Low carbon aquaculture, zero carbon trading, virtual power plants... Huadian Shanghai explores a new path of "green and dual carbon" energy | Power Plants | Shanghai

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:51 PM

From June 11th to 14th, at the first Shanghai International Carbon Neutrality Technology, Products and Achievements Expo, the China Huadian Group Exhibition Area, located in the energy transformation exhibition area, comprehensively showcased the vivid practices of China Huadian Group in promoting low-carbon transformation and shouldering the responsibility of carbon reduction through videos, sand table displays, physical models, and other forms, attracting the attention and stop visits of thousands of exhibitors and visitors from various industries.

China Huadian is determined to accelerate green and low-carbon development, and a series of "green" and "carbon neutrality" plans have made green a bright background for high-quality development of enterprises. At the Shanghai branch of China Huadian Corporation Limited on the banks of the Huangpu River, carbon peaking and carbon neutrality have been integrated into the overall development plan, firmly grasping the two main lines of energy security and green and low-carbon development. Many practical cases have been formed in the field of green and low-carbon, and a series of achievements in promoting "dual carbon" have been successively implemented.

"One Plus One Reduction, a New Model for Low Carbon Aquaculture"

At the site of the Huadian Chongming 44 MW Fishery and Photovoltaic Complementary Project in Lvhua Town, Chongming District, Huadian Shanghai has established a "water photovoltaic power generation, underwater ecological aquaculture" system.

Low carbon aquaculture, zero carbon trading, virtual power plants... Huadian Shanghai explores a new path of "green and dual carbon" energy | Power Plants | Shanghai

As the opening work of the 14th Five Year Plan, it not only means the optimization of energy development structure and sustainable green development, but also realizes the organic combination of consolidating and expanding poverty alleviation achievements and assisting rural revitalization, contributing to the construction of Chongming's world-class ecological island and "carbon neutral island" with the strength of central enterprises. It is reported that after the growth of underwater "zero carbon crabs", their size increases by 20% compared to traditional aquaculture. Compared with traditional thermal power, water-based photovoltaic power generation can save about 14000 tons of standard coal and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 39000 tons per year. "One plus one reduction", carbon reduction and energy enhancement have achieved a new model of green and low-carbon "photovoltaic villages".

At the end of May this year, after the construction of the Chongming Huaxing 81 MW Fishery and Photovoltaic Complementary Project began, this fish pond became the largest photovoltaic project in Shanghai's Qingshui crab farming unit. At the same time, the project actively integrates into the planning of Chongming Green Tourism Town, and further deepens the integrated development of the primary, secondary, and tertiary industries through the construction of 26 integrated rooftop photovoltaic pilot projects and photovoltaic greenhouses.

Photovoltaic+fish ponds, photovoltaic+industrial roofs, photovoltaic+car sheds, photovoltaic+sewage treatment centers... Huadian's "photovoltaic+" approach in Shanghai is diverse, with unique development characteristics. The "clustering" vividly illustrates Huadian's green and low-carbon development in Shanghai.

Carbon reduction services and comprehensive energy services are "smarter"

Low carbon aquaculture, zero carbon trading, virtual power plants... Huadian Shanghai explores a new path of "green and dual carbon" energy | Power Plants | Shanghai

From being an "energy supplier" to an "energy service provider", and transitioning from low-carbon energy supply to serving low-carbon, Huadian Shanghai's starting point and foothold have innovated its business model according to local conditions, creating one milestone after another comprehensive energy service projects that are worthy of widespread application.

As the first regional clean energy replacement project in Shanghai, Minhang Company, a subsidiary of Huadian Shanghai, has completed the clean replacement of more than 60 coal-fired boilers around the Xinzhuang Industrial Zone. At the same time, it has developed energy value-added services such as air conditioning and ventilation system maintenance, waste heat power generation test platform, etc., which can meet the different energy needs of more than 60 pharmaceutical, main and sideline food, chemical materials, and automotive parts enterprises in the region.

