultivating their comprehensive qualities. On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the ACM class at Jiaotong University, it has attracted widespread attention. The original intention of setting up this class is to cultivate computer scientists. Over the past twenty years, the ACM class has gone from being the first class of 32 students to being filled with peach and plum blossoms, achieving a large number of students from Jiaotong University who have gone from striving for gold and silver to serving the country. The vigorous development of ACM classes can reveal the determination and action of school education and teaching reform.

Choosing Jiaotong University means choosing responsibility, and stepping out of Jiaotong University means courageously shouldering a mission. This is the requirement that Jiaotong University places on its students, and every Jiaotong University student has been actively practicing their social responsibility. Every year, many teachers and students at Jiaotong University devote themselves to teaching in remote areas. Yang Yan, a master's student from the School of Pharmacy in 2019, was once supported by the Graduate Teaching Support Team of Jiaotong University. Now, she has become a member of the Graduate Teaching Support Team of Jiaotong University. When I grow up, I will become you. Her experience is a microcosm of many Jiaotong University students dedicating themselves to society.

Among the many popular practical projects for the public, there is also a green grid sand prevention public welfare group closely related to the construction of beautiful rivers and mountains in our country. Every summer, a group of students from Jiaotong University take a green train from Shanghai to Minqin, Gansu, planting trees, greening, and persistently carrying out public welfare activities in the desert. They are based on the production of "wheat straw grids", fully mobilizing the public welfare enthusiasm of college students, the grafting technology of university research teams, and social funds, to carry out sand prevention and control in a more efficient way, and to sprinkle their passion and youth in the desert of the western region, practicing their ideals through action. Measuring every inch of land in our country with our footsteps and integrating youth into the mountains and rivers of our country is the creed of being down-to-earth, hardworking, and hardworking.

Education is the great plan of the country and the party. Universities are an integral part of an education powerhouse and an important force in achieving it. Faced with the goal of Chinese path to modernization, colleges and universities focus on the mission, use the Party's innovative theory to guide the way forward, adhere to the people-centered development of education, integrate morality and talent cultivation into all aspects of education, promote the establishment of a high-quality education system, constantly improve the quality of talent training and scientific research, and provide strong talent support and intellectual support for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

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