Publish multiple manuscripts for the first time, don't be discouraged! This is the first batch of "Shanghai Social Science Masters" returnees who have returned to China without success at the age of 30, accounting for the first time

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 05:26 AM

He is known as the "father of modern Chinese accounting" and was one of the first "masters of social science in Shanghai". This year marks the 130th anniversary of the birth of Pan Xulun, a renowned educator and accountant in China. His lifelong pursuit of professional ethics in serving the country and managing finances for the people has had an impact on contemporary times?

On the 14th, as one of the "Praising Masters" series of activities of the Shanghai Federation of Social Sciences, the "Virtue, Diligence, Faith, and Brilliance" - the 130th anniversary commemorative exhibition of Mr. Pan Xulun's birth was unveiled at the Shanghai Museum of Social Sciences. Many exhibition contents, including multiple manuscripts, were made public for the first time.

Publish multiple manuscripts for the first time, don't be discouraged! This is the first batch of "Shanghai Social Science Masters" returnees who have returned to China without success at the age of 30, accounting for the first time

From the exhibition, it can be seen that Pan Xulun was frank with later generations. He recounted, "In his youth, due to his own mistakes, he went through many detours in education and employment. Before the age of thirty, he did not know what accounting was. Therefore, it can be seen that by the age of thirty, even if one's studies are not successful, there is no need to consciously lose heart. It is still time to catch up quickly!"

In fact, Pan Xulun not only received the nourishment of excellent traditional Chinese culture, but also worked tirelessly and diligently in his studies. After going abroad, he also pursued education and worked hard for his country. Jiefang Daily's Shangguan News reporter learned that during his three years in the United States, he gave up all travel and entertainment and never took a weekend or holiday. He recalled, "I simply used the school library as my self-study room, always bringing a few pieces of hard bread to satisfy my hunger from the beginning until the end of the day, and studying in the library all day."

Publish multiple manuscripts for the first time, don't be discouraged! This is the first batch of "Shanghai Social Science Masters" returnees who have returned to China without success at the age of 30, accounting for the first time

Nearly a century ago, Pan Xulun returned from overseas and devoted himself to serving the country through industry. He brought modern accounting theories back to China and, based on a deep understanding of the development of China's industry and commerce, studied and introduced the Western double entry bookkeeping system. He pioneered the "trinity" of Lixin Accounting, Lixin Accounting School, and Lixin Accounting Bookstore, forming a localized and localized accounting discipline.

At the exhibition, for the first time, a speech by Pan Xulun published in the 1924 Globe magazine was exhibited. This is the speech "Communism and the Future of China" given by Pan Xulun at the invitation of the Global China Alumni Association in December of that year. At the same time, Shanghai's "Shenbao" also reported. As the first exhibition, there is also a proposal by Pan Xulun at the Second Session of the Fifth Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference in 1980, as well as a copy from the Liaison Office of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

Publish multiple manuscripts for the first time, don't be discouraged! This is the first batch of "Shanghai Social Science Masters" returnees who have returned to China without success at the age of 30, accounting for the first time

"No one can stand without faith." As an accounting ethicist, he values business and values ethics, and upholds the business ethics concept of "no one can stand without faith, and no business can thrive without faith". He not only inherits the essence of Eastern traditional moral culture, but also absorbs the core of Western contract civilization, formulates accounting practice rules, and advocates for Chinese accounting integrity culture. He is praised by modern people as a "master of modern accounting and a model of vocational education."

In the corner of the commemorative exhibition, Pan Xulun's letter manuscript to the first graduating class of Lixin after the resumption of school was repaired with transparent glue. This fountain pen letter is one and a half pages long, and even the envelope was handwritten by Pan Xulun, with a 4-cent ordinary stamp attached. It was sent to the school address of that year: 445 Shanhaiguan Road, and marked as received by all teachers and students of Class 4 of the 80th Accounting Class. More than 40 years have passed, and now Shanghai Lixin Accounting and Finance College, which has been established in Pudong New Area, inherits and spreads the legacy of Pan Xulun, a great master.

Publish multiple manuscripts for the first time, don't be discouraged! This is the first batch of "Shanghai Social Science Masters" returnees who have returned to China without success at the age of 30, accounting for the first time

Pan Min, Deputy Minister of the Propaganda Department of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and Director of the Municipal Civilization Office, stated that Shanghai is the first metropolis to launch the "Master of Social Science" as a city name card, and the "Master of Social Science" is the flag of the social science community in Shanghai. He believes that the purpose of "Lixin" is to cultivate people, and Mr. Pan believes in the virtue of "Lixin" and establishes the "Lixin" cause based on it, laying the foundation for the "Lixin" brand in the Chinese accounting industry, reflecting extraordinary personal integrity, foresight, and spiritual strength, and establishing the brand and role model of a social science master for today's scholars.

At the same time, Lixin Accounting Publishing House presented "Pan Xulun's Classic Works" to the Shanghai Museum of Social Sciences. Hua Chunrong, General Manager and Editor in Chief of Lixin Press, stated that Lixin Accounting Books and Supplies Press founded by Pan Xulun is the earliest professional publishing house in China and has made important contributions to the development of the red publishing industry. "Mr. Pan is exploring the truth in the practice of saving the country through industry, promoting education, and building a strong publishing country."

Publish multiple manuscripts for the first time, don't be discouraged! This is the first batch of "Shanghai Social Science Masters" returnees who have returned to China without success at the age of 30, accounting for the first time

On the same day, at the seminar on Pan Xulun's accounting and educational ideas, the "Xulun Academic Publishing Fund" was unveiled and established, and the new book "Managing the World for the People - Pan Xulun's Patriotic Feelings as the Father of Modern Chinese Accounting" was released. It is reported that this commemorative exhibition will continue to be exhibited until September 30th.

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