How to quickly change tracks after failing the postgraduate entrance examination? "One Lifetime Policy" Point to Point Assistance Starting from Employment Psychology | Nature | Employment

Release time:Apr 14, 2024 02:10 AM

Wei Xinyi is a 2023 graduate majoring in Journalism from Shanghai University of International Business and Economics. In just a few short months, she experienced the excitement of achieving high scores in the postgraduate entrance examination, the pain of being rejected in the interview, the sadness of failing to adjust, and the excitement of turning to job seeking. Finally, she walked into a natural documentary studio called "Monkey Pup" and began to hone her love in practical combat.

[Only two hours from interview to signing]

Wei Xinyi's job is a documentary studio - Monkey Pup Studio.

The main creative team of this studio is all female, including 5 newly hired Wei Xinyi.At the same time, the studio also has its own self media brand "Monkey Pup Nature". Using a female perspective to gain insight into the creatures of nature, delicate storytelling has become a distinctive feature of their works.

Before the interview, Wei Xinyi spent a few days browsing through all the works created by Monkey Pup. From her work, she has gained a preliminary understanding of each member of the main creative team, and the "boss" Cai Jue has also learned about this girl from Guizhou from Wei Xinyi's recommended mentor, Teacher Lei Lin.

Perhaps the "girl from the mountains" has a natural connection with nature. The interview started at 3 pm, and two hours later, Wei Xinyi completed the contract with the Monkey Pup Studio. Wei Xinyi said, "I was very clear about my positioning at that time. I enjoyed working in documentary production, and my ideal direction was either related to the countryside or entering nature."

How to quickly change tracks after failing the postgraduate entrance examination? "One Lifetime Policy" Point to Point Assistance Starting from Employment Psychology | Nature | Employment

Change the established "migration route"

It is not easy to make choices so quickly and change one's life course.

Returning to early April of this year, Wei Xinyi received news of her failure in the second round of the documentary major entrance examination at the first choice college for postgraduate entrance examination. Almost overnight, in a state of panic, she made a decision to change her established trajectory. In her review diary, she wrote, "Due to the rapid changes, I have to interrogate myself 800 times a day and make 800 choices, fearing that I cannot take responsibility for any of them."

Despite knowing that there was no chance of winning in the graduate adjustment track, with a mindset of "seeing where the tide took me", she still boarded the train to Chongqing. She completed her final journey of adjustment seriously, and her mood gradually calmed down from anxiety.

The final failure of the postgraduate entrance examination resulted in a short period of time for Wei Xinyi to apply for a job. Recalling her emotions at that time, Wei Xinyi still felt a bit touched: "At that time, I felt like I was thrown into the air, with no place to rest. So I sought help from my friends and teachers around me, and even sent many messages to my supervisor in the early morning, hoping to get some inspiration." After receiving the message, her graduation thesis supervisor and also the supervisor of the documentary course, Lei Lin, helped her fully sort out the current situation and provide solutions, while revising her thesis and helping her find work related to recommending documentaries.

The enrollment and employment department of the school has also adopted a "one life strategy" point-to-point assistance policy for students like Wei Xinyi who failed the postgraduate entrance examination. Starting from psychological counseling, it helps graduates adjust their mentality and cope with changes. "Reshape goals and plans, explore other possible development paths, connect with the real career world, start from the end, do a good job in academic and career planning, and avoid blind war. Summarize, review, and start again, seize the critical period of job seeking after the postgraduate entrance examination, make good use of campus resources, and prepare more fully for employment." This is the specific suggestion given by the school's enrollment and employment department.

How to quickly change tracks after failing the postgraduate entrance examination? "One Lifetime Policy" Point to Point Assistance Starting from Employment Psychology | Nature | Employment

Encounters on the way of migration

Of course, successfully obtaining the position in this documentary studio is not accidental.

During the prevention and control of the epidemic in Shanghai last year, with the encouragement of Lei Lin, Wei Xinyi produced a documentary short film called "The Magic City of Songjiang University Town - Daily Life Broken by COVID-19". On the eve of the closing of all stores on Wenhui Road, Wei Xinyi took the initiative to take a camera to record the optimistic, romantic, warm and enthusiastic moment when people in Songjiang University Town faced the fight against the epidemic "before the closure". She used delicate narrative techniques to present the true state of people at that time, which resonated strongly with readers. She received 82000 views, 3600 likes, 1162 reposts, and 446 comments on the Bilibili platform. Sincerity, initiative, and sensitivity have been her long-standing strengths, and this style has also become one of the reasons why Monkey Pup Studio chose her.

Being able to quickly adjust one's migration route is inseparable from the accumulation of four years of university. Whether it's studying economic news, taking daily assignments and creations seriously, or honing her practical experience in the news practice club SUIBE Seagull News Agency and rural teaching support on campus, as well as interning in media such as First Financial, all have converged over the years, laying a solid foundation for Wei Xinyi's entry into the workplace. "This process is like planting a tree. Before the seeds sprout and grow into towering trees, it requires patient sowing, watering, pruning, weeding, and nurturing. This is a long-term accumulation process. Those seemingly accidental opportunities must have enough ability to support them in order to receive the gifts that belong to fate."

"I hope everyone can be more patient with themselves. Life is a wilderness - no matter what choices you make, just find your own rhythm. Getting to know yourself and slowly finding your life's coordinates and positioning is the most important thing." This is also Wei Xinyi's repeated reminder to herself.

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