Huadian Shanghai has made substantial progress in providing comprehensive energy services that are clean, friendly, multi energy supply, and intelligent and efficient. The Energy Center project of Shanghai University of Science and Technology, the Shanghai Huadian Fuxin New Energy project that carefully protects the "four leaf clover" and "power heart", and the "green heart" national tourism new energy project of Shanghai Disneyland... These comprehensive energy service projects use technologies such as "cold, heat and power" triple supply and "cold, heat and power compressed air" quadruple supply to improve the comprehensive energy utilization efficiency to about 80%. At the same time, these projects are developing new business formats and models, utilizing and promoting integrated technology of source network, load storage, and striving to improve user energy security. For many years, Huadian Shanghai has continuously ensured the stable energy use of scientific research universities and Shanghai Disney Resort, providing escort for five consecutive CIIE sessions.

"Zero carbon" trading, connecting green power transmission channels across provinces and regions "

Low carbon aquaculture, zero carbon trading, virtual power plants... Huadian Shanghai explores a new path of "green and dual carbon" energy | Power Plants | Shanghai

Since the beginning of this year, Huadian Shanghai has continuously enriched its market trading varieties and revenue models, closely following the opportunities of inter provincial and inter regional green electricity annual trading, multi month trading, and intra month trading. It adheres to the principles of sharing profits and risks with users, actively coordinates the consumption of northwest green electricity resources in the Huadian system, and has achieved nearly 40 million kilowatt hours of green electricity in regions such as Longzhou and Jinzhou. For the first time, it has utilized cross provincial and inter regional green electricity resources to meet the long-term and full time green electricity demand of users, opening a new channel for the northwest green electricity consumption in the Huadian system.

Huadian Shanghai fully utilizes the cross provincial and cross regional channel capacity to improve the efficiency and operating income of Northwest Green Power projects, and reduce the rate of wind and solar power abandonment; At the same time, further coupling the green electricity demand of Shanghai's outward oriented enterprises provides strong support for improving their international competitiveness and helps to reduce carbon emissions in Shanghai.

Virtual technology and scientific and technological innovation support the "dual carbon" process

In May of this year, the first virtual power plant demonstration project with multiple complementary and bidirectional interactions in China entered the comprehensive construction stage. This project is one of the first batch of technology projects launched by China Huadian Corporation. Huadian Shanghai is responsible for undertaking the research and application demonstration of key technologies for virtual power plants in the context of electricity marketization.

Low carbon aquaculture, zero carbon trading, virtual power plants... Huadian Shanghai explores a new path of "green and dual carbon" energy | Power Plants | Shanghai

The project takes Shanghai University of Science and Technology Energy Station, International Tourism Resort Energy Station, and National Convention and Exhibition Center Energy Station as its core, synchronously expanding various types of dispersed resources such as commercial buildings, energy storage, photovoltaics, data centers, and charging piles. It constructs a 60MW level bidirectional flexible and adjustable comprehensive virtual power plant, and conducts research and demonstration applications of key technologies for multi energy complementary and bidirectional interactive virtual power plants. After the completion of the project, it can provide various power auxiliary services such as fast and flexible frequency regulation, peak shaving, backup, and demand response for the Shanghai power grid, which is of positive significance for optimizing the structure of the Shanghai power grid and constructing a new power system.

Through the demonstration and application of project achievements, virtual power plant services covering key technologies such as renewable energy, multiple energy storage and charging piles, bidirectional interaction of multiple types of loads, and demand side response can be further formed on the basis of the existing comprehensive energy system services of Huadian Shanghai. This will achieve safe, efficient, and environmentally friendly operation of a wide range of "source load storage". Combined with the new situation of rapid promotion of power market construction, the commercial operation and management mode of virtual power plants will be studied, providing experience and reference for Huadian to carry out virtual power plant projects nationwide.

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