Immersive experience at Ruijin "Medical Experience Camp", where laparoscopic surgery with mung beans and simulated "keyhole" surgery | camper | medicine

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 15:07 PM

"I just performed a simulation of a bronchoscopy, which felt quite difficult and interesting. Today's visit was very rich and enjoyable." "The surgery was particularly difficult, even though it was a simulation of laparoscopic surgery, I found it very thrilling to just clip mung beans. Thinking about doctors, it's really amazing!"... On August 7th, after two years, the Ruijin Hospital Medical Experience Camp opened. This is the tenth season of the medical experience camp held by Ruijin Hospital since 2012. ".

"For over a decade, hundreds of students from multiple high schools and universities at home and abroad have deeply experienced the charm, joy, responsibility, and mission of medicine at the annual Ruijin Medical Experience Camp during the summer vacation. Countless wonderful moments have made the 'Medical Experience Camp' a beautiful memory in the hearts of many people, and more than one-third of the campers have chosen to study medicine." said Yu Yuping, Deputy Secretary of the Ruijin Hospital Party Committee. At the opening ceremony, Vice Dean Chen Erzhen of Ruijin Hospital talked about the past and present of medicine, and also looked forward to the future, encouraging everyone - "I hope everyone can feel the mystery of medicine, the warmth of medicine, and the responsibility and responsibility of medical personnel in today's experience. In all emergencies, in addition to various social forces, the white clad team of medical personnel brings hope for life to everyone!"

Immersive experience at Ruijin "Medical Experience Camp", where laparoscopic surgery with mung beans and simulated "keyhole" surgery | camper | medicine

Representatives participating in this year's medical experience camp include high school students, medical students and second-generation medical students from multiple parts of the country, as well as "foreign students" from Spain and Nepal. It is understood that the average age of the participants is only 17 years old. In the morning, 50 campers of the experience camp were divided into five groups and followed the teaching experts into the operating room, ward, research institute, simulation medical center, etc., experiencing a rare medical scene in an immersive way.

[Entering the operating room for the first time]

Immersive experience at Ruijin "Medical Experience Camp", where laparoscopic surgery with mung beans and simulated "keyhole" surgery | camper | medicine

In the Gastrointestinal Surgery Experience Group, the campers walked into the operating room for the first time and learned how surgeons wash their hands. When the brush turned their arms red, they also experienced firsthand what the concept of sterility was. Then, the campers walked into an operating room undergoing gastric cancer resection, and saw with their own eyes through the large surgical screen the green dots on the patient's stomach and lymphatic tissue during laparoscopic surgery. "This is fluorescence laparoscopy technology, which combines laparoscopic surgery with fluorescence imaging." The doctor explained on site that a major challenge of precise resection of malignant tumors is how to accurately identify the diseased viscera. Fluorescence laparoscopy technology is when doctors use laparoscopy to explore the patient's lesion site and inject contrast agent indocyanine green into the surrounding tissue of the lesion, distinguishing the diseased viscera from healthy viscera, making the tumor "visible", allowing doctors to accurately remove the diseased viscera.

In another rectal cancer operating room, the campers wore 3D glasses and had an immersive experience of surgeons effortlessly removing tumors from the patient's abdominal cavity. Originally, in order to enable the surgeon to see the patient's abdominal cavity more clearly and accurately identify and locate the complex blood vessels, the current laparoscopic surgical probe uses 3D technology to present a three-dimensional image. "Sometimes, after wearing 3D glasses, the image changes from 2D to 3D, becoming more three-dimensional and clearer," explained the doctor on the side.

