Expanding the boundaries of life and climbing the summit, Fudan President Jin Li delivered a message at the graduation ceremony: Refuse to lie flat on Fudan University | Fudan | Summit

Release time:Apr 13, 2024 21:59 PM

Wearing a degree hat and a degree robe, with excitement on their faces, over 8300 graduate students and over 3500 undergraduate students from Fudan University welcomed their graduation ceremony today.

The weight of the luggage given by the alma mater

At Fudan University, which door were you led through? On the big screen of the Zhengda Sports Center, a commemorative film for the 2023 undergraduate graduation is playing, in which everyone is passionately sharing their thoughts and feelings——

"In the breakthrough of the biggest difficulty in the research project of the first Mathematics Talent Class, my supervisor once told me that perhaps only the two of us are studying this problem in the world. This sentence made me feel confused, but it was more about excitement for new fields and problems. In the end, I used the interdisciplinary theories I learned to solve this biological mathematics problem and published an academic paper as an independent first author."

"A patient once gave me a thumbs up and said, 'It's been a long time since a doctor could draw his arterial blood with the first shot.' A strong sense of achievement surged in my heart. This affirmation from the patient will continue to inspire me, and I will once again embark on the path of our predecessors' arrival."

This is stepping into the "academic gate" and embarking on the path of exploration and exploration.

"In 2020, I participated in the flood control and rescue work in Chaohu, Anhui with the army. In the face of the flood as high as buildings, our people's soldiers did not retreat, defended the embankment, and safeguarded the lives and property of the people."

"At night, when visiting homes, sometimes I have to cross long river embankments and fields filled with mosquitoes to see left behind children living next to pigstys. At that moment, I suddenly realized that this is the most authentic existence of rural China, and it is also the myriad of lights behind my research on macro data."

This is entering the door of faith and moving towards the path of dedication and struggle.

"In the four years of dancing at Fudan, the stage taught me too much to stay calm and excited when the spotlight is on. Dance is an outlet for my youth, encouraging me to confidently accept myself and unleash my youth and vitality to the fullest."

Expanding the boundaries of life and climbing the summit, Fudan President Jin Li delivered a message at the graduation ceremony: Refuse to lie flat on Fudan University | Fudan | Summit

"I have been studying at Fudan University from Zimbabwe for five years now and have experienced a different culture. I want to return to my hometown and introduce Chinese medicine and culture to them."

This is crossing the "gate of diversity" and embracing the path of infinite possibilities.

"Fudan leads us through one door after another. The scenery along the way is still beautiful, but we are more concerned about the weight that Fudan has given us along the way. The idealistic spirit is on the top, the down-to-earth roots are downward, and the pragmatic and realistic vision is forward. In the name of Fudan, we are led towards the distance."

The most important thing is to find your passion and persevere diligently

Zhao Dongyuan, an academician of the CAS Member and professor of the Department of Chemistry of Fudan University, came to the stage as a teacher representative to deliver a message to the 2023 undergraduate graduates. Not long ago, he was awarded the Shanghai Science and Technology Merit and the 3rd National Innovation Excellence Medal.

"When I see my classmates here, I can't help but think of me back then. When I graduated from undergraduate, I was just 21 years old. To be honest, I was quite confused when I graduated. Although I aspired to engage in scientific research, I still didn't understand the most basic research methods and ideas. If my classmates have the same feeling, then I want to tell everyone not to worry, take it slowly, and the most important thing is to find my love and persevere diligently, uphold the spirit of seeking truth and dare to 'have wild ideas'." Zhao Dongyuan said.

In 1998, Zhao Dongyuan completed his postdoctoral work at the University of California and established his own laboratory at Fudan University. At that time, his research start-up funding was 30000 yuan, and the experimental equipment conditions were very rudimentary. However, he overcame numerous difficulties and continued his passion for scientific research. At that time, he worked almost 90 hours or more per week, and it was normal for him to spend more than ten consecutive hours in the laboratory. Now, he often starts his day's work at four or five in the morning. Due to his immense love for chemistry, Zhao Dongyuan has been teaching undergraduate students "General Chemistry" for 20 consecutive years. "I don't feel bitter because interest and love can't stop it!" Zhao Dongyuan said. Only choices made through independent thinking and decision-making by one's own brain are true love and will bring endless motivation.

Zhao Dongyuan said that we should cultivate the habit of asking questions and why, and dare to break the traditional way of thinking. Where is the boundary of current scientific exploration? Where are the major scientific issues? Is there any breakthrough in the current scientific frontier? It is impossible to achieve innovative work by following the crowd. "I have always had this belief: to be different! I must do a job that is different from others."

"I am willing to research for a lifetime, and I will never finish it. The only label of a scientist should be his' scientific contribution ', which happens to be a part of the Fudan spirit." Zhao Dongyuan said, "No matter what field we develop in the future, I hope that students can carry the precious imprint of the Fudan spirit, have ideals in their hearts, and have soil under their feet.".

