Inheriting China's excellent traditional culture?, Why should children study in China? A Bilingual Private School Theme | Curriculum | China

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 15:29 PM

This summer, some new students from Shanghai Yangpu Bilingual School International High School started a six day pre study course for the project camp with a unique walking class. The students formed groups and selected research topics with the theme of "Shanghai's Urban Construction and Planning". Under the guidance of experts and mentors, they walked into the Shanghai Urban Planning Museum, Shanghai Bank Museum, and Nature Museum.

Understanding the evolution, origin, and development of a city, and measuring the city where one lives with both feet, is the first lesson for students entering school.

In Yangpu Bilingual, this practical activity course of "reading thousands of books and traveling thousands of miles" runs through the entire process of student growth, and this course research has also won the National Teaching Achievement Award for Basic Education.

Comprehensive Practice Activity Course of "Traveling to China"

Why should a private bilingual school incorporate the teaching philosophy of "understanding the motherland and understanding history" into its daily curriculum, and regard the inheritance of China's excellent traditional culture as the direction of education?

How to provide excellent traditional Chinese cultural courses in private schools

Inheriting China's excellent traditional culture?, Why should children study in China? A Bilingual Private School Theme | Curriculum | China

Not long ago, the wind band of Yangpu Bilingual Primary School was invited by the Norwegian Consulate to perform on stage in the World Reception Hall during the National Day celebration. A lively and cheerful "Youth Dance" adapted from Xinjiang folk songs drew applause from the whole audience.

Yang Pu Bilingual Principal Zhu Qingyi proudly praised the children, saying, "You are small ambassadors of friendship between China and foreign countries, as well as disseminators of national culture. You are amazing!"

In the eyes of Principal Zhu, as a private school based in Shanghai with the characteristic of "bilingual expertise", it not only needs to meet the diverse needs of society for high-quality international education, but also needs to establish the foundation of Chinese traditional excellent cultural genes and value genes, and cultivate comprehensive talents with "Chinese heart, national soul, and world eye". "Our school is a bilingual school that needs to be rooted in the excellent traditional Chinese culture, strengthen mother tongue education, and then look at the world. In the future, children can learn diverse language tools to observe, discover, and express the world." Principal Zhu said.

Integrating traditional Chinese culture into the curriculum and entering the classroom, Yangpu Bilingual has been practiced for nearly 20 years. The school will integrate ideological and political education, Chinese language and literature, history, geography, and science and technology courses, and build a comprehensive practical curriculum system for "Traveling to China".

Seal Engraving Open Course

First and second grade children start a whole day of learning by reading ancient poetry every morning. In the course, teachers integrate excellent traditional Chinese culture into project activities: in the theme of "Tea Rhyme and Fragrance," children learn about Chinese tea culture by reciting tea poems, visiting tea houses, and savoring the fragrance of tea; The student union holds recitation meetings, poetry meetings, and creation meetings to experience the implicit emotional expression of the Chinese nation through poetry and lyrics. Through the cultural influence of the 24 solar terms, students can experience the profound understanding of nature as descendants of agricultural civilization and the harmonious coexistence between humans and nature.

Inheriting China's excellent traditional culture?, Why should children study in China? A Bilingual Private School Theme | Curriculum | China

At the same time, the school also has various clubs, from pear orchards to Kunqu opera, from Beijing opera to Shanghai opera, to experience the beauty of ethnic drama on the performance stage. Through local characters, historical stories, and local customs, students can understand their own city and country, and thus develop a love for their own nation and country.

How to Give Good "Practical Courses" to Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture

As the saying goes, read ten thousand books and travel ten thousand miles. After more than a decade of practice, the "Traveling to China" comprehensive practical activity course has established a connection between traditional culture and interdisciplinary theme learning and social practice activities, allowing traditional culture to "enter the eyes, ears, and hearts" and achieve the unity of knowledge and action.

The bilingual children in Yangpu walked out of school and searched for topics in the streets and alleys of Shanghai, combining various subjects such as Chinese, mathematics, art, sports, and technology to gain new insights and insights.

Outside the school gate is Jingyu South Road in Yangpu District. What is the origin of Jingyu South Road, what other roads in Yangpu District are named after heroes, and what are the stories behind them? The first step in studying is to step out of the school gate, then out of Shanghai and into China.

In the Chinese textbook, there is an article about Chen Huacheng. In order to link textbook knowledge with social classroom resources and obtain more learning content during the "reading" process, this semester, students from Yangpu Bilingual 7th and 5th grades focused on the hero figure Chen Huacheng to carry out a reading activity on "Wusongkou Battery Wetland Park" and "Songhu Anti Japanese War Memorial Park" around the theme of "Eternal Heroes". Before the reading, students read and understand the background of the times and the lives of characters, as well as the stories of the Wusongkou Battle. As they walked, students faced real historical documents and materials in the memorial hall, and seemed to return to the scene of gunfire roaring in front of the hero statue and the battery site. The content stimulated strong national self-esteem and patriotic emotions, and in front of the teacher, students felt as if they had returned to the scene of gunfire roaring. Under the leadership of the students, they recited the poem "Eternal Encounter of Joy: Ascending the Danfeng Tower and Looking at the Huai Chen Zhong Han Gong in Huangpu". After reading, some students displayed portraits of people and objects created for national heroes, some reflected on the experience and lessons behind the "fall" of the Yangtze River defense line, and some students wrote "walking diaries" to look forward to the future through history. Write down the message: "We will always remember history and every hero and martyr who sacrificed for our country! Study hard, build a strong physique, dare to think and fight, and contribute everything to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.". The teachers said, "We are not limited to expression, we only set learning goals for children, and they can express various gains from reading in different forms."