Immersive experience at Ruijin "Medical Experience Camp", where laparoscopic surgery with mung beans and simulated "keyhole" surgery | camper | medicine

After watching two gastrointestinal surgeries in the operating room, the campers had a lot of feelings. "Before, malignant tumors turned pale at the sight of ordinary people." Xu Qin, a senior high school student in Jiading Branch of Shanghai Jiaotong University, couldn't help sighing: "Today, I saw the technology of fluorescent laparoscope and 3D probe, and felt the progressiveness of medicine, which can ease the patients' tension." Fan Keyi, a new senior high school student from Qibao Middle School, entered the operating room for the first time

At the orthopedic experience camp, everyone witnessed the magical 3D printing technology together. After a flat footed student named Xiao Zhong put on a sensor for gait analysis, everyone could clearly see the pressure sensor on his sole on the computer, which was full of pressure. The Ruijin Orthopedics Research Institute immediately tailored a 3D insole for him to correct flat feet; Under the guidance of Dr. Ye Tingjun, the campers went to the operating room to experience "arthroscopic surgery" firsthand. "Many Olympic champions can still return to the field after being injured through these surgeries. The male protagonist Su Mu of" Octagonal Cage "also underwent surgery and recovered here, and finally returned to the field to achieve good results," explained the doctor on site. At the pediatric experience camp, the campers followed Dr. Xiao Yuan to simulate the operation of pediatric gastroscopy, as well as various magical tests, such as gently blowing to detect children's gut microbiota, airway inflammation, and other conditions. Zhou Jianping from the Respiratory Department led the campers to make rounds in the Respiratory ICU, which was once the most intense battlefield in COVID-19. The students operated the tracheoscope and measured the lung function, and felt the mystery of the human body for the first time.

Immersive experience at Ruijin "Medical Experience Camp", where laparoscopic surgery with mung beans and simulated "keyhole" surgery | camper | medicine

[Simulation of laparoscopic "mung bean clip" in the training room]

If we were to use the phrase "lingering and forgetting to leave" to describe today's experience camp, perhaps the most appropriate one is the simulated medical training center.

Immersive experience at Ruijin "Medical Experience Camp", where laparoscopic surgery with mung beans and simulated "keyhole" surgery | camper | medicine

After completing their clinical experience, the campers arrived at the Ruijin Hospital Simulation Medical Training Center. After some explanation, they saw each camper rubbing their hands and standing in front of the simulation training equipment, preparing to follow the teacher to experience laparoscopic surgery and pediatric gastroscopy operations. To ensure the safety of surgery, it is essential for doctors to proficiently operate various instruments, and "clamping mung beans" is a basic skill. "This is different from holding mung beans with bare hands," explained the doctor. Laparoscopic surgery is like operating in a narrow "keyhole," requiring hand eye coordination. I saw a camper facing the big screen, using his left hand to slowly pick up a mung bean with a tool, then slowly rotate it and cross it to the right hand tool. However, just as he put the mung bean into the hole, it bounced away. "Originally, even releasing surgical instruments requires a gradual process, not a one-time release."

Here, the scene in the operating room just now is once again vividly presented - the campers holding operating instruments in both hands, simulating cholecystectomy surgery. Not only does it have a large virtual simulation screen, but you can also hear the sounds of various instruments being used. "It's very realistic, just like being in an operating room," said a camper excitedly. What to do when encountering unexpected situations during surgery? Don't worry, at the Simulated Medicine Training Center, the instructor will guide and explain on the side. "You see, the pattern of blood dripping on the screen indicates that you accidentally touched a blood vessel during the previous operation." "The yellow liquid flowing off the screen is simulated bile, indicating that you accidentally broke the gallbladder just now."... After a simulation operation, the campers were deeply touched. "I think surgery is quite thrilling, and doctors have a great responsibility that requires 100% investment and technical proficiency." Luo Yuejia, a freshman at Xiangming High School, told reporters that her mother is a doctor and has been interested in the medical industry since childhood. Today, I learned about the daily life of doctors and also learned about China's advanced medical equipment and technology, which makes me more interested in exploring various fields of the medical industry.

Immersive experience at Ruijin "Medical Experience Camp", where laparoscopic surgery with mung beans and simulated "keyhole" surgery | camper | medicine

In the simulation experience of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, some students perform CPR compressions, some perform artificial respiration on the simulated person, and some campers work together to lift the injured person onto a stretcher. Shi Ting, director of the Simulation Training Center, said, "Almost every year in the medical experience camp, there is a cardiopulmonary resuscitation section. We hope that more people will learn cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and also hope that more students will understand and fall in love with this noble profession."

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