The first thing in life is to "take yourself seriously"

Expanding the boundaries of life and climbing the summit, Fudan President Jin Li delivered a message at the graduation ceremony: Refuse to lie flat on Fudan University | Fudan | Summit

"This year marks the 30th anniversary of my graduate graduation and also the 30th anniversary of working at Fudan University. At Fudan University, what I have lost is my hair, but what I have gained is full of life insights." Sun Xiangchen, Dean of the School of Philosophy at Fudan University, took the stage as a representative supervisor to deliver a message to the 2023 graduate class. As soon as this sentence was spoken, the whole room burst into joyful laughter.

Sun Xiangchen said that the first thing in life is to take oneself seriously. This is not to encourage everyone to look down on others from a high perspective, but to emphasize a serious attitude towards life. In Chinese cultural tradition, there is a special emphasis on "self-cultivation", where gentlemen "cultivate themselves with respect" and take the world seriously by taking themselves seriously. To take oneself seriously is to take on the respect for the world in the way one faces oneself, and to give back the gifts of the world around them.

The second thing is that "those who know are not as good as those who are good, and those who are good are not as good as those who are happy.". Some people read very hard, not only because of the difficulty of learning, but also because they never find the joy of learning itself. The same goes for future jobs.

"When it comes to joy, it feels like life becomes so easy. This involves the third point, 'Life has ups and downs, and each has its own difficulties.'" Sun Xiangchen said, there are always things in life that you cannot control, and only things that are 'joyful' can withstand all the difficulties.

The fourth point is "willing to devote oneself to work on a ten-year basis." Academic work is essentially a long-term task, and true innovation often involves achieving paradigm shifts at the root. "My second book was published 10 years after the first book and continued to be a topic of interdisciplinary discussion," said Sun Xiangchen. "It is now a rapidly changing era, so fast that it is overwhelming.". ChatGPT emerged, but it took six years from its earliest release to the present, let alone its early development. The logic of doing things has not changed, but behind it is still ten years of sharpening a sword.

Finally, achievement is an inner joy. He mentioned that some institutional designs now place too much emphasis on external rewards, which can easily turn a meaningful event into an exchange, making "success studies" a derogatory term in life. In fact, achieving something is a necessary part of life. Taking oneself seriously means not treating oneself as something for exchange, but rather unleashing one's inner value.

"Fudan Phonograph" and "Fudan Impression"

At the time of graduation, the 2023 graduates of Fudan University carefully made gifts for their alma mater - the "Fudan Phonograph" and "Fudan Seal".

The Fudan phonograph captures memories of youth with its sound. Among these voices, there are the sound of a bright morning reading, the oath of joining the Communist Party, the chorus of the December 9th Song Festival, as well as the wind and bird singing of the light grass and the flowing water of the Xiyuan Garden. The high singing of all the graduates will also be included. The Fudan Phonograph will continue to stay in Guangcao, collecting the voices of graduates.

"Fudan phonograph"

Expanding the boundaries of life and climbing the summit, Fudan President Jin Li delivered a message at the graduation ceremony: Refuse to lie flat on Fudan University | Fudan | Summit

"Sun and Moon Glory · Fudan Impression" uses flexible luminescent fibers and is embroidered using embroidery equipment, relying on the research results of Peng Huisheng's research group in the Department of Polymer Science at Fudan University. The white magnolia in Zhangjiang campus, the azalea in Fenglin campus, the ginkgo in Jiangwan campus, and the plum blossom in Handan campus shine brightly on embroidery. They witnessed the days and nights of students struggling on Fudan.

"Sun and Moon Glory · Fudan Impression"

Fudan University Party Secretary Qiu Xin accepted the graduation gift on behalf of the school and wore the Xianghui Alumni Commemorative Medal for the graduate representatives. When taking a group photo, the graduates reached out their hands to "compare their hearts", and Qiu Xinxin smiled and made a "compare their hearts" gesture.

Qiu Xin and Graduates Make a "Heart to Heart" Gesture Together

Persistent motivation must be endogenous

"Refusing to lie flat" is the key word of Jin Li, an academician of the CAS Member and president of Fudan University, when he sent a message to 2023 undergraduate graduates.

Jin Li said that after three years of fighting against the epidemic, the world has accelerated its changes. For example, "lying flat" has become a buzzword on the internet, lingering around us. Most people only verbally relieve stress, some choose to lower their material expectations and pursuits in life, but there are also some who show negative and indifferent spirit, questioning the meaning of struggle. Young people often say "lie flat" and cannot simply say which is right or wrong, but lying flat is definitely not a good life option. The road ahead is long, there must be wind and rain. Life's struggle requires motivation, and lasting motivation must be endogenous.