Inheriting China's excellent traditional culture?, Why should children study in China? A Bilingual Private School Theme | Curriculum | China

During his visit to Yangpu Junior High School, a cooperative school, senior teacher Fan Yang brought "Traveling to China" to Yangpu Junior High School. He led his classmates to carry out an exploration activity in the old city of Shanghai, and a street garden on Sichuan North Road caught the attention of the children. They were imaginative: "If we combine the historical and cultural background of Sichuan North Road with natural greenery to create a new design, will it make it more attractive?" Encouraged by the teachers, they came up with a brand new plan and wrote a recommendation letter to the relevant department. An attempt to become a "little master" has further enhanced their understanding and love for their hometown.

As of now, the "Traveling to China" comprehensive practical activity course has developed 80 activity themes, accumulated 200 educational resources, formed more than 60 travel and reading routes in Shanghai and 43 nationwide, benefiting thousands of students, covering over 10000 kilometers of travel and reading, and covering more than 20 provinces and 200 cities

Students have a high interest in this learning method, and their love and recognition of excellent traditional Chinese culture are increasing day by day. In the evaluation of Shanghai's green indicators, Yangpu bilingual students are at the highest level in terms of national identity and international understanding.

How to comprehensively educate people under the "double reduction" policy

Yangpu Bilingual School has won a good reputation in society for its excellent academic quality. At the same time, the school also pays special attention to the cultivation of students' comprehensive qualities.

The school attaches great importance to cultivating students' reading, labor, sports, and artistic literacy. Every two years, the campus reading festival, labor festival, art festival, and sports festival are held, and a group of reading experts, science and technology innovation experts, labor experts, and art experts emerge. The school offers a wide range of sports, art, language, labor, and science and technology innovation programs for children to develop their interests, hobbies, and talents. Equestrian, fencing, ice and snow, gymnastics, football and other sports have become children's favorites; Eight school level art troupes have repeatedly appeared on national, municipal, and district level performance stages, winning numerous awards; The student won the first prize in the municipal science and technology innovation competition. This year, a total of 26 students participated in the 17th Shanghai Sports Games. Dong Shaoyu won four gold and one silver medals in swimming, while Sun Shihan and four other students won second place in the fencing competition and the Shanghai Youth Fencing Championships; The primary and secondary school wind bands participated in the 16th China Excellent Wind Band Exhibition of the "China Cup" and were respectively awarded the title of "Demonstration Band".

Inheriting China's excellent traditional culture?, Why should children study in China? A Bilingual Private School Theme | Curriculum | China

Taihang Mountain Walking Map

"The more we are in the era of tools, the more we need to pay attention to humanistic care." Zhu Qingyi said that for bilingual schools, laying a solid foundation for excellent traditional Chinese culture, expanding international cultural perspectives, connecting traditional cultural knowledge with children's individual experiences, life situations, social realities, and the world stage, strengthening practice, and seeking innovation in learning methods are the "foundation" for children to enter society and the world in the future. The cultivation orientation of core literacy, interdisciplinary comprehensive learning and application, as well as active learning and application, will benefit them for a lifetime.

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Shanghai International Sister City Youth "Play" Summer Camp Experience Traditional Culture, Make Pankou, Learn Paper Cuttings, Make Dumplings International | Youth | Make Dumplings

Making coils, learning Paper Cuttings, making dumplings, walking into the home of summer camp volunteers and feeling the life of Shanghai people... On the 20th, the 2023 Shanghai International Sister City Youth Summer Camp officially opened in Shanghai Shidong Experimental School. 73 campers from 13 cities in 12 countries gathered in Shanghai to open the annual international sister city youth exchange event with their peers in Shanghai. The young partners together carried out activities such as learning excellent traditional Chinese culture courses such as Chinese and traditional Chinese painting, intangible cultural heritage, Chinese clothing, disco, Paper Cuttings, seal cutting, calligraphy, pottery, tea art, Yanzhi, dragon dance, youth forum exchanges in sister cities, investigation of urban cultural landscape, visits to universities and venues, city orientation challenges, and local family life experiences, etc., to bloom their youth. In addition to a rich and colorful summer camp physical activity experience, campers and volunteers

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@All college entrance examination candidates, according to the schedule of the college entrance examination, will fill in their undergraduate preferences for all batches except for the comprehensive evaluation batch from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. daily from July 1st to 2nd, and from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. on July 3rd. The specific contents of this voluntary application include zero voluntary batch, advance batch, art and sports class A batch, local rural special plan batch, special type enrollment, and ordinary batch. The filling method is as follows: Fresh high school graduates in this city will be arranged uniformly by the high school where they are enrolled; Non local fresh high school graduates will be arranged uniformly by the district recruitment office where they apply. It is important to remind candidates that during the voluntary application period from July 1st to 3rd, as the admission of the comprehensive evaluation batch has not yet been completed, candidates who have filled out the comprehensive evaluation batch of voluntary applications still need to carefully fill out other batches of undergraduate voluntary applications

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"The college entrance examination is an experience in our lives. Looking back on the preparation for the entire senior year of high school, we cannot help but marvel at the preciousness of time. No matter what difficulties we have gone through, I believe that as long as we persist, it will become my lifelong wealth. Today, after completing the morning foreign language listening and speaking test of the college entrance examination, Xiao Song, a senior student of Lingling High School, came out of the examination center of East China University of Science and Technology Affiliated Middle School. The senior year graduate sitting in a wheelchair said," Although academic and life are not small tests for me, I have faced many difficulties in adversity and have never given up on my dream of taking the college entrance examination. "Xiao Song suffered from congenital muscular dystrophy since childhood and entered Lingling High School in high school." Later, the school provided him with classrooms on low floors and close to the toilet, making it easier for him to enter and exit, allowing him to face his academic life with more confidence. At school, I met many kind and enthusiastic people