Jin Li said that refusing to lie flat gives students three endogenous motivations:

Firstly, Chinese people will not choose to accept fate. Throughout history, "I will make my destiny, and seek my blessings" has been a cultural identity that flows in the blood of the Chinese people.The rise and fall of the country is the responsibility of every individual, and the profound traditional Chinese culture nourishes the soul of generations of Chinese people. Students present here should consider whether, at the age when everyone knows their destiny, they can hand over a strong modern China to the next generation, create a better world and future, and face generations of martyrs and predecessors who have worked hard, continued to struggle, and tirelessly? The mission is on our shoulders, how can we lie flat.

Secondly, young people cannot self suppress and create. Young people are the ones with the greatest desire for innovation and creativity. Their talents cannot be wronged, and their youth cannot be let down. If you choose to lie flat and claim to reconcile with difficulties and pressure, it will be a great injustice and disappointment to yourself. At this year's Pujiang Science Master Lecture, I asked Mr. Qiu Chengtong: What is the driving force of innovation? His answer is very brief, two words "interest". Curiosity and thirst for knowledge are the most fundamental driving forces for innovation, while interest is the best teacher; The genuine love and desire from the heart are the spiritual guarantee for persisting in innovation and unremitting struggle. Fudan people have a wide range of interests, hoping that everyone can find lifelong interests, choose true love, and taste the taste of "faith and love cannot be let down".

Expanding the boundaries of life and climbing the summit, Fudan President Jin Li delivered a message at the graduation ceremony: Refuse to lie flat on Fudan University | Fudan | Summit

Thirdly, Fudan people will not choose to be conservative. In the 118 year history of Fudan University, if the predecessors had a sense of conservatism, this school may have long been abandoned. When our alma mater was still in its infancy, the founding fathers made a great wish for her to "keep pace with Europe and America", and worked tirelessly for the survival of the school. In the dictionary of Fudan people, they do not cling to the past and remain complacent. A week ago, Secretary Qiu Xin sent a message to students who went to work in western, grassroots, and key units: "Do outstanding things, do interesting souls." "Excellent and interesting" is our common understanding of the cultural characteristics of Fudan. The pursuit of a student career at Fudan University is both arduous and enjoyable. Many students do not choose to settle for small gains in their university life, but instead seek to achieve their outstanding goals and enjoy themselves.

At the 2023 graduate graduation ceremony this afternoon, Jin Li also expressed his sincere message:

Climbing the summit, don't forget the source of your original intention. The needs of the country and the expectations of the people are a common choice made by countless Fudan people over the past century, and it is also a profound imprint left by the Fudan spirit of unity, service, and sacrifice. Only by integrating personal development into national development, rooting in the people, can we have a solid foundation and the right direction for climbing.

Climb the summit without fear of the dangers along the way. I hope you dare to innovate and climb new heights. Innovation, one is to enter deep waters and innovate, and the other is to enter uninhabited areas and subvert tradition. Regardless of which one, it is necessary for everyone to dare to try the path that others have not taken, be brave enough to plant their own fruit tree, continue to work hard, constantly break through oneself, extend the boundaries of knowledge and life, and climb towards the peak, so as to appreciate the scenery that others cannot appreciate.

Climbing the summit, we must not let go of our companions. A single tree cannot make a forest, and one person cannot make a crowd. In the future, no matter what profession you pursue, you should be good at breaking out of your own small world and learning to cooperate in an organized manner. Everyone should firmly believe that a good team must work in both directions and achieve mutual success, and can also gather limited forces into infinite possibilities.

Starting from Fudan and heading towards the distance

When the last graduate, Zheng Zhiyuan, a doctoral candidate of the 2019 School of Mathematical Sciences, was pushed to the center of the infield in a wheelchair. Qiu Xin and Jin Li walked in front of him and bent over to pick ears for him. Li Jun, an academician of the CAS Member and director of the Shanghai Mathematics Center, presented Su Buqing's autobiography "Magic Symbols" to him, and the audience applauded.

Despite the hardships and inconveniences brought by the unfortunate high amputation of his lower limbs, Zheng Zhiyuan's passion for mathematics has never been extinguished. Now, he will set off from Fudan with other graduates, heading towards the distance

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"The college entrance examination is an experience in our lives. Looking back on the preparation for the entire senior year of high school, we cannot help but marvel at the preciousness of time. No matter what difficulties we have gone through, I believe that as long as we persist, it will become my lifelong wealth. Today, after completing the morning foreign language listening and speaking test of the college entrance examination, Xiao Song, a senior student of Lingling High School, came out of the examination center of East China University of Science and Technology Affiliated Middle School. The senior year graduate sitting in a wheelchair said," Although academic and life are not small tests for me, I have faced many difficulties in adversity and have never given up on my dream of taking the college entrance examination. "Xiao Song suffered from congenital muscular dystrophy since childhood and entered Lingling High School in high school." Later, the school provided him with classrooms on low floors and close to the toilet, making it easier for him to enter and exit, allowing him to face his academic life with more confidence. At school, I met many kind and enthusiastic people